Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

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Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Maniitok stands and surveys the grim violence all around him. The Shaman had completely healed his wounds suffered at the teeth and claw of the red eyed Ilijiraat . Of the 14 Dorset Eskimos riding seven sleds, pulled by close to 30 dogs, Only 17 dogs remain and seven Dorset warriors lay dead in the snow, their bodies torn to shreds and bloody carnage by the merciless Ilijiraat.

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All eyes fell on Unulaq and his brother Tornuaq as they drove their own sleds (shy a few dogs themselves) up to the Shaman and their Cheif.


Maniitok's eyes brightened when he saw his old friends. He waved and called to them as if pleading for deliverance from this terrible evil that had just been delivered to the Dorset people. Then he saw the Norseman and his eyes narrowed some.


Strapped to Unulaq's sled lay the unconscious body of the Viking. He had pale white skin and long red hair and looked as though he had just been through hell and back again. His face was badly bruised and he had cuts along his exposed shoulders and hands.


Qannaq, the venerable hunter, rose to his feet and couldn't help but stare at the pale faced stranger. If not for his wisdom and fearless nature, all of the sled dogs would be dead and the tribe would be trapped out on the icy plains.


Faroo, helped Qannaq to his feet. He was the aging Dorset's only friend and served as his apprentice hunter. Faroo was just made Dorset Warior last winter and with Qannaq's training, will make an excellent hunter.


Fraqanaq, Just a boy come along to see the Belugas... He hoped by volunteering, Chief Kalituk would choose Fraqanaq as the youngest. The boy under 15 who was allowed to travel with the Dorset men and take part in the Great Cariboo Hunt. Now he lay unconscious in Yuralria's arms. He had benifited from the Shaman's healing but it was not enough to wake the boy from his harsh injuries sustained during the Ilijiraat attack.

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Yuralria, Shaman to the Dorset people. And just as promised by Tornuaq's and Unulaq's latest kill, the Shaman's throat was torn and bloody from the Ilijiraat's savage attack. If not for her faithful protector Ogtuk-Luk, Yuralria would certainly be dead as well as bloodied.

Chief Kalituk frowns at Tornuaq and Unualq as they ride in with the pale faced stranger.


He holds up his hand and points the mighty chieftain's spear Wanatom

What ill spirit to you bring us Unulaq! We have already lost so much....

oc -There is no need for introductions... You have all know each other since you were born. Except for the Norseman. He's new! :D
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq moved closer to Chief Kalituk, as he did so his eyes barely registered the carnage that surrounded him. How could one Ilijiraat do all this damage when Unalaq destroyed one on his own in just a few attacks and was not even injured during the fight?

"Mighty Chief Kalituk, Unalaq and I found the creature who did this before we came here, Unalaq destroyed it in a flurry of ferocious blows. The man on Unalaq's sled in named Thorrin, he is a Norseman, a Viking and he helped to save my life. Unalaq and I were attacked by four other Viking warriors. I killed two with the help of Thorrin and Unalaq killed one, the other escaped before he could get to him." Tornuaq stated while bowing to show the respect that the chief had earned.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria laid Fraqanaq's weak, feeble head in the snow and threw a spare fur over him to warm him. She couldn't help overhearing such a conversation....such an obvious misunderstanding.

She strides up to the Chief, watching Tornuaq eagerly relay their findings, Her face stretches into a grave, concerned look. Did he say they fought these strangers? Did he really say he battled them? What would they think now! It would surely turn sour! Oh...but the gods would not favour them now....creating strife is not the way of our people....

"This was not one Iljiraat, Tornuaq."
Yuralria murmured, eyes flitting to the injured men in hopes to save their suspicions. "This was far worse that merely one. Tell me, what did you find on the mountain? You say you found other strangers?"
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

"More like ... they found us. I believe the Norsemen... or Vikings, not really sure which they like to be called, were after this one. Let me start at the beginning."

Unalaq motions toward the unconscious Viking and said "Thorrin, as he calls himself, was unconscious with the beluga and had this knife on him that had special powers. It steals your soul and commands you to head into the mountains." He looked at Tornuaq considering just how much he should tell to spare any hard feelings, and then said back to the others, "It even started commanding us and we were almost powerless to do anything about it, so I got rid of it."

He scratched his head a moment and shook it blinking saying, "I ... there was something more, but I forget exactly." He shook his head, "No matter. The seas started getting angry and swallowed up the beached beluga, so we started to leave... and that's when we came across the other Vikings. They chased after us and shot at us with little spears (arrows), so we defended ourselves. It was a hard fight, for the Norsemen wear skins like this," Unalaq retrieved some metal armor from one of the dog sleds and threw it down to the chief's feet, "and they use hard, sharp weapons like the one Tornuaq carries."

He looked again to Tornuaq and then his own self-bandaged arm and said, "We were injured in the fight... but even near death, Thorrin fought like a true warrior helping to fight against his own people." He pointed off to the direction they came and said "We came across a man wandering in the snow, bloodied... and we asked if he needed help. He..." Unalaq shook his head again, "I ... cannot remember. But I took this from him." Unalaq pulled out a small square of skin that bore a strange symbol on it and flung it to the snow face up:


"Then we followed the trail of blood here, knowing the shaman had been killed by that man we fought out on the ice."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria's eyes flicker, "It is important that we all talk as much as possible about what just happened, otherwise the Iljiraat will take our memories of all that has happened. We cannot allow them to steal such important information away. Unulaq! Do you believe this may have happened to you? Is that why you have difficulty remembering?" Without waiting to hear his response, she turns to the group and shouts out.

"Everyone! Talk to your neighbor about what just happened! Try to be as detailed as possible, or your memories will be taken from you! Please, this is important!"

After a moment's thought, she turns back to Unulaq with a puzzled look clouding her features. "Wait.....the shaman? Aglakti? She is dead?" She voice cracks as she says it. Obviously this piece of news was affecting her greatly.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Chief Kalituk puts his hand on Tornuaq’s shoulder and eyes the Norseman

Good work son… You say this white skinned man helped you kill his own kin? Hmmmmph!

He then picks up the skin and looks at the symbol seemingly burned into the Ilijiraat’s flesh. He hands it to Yuralria. Kalituk then thrusts his spear into one of the dead Ilijiraat at his feet and turns the creature over. The dead wolf bears the same symbol on his belly.


What do you make of this Shaman? Have you seen this mark before?

oc – Yuralria has a nasty bite on her neck.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq shrugged to the question posed to him. Was that what he forgot? He looked to Tornuaq and asked, "Did we fight more of these?"
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria looks at the scrap of leather thoughtfully, furrowing her brow as she thinks on the symbol.

"Yes I have, although not for long. I was given a book that I saw this symbol in. But...I don't know what it means. I suppose I could find out if I were left be for a bit."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq smiled as Chief Kalituk put his hand on his shoulder, "Yes he did! Thorrin was a great help to me, while I fought off one he fought the other and when I killed the first I helped him to kill the second. If I had to face both at the same time I probably would have been killed. We need to help him to recover, we need to know more of these Norsemen. Unalaq and I fought four and one escaped, I am sure there will be more coming."

Then Tornuaq turned to Unalaq and said, "I remember that you had a mighty deed and that I could merely watch but it seems more like a dream I had and I do not remember any real details about it. You had your spear and we were on a beach, I think the Belugas were there but I do not know for sure." Tornuaq tried to think hard about the Belugas and realized that he seemed to have a gap in his memory. "Although I do not seem to recall part of our day."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc: Yeah, the most momentous occasion in my role-playing history... rolling two 1's in a row... and ironically forced to forget it in character. Very mean, Mr. Keeper.

Unalaq shrugged and said "Me too. I do not remember fighting on the beach, but something nags at me deep within... something inside me says I was in a battle." He laughed slightly looking to Tornuaq and said, "It must not have been anything too dangerous. We were not hurt from it."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

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"The Ijiraat wish us to not reach the mountain. One of them told me so. What is on the mountain that they are keeping us from? It would be important. Tornuaq, Unulaq, can you remember?"
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by Andrew »

"I don't think we were hurt because you were so aggressive, I remember... somewhat not doing anything, I feel ashamed for it." Tornuaq stated and then looked at Yuralria and said, "The knife wanted us to go into the mountains, showed me where I needed to go even but did not tell me what was there. I don't remember any Ijiraat though, I'd would have hated to fight one of them because they're so evil and they steal your memories... hey wait."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

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Unalaq responded "Whatever is in the mountains ... it would be madness to try to get it this time of year. They are unpassible, merciless things when the winds are blowing and the snow is flying. That is why I got rid of the knife. It would have been suicide to go where it demanded."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Qannaq begins to gather all the dead sled dogs into a single pile. Faroo helps him, leaving the discussion to the more hardened members of the Dorset tribe. In hard times the dogs wouldn't be wasted but they would be rushed and could not possibly sled them all back to the village.

Chief Kalituk simply listens to the conversation unfold... looking over to Thorrin often.

Maniitok nods his agreement with Unualaq.


You made the right choice brother... to throw the knife away. I am shamed that I was not there at your side to help you through those difficult times. You were both wise to send me away. I could not control my temper. Please forgive me!
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq ignores his injuries for the time being. There were far more people who were injured far worse than himself. So he began helping with the cleanup of the corpses.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria looks puzzled, "Wait, a knife? A knife told you to go into the mountains? Was this knife magical, do you think?"
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by Andrew »

"I would say so, it spoke to whoever held it and tried to get them to go into the mountains. I wouldn't say magical but cursed for sure." Tornuaq stated as he too began to help with cleaning up.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

After helping clean up the corpses, Unalaq went over closer to Yuralria and Chief Kalituk and said, "I would like to speak with both of you privately."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq frowned slightly, he did not like keeping secrets and wondered what Unalaq had to say that he could not say with himself around. He decided that whatever it was, it was in the best interest of the tribe as Unalaq had always thought that way.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Chief Kalituk watched his people dispose of the dead and offers a tribute to Sedna with a song… that he sings proudly atop the highest snow drift.

I sing to you Sedna….
Keep watch over our dead
Keep them warm.
Keep them full.
Keep them peaceful.

I sing to you Sedna….
Keep watch over your people.
Keep us warm.
Keep us full.
Keep us peaceful.

I sing to you Sedna….
Keep watch over our enemies.
Keep them warm.
Keep them full.
Let there be peace.

Chief Kalituk then takes an audience with Unulaq. The two speak for a short time before calling Yuralria to his side next to the fire.

OC – please respond to my pm Imp and Trixie.


Maniitok approaches Tornuaq and looks at him with great concern.

You think they are talking about you and the Norseman. I can see it in your step little brother. Do not fear. They only want what is best for you Tornuaq. We all do.

Maniitok smiles and then looks down at the unconscious Thorrin.

Tell me more about the Norseman. You say he fought with you against his own people. Who would do such a thing?

Maniitok holds up his hand and motions for Ogtuk- Luk (excluded from the private meeting between Yuralria, Unulaq and Chief Kalituk) to come closer and examine the Norseman with him.
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