IC: Chapter 1 - NEW YORK, Starts 12th Jan 1925

New York - 12th to 27th January 1925

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Post by Decrepit »

"Maksim Mikhailovich Kliment Mechulaiev Drobnitsa Rukov. And you are?"

"Charmed," says Caroline amiably, taking the offered hand. Another Russian, she thinks; how very interesting. And this one was more than a bit dashing, too, despite the scruffy appearance. Yet what kind of a man sleeps in his car?

"I'm Caroline, one of Elizabeth's many friends. I'm a physician in the city, and our hostess here"--giving Elizabeth a teasing look--"has pulled me away from my practice for what I hope is a very good reason.

"Oh, and very good to see you again, Andrei."
coffee demon
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Post by coffee demon »

Andrei leans against a wall, sipping coffee, talking to Caroline.

"Good morning. What a surprise to see you here! But... I mean.. a good surprise! I wonder who else Ellie has invited?"

"I wonder what this is all about. No, she won't mention any details to me", he smiles at Elizabeth if she's listening.

"I think its some kind of surprise party. Maybe there will be a cake at the end!"

He glances over her shoulder at the door, expecting more visitors. Timour still needs to show up. I wonder what he got up to last night.

Looking over at Elizabeth (and quickly noting her body language as she talks to Maks), Andrei asks: "Who else did you invite, Ellie? At least tell us how -many- you invited! I need to know if I should make more coffee."
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Post by Grafster »

Johnny makes his way up to the door of the apartment. Pausing for a minute to confirm that people are talking outside he quietly unlocks the door and slips in.
Once inside he'll tip his hat to Miss Downing before quietly making his way to a chair in the corner of the room. Perched on the chair with his 'bad' leg stretched out; he'll rest his hat on his golden-dragon capped cane and chew on his toothpick.

He addresses Caroline as "Doctor" and a polite nod if she speaks to him. Otherwise he greets anyone who greets him with a firm handshake and a "Hello".

She's mixing social groups. Caroline's not the natural choice to invite out with Andrei. And Andrei with Russian friends isn't a natural choice for an early morning brunch. Something is definitely up...

[OCC: A psych roll would suggest Johnny is fairly relaxed. He's either been in situations like this before or he's comfortable with his perceived role.
A really good psych roll might make someone wonder why a man who seems to go to great lengths to avoid attention has such a gaudy looking cane.]
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Post by warhammer »

Thomas wakes up early, feeling fresh, and starts the day with a few cigarettes and two cups of black, smoking hot coffee. After calmly waiting at his balcony for the sun to rise, he puts on his hat and coat and walks out of his apartment to the cold New York streets of January.

He drives to Elizabeth's place, having no trouble remembering the address even though he has only been there once: he has developed a stunningly good memory over the years spent studying his many law books.

He then calmly knocks on the door and waits for Elizabeth to open.

"Good morning miss. As you can see, you piqued my interest with your telegram."

He looks at her up and down.

"Like the dress. Are you letting me in?"
Last edited by warhammer on Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by thewhatchamacallit »

Timour fresh from a morning shower, wearing a newly pressed suit and obviously shined shoes exits his taxi cab and slips the driver a generous tip before turning to behold the majesty of the Dakota. He clasps the door man on the arm and gives him a warm smile before heading to the front desk and asking for Elizabeth Downing's apartment.

As usual he has no trouble getting inside and as he slips off his fedora in the operated elevator he makes small talk with the attendant until finally reaching his desired floor.

Standing before the door way Timour adjusts his tie and double checks his hair in the shiny surface of a nearby golden vase. Satisfide he rings the bell and waits patiently as the door opens.

"Good morning everyone, I trust I'm not fashionably late."
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Post by imme »

Elizabeth gives a nod to Johnny once she notices that he's there.

"Thomas, I'm so glad you could make it. I thought the less I said in the telegram the less chance you'd have to control your curiousity. And won't you call me Lisa? Please come in and meet everyone."

"And last but not least, Timour. You don't mind my being informal, do you?"

"Now that everyone's here, perhaps you would all care to make yourselves comfortable for what I have to say." Elizabeth will politely wait for people to seat themselves.

“I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’ve gathered you here today.” Elizabeth begins straight-faced, but can’t maintain it and breaks out into a huge grin. “I’ve got an adventure for us all! Yesterday I got a telegram from an old friend of mine, Jackson Elias. You may recognize his name from the books he’s written. His most famous, Sons of Death is about how he infiltrated a cult of Thuggees in India and what he learned. I guess you could say he’s an expert in death cults and how the leaders manipulate their followers by using their fears against them. Damned interesting stuff.” Her eyes gleam a bit, as much from her pun as out of delighted shock from hearing herself swear.

“So, yesterday I got a telegram from him saying that he has information about the Carlyle expedition, needs an investigative team, and will be here on Thursday. Since he’s never willing to discuss a project until it’s ready to be published, it must mean that he’s onto something really big if he needs a team to help. We won’t know anything specific until he arrives, but I imagine we’ll end up following in the Expedition’s footsteps, going to Egypt and Africa! I’ve been to Egypt before and I’d love to go back. I hope you’ll all be able to join me in this adventure, it’s sure to be a blast!” Elizabeth gives everyone a huge smile, as if that alone could convince this group of people to drop everything and follow her around the world.

“I was also thinking that we could start gathering information before Jackson arrives, to be prepared for his arrival. I know that Roger Carlyle’s sister Erica lives just north of the Bronx, so maybe some of us could go talk to her. (I’ve never spoken to her, but we’ve crossed paths a few times.) I could also go talk to Jackson’s publisher, Jonah Kensington, who’s here in the city, but I doubt he’d be willing to tell me much about Jackson’s current exploits … even if he knows what they are.

“So, what’d you all think?”
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Post by Laraqua »

Maksim seems quite intrigued by Doctor Caroline's admission to such a profession. Until Elizabeth starts on about the mission, he'll ask her several questions and listen with rapt interest. He's flirtatious with it but a successful psychology roll can tell that he's too distracted by curiosity to actually be trying to get her to fancy him.

He also refers to her from now on as Doctor Ward. OOC: That is her last name, right? I don't have time right now to check.

"How long have you been a doctor? Was it difficult? I imagine you've encountered a lot of hostility. Do you deal with the same complaints as male doctors? What do you think of the job? Do you know what Elizabeth wants us here for? Do you have any stories to tell?" Obviously he won't be as abrupt as those questions and prefers to slip such questions naturally into conversation, but the intentions are there.

He'll also greet Johnny with a good-natured tip of the hat before turning back to Caroline. There's a good chance he'll be just as interesting but it's more fun to enquire and flirt in the same breath.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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Post by Decrepit »

"I've only been a doctor for a few years now. Mr. Rukov," Caroline replies. "As I'm sure you know, it does take a very long while to push one's way through medical school and all the related training. With the help of our gracious hostess"--Caroline nods in Elizabeth's direction--"I've been able to start up a practice, something most new doctors aren't able to do. I'm very grateful to her. If it weren't for Elizabeth, in fact, I probably wouldn't have been able to afford to finish medical school."

Caroline stops for a moment. "It has been hard sometimes to be a 'lady doctor,' yes. Fortunately, I was able to attend Johns Hopkins, which has been coeducational for a few decades now, and we women doctors aren't as rare as the papers might have you think. I do sometimes find that some of my male patients are, well, a little uneasy talking about their medical histories with me, but on the other hand many of my female patients seem to open up rather easily.

"But I've ended up telling you a good deal already. Has anyone told you that you have a *very* compelling manner?" Caroline smiles in a way that conveys both pleased interest and a clinician's studious curiosity.
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Post by thewhatchamacallit »

Timour listened to Elizabeth's proposal with sincere interest. He loved to travel and taste the fruits of exotic living, he'd never been to Africa and the opportunity intrigued him but only to the point of how much it would cost.

If she was offering to pick up the tab then he'd be willing to go, provided she allowed him a few travel necessities and permits to carry them and use them should he have a reason.

He also pondered his wage, but not for a second what was expected of him. He'd been a soldier long enough to perfect his art and he'd been a mercenary long enough to know when he was being hired to use it.

He had skills and talking to people about blah-blah-blah was not one of them. In fact gathering information sounded incredibly boring, it was quite obvious that she would be hiring Maksim to handle that part of the equation.

As for the others, they were likely just going along as servants and tourists, which was fine by him, the more the merrier as long as they didn't do anything that might get him or his sibling killed.

Timour watched as the others blasted their hostess with a barrage of questions and concerns, deciding that, he would pull her off to the side and speak with her about his requirements when the there was a quieter and potentially more personal moment available.
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Post by Decrepit »

Caroline is a bit taken aback by Elizabeth's proposal but tries hard not to show that in her body language.

It's one thing, she thinks, for Elizabeth to ask me out here at the drop of a hat for a short visit, but it's another to suggest that I close up my practice indefinitely to go god-knows-where for god-knows-how-long. Certainly it would mean laying aside a lot of hard work, but Caroline knew herself well enough to understand that what *really* bothered her was how this all reminded her of her debt to Elizabeth (and, make no mistake, there was a debt there, even if Elizabeth didn't realize it), their unequal footing, their difference in lifestyle. Elizabeth would merely be interrupting her dance-and-club schedule to go to Egypt; Caroline would be, in some ways, giving up her dream.

Caroline sighed inwardly. She knew she'd already made her mind up to go; she never could resist Elizabeth, not for long anyway. And part of Caroline *wanted* this, too--wanted to get away from richie-rich hypochondriacs, wanted to see exotic places, wanted to drink and dance till dawn, wanted to live Elizabeth's life. But part of her also knew that she was too responsible for that, and that *someone* would need to keep a clear head and ask the lucid questions wherever they were going. Maybe there was a happy medium somewhere.

"Sounds fascinating, Elizabeth," Caroline says.
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Post by Laraqua »

Maksim notices Caroline's odd demeanor and assumes she is merely nervous about travelling with so many strangers gives her a gentle and reassuring smile, resisting the urge to reach over and pat her hand. He was well aware of his own touchy feeliness when it came to women and the time for familiarity with her was not yet upon them. Perhaps later, after she had mended whatever damage tagging along with Timour was likely to deal him, they would be close enough for such familiarities.

"Don't worry," he says in a low voice, hoping that only she will hear. "We're not that difficult to get along with. I'm sure you won't have to spend too long in the company of strangers. We look like a sorry lot but we're a good sort."
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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Post by warhammer »

Thomas nods to all the people inside, unaware of who they are. He will introduce himself if he is asked, but will not say anything if nobody asks him.

So I'm only a small fraction of a team here. Not quite the personal assignment I was expecting. Everyone seems to know each other here as well, except me. I don't know that I'm going to join in, it sure as hell looks like they could do fine without me. ... Thomas thinks, briefly considering heading straight back to his office and forgetting about this whole incident. He decides however to stay for a little more, if only to not offend Elizabeth by leaving so quickly.

(OOC - Thomas uses his high Psychology skill to prevent others from sensing his current feelings)

"What is it that you know about Roger Carlyle, Liz?" he asks after Elizabeth's speech, purposely ignoring her request to call her Lisa. "I remember him as some rich dog who used to live here, and financed his own expedition to Africa some six years ago or so. The papers followed that story a bit. He died there along with the rest of his party, didn't he? Know anything else about that?"

Thomas then lights a cigarette and pays little attention to anyone except Elizabeth, who is currently the only person he knows in the room.
Last edited by warhammer on Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
coffee demon
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Post by coffee demon »

Andrei is frowning, listening to Elizabeth and processing the information gleaned from the questions people are asking.

Why would he ask Elizabeth for help? Her money, must be her money. Or maybe he's an old boyfriend that wants to re-ignite their relationship. God, I hope not.

He looks at the people around the room from his comfortable chair, fingering the empty coffee mug in his lap.

What a bizarre group of people we are. I'm not sure what this Jackson fellow will think of her choice of companions. I doubt we're going to Africa - probably some boring research in New York for him. I hope Elizabeth doesn't get disappointed when she finds out. Maybe there's a way to break the news to her more gently.

Andrei leans over to Elizabeth.

"Lets pay a visit to his publisher, then, Ellie." Hopefully he can help break the news.

"Of course I'm in! Whether its a trip to the library here in New York, or a boat trip to Africa, I'll be there."
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Post by Decrepit »

Andrei seems rather ... committed, Caroline thinks.

"I think going to the library would be a good idea. I'm pretty familiar with the stacks and the archives. I'd be willing to go."
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Post by thewhatchamacallit »

Timour after overhearing some of the enthusiastic reactions about a trip to the library resists the temptation to chuckle in derision. If this was the extent of their adventure's excitement he was going to make a lot of money very easily.

OOC- if anyone tries to guage Timour's feeling about the more 'egg-headed' aspects of the adventure he will be resisting it, as he intends to keep his opinions as secretive as he can.
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Post by coffee demon »

[OOC: this can happen after Elizabeth gives some information to Thomas about the Carlyle expedition, apologies if I didn't let you get a word in, Imme!]

Looking around the room, it seems that some people share Andrei's scepticism.

Poor Elizabeth.. I love how she gets so excited about things. I hope she's not going to be too disappointed.

Andrei stands up stiffly and clears his throat. He's not trying to, but his voice booms over the rest of the chatting.

"Before anyone goes anywhere, why don't we see if we can telephone his publisher? Lets see if we can learn something before we start running around town..?"

Andrei looks at Elizabeth for approval, then the rest of the group. He swallows hard. He's trying to look confident, but anyone observant can tell he's self-conscious in front of this many people. He's slouching a bit, trying to diminish his massive frame, and his hands play nervously over the empty mug in his hand.
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Post by Laraqua »

Noticing how no one else can see the fun in Elizabeth's proposition, Maksim stretches and raises a hand. "I'm willing to go and talk to anyone you like. It wouldn't be the first time I've gone to random strangers for a talk. But as much as I love libraries, I've always just picked up any old book and started reading. I wouldn't know where to look when it came to finding perfect information."

He smiles lazily, enjoying the thought of having other people involved in snooping into other people's backgrounds. "I admit, this does sound like my idea of fun. Even if no one else is interested, I'm more than willing to help you." His smile spreads into a more flirtatious look and he turns to look at the others. "I'm surprised, but, what made you think of me? Has Andrei been gossiping about my snooping habits? Or did Timour complain of me talking to strangers? I can't really see how my pilot experience could have gotten you interested in me."
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

Oh, also, check out my new blog on roleplaying and running games: http://stwildonroleplaying.blogspot.com/
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Post by imme »

warhammer wrote: "What is it that you know about Roger Carlyle, Liz?" Thomas asks after Elizabeth's speech, purposely ignoring her request to call her Lisa. "I remember him as some rich dog who used to live here, and financed his own expedition to Africa some six years ago or so. The papers followed that story a bit. He died there along with the rest of his party, didn't he? Know anything else about that?"

"Oh, well, I know that they originally started in Egypt, but ended up somewhere ... was it Uganda or Kenya? before their unfortunate demise. I was thinking that you're so good at unraveling mysteries, Mr. Allan, lawyer extraordinaire, that maybe this one would prove to be a good challenge for you." Elizabeth flashes him a huge grin, giving the impression that she's sure he'll enjoy this puzzle she's offering him.
Laraqua wrote: "I'm surprised, but, what made you think of me? Has Andrei been gossiping about my snooping habits? Or did Timour complain of me talking to strangers? I can't really see how my pilot experience could have gotten you interested in me."

"From what Andrei's told me, you and Timour have been through some great adventures, and gotten yourselves out of some tough situations. I imagine such skills may prove highly useful here. Besides, your curiosity and enthusiasm will be valuable assets in this adventure, I'm sure."

Elizabeth turns to Caroline, "I think some research is an excellent idea. Maybe you and Thomas could start to unravel what happened to the Carlyle Expedition. Yes, Andrei, let's go talk to the publisher and try to find out what Jackson's been up to. I'm tempted to send you," she turns to the Rukov twins, "to talk to Erica, but she's not the party animal her brother was, and I'm not sure she could handle the two of you." (This is said with another grin and a twinkle in her eye.) "Although, in all seriousness, I would feel bad about making her think about her deceased brother." A frown passes across Elizabeth's face, an unusual occurrence.

"Well, anyway, I'd like to invite everyone to my home in Long Island tonight for dinner. That way you can all get to know each other better and we can share whatever we've learned during the day. Sound good?" (Elizabeth seems to have forgotten that she and Andrei had planned to have dinner together. She also seems to assume that Johnny needs no guidance as to his actions.)

OOC--At her first opportunity after this meeting breaks up, she will telegram her parents to tell them that she's coming home for dinner ... and bringing five friends. (She'll wait to tell them that she may be leaving for Africa soon until she can talk to them in person.)
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Post by Laraqua »

"Perhaps it would be best to just send me," Maksim says with a wry smile. "I am good at giving a different kind of comfort to tearful women than my brother is." Then a look of serious concern passes over his face. "I am sure I could speak with her without causing too much pain on her part. I have dealt with crying widows and mothers before, along with shell shocked husbands and sons." He smiles again. "However, I suppose Timour might as well come along. It'll give him something to do."

"Dinner sounds wonderful," he says, thinking on his hungry stomach and lack of money. "I'm looking forward to get to know each of you." He looks over at Caroline and gives her a smile, trying to understand what kind of person she looks for in a man.

OOC: C'mon, give dear old Maksim a bone. He rolled low enough.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

Oh, also, check out my new blog on roleplaying and running games: http://stwildonroleplaying.blogspot.com/
coffee demon
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Post by coffee demon »

Andrei stays quiet for the rest of the meeting. He's hurt that Elizabeth forgot their dinner date. Or maybe she would rather be with -all- these people and her parents, instead of just him? He feels a little sick. Things haven't been as... "passionate" between the two of them for a while. They didn't even spend the night together last night!

This recent telegram, and these lawyers and doctors and chinamen aren't helping things either.

At least the two of them are going to the publisher's office together.

Andrei hangs around her apartment until everyone leaves. If someone looks like they're going to go with them, he suggests they go to a -different- library. "We should cover as many places as we can." If Johnny wants to follow, Andrei takes him aside and says, "Listen, Johnny, Ellie and I need some time together, OK?"

It feels like this will be the last time him and Elizabeth spend alone for a while.

He's not thinking about the trip much, and still imagines Elizabeth has overblown things. He hopes she has - the sooner its over, and all these strangers go back to their own lives, the better.

. . .

On the way to the publishers, Andrei will be a little reserved, but try to look happy. He'll help ask as many questions as he can think of when they arrive. Afterwards, he asks to buy Elizabeth lunch at a diner she likes, before they pack for a night spent at her parents' house.

[OOC: trying to get my word in before I go to bed and the rest of the party posts all night!]

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