Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq leads Yuralria to his hut and lets her enter first, "Right in here... he's floating, and being attacked by something."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Unualq and Yuralria enter the tent and find Thorrin on the ground, his arms in front of his face sa if he were protecting himself from something. He stares at his hands in wide eyed terror. Tornuaq has his sword drawn and his arms stetched out in front of him as well, looking down at his own arms in horrified disgust.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq rushed over next to Thorrin and tried to get a feel for if the assault was still happening.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria looks around wide-eyed as they enter, trying to make sense of the situation in front of her. She puts her hands up in motion to Unulaq to stop in the doorway, and strides into the tent herself.

Yuralria begins to chant and sing, pulling handfuls of ash from her pot and sprinkling it in a wide circle around the perimeter of the hut. She closes her eyes as she sings, "Hmm....hey hey......awaho....hey hey.....hmmmmm....lokay awatoo simpay....hmmm.....hey...hey....qaluk....qintuk.....awatoo....hmm....hey hey...." As the circle becomes complete, the dust begins to rise, creating a grey curtain of ash suspended in the air. Yuralria takes her stick in hand, raising it high over her head and shaking it vigorously so that the bones rattle. With her hands over her head, she continues her chant, and for the first time it seems as though she is controlling the ash itself. The dust curtain begins to move, swirling this way and that, becoming thicker and somehow engulfs Thorrin and Tornuaq within it. "Hmmm....hey...hey....lokay awatoo...simpay...hmm....hey...hey......lokay AWATOO SIMPAY!!" Yuralria's voice gets more and more loud and forceful, her eyes for the first time opening to watch the results of her difficult task. She shouts the last few words and upon it, the curtain rises up, seemingly possessed, and clings to the air thickly.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Unulaq can’t get a sense of what’s happening quite yet. Thorrin doesn’t appear to be in any immediate danger and Tornuaq seems so out of it, he barely notices Yuralria and Unulaq burst into the hut. He just continues to stare blankly at his arms and hands.

Yuralria casts her spell and both Unualaq and the Shaman would swear they heard squeeling; like air escaping from a fire pit. The sound quickly fades as the ashes from Yuralria’s incantation cover the room, floating and settling on everything in sight. For a brief moment the three three Eskimos and the Viking feel strangely connected within Yuralria’s circle. Emotions flit from one person to the next bouncing through the ash like pebbles in a river. Noone is spared and everyone's most initimate surface thoughts are exposed.

Thorrin collapses in his delirious exhaustion before shouting in seemingly perfect Inuit.

Fuck your mother Loki! You trickster devil. You’ll never have the last rune! I swear it! By Odin I swear it!

oc – Everyone please honestly describe your character’s feelings towards each of the other three characters in the hut covered in Yuralria’s ash. Please include one short descriptive sentence for each character.


Thorrin feels towards Tornuaq: A great sadness / A strong bond of brotherly love / Fearful

Thorrin feels towards Unulaq: The Respect he would show his captain / A growing fellowship / Fearful

Thorrin feels towards Yuralria: An intellectual curiosity / A strange attraction / Fearful

oc sorry Yuralria. Had to modify your spell effect a bit; sorry. In the future it would be best if you describe the spell itself and not what happens. I love all the chanting. That was great. Just end with the chanting and say what spell you are casting. If you arfe searching for a desired effect such as making spirits visible to the naked eye, then send me a pm that you are trying to do so. We’ll find common ground somewhere. Keep up the good work though!!
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria lowers her stick in great satisfaction. It'd seemed the spell had the effect she'd hoped for. She looked around at the men, blinking and confused at the feelings she was experiencing. This was an unusual side effect to her she couldn't recall having experienced before. She could tell by the expressions on their faces that they could sense what she was also sensing....this overwhelming knowledge of what each of them was feeling towards one another was clouding the hut as well.

Yuralria feels towards Thorrin : An overwhelming curiousity / distrust / fear

Yuralria feels towards Tornuaq : Curiousity and excitement / a confusing attraction (lol :mrgreen: )

Yuralria feels towards Unulaq : Anger and resentment / Rebellion over being patronized / distrust

Damn I feel better! :twisted: hahah!
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq looked around the room at each of the others present wondering how it was that he was experiencing their emotions... and did that mean they were feeling his as well?

Unalaq feels toward Thorrin: Curiousity / the respect one would give a visiting diplomat / hopefulness

Unalaq feels toward Tornuaq: Brotherly love and mutal respect / envy / confusion

Unalaq feels toward Yuralria: Respect one should show a shaman / disillusionment / suspicion

ooc: If that isn't confusing, I don't know what is.

Unalaq asks Yuralria, "What is that squealing noise? Is it here? Can I attack it?"
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Damn you! You're making me think! :)

Tornuaq feels toward Thorrin: Worry/ Brotherly love / Respect

Tornuaq feels toward Unalaq: Curiosity/ The love a little brother has for an older brother/ Respect

Tornuaq feels toward Yuralria: Curiosity/ Strong Attraction/ Respect

Tornuaq sat there a moment, blinked rapidly a few times and stood. He sheathed his sword and looked at everyone there. "I... Uh... Did anyone else feel that? I mean I..." and then he blinked when it just hit me that he understood everything that Thorrin said. "Hey! When the hell did you learn to speak our language?" Tornuaq exclaimed with a big smile.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Thorrin remains still, unconscious and spent. Tiny claw marks cover his bare chest and arms. Unualq, Tornuaq and Yuralria all shiver in silent contemplation over the odd effect Yuralria’s incantation had on everyone in the hut.

ooc – Sanity Check – 1/1d6. I know I’m asking for a lot of sanity checks but it’s pretty crazy. Once you begin to see more of certain things, you will get some back, but no one has ever experienced anything like what just happened.

ooc- Do any of you need any clarification on what just happened? Sometimes I think I might not explain things enough. If so please pm me. You three can talk about it for a few posts now or start crying like children depending on your sanity rolls.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria looks around the hut, blushing profusely everytime she looks in Tornuaq's direction. Finally she looks at the floor, trying to swallow the terribly large cotton ball she felt in the back of her throat. He's so....dreamy......augh! A shaman must not have these feelings! I will be shunned! Stop looking at him....he'll notice! She tries to look away, look anywhere but at his face. His arms.....augh! His mucklucks......augh! Stop looking at him Yuralria!!! In her discomfort her gaze settles on his pants....and suddenly she looks very uncomfortable indeed. She forces her gaze away, blushing fiercely again.

She meets Unulaq's gaze and blushes some more, knowing he'd have the knowledge of how she felt about him as well. She blushed, ashamed of her brazen anger and rebellious feelings. She'd never look at him the same way again. Finally she answers him, "The beasts. They were small demons with sharp little claws. I saw them while I my dream. They attacked Thorrin. I don't think they will be able to harm us anymore. I cast a protection spell from magical creatures, but I fear it had some.... unexpected results." She pauses, blushing some more, then quickly changes the subject. "Thorrin. He must be hurt." With that she kneels to Thorrin's side, looking at him cautiously. "May I look?" she asks him in her mother tongue, motioning as well so that he might understand her wish to help his wounds.

OC Sanity check 58%, passed. Lose 1
Last edited by trixie on Wed Mar 19, 2008 7:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Sanity 68% (1d100=50)

Tornuaq slowly realized what he had felt came from the others and realized that Thorrin was unconcious as well. He looked at Yuralria and smiled sheepishly, he knew his feelings for her but he had never imagined hers, however since she was the Wisdom he knew that their feeling would never come to be, it was too much to ask of her to give it up and he would not allow her to do so even if she tried. He knew though that they would never be able to look at one another in the same light again and suddenly sadness filled his eyes. 'Why did she have to be the Wisdom? We grew up together, I've had feelings for her almost my entire life and now... I must chose another.' Tornuaq sighed heavily.

"I have the taint of these demons on my hands and arms, is it to much to hope that water will remove it?" He asked Yuralria while staring at his feet, hoping she wouldn't notice the sadness in his eyes.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq's eyes darted back and forth between Tornuaq and Yuralria. "This is ... uncomfortable. I'll be outside."

He turned and left his hut. He stood outside and struggled to understand what had just happened, and pondered his suspicions about the shaman... but the more he thought about it, the closer he felt to a nervous breakdown.

ooc: Sanity (53%) (1d100=62) Sanity Loss (1d6=4)

Now that I lost a lot of sanity instead of lucking out with my sanity rolls, maybe you'll stop making me lose it and give me some back.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

As Unulaq leaves the hut, his head swims with everything he’s witnessed in the past 24 hours. It all seems so incomprehensible to the Dorset hunter. The Ijiraat and the whitemen with their shiny weapons; all working against them. Foreign gods and the melding of minds. Images begin to flash in front of Unualaq’s face as he struggles for air. Belugas and snarling wolves with red eyes flashing. Blood covered snow and laughing Norsemen. Unualaq is forced to steady himself and then suddenly vomits onto the snow.


As he wipes the chunky spittle from his lips, he looks up to see Chief Kalituk moving purposefully across the village. He marches to Ogtuk-Luk’s hut and Maniitok parts the hide for him to enter. The light from the fire inside the hut reveals several Dorset men have gathered together.

Yuralria places her hands on Thorrin’s chest and whispers a few ancient and powerful words to Thorrin. A soft glowing light shines from the sky and passes from Yuralria to Thorrin that only Tornuaq can see. Tornuaq has seen Yuralria use her healing magic before but never has he seen such an effect. Something has changed in Tornuaq’s perception of things; for good or for evil remains to be seen.

Thorrin opens his eyes and looks at Tornuaq and Yuralria.

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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria looks uncertainly at Thorrin, turning both hands palm up and shrugging to show that she didn't understand. She then looks to Tornuaq with a confused expression. "You have understood him before, haven't you? Just a moment ago he spoke perfect Inuit. Unless that was merely my imagination....." She looks away, embarassed. If only I could disappear into the hide of the tent....just blend in....I can't wait to retire to my hut for the evening and not have to think about this embarassing situation anymore.....
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq frowned for many reasons and with his eyes bared on the floor he said, "Yes I heard him speak perfect Inuit as well but it must have been because we were all under your magic. I have been able to pick out a few words here and there but what he just said I have no idea what. I am sorry I could not be more helpful."

Tornuaq then looked at Thorrin, shook his head and shrugged his shoulders and acted like he did not understand. "Repeat please." He said in a slow drawn out manner, like it was going to help.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq staggered across the snow and ice, his head swimming with thoughts and visions. He needed to resubmerge himself in regular activities... nothing crazy or alien. He heads over to Ogtuk-Luk’s hut, wondering what was going on within. Nodding to Maniitok and asked curiously, "What is happening here?" He hoped they were talking about fishing or hunting... something that could take his mind off of things.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Maniitok smiles at Unulaq as he enters Ogtuk-Luk’s hut.

Welcome Brother! You are just in time.

There were six Dorset warriors assembled around the Shaman Protector’s fire. Chief Kalituk, Ogtuk-Luk, Maniitok, Qannaq, Faroo and Arrluk. Each had their own carving tools and stone chisels in hand and were busy with their carvings. A smile pile of bone arrow heads lie in a plain reed basket at the center of the carving circle. The arrow heads were shaped like wolves and bears. All manner of deadly animal forms the Ijiraat might choose to take if they were to attack again. Ogtuk-Luk was busy carving a long piece of ivory. It was already beginning to find its shape. An armored man with a beard holding a sword; it reminded Unulaq of Thorrin when they first found him on the beach. Qannaq threw another arrow head into the basket and offered young so and so a few pointers before returning to his work.

ooc - If I haven't mentioned it in your thread before, the Inuit carve spear and arrow heads that resemble animals they are hunting. (Including men) They beleive it helps. If the Shaman blesses the object before a battle. Armor and tough hide aer ignored.

Chief Kalituk nods to Unualaq and offers him a seat in the carving circle.

The Elders would have us wait for Sedna’s blessing before we begin our preparations. This is folly. I have sent a small scouting party onto the plains to judge these Vikings’ intentions. Please sit. I’m sure everyone would enjoy the story of how you defended a dying man from his own people. The savages!

Chief Kalituk spits in the fire with disgust for the Norsemen.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Thorrin shakes his head with frustration.



He holds Yuralria's hand and Tornuaq's hand and presses them both to his own heart. (clearly unaware of the offense in touching a Shaman) The awkwardness of the moment they just shared lingers in the air like thick smoke. Thorrin seems blissfully immune, however, as he interlocks his own fingers with Yuralria's and Tornuaq's hands.



He then takes Tornuaq's hand and closes it tightly around Yuralria's smiling at the two as if he were very happy for them. Tornuaq's mind quickly whips itself into a spiral of shame adn Yuralria's is not too far behind. No man, save Ogtuk-luk, (her protector) should ever lay hands on a Shaman.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria feels an all-too-familiar blush come creeping up her neck, and over her face, making her ears burn and her heart flutter. It had been so long since anyone had so much as mistakenly grazed her hand. It was sometimes unbearable to be treated this way, day in, day out. Even the children of the tribe would stay well away from her, having been scolded by their Aga not to touch her at all. Children were so loving, they would reach out to all the other members of the tribe. Sometimes Yuralria felt lonely as ever...lost in the shadow of her wisdom. How she yearned sometimes to be treated like everyone else.

But this lonely day was the same as the others. She found herself stammering and looking away, feeling uncomfortable as ever before. She became acutely aware of how warm Thorrin and Tornuaq's hands felt, how comforting it felt to be treated as normal. Thorrin didn't know any better, and yet somehow she felt her own pulse and theirs all at once, melded together in a big mixing pot. Oh! That touch seemed more precious than any other. Tornuaq had been her crush for many years, not that he'd ever realized it. As a young girl she'd watched him, memorized his features, losing herself in her daydreams of him when she should have been listening to her Aga. Instead she'd dream of her future, the children she might have, and the life she'd hope for one day when she grew up. Little did she know that Aglakti would leave. And then to her surprise she was chosen to be shaman instead of Sashila. Oh! The thought of Sashila made a thousand needles press into her side. The jealousy she felt over beautiful Sashila, with the boys swooning over her.....that was her life. That was her spot in the tribe. Sashila was supposed to be the one in the shadow...the beautiful, untouchable Shaman. Not her!

Yuralria realized she was daydreaming and snapped back to reality. She blinked a few times, trying to hide the tears in her eyes, and gave Thorrin a wan smile. She wriggled her hand from his grasp, and patted her chest.

"I am shaman. I am alone. Only one." She put one finger up and patted her chest again, as though to motion her vowed singlehood. How could he possibly understand? She pointed to Tornuaq, then put two fingers up. "Tornuaq" she pointed to one finger. "Sashila" she pointed to the other, and avoided their eyes altogether. Her voice cracked as she said it, and she shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry," she said softly, turning to leave before she embarassed herself any further. "I just can't...."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq's heart nearly jumped into his stomach when his hand was placed on Yuralria's he had dared not touch the Shaman! But why? It was true she could do magic and was considered one of the highest rank in the tribe but even a chief married. Why was it different for a Shaman? Tornuaq smiled as he listened to Thorrin and then held his smile until Yuralria held up her third finger and mentioned Sashila and then he frowned. When Yuralria headed out towards the door he decided that enough craziness had happened already, what would another cause.

Taking a few long strides he placed his hand on Yuralria's shoulder and then spun her around and looked deep in her eyes. "Times are changing Yuralria, this day alone has shown that." Then not caring what the punishment would be, leaned forward and kissed her on those beautiful rosy lips she had.
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