IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Raiko »

During the morning of Tuesday 14th November the Gabrielle sails steadily towards Ross Island, the smoking form of the Mount Erebus volcano looms ahead.

Professor Moore assembles the expedition in the officers mess where he and Captain Starkweather recap the expedition’s landing plan, drawn up during the voyage by themselves, the Sorensen brothers, Sykes and later Callum.

A large map of McMurdo Sound and Ross Island hangs on the wall behind him.

The plan is summarised below:

■ Offload the dogs and the prepared sleds first. Two exploration parties must depart at once, while the other sled teams can be used to move cargo. First order of business is to locate a useful campsite close at hand where a runway can be constructed.

■ Offload and assemble the tractors as soon as possible. These are to be used to move heavy equipment, and also to prepare the runway near the camp.

■ The aircraft are to be moved to the campsite as soon as the tractors are ready. Aircraft assembly follows at once. The remaining cargo can be moved piecemeal, with the camp equipment going first, followed by the food, research tools such as the Pabodie apparatus, and finally the bulk of the aircraft fuel.

■ Once the aircraft are assembled, survey and exploration flights begin. These can work with the surveying sled teams to locate better campsites on the barrier, near the old Miskatonic base, and so on.

The briefing lasts for just over half an hour, at the end of which Moore surveys the assembled explorers, clipboard in hand as ever, and asked, “Ok men, any final questions?”
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Henrik »

"So who are in the exploration teams? I suspect that I will be close to the Pabodie drill during the first stages of our expedition?"
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Dave Syrinx »

"I´ll join the camp prepping team!" John announces and awaits the offloading to begin.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by amarriner »

Isugtag nods at Moore and hefts one of the ice axes to indicate how he's going to contribute.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Decrepit »

Jack plans to head off with the pilots to get the sort of bird's-eye view that his readers will no doubt eat up. Plus, it'll save some wear and tear on his back, avoiding lifting too many things.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Charles Graves »

Graves helps in the unloading of the dogs. He realises that the only way to keep warm out here is to keep as busy as possible and volunteers for one of the exploration parties.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Ghost_1971 »

"I think that as the the plan was partly mine, I'll would like to lead one of the exploration teams." says Callum "I'd definately like Gunnar and Nils to come along too, if they dont mind..."

"Any one else is welcome to come along with us, of course. I bet you guys could get some amazing shots with your cameras."
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by OrionUK »

James offers to help with the dogs and the sleds - he doesn't mind which team he joins and will just follow whatever orders he is given.

James asks Professon Moore "Do you want me to be in one of the sled teams helping to move the cargo, as I can work with the dogs and have a good idea where a lot of the stuff is with doing the inventories before we departed? although I am happy to do whatever is needed"
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Raiko »

“Yes James, that’s fine. Two of the sleds will be used initially to establish the sea camp, while the other two scout a route out onto the barrier ice.”

“Then all four sleds will be used to locate a suitable site for the base camp, up on the barrier ice.”
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Raiko »

McMurdo Sound - SS Gabrielle Landfall
McMurdo Sound - SS Gabrielle Landfall
Mcmurdo_sound_14_Nov.jpg (141.99 KiB) Viewed 2421 times
Landfall 77°35’S 165°30E – McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
14:00, Tuesday 14th November, 1933

Early that afternoon the SS Gabrielle steams into McMurdo Sound, passing to the west of Mount Bird, the smallest of Ross Island’s three volcanoes. The largest – the constantly smoking Mount Erebus – looms off the port side of the ship as she cautiously approaches the edge of the sea ice. Mount Terror is hidden at the far side of Ross Island.

The region of the Ross Sea between the island and the mainland is still solid with thick sea ice which stands six to eight feet above the surface of the water. The barrier, easily visible even here, rises upwards like a wall, several miles distant across broken ground.

Starkweather is elated. “We have arrived!” he declares. “Captain, anchor the ship. We shall begin our assault from here. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Antarctica!”

Within an hour the ship is secured to the ice with long mooring lines, the hatch covers on the cargo holds have been removed, and the arduous work of unloading begins. First planks, and later the great ramp, serve as gangways onto the Antarctic ice; both dogs and men press off the ship as fast as they can, eager to be ashore and to see at first hand their strange new world.

The four dog-sleds are the first items lofted ashore by the Gabrielle’s cargo-cranes, their teams of dogs are prepared by Gregor Pulaski and his two assistants. As soon as the sleds are loaded they leave in two teams, as the Gabrielle’s cranes begin to unload the expedition’s caterpillar tractors and other equipment.

The first team of two sleds, led by Callum and Pulaski heads south towards the edge of the Ross Ice Barrier itself some twenty miles inland. Meanwhile the second team, lead by Isugtag and Frodesen head off seeking a good location for the temporary sea camp closer to the shore.

The weather is excellent, a near perfect day late in Antarctica’s Spring, but even so the temperature hovers around 0°F and the stiff coastal breeze increases the danger. Each breath of wind numbs fingers and cheeks and bites deeply into unprotected skin. The thick heavy arctic clothing must be worn at all times.

Everyone outside must remain constantly alert to the dangers of frostbite. Workers learn quickly to examine each others’ faces whenever they meet and to warn one another of pale spots or other signs of freezing flesh.
Ross Ice Shelf & Sea Ice
Ross Ice Shelf & Sea Ice
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Henrik »

The view of the desolate continent touches something in Olof's heart. It is so desolate, so beautiful. To be left here alone is to know lonesomeness. A thought strikes him. What if he would die here? What if he would be left somewhere covered with snow and ice? The thought is in some peculiar way comforting. Olof decides to leave this train of thoughts and continues working instead. There is much to do and soon he will see the Pabodie drill in action. He is very eager to see this wonderful machine in action.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Decrepit »

"My God, we actually made it," Jack says to no one in particular. Thinking back to the all the craziness that had preceded this moment--the insanity at the dinner, the murder, the dogs, the sliding equipment--he realizes that he's lucky to have made it this far.

Of course, given the war, I was lucky to be anywhere, he reminds himself.

He takes some notes about the view that he takes in, takes a picture or two, and prepares to look for the pilots.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by amarriner »

Isugtag, like the rest probably, takes a minute to soak in the environment. Cold, biting wind stings his face, but it's welcome. The minute is short, though, and presently he's busy unloading and getting the sled team together. Now to find a good spot for camp ...
the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Ghost_1971 »

Callum reigns in the first of the two sleds. "Take a quick break everyone. I'm just going to check our postion."

He pulls out the chart and takes a few readings. "By my reckoning, we're somewhere around here." he says to Pulaski. "That would mean we are making pretty good time. What do think Gregor?"
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Henrik »

"Yes, we did." Olof answers Jack's question, not realising that the question was rethorical in nature. "It takes your breath doesn't it? To think that this land has been covered by ice for so long." The Swede smiles.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Raiko »

SME Expedition Temporary Sea Camp - McMurdo Sound
14th November, 1933

The first afternoon on the ice passes almost flawlessly, almost everybody slips and slides at first, but gradually the explorers become accustomed to the treacherous surface. There are a few minor injuries (most embarrassingly to the experienced guide Isugtag), but fortunately nobody suffers anything worse than sprains.

Slightly more seriously a few expedition members suffer from exposure, even in these relatively mild conditions, Doctor Greene is kept busy treating minor cases of exposure, and a couple of cases of first degree frostbite. The frostbite victims, Professor Bryce, John Rhyes and Samuel Winslow are all given the ‘all clear’ by Greene, but advised to remain under cover for 24 hours.

A location for the sea camp is quickly located four hundred yards inland, and the assembled caterpillar tractors begin to drag the aeroplane fuselages, wings and engines across from the Gabrielle. Meanwhile John, Isutag, James and Frodesen are busy hauling camp equipment to the site using two of the dog sleds.

Work begins prepping “Scott” the smaller Fairchild aeroplane for flight as soon as it arrives at the Sea Camp site, while another team mark out and prepare a makeshift runway.

Operations will continue around the clock, the sun never sets after all, until the base camp is established on the Barrier Ice, with anyone injured or frostbitten sitting it out until recovered. Starkweather and Moore seem t be everywhere at once, the brash Englishman is delighted to be finally onto the ice, and helps to assemble the temporary campsite, loudly ‘encouraging’ his co-workers in his own unique fashion. His more studious associate Professor Moore prefers to methodically check off each item against his many lists.

The explorers are joined by the local wildlife, big emperor penguins stand in groups of four or five watching the invaders cautiously from the shore, while their smaller Adelie penguin cousins are less wary and walk amongst the explorers, curious to observe these unexpected visitors.

A few Weddell seals bask in the midnight sun, Frodesen is delighted and shoots one with his rifle. He drags it back to the campsite and butchers it messily to feed to his dogs.

“I tell the dogs they have done well!” he explains, holding out a red slab of steaming meat.

“Try some. It is good eating!”


Atop the Ross Ice Shelf - Thirty One miles SW of the Sea Camp.
00:10 - 15th November, 1933
(Callum, Graves, Pullaski & O.Sørensen)

From thirty miles to the southwest Callum’s team radio back to camp at around ‘midnight’ to say that they have located a good route up onto the barrier ice and will wait there for the other sleds to join them. Back at the Sea Camp, Frodesen immediately begins readying the dogs and the sleds for the operation.

Unloading the SS Gabrielle’s cargo holds will be complete in fifteen hours.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Dave Syrinx »

The rather embarrassed sailor John Rhyes agrees with the doctor to stay put at camp while recovering from the mild frostbite. During this time John decides to scrawl the first of the impressions of the Antarctic encounter. While doing so he enjoys the cooking skill of the comrades getting the sick note. Recuperating and gaining strength he decides to be fit for anything the continent can throw at them on the 16th.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Steerpike »

McRaven didn't recall much about the fall. He had been standing there taking in the stark beauty of the place. He remembered turning to talk to one of the other pilots...suddenly he's doing the charleston and trying to stay upright...he didn't succeed...the ice came up fast, or more correctly he went down faster than a ringer in rigged fight.

He was carried back to the ship by the other pilots despite his protests, kind of glad for the mask protecting his face, which by this point was burning up quite nicely.

Back in the ship, the doc gave him the once over and declared him lucky. After waiting a while and getting a hot drink, he trudged back out...keen to see the first plane assembled and get first dibs on the first flight...after months on this tub, McRaven needed to fly.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Decrepit »

Jack had seen McRaven fall and figured it just as easily--maybe more easily--could've been him. The fact that he'd avoided the falls and the frostbite to date seemed to have less to do with his constitution or polar skills as it did with sheer luck.
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Re: IC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Post by Henrik »

Olof avoids Frodesen when he begins to butcher the poor mammal. Olof has no real experience of slaughter and meat handling and the whole thing makes him feel natious. He eats very little at the next meal.

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