Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc - the temple of tyr opens out into a garden on the side of a snow covered mountain. It's in this garden where you fought Fenrir and It's a sheer cliff to the bottom. (at least a few hundred feet.) You'd have to make several climbing rolls to scale it. Failure would be disastrous.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by Henrik »

"I need to get down there" Orm says. "But climbing it will surely be my doom. I must retrieve that spear. Perhaps it is possible to go around it" he says absent-mindedly. The quest for the runes are all but forgotten the only thing that matters to the old viking is to be re-united with his wife who left him so many years ago.

OOC:I look for an alternate route down.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc - The cliff is sheer. You could attempt to climb it but any failed climb roll would result in a deadly fall.

ooc - roll Idea if you are thinking about how to get down.

ooc- What is everone else doing or interested in. Time for a group discussion I think!
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by Piano man »

Alrik shakes his head. Let the spear go lad. If you find it you'll surely find the wolf again. Somehow I doubt that fall would have killed such a creature. Let's go back to the room with all of the weapons and look a little closer. There may be magic in there that would astound you.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by Henrik »

"I do not think you understood me or the words of the valkyrie. I'm an old man tired of this world. The only consolation I have is the chance that I will meet my wife in Asgard. The valkyrie said that I had to retrieve Odin's Spear to see her again. This world matters not to me." How long had it been since Sif died? Fifteen years, twenty? Orm could not remember. It did not matter, it was to long.

Idea roll (1d100=66)
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by Piano man »

ooc oops I think I skimmed over the part where the valkrie told Orm that.

Alrik pats Orm on the back. Then we will find the spear and you will be with your wife when you die. You have my word that I will do whatever I can to make that happen. Alrik looks back to the door they came out of and back to the men. We need to go back in there first though. Let's take as many of those weapons in there as we can with us. They are ancient and full of power, and when we meet up with our people we'll arm them and nothing will stand in our way. Alrik sighs before he continues. And then, I'm guessing, we'll have to make our way back down that indomitable flight of stairs again. If anything will take us down there, Alrik points over the cliff as he speaks, that will be it.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Sigfurd joins Alrik in consoling Orm.

Aye lad! We’ll find that spear and return it to the very walls of Asgard if we must. An invitation from such a godly host cannot be ignored.

He looks down the sheer cliff and whistles.

There’s no following the wolf that way my friend. Maybe Alrik is right. Those damn stairs may be our only way out of here.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by Henrik »

Orm grunts. [blue]"I guess you are right. I have waited so long for the release of death and to meet Sif again so I can wait a bit longer. No embrace of another woman, how comely she might be can cure the loss of her though."[/blue]
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The Viking retreat back into Tyr's temple to find Berger sitting atop a pile of gold with a sac filled with coin in one hand and gold flaggon of burning alcohol in the other. He smiles and burps, spilling his drink. Everything in the treasure chamber is as it was. Weapons of all shapes and description litter the walls and floor along with an assortment of coin and jewels minus whatever Berger had managed to stuff into a sac while Sigfurd, Orm, Weoulf and Alrik were dealing with the Fenris Wolf.


Did yah kill the wolf lads. Is it safe? BRAP!!!
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by Piano man »

Alirk looks at Berger with disgust. You have no honor Berger. You sat here and got drunk and looted the god's temple while we fought for our lives. Osvauld is dead, and you are a louse. He looks to his men and gestures to Berger. If he does not prove himself in our next encounter then run him through and leave him with the rest of the dead. Alirk's fiery gaze slides back to the drunk. Now get up and put that gold back before I change my mind about your second chance. He speaks up now for addressing everyone. Gather weapons for any comrades we meet, but leave the gold. It is the god's and I for one do not wish to anger them.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by DSIGFUSS »



Berger takes another swig and throws down his mug.

Allllwright Awright! I'll fight. Me fight! I'm one of the chosen ones you know. Jussht like Sig...Hic! Sigfurd and Weolf.... We're gonna do somethin' ..... big! The pretty lady thinks so tooooooo

Sigfurd eyes the gold.


I don't know Alrik? You think we should just leave the gold. Surely the gods would think it a trophy after what we did today. When I enter the halls of Valhalla it will be with blood on my hands and gold in my pack. Still, you hold the seal and I will follow your judgement til you no longer wield it. Reconsider.....
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by Piano man »

Alrik eyes Berger with doubt. Chosen by mistake probably. Turning to Sigfurd he listens and weighs the man's words carefully. The most important thing for us to take here is weapons. Go ahead and take some gold, but don't weigh yourselves down too much. I have a feeling that this is going to be a long and hard journey. If you can take gems they weigh less and are worth more.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by mikc »

Weoulf looks around for a good bow and arrows and a sword to take along.

He also pockets a handful of gemstones, with a silent prayer of thanks to Tyr.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by Henrik »

"I'm not planning to leave this place living and in Valhalla I will have everything I need. Sif, ale and as much food as I could ever have wanted. A man does not need more than that" Orm says with conviction. "But a proper sword would be handy" he adds.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc- Please wait and I'll give you a proper inventory of what's in the treasure chamber now that you have time to properly search it.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc- OK boys... here is the contents of the treasure room. If you want to spend a great deal of time here. Alrik can figure out what is magical and what isn't. Then you can try to figure out what everything does or even if it does anything. Or you can just grab things you feel might be cool and leave. You have no idea if you are safe. Remember that you will be walking so if you want to take alot of stuff, you will be burdened. Still though... help yourself. Once you've taken your booty and decided what you are doing. (ie researching equipment or carrying on) I'll be moving uyou along to the next Chapter.

Merry Christmas Vikings!


Weapons and Armour

Swords (4)
1 inlaid with 3 dark red stones
1 embroidered in cloudy silver
1 covered in shifting runes
1 wrapped in leather straps with two curving fangs atop it’s hilt

Axes (4)
Already described

Throwing Axes (4)
2 nondescript
1 with a dark blue sapphire in the blade
1 light weight with a leather strap and feathers

Hammer (1)

Huscarl (1)
Runes all over the haft

Shields (4)

1 bone
3 metal Viking Shields with long lost family crests on them. (roll Viking Mythos to recognize the crests)

Bow (3)
Already described

Scramasax (5)
Two belts with 2 scramasax on it each containing:
1 large scramasax with an inlaid black stone, 1 small scramasax with an inlaid black stone
1 large scramasax with an inlaid green stone, 1 small scramasax with an inlaid green stone

1 bone scramasax wrapped in white hide with a cloudy white inlaid stone.

Helms (2)

Spears (2)

Great Axe (1)
Huge double bladed battle axe larger than most men could cary. More than 100 lbs.

Gold - Too many gold coins to count

White fur cape with gold trim
Black fur tunic with an ancient family crest
White fur boots
Metal guantlets with stones inlaid in the knuckles
black hide scabbard with ornately carvd golden trim
one pair of bone glasses with a narrow slit down the middle to see through
long brown bushy fur robe.
1 set of purple formal wear. (very expensive and high quality )
Leather boots with spiked soles.
Oily leather boots
Chainmail boots linked with gold fastens
3 wineskins filled with unknown liquids
silk tapestries depicting original works of famous art thought lost.
5 large heavy tomes bound in dark leather
scattered scroll tubes (30 or so) all excellent quality and decorated with gold, silver and fragments of preciosu stones.
a silver cauldron
12 golden goblets of various descriptioons
3 locked chests
1 large humanoid skull dipped in silver and set with emarlads for eyes.
4 rolled woven rugs. with starnds of gold and sivler intermingled in the cloth.
3 gold busts of Tyr
silk ribbon (You already have)
1 drinking horn carved from bone and lined with hide and gold trim
1 oar
1 drinking horn covered in gemstones.
1 set of white hide gloves
100 feet of thick rope
1 golden scepter shaped like the Fenris Wolf with a ruby the shape of a hand set in its mouth
3 crowns
4 banners of long lost kingdoms
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by mikc »

Weoulf takes the simple bow with the burlap quiver and arrows, the one tied to the helmet.

He puts the helmet on and straps bow and quiver over his back.

If he judges the weight acceptable, he will also take the sword "embroidered in cloudy silver" for any future companions, unless one of the present company should desire it; if so, he takes no sword.

He will also volunteer to carry the rope.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by Henrik »

Orm is interested in the sword with shifting runes. He tries to read them if possible. He also takes a shield.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by Piano man »

ooc Weoulf will have to pick a differnt bow. Alrik already took that bow and quiver before we went after the wolf.

Alrik takes the Huscarl, White fur cape with gold trim, White fur boots, one pair of bone glasses with a narrow slit down the middle to see through, 3 wineskins filled with unknown liquids, 1 drinking horn carved from bone and lined with hide and gold trim, 1 set of white hide gloves, 1 golden scepter shaped like the Fenris Wolf with a ruby the shape of a hand set in its mouth, and as many scroll tubes as he can take without being to encumbered.
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Re: Chapter 3: Vikings : Notes in the Dark!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Orm reads the runes shifting on the base of his blade. They appear ancient and as Orm tries to decipher them they change before his eyes into a more modern Viking script. They read....

Hail Viking! I long to spill the cold blood of the giant with you. I will take you to them and then we will soak in their blood. I know these ancient lands and the holes where they hide themsleves. Let me lead you to them.

Sigfurd takes two of the non descript throwing axes and one of the scramasax belts. He tries on the chain boots and is happy with the fit. He drapes the balck fur tunic and picks a shield with a matching picture of an ancient family crest. For treasure Sigfurd takes a small sac full of gold and six of the twelve goblets. He smiles at Orm raising on of them into the air.

We'll drink from these once you retrieve the spear brother.... I promise you!

Berger takes one of the golden goblets and fastens it to his belt, fumbling with the straps in his drunken state. He whispers to himself and smiles as he tucks the silver skull into his pack. Berger fits an awkward looking helm on his over sized head and chooses the sword with three dark red stones set in its hilt. He had already packed an oversized sack with gold coins and various other treasures the group had not yet examined as they were fighting the wolf.

ooc- Weoulf please choose another bow and then we'll be off. Orm you can speak with your sword or sheath it.
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