IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Two M.U. students headed out on a camping trip on the banks of the Miskatonic a few miles west of Arkham. Now one is missing, and the other is found wandering the Arkham streets and a raving madman.

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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by zielonobrody »

Donald Lutherhagen

OK. Well thanks anyways. If you could do us a favor and screen through Henry's stuff a bit in search of clues and report any unusual findings to Dr. Albert Winston or his secretary, we'd be much obliged. The Police are doing a really bad job on this case and we need all the help we can get. Thank you. Have a nice day.

Donald walks away with Mickey. Clearly excited, he tells him:
I just had a brilliant idea. I just realized that we could go to the library to find out what types of books he was into. Maybe he borrowed one out for the trip... Let's find Dr. Winston and go to the Library.

OOC: I think this could be a great place to insert a new character, the student that we talked to. He doesn't have a name or occupation or any idea about what Henry was up to. He could help out and get this game moving along a bit more quickly, don't you think?
I'm sorry for Donald slipping out of character a bit. I'm just starting to notice that he's evolving in the wrong direction. I'll try to be more careful :)
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by Miss Scarlet »

Albert Winston

As Donald and Mickey come back to his office, Winston is almost finishing what he indented to do. He raises his eyes to both and tells them what Miss Dalton had found out.

Apparently no one around here knew Henry Atwater was at the Asylum. He was just a student that missed a couple of day at the University. But the Police had called and now security is alerted to look for him if he comes back. I don't think there is anything else we can do in this area?

Does you have any look?

After hearing the report from Donald, Albert says: It's a good idea. We should check at the Library what kind of book he's reading recently. I'll go with you. Fortunately I could finish what I want to do and now I can have a couple of days to dedicate to our case.

Then he says good-bye to Miss Dalton and goes with Donald and Mickey to the Library.
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by amarriner »

Miskatonic University
Tuesday June 7th, 11:00 am


Albert and Donald lead the way down College St from the Robert Carter Memorial Hall to the MU Library. Mickey tags behind, but has been pretty quiet of late. Getting introspective, the other two suppose and leave him to his thoughts until he's ready to talk to them again. Must have been a difficult couple of days for him.

The Library with all it's books and knowledge stands tall, beckoning them to enter. Inside, it's awash with students and professors doing research as well as librarians and student aides. With all the activity, though, it's remarkably quiet.
the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep.
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by Miss Scarlet »

Albert Winston

Albert arrives at the Library and immediately looks for the head librarian. He knows her from some previous research works done there. She was very helpful then.

Good morning. I'm here in need of your help again. This is professor Lutherhagen. Winston says with his best smile, introducing his colleague. Then he calls her for a more discreet place. I don't know if you already know, but one student of ours had problems, was committed to the Asylum and escaped. Since I have worked there I'm helping the Director Dr. Hardstrom to find the patient. We went to the dorms and we found out that Henry Atwater, this is the name of the boy, liked books and was always around here. Do you possibly have his records of books solicitation? I mean, what kind of books did he read; what kind of books he was interested in? It will help us to understand him better and try to find where he could be... He tries to persuade the woman to help him and Donald.
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by zielonobrody »

Donald Lutherhagen
Donald chooses to remain silent and mysterious. He greets the librarian in the mos gallant way he can think of. Big smile, lonely eyes and a delicate kiss on the hand if she extends it. A pleasure... is all he says, and even that is barely audible.
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by amarriner »

Marian Ilsley, the head librarian, greets Albert with a big smile and gladly meets Donald as well. Oh how nice to see you again, Doctor. Yes indeed I'm well aware of Mr. Atwater. What a nice young man. He's here--or at least used to be here--just about every evening. Smart fellow, that boy. He was always neat and tidy, always cleaned up after himself and never caused a fuss or a ruckus. He even offered to help reshelve books! And he doesn't even work here!

Anyway. As far as the kinds of books he took out there wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Mostly just things for his studies. Lots and lots of books on plants, of course, but sometimes he'd be doing some research for his Lib. Ed. courses and need something else. Every once in a great while he'd take a non-fiction book out, but that was pretty rare. Quite dedicated to his studies, that Henry.
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by zielonobrody »

Donald Lutherhagen
If I may. Madame, I assure you, any information you could give us about the books he used to read would greatly benefit us in finding the poor boy. Mayhaps there is some clue as to what he was doing recently in the books he took out recently, or maybe even the books he volunteered to reshelve. We saw the poor boy the other day at the Sanitarium. He was still in shock after the whole incident and was mumbling rather incoherently, but one word he did say was "book". I must say, I think this is our last hope in finding any clues as to what occurred during the weekend and why, how and where Mr. Atwater went. We would be very grateful for any information you could grant us. Donald tries to portray the severity of the situation as best he can, and tries to play a little bit on the poor womans heart. She did say that she was fond of the boy after all. Won't hurt to exaggerate a bit...
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by amarriner »

Well, if you don't mind waiting a few minutes, I can get a list of some of his most recent borrowings. Give me a moment. Ilsley walks away from Albert and Donald[/n] and towards the huge circulation desk on the first floor. The two take a moment to soak in the enormity of the Library. Books and books on shelves and shelves. And the silence! Amazing that so many people can be so busy and make so little noise. Albert is probably more used to it than Donald.

Presently, Miss Ilsley heads back in their direction with a piece of paper. She hands it to them. Well, here you go. I'm afraid I don't think it'll be of much help. She sounds a little sad, as if she'd hoped to be of some assistance to them.

The list reads like a typical botany student's reading list. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just some research journals and textbooks on the subject.
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by zielonobrody »

Donald Lutherhagen

These names don't really tell me anything. I think we'll be better off browsing through them. Maybe he left something in one of the books.

Donald whispers his suspicions to Alberts ear, and asks Miss Ilsley if she could show them to the books.

We'll just browse through them. We can follow you around and browse one book at a time. I think it's vital for them to be the same exact copies the boy had borrowed. If we don't find anything, we'll be on our way and won't bother you anymore. Donald smiles and winks to the Miss to show he's joking and maybe he might bother her again after all...
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by amarriner »

Illsley blushes a little at Donald when he winks at her. He can't tell, though, if she's mad or if she enjoyed it! She indicates for them to follow her as they run down the list of books. They stick mostly to one section of the library as many of the books are somewhat related. They're quite dry, though Mickey has some familiarity with them being a botany student as well. Alas, they come to the end of the list after about a half hour without much in the way of clues or useful information. Perhaps none of these were the "book" Atwater babbled about ...
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by zielonobrody »

Donald Lutherhagen

Tough luck I guess. I can't think of anything else we might do here. Thank you for your help Madam. If you ever need any help I would like to repay you for your help. You can usually find me at the baseball field on mornings. Thank you for your time again.

Donald flashes his usual gallant self pays his goodbyes to the librarian and they slowly and silently make their way out of the library.
unless somebody has something on their mind which would have probably been stated.

As they exit the building, Donald asks, Where to now gentlemen? Is it time already for the coffee shop?
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by Miss Scarlet »

Albert Winston

Just a minute, Herr Lutherhagen. Miss Illsley, you told us Henry offered to reshelf books to help you. In which sections was he "working"? I know it's a long shot and I'm sorry to take your time, but maybe something could have called his attention in on of those sections when he was replacing the books on the shelves... Albert says with his best smile as he was apologizing for taking too much time of the librarian.
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by amarriner »

The librarian blushes at Donald and says, Be careful, I may just take you up on that ...

At Albert's question she straightens up and responds, He was working pretty much all over the Library, really. No one particular section or the other. Just wherever books needed to be reshelved. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help to you, Dr. She appears genuinely disappointed in herself.
the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep.
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by zielonobrody »

amarriner wrote:The librarian blushes at Donald and says, Be careful, I may just take you up on that ...
I hoped so. Donald flashes her a brief mischievous grin, hoping to bring her spirits up. :mrgreen:
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by Miss Scarlet »

Albert Winston

Thank you anyway Miss Illsley. If you remember anything would you mind to leave a message for me with Miss Dalton? I'd really appreciate.

After saying good-bye to the librarian, Albert addresses to Donald outside of the building.
Where to now gentlemen? Is it time already for the coffee shop?
I think we should go meeting the others. We didn't find much here. Maybe they had more luck than us...

And Winston gets his car to go to the Bijou Cafe.
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Re: IC: Scene 7b - Miskatonic U, June 7th

Post by zielonobrody »

This thread is oficially done for :o

"Let's eat dung, millions of flies can't be wrong." Valdemar Baldhead

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