Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf, Orm and Berger)

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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by mikc »

can't seem to copy anything from Invivible Castle - tips appreciated!
Initiative: 22 (DEX 17 + 1d10=5)
Bow (75%): missed twice! :evil:
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by Henrik »

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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by Piano man »

ooc init roll 4 + 14 = 18 Roll to hit, Hit once, missed once

Alrik let's two more arrows fly, and screams NOW!!! to the men waiting to strike, when the giant reaches them.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Weoulf's bow seems to have a mind of its own. It jerks around in Weolf's hands like an old man’s genitalia, sending arrows bouncing off the walls of the tunnel. Alrik hits the giant once and the arrow digs deep into his right shoulder, infuriating him further.
(4 damage)

For Alrik's Eyes Only
The Frost Giant is less frightened now. He is unaware of the Vikings at his backside and continues his charge thinking he has found himself an easy kill. The giant was aware of your numbers but believes the Fenris wolf must have killed the others in your encounter with the wolf god.
As Alrik calls for the rear strike, the writing on Orm’s blade glows faintly and the runes for wondrous death scroll across the blade and Orm swears he can feel the blade cackling wildly.

The Giant lunges out for Alrik with his massive free hand, but the sudden emergence of the Vikings at his rear distracts him enough so that he snatches nothing but air.

ooc- Now that the giant is in melee with the Vikings, Please roll the following. The Giant is swinging his two handed sword at Alrik or Weoulf this turn. Each round that the Giant is attacking, I will tell you who the most likely target is and based on that, you must decide if your character is attacking or dodging. You cannot do both.

ooc- So I will need an Initiative (1d10 +DEX), strike with a melee weapon (1d100) or dodge (1d100). The only Viking that can parry the Viking’s massive sword is Orm with his giant slayer.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by Piano man »

Alrik attempts to jump back out the way. He'll retreat and continue to fire his bow once the Giant is taken up in combat with the three other vikings.

ooc dodge passed needed 49 got 39
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The frost Giant lumbers forward and swings his giant steel blade at the bard who he had perceiced to be the greatest threat. Alrik and Weoulf both step back and the blade whirs over their head. The Force of the swings is horrifying. It surely would have cleaved either Viking in two had it found it's mark. The giant's sword crashes instead into the side of the tunnel and rock begins to fall from the ceiling.

Then Orm, Sigfurd and Berger leap out from the shadows. SIgfurd slashesat the heels of the giant and finds a an artery in the Frost Giants calf...blood pours from his leg and he drops to one knee howling in agony. Burger slashes forward with his own jewel encrusted sword and finds a soft spot under the giants knee. The sword drives so deep into the blue skinned giant's leg that Berger is forced to let go of his wepon as the giant turns and rolls to his back, atempting to crush his opponents. Orm spends a moment speaking with himself and sizing the monster up as glowing letters scroll frantically along the length of his blade.

ooc - Alrik and Weoulf are now both out of danger unless the Giant lunges specifically for them. They may fire normally or perform some other action.
ooc - Orm see pm to see what you were up to this round.
ooc - Everyone else roll luck and attack rolls.

ooc - sorry for the wait. Work is a dirty bizatch lately.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by Piano man »

Alrik pulls back his bow, and releases an arrow. It flies wide, but a second soon follows hitting the mark. Instead of knocking another Alrik yells out. Jarl!!!!! Drop you weapon and we'll let you live. Ignore me at your own peril. We have defeated the Fenis Wolf. What are you to us?

ooc passed one bow failed one.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by Henrik »

After been in conversation with his bloodthirsty sword Orm attacks the giant again.

OOC: I can not access from my job. :( Why filter everything that is fun on the web. So if our GM would not mind I'd prefer if he rolled when I post from work. If the giant attacks I'll parry with my sword unless I stand a higher chance of succeeding by dodging. Not sure if Viking Sword is the proper skill for the Two-handed sword I got.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by mikc »

Weoulf lets fly with two arrows, hitting both times.
Then, hearing Alrik speak, he waits, another arrow cocked.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Orm is first to swing his new blade... The giant slayer now beams with an an irridescent fury as Orm brings it down hard onto the Frost Giant Jarl's back. The giant wails and swings wide with his own sword, roaring in frustrations as the Vikings bring him down hard. Orm deflects the massive sword aside, cracking the stone floor at his feet with the impact of Jarl's swing.

Alrik's arrow flies straight into the giant's shoulder and is pleased with what his bow show's him.

ooc- Alrik see pm

Weolf''s first shot protrudes through the Frost Giant's wrist and he drops his enormous sword. The sound of the sword hitting the stone rings through the Viking's ears until the sound of the Frost Giant's howling quickly overpowers it. Weolf's second arrow finds the flesh of the giant's thigh and Jarl lies flat holding his arms in the air. He shouts out to Alrik.


Help Me Bard! Please don't let them kill me.

Sigfurd steps back and holds his sword out in front of him defensively, not having the heart to fell the sniveling monster. Berger doesn't have the same heart and stabs again into Jarl's leg causing the giant to sbeg even larger for his life.

Please No! Have Mercy!

ooc - If you are still attacking then roll. You have +10% to hit a prone target. If not then actions please.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by mikc »

Weoulf waits, arrow cocked.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by Piano man »

Alrik signals the men to stand down. Be ready if he looks like he's going to do something. He eyes Berger to make sure the man wasn't going to do anything stupid. Alrik approaches the giant lying on the ground. When he speaks his voice is commanding. He speaks shortly getting right to the point. Listen to me Jarl for you life may depend on your answer. I will make you a deal, but before I tell you what it is let me share something with you. He pauses for a second and looks the giant right in the eyes. I can read you thoughts, so if you lie to me I'll know. Alrik cocks an eyebrow and searches the giant's face for any clue of whether or not he believes him . Would you like proof. Well I know your name is Jarl, and yes we are the ones who defeated the fenis wolf, and whether or not we kill you depends on the little conversation we're about to have.

Alrik clasps his hands behind his back and turns. He walks away a few steps with his back to the giant, knowing his men would never let him be harmed. Jarl would die before he could move. A few paces out he turns and continues speaking. Here are my terms. You surrender, vow to be our guide, and to protect me while we are on this island, and we shall let you live. I will heal your wounds, and you will not be shackled. What do you say Jarl care to keep company with the sons of Odin.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Berger and Sigfurd both back away from the giant, wiping splatterings of blood from their exposed skin. The giant had already bled enough for three men and the gore was evident all around them. Orm had backed away as well. He stood closest to the frost giant of all the Vikings....

Jarl holds his wrist and lies curled on the stone floor, blood slowly draining from the deep gashes in his leg and back. His eyes dart from side to side as he looks to each of the Vikings, fear heavy on his mind. His stare pauses for a long time on Orm before looking back towards Alrik and Weoulf.

Don't kill me.... I'll do as you ask son of Odin.

ooc- Please wait for Orm to post next.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by Henrik »

"For one so big you surely are a coward.But I promise to honor the deal that is struck as well" Orm says.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by Piano man »

Alrik glides up beside the giant, and inspects one of his wounds. Think what you want of him, but I don't call anyone who would charge us a coward. I would rather think that he showed intelligence by surrendering. He looks up into Jarl's eyes. Do not mistake my kindness for weakness though. I am not simple enough to trust you completely, but you want to live. I hold your life in my hands right now...never forget that.

He holds Jarl's gaze for a few moments before turning back to his injuries. I am going to heal you now with my magic. Stay perfectly still. Alrik places his hands on Jarl's body and begins to sing.

uruz uruz uruz
u u u u u u u u u
u u u u u u r r r r r r
u u u u u u u u u
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

As Alrik finishes his chant, the wounds on the Frost Giant begin to heal. The blood and the gore ceases to flow and the giant sighs in relief.

You sing the words of Odin well bard! I am in your debt. What will you do with me.

As the Giant thanks Alrik, the small furry creature the Giant had been chasing and had called Griggrigg appears behind Orm. He whispers to the Vikings...


You hold the Stromthrower... son of Odin. End him now before the sword forces your hand and you turn on your friends.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by Piano man »

Alrik looks to the fury little creature. My man has the strength of will to endure for the time being. If things change we'll deal with it then. Now do either of you know where the Fenis Wolf landed when we sent it over the edge of the cliff.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by Henrik »

Orm looked at the little furry creature. "Who are you and how do I know that your words can be trusted?" he asked. "I have given the giant my word and I will not take it back, because then I would not be worthy of the halls of Valhalla where I yearn to go."
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by mikc »

Weoulf has lowered his bow but it is still strung.
He watches the giant and, especially, the other creature warily.
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Re: Brow of Y'mer (Alrik, Weoulf and Orm)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The Frost Giant shakes his head to Alrik's question.

When a god falls. All of the Jotun feel the crash of his loss on their hearts, escpecially when a god so powerful as Fenrir is taken by the hands of men. All eyes turned to the five of you when the Fenris Wolf was slain.

The giant laughs...

The wolf will have some explaining to do if Hel is to release him from her underworld prisons.

The small red eyed rodent retracts from Orm's words but then quickly moves in closer to the others so he can be heard.

Very well son of Odin. Keep your word to the Jotun but heed mine… But know it was not my people who attacked your vessel. I bear the mark of your own gods and have forsaken my people for your own.


The white haired lemming named Griggrig raises one of it’s paws and flashes his underbelly to Alrik. Under his belly, he spots an ancient Norse rune.

Then Griggrig turns back to Orm.

That sword you hold is powerful and has been used for ages to kill the giant’s kind. Your sense of honor may not hold it’s bane for long.

Ooc- read write runes check to recognize the rune.
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