OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

The survivors from the T-Bone flee for the safety of Warren Air Force Base, while a lone woman struggles against all odds to stay alive in a very dangerous place. A small group of survivors races across Nebraska in a pickup truck. The helicopter group arrives in Omaha in a last ditch effort to save the world, but time is running out. Z-Day seems to last forever, but it will come to an end. The sun is getting lower, and night is coming...

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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Tabs »

Did something Lovecraftian occur with my e-mail? I rely on the check box to notify me of a new post and yet for ZA I have not received them, and so I have not posted for several days.
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Mr. Handy »

I never relied on that (I check this site far more often than I check my email), but I've heard that other people have had similar problems. I'm not sure why it happens, and I don't know if the recent downtime was a factor, but you should check the board manually at least once a day just to be safe.

I do want to update Omaha, but some players haven't posted yet. I don't know if some of them don't know the board is back up or not. Still others appear to have simply abandoned the game, which happens, but it would be nice if they would say they're leaving so I don't keep waiting for them to post.

You'll also be happy to know that Zoe will be waking up in a couple of rounds.
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Dave Syrinx »

My experience is that when new threads are created, the email bails out on occasion, not always. As Mr Handy, I can´t keep away from the board itself... Got to see if something changed! The days of downtime were like a power failure :D
Make sure you subscribe to the threads you´re in and check your profile that they are logged.

In case you need extra help keeping track on sites where you play, I use http://www.changedetection.com/login.html to get warnings if something happens. Works great for me.

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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Mr. Handy »

That's a good point, as you can't subscribe to threads that don't exist yet, but I haven't added any new threads in a while. Even when I do, I always post in the character's old thread with a link to the new one afterwards, so if you subscribed to the old thread you should still get a message if everything works right. RSS feeds are also good for keeping you updated, I've heard.
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by ImpInTraining »

Not all servers support the emailing functions required to notify people of new posts. Since they changed routers, that may be the case, or they could be using a new password and need to update the software accordingly.
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Pentadragon »

I have a feeling something very interesting is going to be happening in Omaha. Assuming Vice Principal Sharon Kaplan lives, I have some interesting plans for her...
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Mr. Handy »

Something interesting about to happen in Omaha? Whatever gave you that idea? :twisted:
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Pentadragon »

Oh dear, that is a very bad sign... Although, death does make everything better. I assume that if we are zombified we cannot continue playing our characters.

It is a pity that the Vice Principal is not genre savvy. You never go off alone in a horror film, ever.
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Mr. Handy »

No, I've been running all the zombies, including former PCs. I am tempted to allow it, though. Zombies are mindless, so there won't be any decision making involved. You'd just seek out the closest prey and roll dice if you ever got close enough to attack. Laraqua allowed a player to control one of her characters after she got taken over by parasites and turned into a monster in her game Ash, and that was a lot of fun (even though one of my characters got attacked).

Of course, Sharon isn't alone. There are a few other people near her. And Miguel is going to the security office too. You know, the guy who said "I'll be right back!" Nothing bad could possibly happen around him, right? :twisted:
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Pentadragon »

I once made a list of rules about horror movies. It included things like "Not investigating the source of the strange sound", "Not splitting up", "Not going into darkened basements" and "Not tempting fate"

I wonder where it is...
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by ImpInTraining »

Yeah, don't have sex, don't do drugs, don't act like a total ass, and never say "I'll be right back!"
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

What no sex! Dang I guess there goes Darnell's plan in the libary!

Hey Mr Handy that would be fun if we could control our zombified characters. It would give you less to do after all. It could even be a spin off of the game...Zombie Apocalyse 2: Zombies Take Over!
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Mr. Handy »

It would be pretty boring if everybody played zombies - especially once you either run out of humans to eat or they put a bullet in your brain or something. Allowing players to control zombified characters might actually give me more to do, as it would make combat more complicated than it already is, but it could still be fun.

Yeah, that's the thing about plans. Usually they don't work out quite like you expect.

It's funny, but characters have broken or been about to break every one of those rules, and that's just so far in this chapter. No wonder they keep dying! :lol:
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Pentadragon »

Ah, here it is. I must admit that it is of a lesser quality than I remember. This may or may not be due to the fact that I did it on a differant forum over one and a half years ago.

1.) When it appears that you have killed the monster, never check to see if it's really dead.
2.) Never read a book of demon summoning aloud, even as a joke.
3.)Do not search the basement, especially if the power has gone out.
4.) If your children speak to you in Latin or any other language which they should not know, shoot them immediately. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run. However, it will probably take several rounds to kill them, so be prepared. This also applies to kids who speak with somebody else's voice.
5.) When you have the benefit of numbers, never pair off and go alone.
6.) As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell.
7.) Never stand in, on, or above a grave, tomb, or crypt. This would apply to any other house of the dead as well.
8.) If you're searching for something which caused a loud noise and find out that it's just the at/dog/mouse/whatever, get the hell out.
9.) If appliances start operating by themselves, do not check for short circuits. Leave the area immediately
10.) Do not take anything from the dead.
11.) If you find a town which looks deserted, there's probably a good reason for it.
12.) Don't stop and look around.
13.) Don't fool with recombinant DNA technology unless you're sure you know what you're doing.
14.) If you're running from the monster, expect to trip or fall down at least twice, more if you are of the female persuasion. Also note that, despite the fact that you are running and the monster is merely shambling along, it's still moving fast enough to catch up with you.
15.) If your companions suddenly begin to exhibit uncharacteristic behavior such as hissing, fascination for blood, glowing eyes, increasing hairiness, and so on, kill them immediately.
16.) Stay away from certain geographical locations, some of which are listed here:
Elm Street
Nilbog (you're in trouble if you recognize this one)
anywhere in Texas where chainsaws are sold
the Bermuda Triangle
any small town in Maine
17.)If your car runs out of gas at night on a lonely road, do not go to the nearby deserted-looking house to phone for help.
18.) If you think that it is strange you ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere because you thought you had most of a tank shoot yourself instead. You are going to die anyway, and most likely be eaten.
19.) Beware of strangers bearing strange tools. For example:
staple guns
hedge trimmers
electric carving knives
butane torches
soldering irons
band saws
any devices made from deceased companions. (see rule 10)
20.) If you find that your house is built upon a cemetery, now is the time to move in with the in-laws. This also applies to houses that had previous inhabitants who went mad or committed suicide or died in some horrible fashion, or had inhabitants who performed satanic practices in your house.
21.) If you have just smoked dope, gotten drunk with a bunch of stupid frat boys or, especially, just had sex, you are as good as dead, so just kiss it good-bye!
22.) Never say "I'll be right back." You won't be back. Really, its just tempting fate.
23.) The thing you were just dared to do ill get you killed. Do not do it.
24.) Don't fall asleep or take a shower
25.) Avoid hitchhikers
26.) Don't contact the authorities. They are either deceased, not going to believe you, or somehow working for the killer
27.) Don't act so skeptical when someone tells you about a curse. It is a sure sign you are one of the first to go.
28.) Always be nice to the shy, quiet, unpopular kid in school because this lessens your chance of being targeted.
29.) Nailing doors and windows shut with wood, is a waste of time, so don't try it
30.) Don't disregard odd scars on a stranger's body
31.) Don't unmask the killer. What you will find is more gruesome and horrifing than you can imagine.
32.) Messages on mirrors need to be taken seriously
33.) Avoid being the practical joker
34.) Never listen to music that contains staccato shrieking violins.
35.) Do not keep all your sharpened kitchen knives in one of those wooden block thingies on your worksurface.
36.) Never back out of one room into another without looking. It's always behind you.
37.) If you are being chased, never lean against the wall when you think you lost him. He'll just pop through and kill you.
38.) Same goes for leaning against the window.
39.) Never let someone hypnotize you at a party.
40.) If you sense something is behind you, don't bother turning around to check. Just run.
41.) If someone tells you to do or not to something. You will do the opposite of what they said and most likely die
42.) Never go back for anything you lost
43.) Never buy your kid a toy that talks back
44.) Never watch a horror movie.
45.) Never EVER play with any Ouijia board that you find in the basement of your newly bought, run-down house.
46.) If you are running away from the killer/monster, don't even try to start the car. It doesn't matter if the car is brand new, it won't start.
47.) If you hear a strange noise coming from upstairs that sounds similar to, oh let's say an inhuman screech, don't go trying to find out what it is.
48.) Never wait until you NEED the gun to check and see if it's loaded.
49.) If the killer is standing three feet in front of you, don't just stand there and scream while he comes running towards you. It may comes as a shock, but he DOES in fact want to kill you.
50.) If you have to stay out in the woods or at camp you're pretty much screwed. But at least you'll have a fighting chance in the cabin. Never EVER take the tent.
51.) Don't ever make a documentary.
52.) Never transport the killer in an ambulance from one place to another. Even if they've been in a coma for 10 years, they'll wake up.
53.) Never say "Who's there?" The answer you recieve will not lighten your mood in the slightest.
54.) Don't turn up the volume on ANYTHING.
55.) If you live in a rural city in Maine, especially Derry, you might as well kill yourself. Be it a shapeshifting clown, a demon posing as a shopkeeper, or even a dog, you are going to die by some randomly picked object or person turned evil. Your only hope is to try and match or beat the kill count of the antagonist/s, and worm your way into notoriety. You'll still die, it'll just take longer.
56.) Avoid all rooms with flickering lights, this is almost certainly the part where you get splattered.
57.) Remember, thinking you are one step ahead of the bad guys just means you are 3 steps behind.
58.) Dont go to places some serial killer died and joke about him coming back... he will
59.) Never publicly announce your plans for the future if you make it out alive. It guarantees that you have no future.
60.) Never quietly investigate a dark room slowly, and then move TOWARDS the thing in the corner that looks scary, but sounds scared/helpless. Just get the hell out, or it will suddenly snarl and kill you.
61.) if your loved ones are dead, dont try to change that fact
62.) There is no logical explination so stop looking for one
63.) Stay away from static filled TV's
64.) When the monster is RIGHT in front of you and you find a gun lying around, don't bother trying to shoot it. Either it will be empty or it won't stop it. Either way you're screwed
Don't try to cheat death.
65.) If the lights won't turn on don't go into the room.
66.) If there is a house where creepy stuff happens in every room but one, STAY IN THAT ONE ROOM!
67.) Don't play video games you shouldn't have
68.) Avoid little girls who enjoy singin nursery rhymes very slowly.
69.) Don't have a girlfriend, in the end you will end up doing something stupid like sacrificing yourself to save her, or she will accidentally cause your demise
70.) Don't go to the Tanning Salon
71.) the mysterious person assisting you in your struggle for survival is either probably the villan or leading you into his/her hands (intentionally or not.)
72.) If a tree is falling on you, step 5 feet to the side instead of running in the direction of the fall.
73.) Don't run UP the stairs to get away from the bad guy. Really, where are you suppose to run to?
74.) Never, EVER scream the only thing it will do is give the killer some satisfaction before destroying/torturing you.
75.) When the guy says "You can run but you can't hide" he is serious, he/she/it WILL find you
76.) Shortcuts will never be of any use whatsoever. Avoid them at all cost.
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by kabukiman »

Never go to a WC alone. Never use a public shower. When taking a bath, don't close the curtains. Don't bring you little sister (she will kill you or you will die protecting here).
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

I have learned that I and most of this board are serverly warped!
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by ImpInTraining »

That's a pretty good list. What about the rule ... "If it gives chase, don't bother running from it. It always catches up or meets you up the path a ways."
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Pentadragon »

ImpInTraining wrote:That's a pretty good list. What about the rule ... "If it gives chase, don't bother running from it. It always catches up or meets you up the path a ways."
I think its covered by rule 14. I find it rather interesting that many of these have been broken in this chapter alone.
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Mr. Handy »

At this point I'll officially declare fulcilives2003, yellowsigh, Alex Tru, and Dreamer MIA. Their characters are now considered abandoned and are free to be taken by anyone. If their players return and their characters are still unclaimed and have neither died nor gone permanently insane, then they may resume playing their characters at that point. Lt. Rebecca Doolittle and Kyle Perkins were introduced in Chapter 3, so there's some extra reading involved to catch up on their backstories (much less so for Kyle Perkins, who was added late in Chapter 3). The other characters were added at the start of Chapter 4: Enrico Santini, Kyle Rogers, Elijah Smith, and Murray. Imported_Goods has also withdrawn, so Ho Nguyen (in Juno), Doug Marley, and Lori Desmond are now available as well.

I intend to update Omaha this weekend, on Sunday at the very latest. If you haven't posted for your character(s) in Omaha yet, please do so. Otherwise events will move forward regardless.
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Re: OOC-Chapter 4-The Longest Day-General Discussion

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Mr Handy,
You mean free to be taken by anyone as long as you have less then the 4 total right?
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