"A Friend in Need" - CoC 1920s Campaign (FULL)

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"A Friend in Need" - CoC 1920s Campaign (FULL)

Post by Law »

Clarence MacDougal, esteemed professor and beloved friend, took his long-awaited sabbatical to travel and research his family tree. His journeys took him first to the United States and then back across the pond to Scotland. His friends and colleagues at Oxford received regular correspondence from MacDougal during the various legs of his journey, but this latest letter was only sent to a single individual . . . and it was a most unusual letter indeed.
A Friend in Need is a short Call of Cthulhu campaign set in 1920s England and Scotland. I am looking for 2 additional players (I already have 2 interested). The game will be mostly PbP, but there will be some weekly play-by-chat opportunities (see below). We will be using the Chaosium rules for Call of Cthulhu. I have edition 5.6, but just about any edition will do. No knowledge of the system is required to play (though it will be helpful).

Mystery solving is very difficult in PbP. The format doesn't lend itself to the kind of back-and-forth discussion usually needed to get to the bottom of a mystery unless the players are very active. Because of that, when I play mystery-solving games in PbP, I usually schedule a few (non-mandatory) chat sessions during the week. They are short (about 1 hour), and not always properly in continuity, but they allow the players to chat about the story so far and further develop their characters. I will be there to answer questions if needed. Additionally, I like to keep things moving in my games, so I will be posting about every other day as appropriate.

Character concepts should be easy to connect to an Oxford Professor (professors, students, family members, etc.). Don't worry about stating your character just yet. We'll get to that later.

So . . . interested? Head on over to GotEXP? and look for the game ad thread.
Last edited by Law on Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: "A Friend in Need" - A CoC 1920s Short Campaign

Post by Law »

We currently have:

1 nearly completed character: Takashi "Tan" Tanigawa: Professor and Art Procurer
1 basic concept: Professor and former African big game hunter
1 interested player

We have room for one or two more.


Our complete concept:

Takashi Tanigawa


Takashi "Tan" Tanigawa is the dashing professor of Far East studies at Oxford. Though he is settling into academic life nicely, Tan still spends a significant amount of time on art procurement expeditions (his former business which has made him quite wealthy). Tan is a second-generation immigrant to England, but earned his Ph.D. at Harvard. He is handsome and single, and though he is a member of a very small Japanese minority, Tan has a reputation for being quite the ladies man, ladies of all colors. Tan is a long-time friend of Clarence and would do anything to help him if needed.

Sex: Male
Age: 40
Occupation: Professor, Art Procurer
Colleges, Degrees: Ph.D. in History from Harvard
Birthplace: Japan
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Re: "A Friend in Need" - CoC 1920s Campaign (FULL)

Post by Law »

We now have a complete cast for this story. Thanks for reading. :)
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Re: "A Friend in Need" - CoC 1920s Campaign (FULL)

Post by Law »

We had a player have to back out, so we have an open slot, if anyone is interested. The game will be starting this weekend, so jump if you're interested. :)

HERE is our game forum.


Another character profile for our game:


Emma Post

Emma's career as an actress is starting to show promise. She recently played Ophelia in a West End production of Hamlet, starred in the musical Sally at the Winter Garden Theatre and won her spurs through many understudy positions, music hall gigs and other dance venues. She loves to dance, to sing, and, above all, to act on the stage.

Emma moved to London after ripping through 3 years of college where she, of course, studied drama. Her time in London has been a whirlwind experience of thrilling stage performances, all-night parties, and an endless stream of cocktails. Life in London is pretty far removed from her childhood in relatively sleepy New Romney, on the coast of Kent.

Professor MacDougal has always been a favorite maternal uncle of hers, she refers to him as the "old Badger" and regularly visits him in Oxford.

Sex: Female
Age: 22
Occupation: Actress, Dancer
Colleges, Degrees: Bachelors in Dramatic Arts
Birthplace: New Romney, Kent, United Kingdom
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Re: "A Friend in Need" - CoC 1920s Campaign

Post by Law »

Thanks for the interest so far. We have a full cast, but we have had a player go missing during the character creation process. :( The game has already begun, but we could take another player, if anyone was interested. Preferably a big strong man type. We've got a bit of an estrogen-fest going on so far. :D
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Re: "A Friend in Need" - CoC 1920s Campaign (FULL)

Post by Law »

We've had quite a few additional players join, so we are more than full. :shock:

Thanks for reading.

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