IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

As the afternoon gets underway, the survivors from the T-Bone have been split up. The helicopter group must land at an airfield halfway to Omaha for refueling. Those still on the surface try desperately to defend the motel, while those trapped underground fight for their lives as they search for a way out.

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IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Z-Day - 12:17 PM Mountain Time - At the motel
In the comm room-
Lt. Angela Blanco and Airman Alexandria Mikhalin remained in the motel room that had been turned into a communications suite, on the southwest corner of the upper level. Lying dead on the floor were the bodies of Captain Maurice Lereux and Lt. Elizabeth Malone. Her superiors had turned on each other, the captain had killed Malone, and then Mikhalin had shot the captain dead in revenge. Then they had risen up and attacked the living. Many were dead and wounded, and Blanco was left in command. She was currently talking with Lt. Colonel Carmichael back at Warren AFB, using an antiquated array of equipment that was one of the few functioning communications nodes left in the world now that the more modern satellite networks were down.

"Sir, I've got wounded to attend to," she said into the microphone. "I'll put Ramirez on with you."

On the motel's roof-
Sergeant Sam Black and Airman Bobby Sheen watched as the helicopter drew nearer from the northwest, relieved that help was on the way at last. Their relief turned to alarm as, only a few hundred yards from the motel, the already low-flying bird entered a steep dive.

On the motel balcony-
Zorie Spooner stepped off the ladder and onto the east side of the balcony, carrying the toolbox and her medical kit. She headed south to go help the wounded. Airman Steve Phillips had already rounded the corner, but he was moving slowly due to his own wounds.

Javier Ramirez stood just outside the comm room door on the southwest corner when he heard Lt. Blanco call: "Ramirez, I need you back in here to talk to the colonel and keep an eye on Mikhalin while I go treat the wounded!"

David and Wallace leaned against the wall to the north of the comm room door. "You okay, man?" asked David. Wallace could tell he was not okay. The dead officer's teeth had only barely punctured the flesh of his stomach, but the wound felt like it was on fire.

Acting Senior Airman Carlos Duran lay moaning on the corner of the balcony. He had been bitten twice during the battle, and was in considerable pain. "Another victory like this and we'll be ruined," he managed through gritted teeth, quoting Pyrrhus. It was indeed a pyrrhic victory, and he knew he was done for, but he was determined to do what he could to protect the others as long as he lived. His friend Acting Senior Airman Manuel Ortega and Airman Igor Malanowski stood next to him.

(If you want to treat one of Duran or Wallace's injuries, roll First Aid and specify who you're helping. A successful roll will restore 1d3 HP, up to a maximum of the total damage taken in each injury. Each of Duran's bites was for 4 damage, and Wallace's bite was only 1 damage, so any success will heal him to full HP. A failed roll means nothing happens. If you do not have First Aid on your character sheet, the base skill level is 30%.)

On the dirt road-
Baldwin came to his senses as he wandered north along the road. His guts were hanging out of his gaping abdominal wound, and he suddenly wondered what he was doing. Painfully, he turned around and staggered south, back towards the truck he had abandoned after two of its tires had been shot out.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

On the motel balcony-
Rameriz steps into the comm room.

In the Comm Room-
"Yes sir." He goes over to the radio making sure to keep a close eye on Mikhalin.
"What do you want to know sir?'

On the Roof of the Motel-
"Shit!" Over the radio he informs the others. "We have a situation up here the Heli
just entered a steep dive."
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Sheen got on his radio and said, "The helicopter carrying our relief is going into a steep dive. Warning Warning Warning." He then got on his rifle and said, "I will keep my rifle trained on the helicopter in case it crashes since we all know that if anyone dies then they may come back like those creatures."
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by OathinBlood »

Igor spreads out his gun and ammo on a table, and inspects everything. If necessary, he will dismantle and clean his gun, also insuring that he has a proper count of available ammo.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the comm room-
Mikhalin stood nervously as Ramirez took his position and watched her, crossing her arms and looking down at her feet.

"What's everyone's status, Ramirez?" asked Carmichael. "How many dead, how many wounded, how many unaccounted for?"

Igor Malanowski stepped into the comm room since there was no furniture on the balcony unless you counted the makeshift barricades currently blocking all the stairways. Access to the ground could be made via the rope ladder hanging from the southwest corner, the two ladders on the east side, or the zipline on the east side - or by jumping the rail if someone were desperate. He laid out his weapons on a table and inspected them. His own M-4 carbine was broken, but could perhaps be repaired once Zorie Spooner brought the tools. Unfortunately, Airman Lewis was among the dead, and none of the other Air Force personnel had the skills. Perhaps one of the civilians could do it, or maybe the new arrivals.

The M-4 he had borrowed from Sergeant Sam Black was still in good working order. He had partially used the magazine, so he took the opportunity to replace it with a full one. He also still had his Beretta, which was fully loaded, and the one he had taken from Mikhalin after she had killed the captain. Two shots had been fired from that one. He had a total of 255 5.56mm rounds for his carbine and 73 9mm bullets.

A sudden loud crashing sound not far to the northwest of the motel got everyone's attention.

On the motel's roof-
Black and Sheen watched helplessly as the Huey plowed noisily into the tall grass and struck the ground at a 45 degree angle. It dug a furrow into the earth as its momentum carried it forwards, until it stopped moving in a mangled heap about fifty yards northwest of the motel, not far from the edge of the grass. As the sound died down, they could also hear the roar of approaching vehicles from the south. They sounded like a mix of motorcycles and light trucks.

(Roll Spot Hidden if you want to see into the grass, at a -5% penalty due to your helmet. You can turn and see what the noise to the south is without rolling. Each of you can only look at one or the other.)

On the motel balcony-
Lt. Blanco emerged from the comm room and rushed over to aid Duran. She disinfected and bound one of his wounds rather well.

Duran tried to help her with his own wounds, but he was in too much pain to make any progress. Ortega was able to assist and managed to bind his second wound very well.

Wallace borrowed some bandages and disinfectant and treated his own wound.

Zorie Spooner and Steve Phillips arrived at the southwest corner at around the same time. Before they could do anything to help anyone, the helicopter hit the ground with a screech of tearing metal. Everyone on the balcony could also hear the vehicles coming from the south.

(Roll Spot Hidden if you want to see the crashed helicopter in the field of grass. If you have a Kevlar helmet, remember the -5% penalty.)

On the dirt road-
Baldwin painfully made his way back to the south and towards his truck.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

In the Comm Room-
"What's going on out there?" After reciving his answer he replies over the radio to Carmichael. "Sir we have a problem the helicopter you sent us just crashed about 50 yards northwest of our position."

On the Roof-
"The helicopter just went down about 50 yards to the northwest ." Black looks over at the crash site. "We're going to have send some troops over there asap in case there were any casulties. The last thing we want is to have more of those things eat our only renforcements."
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the motel roof-
Black could see the twisted wreckage. One man lay bleeding in the grass a short distance south of it, unmoving. He had lieutenant's bars on his shoulders. Smoke was starting to rise from the ruined helicopter and prevented him from seeing inside. He was even able to see another man lying in the grass about a hundred yards northwest of the crash site. This one, an airman, didn't move either.

In the comm room-
Carmichael muttered something filthy under his breath. "You've got to save those men!" he said.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

On the Roof of the Motel-
Black Keeps an eye on the two men. "Sheen can you see the man with lieutenant's bars? Keep an eye on him and if he starts moving prepare to take
him out. I'll keep an eye on the other one." Black aims his rifle at the other airman making sure to aim for the head.

In the Comm Room-
"Will do sir." He turns to Malanowski "How many others are in fighting condition out there?"
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Bobby Sheen peered out into the grass. He saw exactly what Black was talking about. "Yes sir, I see the Lt. Taking aim now." He looked through the sight of his rifle taking aim at the Lt's head just in case.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by OathinBlood »

Igor turned away from his M-4, picking up his radio and flicking it so he communicate with Black. "Sir. With all due respect, I advise that we do not leave the motel. There are hundreds of those...things out there. Some of the crew are sure to have turned by the time we get there. They'll be on those that survived faster than flies on horse shit. Plus, even if we were to get to them in time, we'll have to escort wounded out. The smell of blood will bring these things onto our scent, and will compromise the barricades. Plus, the tall grass...it'll be like impala and tigers. Only there are hundreds of tigers, and they need a bullet through the brain to die.

I recommend getting a fire team on the roof. We'll observe to see if there are any survivors, and provide cover fire and support if there are any. If someone does manage to make it out of the field, we'll send a team to escort them back here."

OOC - Will I need a Persuade/Bargain roll?
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(OOC: No roll is needed here. Black is a PC, so it's up to his player what he does and what orders he gives. He is in charge of defense and outranks everyone except Ramirez - played by the same player - and Lt. Blanco, who has left the defenses up to him. Generally social skills cannot be used on PCs, with the possible exception of Fast Talk.)
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by stompie »


Wallace successfully bandages his wounds. His adriniline began to fade; the crushing reality of what had just happened - and the events that had transpired in the past hours. He had tried to tell himself that the bite was non-fatal; but he knew it was foolhearty to try and ignore his surroundings- to ignore those... things.

The wound burned, and the alcahol in the disinfectant only further agitated the wound.

"...Honest question... Anyone have a smoke?" He asks, gripping his handgun with one hand, and wipes the sweat from his brow with his other hand.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the motel balcony-
"Yeah, I got one, man," said David. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, gave one to Wallace, took another for himself, and lit them both.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

On the Roof of the Motel-

Not taking his eye off the downed man Black mutters under his breath.
"I miss the days when everybody was trying to be a hero." Over the radio he replies
"Alright soldier here's what I want you to do see if you can get anyone who has been already bitten
to volenter to help them. After that get a team ready to provide that covering fire you mentioned earlier
their going to need it."

In the Comm Room-

"Hey Mikhalin how would you like to be a hero?"
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the comm room-
Mikhalin frowned at Ramirez, weighing her options. "I haven't been bitten, just shot," she said. "I'm still wounded, and I'm not quite sure what you want me to do or what I can do to help. Will I get my gun back?"

(Ramirez, roll Fast Talk if you want to convince her to volunteer - things are happening too fast to use Persuade. You can always order her to go without having to roll as well.)
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the motel balcony-
"I'll go down," said Steve Phillips over the radio as he swung over the balcony's railing and climbed down the rope ladder. "They're gonna need a medic..."

"I'll come too," said Carlos Duran as he waited his turn. "I've got your six."

Lt. Blanco and Zorie Spooner stood ready to receive the wounded. "Ma'am," said Zorie, "we might need to go down there to treat the wounded. Some of them might be in no condition to climb this ladder."

Lt. Blanco nodded. "Yes, and if they've been bitten it's best not to bring them upstairs anyway. We'll have to use the medic's room, directly below us."

The roar of the vehicles got closer, and those on the balcony saw a pack of motorcycles and light trucks rolling across the open ground towards the parking area on the west side of the motel and the crashed helicopter. The first two bikes sped across I-80, one driven by an old man with gray hair and a matching beard. A younger man with blond hair rode on his right hand. A very attractive woman rode behind him, her arms around him. All three wore short-sleeved leather jackets. Behind them came a blue Ford F150 and a maroon Dodge Ram. The sounds of more vehicles could be heard, but the motel blocked everyone's view of them for now. Smoke rose from the crash site above the top of the grass.

(Everyone on the balcony may roll Spot Hidden to try to see into the grass. Also roll Listen. Remember to deduct the -5% penalty from both if you have a helmet.)

On the motel's roof-
Sam Black watched the distant airman through the scope of his Barrett. So far he did not move. While the man had a helmet on, it would barely slow down a .50 round if he needed to fire.

Bobby Sheen kept watch on the lieutenant lying facedown in the grass near the wreckage. That man didn't move yet either. He didn't have a helmet on.

(Each of you may also roll Listen, with a -5% penalty from your helmet.)

On the dirt road-
Baldwin backtracked his path down the road until he finally reached his truck.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by stompie »


"Gotta be honest, David... I'm all about Camels..."

Wallace perks, noticing something in the grass

(Ooc - I'm a steriotypical smoker. since davids a trucker... he more than likely smokes marb reds! yay! cigerette dictum!)
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(Stompie, don't forget you're also playing Ortega. He's on the balcony too. You can also roll Listen for both characters.)

On the motel balcony-
Wallace could see a man in an Air Force uniform lying facedown and motionless in the grass a short distance south of the ruined chopper. Smoke was billowing out from the chopper's engine, obscuring the entrance and preventing him from seeing inside.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

On the Roof-

Black keeps his sight on his target but hears something.

In the Comm Room-

"Just asking."
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

On the motel's roof-
Black could hear a woman screaming hysterically from within the ruined helicopter. Over the screams, he heard a man shout "No!" followed by two gunshots. He also heard the vehicles enter the parking area west of the motel.
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