IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

As the afternoon gets underway, the survivors from the T-Bone have been split up. The helicopter group must land at an airfield halfway to Omaha for refueling. Those still on the surface try desperately to defend the motel, while those trapped underground fight for their lives as they search for a way out.

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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(Ouch! Should have shot him instead. Tell you what, give me a Luck roll. If you succeed, you may attempt another Climb at half skill.)
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by ryansommer »

(OOC: Alright, here it comes. I haven't been that lucky as of late.........looks like luck is on her side for this one. However, lets try climb.....here we go.......well, well. [/url] Luck is on her side after all. I'll let you descrive what just happened, cause I am not quite sure myself :) )
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the caverns-
Sally desperately tried to break Willie's iron grip on her. Though she was a very strong woman, and even stronger than an average man, Willie was no longer human. The once friendly cameraman now only wanted to sink his teeth into her soft skin, and she knew she had to get away. She barely managed to squirm loose from his grasp and, without a moment's hesitation, started to scramble up the side of the pit. Fortunately there were numerous handholds and footholds, and even with her broken leg she was able to make progress - until Willie seized her ankle! Luckily, it was the one from her unbroken leg. Sally was unable to make progress as the other three zombies closed in on her and Willie opened his mouth to gnaw on her calf. With one last surge of adrenaline, she managed to kick Willie in the jaw. The blow did no damage, but it distracted him long enough that he released her ankle and she was able to scurry up and out of reach. She hauled herself over the lip of the pit and lay on the edge for a minute, gasping for breath and stunned by how close she had come to a horrible end.

Now that Sally knew where the pit was, she could easily avoid it provided she didn't get lost and forget where it was. In addition to the downward-sloping tunnel behind her, there were also tunnels directly across from it and in the left wall of the cavern. Both of them were level.

(Sally, you may act again now. If you want to treat your bruises from the fall, roll First Aid. You only took 1 damage, so any success will heal it. Alternatively, you may move. You may also roll Navigate, with a base skill of 10%, to try to determine where you are now that you've found a familiar landmark. If that fails, you may roll Idea.)
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by ryansommer »

Not wanting to be near the pit that nearly claimed her life any longer, Sally decides to move on, before working on her injuries. She uses he flashlight to attempt to get her bearings, but is unable to deside which way to go.

She does look for a few rocks, however, and makes a pile in the middle of the chamber. At least she will know she has been in this chamber if she is unlucky enough to find her way here again.

She heads for the tunnel straight ahead of her.Before she heads off, however, an idea comes to her.
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the caverns-
Sally realized that she had been in this chamber before - twice. Not only did she bypass the pit during her first trip through the caverns on her way to the campsite, she had also been here only a few minutes before, and she had entered from the tunnel directly across from the pit and departed via the one on her left. The tunnel ahead led back to the surface...and the worm, which was likely on its way to find her. The tunnel behind her that sloped down would eventually lead her back to the fissure if she retraced her steps. She didn't remember exactly how to get there, but she knew that she would need to keep heading down.

She thought for a moment about where she ultimately wanted to go. She didn't know what else lay in these caves, or if there was any other way to the surface through them. She did know that there were two ways back if she went through the fissure, though it meant going through the tunnels that had probably been burrowed out by the worm or creatures like it. She could return to the lab, but that would mean facing the monster that had broken her leg and devoured her friends, and it had gotten incredibly huge from eating them. And even if she got past it, the hatch was still sealed from the other side unless someone up there had been foolish enough to open it. Or she could head to the other lab, the one beneath the PMS compound. The idea was not appealing to her in the slightest. Going in a group would have been difficult enough, but going alone was downright terrifying, though it was easier for one person to sneak around than for a whole bunch. Maybe the skinheads were all dead, but that would mean she'd have zombies to contend with. If they were alive, she might be able to avoid detection and find allies. Failing that, she might be able to talk her way through.

(If you want to change which tunnel you're heading for, you may.)
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by ryansommer »

Sally changes direction and heads down the tunnel that leads down, towards the fissure.
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the caverns-
Sally returned to the tunnel she had been in before she had fallen in the pit. This one had exits directly ahead, to the left, and to the right. The one on the left sloped down, and the one on the right sloped up, as did the one behind her that led to the pit, of course.

The ground began to tremble slightly.

(Sally, roll Spot Hidden.)
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by ryansommer »

Sally spots nothing and takes the tunnel that leads down deeper.
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the caverns-
Sally hastened down the left passage and soon found herself back in the wide cavern she had initially entered from the fissure. Indeed, the fissure itself was directly across from her. Two more tunnels branched out on the far left and far right of the cavern, both of them flat. Another upward-sloping tunnel was also behind her, not far to the right of the one she had just emerged from.

The tremor built to a crescendo, and Sally heard the sound of shattering rock, much as she had at the campsite when the worm had first burst forth. The sound had come from some distance behind her and to her left.
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by ryansommer »

Wanting to get as much distance between herself and the best, Sally hurried towards the far right fissure as quickly as she could.
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(There is only one fissure, the one directly ahead. The fissure is far too narrow for the worm to fit through, and it's a tight squeeze even for Sally. The other four exits leaving this cave - the two behind her, the one on the far left, and the one on the far right - are all fairly wide and the worm could fit through them. Please clarify which way you want to head.)
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by ryansommer »

(OOC: Sally will head towards the fissure)
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the fissure-
Sally hurried across the cavern as quickly as she could and squeezed into the fissure that led back down to the eerie tunnels. It was slow going and unnerving, not to mention painful, but she persevered, knowing that staying in the caves would cost her her life. She had already had a few brushes with death, and the next one might be too close. As she descended, she was able to hear that awful chanting again. It got louder as she got closer to the bottom. Finally, after about fifteen minutes, she reached the exit from the fissure in the wall of one of the tunnels, which stretched off to the left and right, seemingly forever. She knew that the right branch would lead her back toward the secret lab under the T-Bone and to the one under the PMS compound. The left branch led away into the unknown.

(Sally, you may stop and apply First Aid to your bruises now or at any time later. It only takes a minute to try.)
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by ryansommer »

Sally takes a moment to bandage her wounds, before heading to the left.....the path not yet taken. "Here goes nothing" she say mutters as she makes her way down the path.
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the tunnels-
Sally trudged down the tunnel beyond the fissure to the left. She had no way of knowing if there was any way out of these infernal tunnels in this direction, though. She could not afford to get lost down here, or the worm would be able to find her. She could feel something probing her mind weakly. Was that how it was tracking her? The tunnel seemed endless ahead of her.

(Let me know how far you're willing to walk in this direction.)
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by ryansommer »

Doubt begins to creep back into Sally's mind. Getting lost could be the death of her, but then again, so could everything else that has happened today. The PMS compound was surely filled with infected. Even if it wasn't it was surely filled with those PMS bastards. The other facility was filled with that black monster that had already killed all her friends. She glanced down at the .45 she carried. If the end came for her, it would be on her terms. She had to make sure to leave one bullet for herself.
A tear streaked her dirty cheek as she continued onward.
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the tunnels-
Sally continued her grueling, exhausting walk. After another fifteen minutes, she finally saw an intersection ahead. As she approached it, she felt the ground tremble again. The tunnel she was in continued ahead, and the intersecting tunnel went off to the left and the right. All of the tunnel branches seemed to go on forever. How far could they possibly stretch? She knew she had to find a way out of here soon. If the worm dug its way into these tunnels, which seemed to have been carved out by it or its kind, it would inevitably catch up to her considering her broken leg. She needed to get to the surface, and once there she needed a vehicle so she could get far, far away from it. And if the worm didn't stop her, her own exhaustion would.

(Sally, roll CON x 5. If you fail, you will receive a -5 penalty to all skill rolls until you get at least half an hour of continuous rest. Also, roll Idea.)
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by ryansommer »

Sally trudges along, and soon becomes exhausted.
Despite her exhaustion, an idea comes to her.
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the tunnels-
Sally realized that these tunnels could go on for a long, long time before she found a way to the surface - if she ever did. Meanwhile, that worm would be coming up behind her, and there could be others like it down here too. In her current state, she couldn't go on for too much longer at any rate, even if she did stay ahead of the worm. Back the way she had come were three ways she knew of to get back to the surface, but all of them had their dangers. The fissure led back to the caverns where the worm had been following her, the lab beneath the T-Bone had that monster in it, and as far as she knew the hatch was still sealed from the outside. The second lab beneath the PMS compound led to either skinheads or zombies - or both. None of the choices were good, but pressing her luck by wandering off into the unknown could be the worst choice of all. If she wanted to double back, this would probably be her last chance. She might not have the strength or the time to make it back if she tried it later.

(Sally, you may choose a direction now.)
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Re: IC-UNDER-In Too Deep(Everyone)

Post by ryansommer »

(OOC: you know, I was going to say screw it and head to PMS, but I decided not to.)

Sally realizes she could be down here forever and not find a way out, so she decides to turn around and head for the PMS compound.

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