IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

The survivors from the T-Bone flee for the safety of Warren Air Force Base, while a lone woman struggles against all odds to stay alive in a very dangerous place. A small group of survivors races across Nebraska in a pickup truck. The helicopter group arrives in Omaha in a last ditch effort to save the world, but time is running out. Z-Day seems to last forever, but it will come to an end. The sun is getting lower, and night is coming...

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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by ryansommer »

"Thank you, Katarina." Sally said as she got on the elevator.
As they descended, Sally worked feaverishly to work out a plan. She may have two allies with her, and possibly more in the cells upstairs. A plan started to formulate in her head.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the upper hatch chamber-
Katarina smiled as she helped Sally onto the elevator's platform. "Is nothing, Sally." she said. "Nichevo. That the same thing in Russian. That what Lara say. She the girl next to me."

Sally pushed the switch to make the elevator descend, and it began to carry her and the others back down. Hitch groaned as the movement caused him pain.

"Hang in there," said Doc. "We'll be there in a few minutes."

"That psycho chink nearly killed me," he said between clenched teeth. "She just appeared out of nowhere and broke my leg with one kick! I swear she was some kind of ninja."

"Yeah, well, ninja or not, she wasn't bulletproof," said Mutt.

"I never got to finish the scene I was filming, and now I'm going to be laid up for a while."

"Your leg get better soon, Hitch," said Katarina. "Then we finish scene, yes?"

Hitch nodded.

In the lower hatch chamber-
The elevator reached the bottom of the shaft, in the room with the tiled floor. Doc and Mutt carried Hitch toward the hallway leading to the meeting room. Katarina took Sally by the arm and started to lead her after them. Sally racked her brain for something, anything, that could get her and the other women out of this hellhole.
OOC,[b]Sally[/b], roll Idea.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by ryansommer »

An idea came to Sally as they travelled down towards the medical lab
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the lower hatch chamber-
Sally thought hard as Katarina helped her walk across the room. She knew that there were at least four skinheads still up there somewhere, so even if she could get back up and seal the hatch now, the odds would still be badly against her. The ones trapped below could radio the ones above, and she'd be in deep trouble. If there were some way of getting more of them to come down below the hatch, she'd have a better chance. Doc and Katarina were potential allies, but she didn't know them all that well yet. If she could find a way to talk to one or both of them alone, without the other skinheads overhearing, it would help a lot. One thing was clear: she needed to maintain her cover for as long as possible at all costs. Once she took some action that would blow it, there was no going back. If the skinheads figured out what she was really up to before she was ready, she didn't stand a chance.

In the meeting room-
As the women entered the meeting room, Doc and Mutt carried Hitch through the door on the far end, into the hallway running through the living quarters.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by ryansommer »

OOC: How far ahead are Mutt and Doc? Can they hear us?
In a quiet tone Sally says to Katarina: "The girl next to you, what do you mean? How many girls are up there?"
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,They're not far ahead at all, and they've just entered the next room. They can automatically hear anything said in a normal tone of voice, but it would take a Listen roll to hear you speaking quietly or whispering as you are now.
In the meeting room-
"Lara's room next to mine," said Katarina quietly as she led Sally onward. "I speak Russian too, so sometimes we talk in Russian. You speak anything but English? Is six of us up there." She paused and lowered her head sadly. "No, wait. Five."

In the living quarters-
Sally and Katarina entered the hall leading past the small, cubicle-like rooms. A short distance ahead of them, Doc and Mutt brought Hitch through the doorway at the far end.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by ryansommer »

"Me? No. I can only speak English, unfortunatly. I'd love to learn Russian, though. Maybe you could teach me?" Sally said as they walked along. Calling out ahead to Doc: "DOc? How is Hitch? Is the hanging in there?"
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the living quarters-
"Maybe, but my Russian no better than my English," said Katarina as she helped Sally onward. "Lara speak Russian real good. Maybe she teach you. I can teach you Romanian. Is very beautiful language. It take time to learn, but I hope you stay here after storm over. I really like you, Sally."

In the upper lab hallway-
"He's hanging in there," replied Doc as the women followed him into the hall. "How are you holding up, Sally?"

"Hanging in there?" said Hitch. "It hurts like hell!"

"Oh, you'll be all right. Once we get to the lab I'll give you some painkillers. We're almost there." He and Mutt carefully carried the wounded skinhead down the stairs.

"I help you downstairs," said Katarina, taking Sally's arm.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by ryansommer »

"I'm okay, my legs a little sore, but nothing I can't deal with." Sally said as they approached the stairs.
Once at the stairs, Sally labored a little as she descended and required the help of Katarina. She did this intentionally to allow Mutt and Doc to get further ahead of them. "I know it would take some time, but learing Romanian would be great too. I think it would be fun" Sally said to Katarina.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the upper lab hallway-
"Yes, that would be fun," said Katarina as she guided Sally carefully down the stairs. "And maybe you teach me English so I talk it better, yes? I also maybe style your hair? I good at that."

In the lower lab hallway-
Sally and Katarina reached the bottom of the stairs. Nitro stood guard in front of the smashed door at the far end of the hall, blocking the view of the giant worm's carcass. Katarina still couldn't help gasping. "Earthquake did that?" she asked. "Or explosion?"

"Yeah, it was the explosion," said Mutt. "It happened because of the earthquake, but the damage wasn't too bad."

Katarina looked through the windows at the labs in awe. "You make medicine in there?" she asked, indicating the one on the right.

"That's right, Katarina," said Doc. "Right now we have to go in the other lab to help Hitch, but I can show it to you afterwards." He helped Mutt carry Hitch into the medical lab.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by ryansommer »

Sally followed the group into the medical lab.

" I don't know about doing anything to my hair, Katarina. I'm not too into all of that 'girly stuff', but I look forward to chatting with you. Maybe we can have dinner together tonight?" Sally said to Katarina as she walked into the lab.
"Well, Doc, lets get started." Sally approached Hitch and said to him: "Hang in there, Hitch. We will get you all fixed up as soon as we can."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the medical lab-
"Yes, I like to have dinner with you later, Sally," said Katarina. "If you ever change mind and want me to style your hair, I be happy to do it. You very beautiful, and is only right you should show it."

Hitch smiled at Sally as Mutt and Doc set his makeshift stretcher down beside a cot and placed him on top of it. "I'm looking forward to it," he said, seeming much calmer now that he was in the lab and was no longer being jostled about.

Mutt placed Hitch's pack and belt in a footlocker beneath the cot.

Doc took out his medical supplies and started gathering material to make a cast. "All right, Sally, let's get to work," he said.
OOC,[b]Sally[/b], roll Medicine if you want to help [b]Doc[/b], and roll 1d3 if you're successful to see how many HP [b]Hitch[/b] gets back. You may of course choose to automatically fail without rolling, but [b]Doc[/b] will still do his best.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by ryansommer »

"Doc, lets give old Hitch here something to take the edge off and to relax him a bit? S sedative will relax him and help us to set the broken bone properly before we cast it."
OOC: Sally is going to automatically fail her roll, but she wants to distract Doc and talk to him before he can start his roll.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the medical lab-
"Good idea," said Doc. He fished a syringe out of his medical kit and pointed it upwards, pressing the plunger to squirt a little liquid out. "Hitch, this will take the edge off of your pain. It might knock you out too, but it'll take a few minutes." Hitch nodded, and then Doc found a vein in his arm, tied it off with rubber tubing, swabbed his skin, and injected him.

"I'll leave you to it, then," said Mutt. "Come on, Katarina, let's go back upstairs."

"I can stay with Sally and watch, please?" said Katarina.

Mutt shook his head no. "Sorry, but we've got things to do. You'll see Sally again later. Besides, I've got something you want." He fished something out of Hitch's backpack before shutting the footlocker.

"Okay, Mutt. Goodbye, Sally. Was very nice meeting you. I see you at dinner, yes?" She took Mutt's arm and let him lead her back out into the hall.
OOC,[b]Sally[/b], roll Spot Hidden to determine if you saw what [b]Mutt[/b] removed from the pack.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by ryansommer »

Sally was too busy in the medical lab to notice what Mutt grabbed.
"It was nice to see you as well. I'll see you soon." Sally said to Katarina.
"Should we get the xray machine set up, Doc?" Sally said. "Perhaps you can show me how that old relic works?" Sally rested her hand on Doc's hand and gave it a squeeze.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the medical lab-
"Yes, let's do that," said Doc, squeezing gently back. "I'll move the screen back into position." He went over to the heavy lead screen and wheeled it back over to its place near the X-Ray machine, away from the corner where the washtub sat.

Hitch tried to focus, but his mind was starting to get fuzzy. Still, he remained awake for now.

In the lower lab hallway-
Mutt and Katarina went up the stairs.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by ryansommer »

Sally moves to help Mutt as he walks over to the screen. She tenderly places her hand on his and says quietly to him: "Doc, some thing terrible is going on up there. We have to do something?"
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,[b]Katarina[/b] is moving to the thread linked below. If she ever gets a player, her player should stop reading the current thread at this point. [b]Sally[/b] remains in the current thread.
Model Prisoner

In the medical lab-
Doc nodded, kissing Sally and pulling her behind the screen so that Hitch could not see them. He peeked nervously back through the window at Hitch, who lay on the cot, still awake for the moment but fading fast. "Now he won't be suspicious about us being back here," said Doc softly. "And I wanted to do that anyway. You're talking about the girls upstairs, huh?" He lowered his head. "They're usually kept locked in their rooms - little more than prison cells - except sometimes when...well, you know. Everybody's been really busy today, so none of the guys have had a chance to pay them a visit. Now that we're getting the upper hand and taking back the compound, that might change tonight. While Horst was in charge, I didn't dare oppose him, at least not openly. But I did do something about it. Two of the girls escaped a few days ago. I was in my lab when I saw them go by toward the tunnels, but I didn't say anything and let them go past. If Mutt ever found out, he'd have my head. I''ve been half expecting the feds to raid this place since then. That's what Horst wanted, a confrontation. He had this elaborate battle plan to turn the compound into a death trap where they'd pay in blood for every inch of ground, and when they finally took it we'd be gone, using the tunnels as an escape route.

"Horst was a madman, to be honest, but I think Mutt can be reasoned with. Once we finish with Hitch, I'll go have a talk with him about letting the remaining girls go. We can't have them running around the compound, or we'll have more incidents like what happened with Hitch. I don't like the idea of just sending them out into the world on their own, though. They don't even know what's happened yet. Still, I think Mutt will be open to the idea. Our food supplies aren't endless, and I'm sure he won't want to feed any extra mouths if he doesn't have to."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by ryansommer »

"Doc, I don't think talking to him is a good idea. Just like you said, he won't want them running around and he'll probably say some bullshit about the 'morale of the men' or something. I.... I just don't know." Sally leaned in and embraced Doc and held him. "I just wish you and I could get out of here....together."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Medical Emergency(Sally/Katarina)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the medical lab-
Doc embraced Sally tightly and kissed her again. "I know, I wish we could too," he said. "But we can't. We can't just run out and abandon our duty, and we certainly can't just leave the girls here with nobody to look out for them. And where else could we possibly go? This compound is the only safe place I know of, and we're all going to need to work together to secure it and hold it. You're right, Mutt might say something like that - he's taken advantage of the girls himself - but there's no harm in asking. The worst that can happen is that he'll refuse, and things won't be any worse than they were already. If he agrees to let them leave, at least they'll have a chance to survive out there." He looked through the window again and saw that Hitch was asleep at last. "Okay, he's under. Let's go put that cast on him."
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