IC: London: A Reunion?

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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Decrepit »

OOC: I think I'll let someone else roll it ... Either way, I'm not confident. :P
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by imme »

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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Decrepit »

OOC: 8-)
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nathaniel quickly scans the nearest building for any porch lights. He then runs from Gwen to the closest building with a outside light. He tries to open the door, praying to a wide variety of gods and godesses that the door was left open.

ooc- if the door is open he turns on any outside lights. If it's closed he tries to kick it in.
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Raiko »

DSIGFUSS wrote:Nathaniel quickly scans the nearest building for any porch lights. He then runs from Gwen to the closest building with a outside light. He tries to open the door, praying to a wide variety of gods and godesses that the door was left open.
Nathaniel looks, but none of the deserted shops that line this side-street have porch lights. The closest easily available source of light from any of the buildings appears to be the pub that Andrei is fleeing to.

DSIGFUSS, do you want Nathaniel to follow Andrei and head for the pub?
Maksim and Elizabeth drag the struggling Caroline free from the creature’s misty tentacles. The Thing’s six tendrils contract rapidly back into the sparkling cloud itself. Abandoning it’s attack on Caroline the thing seeks a more vulnerable target, it slides through the shadows of the foggy night, surging towards the raging Gwen.

Gwen sees the entity heading her way. Make another SAN roll - no chance of any further SAN loss from this, but if she fails then she decides that the entity is a better target for her handbag, than Nathaniel is.


Nice roll!


Laraqua. Imme and Decrepit:
As the STR roll for Elizabeth & Maks was so good, they have Caroline completely restrained so long as neither of them lets go! They can drag her away between them if they want to.

If one of them lets go, then the other will still receive a 10% bonus on future resistance table rolls against Caroline.


Laraqua and Imme:

Please make spot hidden rolls for Maksim & Elizabeth


Coffee Demon:

Andrei will need another round or two to reach the safety of the pub. I’ll check out the movement rate rules to see how long.
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by imme »

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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc - How far away is the pub? If the lights were on would they even reach the car?

If Nathaniel thinks yes, he’ll run to the pub. If No… he’ll look for something to throw through one of the windows in hopes of rising more people out of their beds. Either way he shouts.

Wake up England! Wake up and bloody well account for yourselves. Wake up! Wake up now! You bloody wankers!
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Decrepit »

"Let me go, you fools!" Caroline shouts to Maks and Beth. "Can't you see how pointless this is? There's no hope for any of us! Andrei was riiighhht." She sobs.
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Laraqua »

"Andrei, Nethaniel, fer fuck's sake, get the car started! If we can get these two nut cases in before the thing takes another swing, we can drive the fuck outta here. We can't fight it, just run away! And can someone grab that nutter, Gwen!"

Maksim considers bashing Caroline's head against the car to knock her out but thinks better of it. No telling what kinda permanent damage it would do to her brain. Where was the chloroform when you need it? Or a decent set of handcuffs...

OOC: Shame Timour's not here. He'd be bound to have a set of handcuffs! Come to think of it, I'm surprised Maksim doesn't.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by coffee demon »

Andrei is still sprinting towards the pub, and pays no heed to Maks' shouting.
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Laraqua »

Maksim, in a suitably disturbed mood due to all of the sudden insanity and the being's own existence, has the inexplicable urge to release Elizabeth, draw his gun and shoot Andrei in the spine. It's not like he needed it. Not like he ever used it, really. He could blame it on a fit of madness. Not even like he would be lying, really.

Instead, he shakes Caroline, careful to keep his grip: "For God's sake, snap out of it! You're a doctor! We need you! Your friend needs you! Who cares if it's hopeless? We have today, we have this very moment, and you are a doctor! It's your job to keep moving, keep fighting, no matter how fucking hopeless it is! Welcome to the war, Doctor Caroline! Welcome to the war and help us!"

If that doesn't work, he considers either kissing or slapping her to snap her out of it. At the moment, it's a coin toss.

OOC: 19 on the Persuade/Psychoanalysis, etc. roll that might be able to bring her to her senses. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1554962/ Which, if the roll is allowed, is a successful roll.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Raiko »

A Psychoanalysis roll is allowed; your successful roll means that Caroline’s ‘temporary’ insanity is ‘temporarily’ suppressed. :?
Caroline can act normally again.



The Thing had ignored Maksim’s shouting before, but this is not the case for Nathaniel. As he stoops down to grab a stone from the gutter, the entity reacts - either responding to the investigator’s shouts for help or sensing that he was more vulnerable as be bends down, it surges across the open space from the car with terrifying speed - descending upon the hapless Nathaniel.

As it falls onto him, Nathaniel suddenly notices the almost overpowering scent of burning hair. The entity’s long, glittering tendrils of misty alien starlight seep out again, twisting and stretching as they circle around him, attempting to ensnare him in their deadly embrace.

I’ve just got into work, so I won’t have Invisible Castle access for a while.
Please could somebody make 6x 1d100 rolls for “[mon]The Thing in the Fog” as it attempts to ensnare poor Nathaniel.


DSIGFUSS: Make a spot hidden or a luck roll (your choice, roll one only), if it’s successful then Nathaniel senses the Thing’s approach in time to try to dodge.
You can then make a SINGLE dodge roll, this will be an ‘opposed’ roll against ALL of the thing in the fog’s attacks (ie: Any of the Thing’s attacks that are less successful than Nathaniel’s dodge roll automatically miss).
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by imme »

ooc: for the Thing, 1d100=100, 1d100=23, 1d100=58, 1d100=59, 1d100=79, 1d100=4

Elizabeth watches in horror as the Thing glides away to its new victim, but maintains a strong hold on Caroline until she can tell if Maksim's words have had any effect on her.
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by jtull_84 »

Gwen lets out a bellow of rage and rushes towards the thing. She throws her body into it at a full run. Her hands and teeth rip at the creature.

ooc: Could this give nethaniel a chance to run?
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Raiko »

The Thing is as insubstantial as fog, exerting it’s horrific attacks through it’s tentacles via some kind of telekinetic force. Gwen crashes into nothing, stumbles and struggles to remain on her feet as her mad charge meets no resistance whatsoever.

Gwen must make a DEXx3% roll or stumble to the ground.
Her charge might allow Nathaniel to run, but only if he successfully dodges the entity’s attacks.
OOC (Decrepit):
I forgot in my previous post, Caroline is free now to make a spot hidden roll (not to see the entity this time).
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Timour Rukov »

Timour slowly approaches from the shadowed wall of the museum, with his gun at the ready, peering out into the darkness as best he can. So far he can't make out what's going on, and appears somewhat disoriented.

I wasn`t sure if I should post here or my private thread
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Decrepit »

As though coming out of a fog, Caroline starts to come back to the world. After calming down, she listens to what Maks is saying to her about duty and responsibility, and that somehow seems to help her pull herself together.

"Of -- of course, Maks, you're right." she stammers. "I don't know what happened there."

Suddenly, she looks past Maks to finally see what everyone else has been yelling about and fighting for this long. "My God! What is it? What can we do?" This time, though, hers isn't a question of panic but one of genuine desire to act.
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by DSIGFUSS »

oops that's what happens when I try to do a quick post at work and miss something. my opposed dodge roll was 30.

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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Raiko »


Jtull: I still need a DEXx3 roll for Gwen.
Timour Rukov wrote: OC
I wasn`t sure if I should post here or my private thread
Posting here is fine, welcome back. :)

BTW: The current location is a couple of minutes walk away from the museum.

I needed to make a few minor rolls myself in order to post:
Timour: Spot Hidden = [07]
Timour: Idea = [28]
Maksim: Spot Hidden = [20]


Realising what is about to happen Nathaniel dodges to one side, but not quite quickly enough, one of the ghostly creatures tentacles wraps itself tightly around his leg - arresting his movement - a second tentacle grasps Nathaniel’s neck, squeezing his windpipe. A he fights to stay on his feet and break free, wisps of the vaporous tendril slide up through his nostrils and slip horrifyingly between his closed lips.

Sorry 30 wasn’t a good enough roll to avoid either of the Thing’s successful attacks. Nathaniel must make a roll on the resistance table, pitting his STR against the STR10 of the entity’s two tentacles.

In addition, he must make a successful DEXx3 roll or fall prone, as one of the tentacles grabbed his ankle.

He also automatically looses 1d8 SAN, due to the horrible attack.

The results of these rolls, plus Gwen’s DEXx3 roll, will determine who the entity concentrates it’s attacks on next round.

Maksim spots his brother approaching through the fog, from the direction of the museum.

As he gets closer, Timour finally sees Maksim and Elizabeth holding Caroline tightly by the Bentley. Andrei is nowhere to be seen.

A little further down the street from the Bentley, the man that Timour saw with Maksim and Andrei inside the museum is struggling, as though he is being choked by a gas or something. Next to him a screeching young woman (also from the museum) stumbles and attempts to stay on her feet.

As Timour’s eyes focus on this bizarre scene he notices that the fog around the pair appears to sparkle faintly with it’s own light. Several wispy tendrils of this sparkling mist encircle the man, one is wrapped around his throat!

Timour remembers the article about the attack on Alan Groot that he read at the Scoop earlier today.

The idea roll was to remember the newspaper article.

Timour must make a SAN roll now.

So must Caroline, having finally spotted the creature.

SAN loss is 1/1d10

Running as fast as his legs will carry him, Andrei has almost reached the safety of the Dog and Partridge, behind him he faintly hears people shouting, but all that matters is the welcoming door of the small pub.

If Andrei FAILS an INTx5 roll, he can have an ‘insane insight.’

I’d also like a spot hidden roll for him (it’ll be penalised though due to his current state of panic).

Otherwise he can just drink himself stupid while his friends die I guess.
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Timour Rukov
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Re: IC: London: A Reunion?

Post by Timour Rukov »

OC Sanity check failed , :( lost 5
Does this affect what I`m able to do this round? How far away is Timour from Nathaniel and the thing?
Timour stands wide-eyed, mouth agape at the situation. It was hard for him to decipher just what to do first. Sweat beaded at his forehead, and his heart beat loudly in his ears. He clutched the gun in a white knuckled grip and raised it at the thing clutching Nathaniel.

This is going to end badly....I just have an awful feeling....

Timour inches closer to the beast, hoping to sneak up on it while it was engaged with Nathaniel. He wistfully hoped for a slower reaction time considering it's attention was occupied.
You sleep well tonight because rough men stand ready to do violence on your behalf...

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