IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

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coffee demon
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by coffee demon »

As his bullet damages the ancient statuettes, Andrei is overcome with guilt and fear.

We'll all go to jail for this. I need to hide the gun, and run.

The huge running Arab gives him the perfect excuse. He rushes West (OC: through the Nimroud Central Saloon), hoping to head off the man's escape. It's a 50/50 chance that the Arab will have also turned West, but even if he doesn't, maybe Andrei will have a chance to hide his weapon somewhere.

As an afterthought, he yells back, "Come on!"

He buries his revolver in his satchel as he runs, but his first priority is to look for another place to hide it. i.e. drop it into a huge urn.
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Maksim Rukov
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by Maksim Rukov »

Maksim moves into the room with his gun ready, hoping to defend Gwen in case the original gunman decided to remove a witness. "Andrei, cover me!" he says as he hears his friend's "Come on". He curses but continues quickly forward. If the man is out of ammo, now is his only chance. He prepares to shoot, heart lifting into his throat, pulse thudding a pattern across his temples. Now, above all else, he wishes to be gone. He can almost imagine himself sitting on a bar stool by the counter, a vodka shot glass clasped in one hand, his twin beside him. Can almost hear his brother's voice, a boast, always a boast. He steps forward, each step a thunder clap in his ears. The original gunman in hiding but he was closing in.


OOC: If I lose enough hit points to die, can I have a few moments for one of them last words things?
A reckless man's power is but a gun in the hands of a fool.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nathaniel hides behind the pillar and reloads his crossbow issuing shouts of comfort to his friend Gwen. He fiddles nervously with his qwill

Hold on Gwen. We're coming!

Crossbow loaded, Nathaniel darts from the pillar and charges behind Maxsim. He finds himself screaming like some crazed face painted Scotsman.


http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1450229/ :rolled a 56.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by Raiko »

I’m waiting one more day for Jtull to post, he hasn’t been online since I PMed you all the other day.

If he hasn’t posted for Gwen by my lunchtime tomorrow, then I’ll NPC Gwen for the time being, to get things moving again.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by jtull_84 »

OOC: Sorry about the lag. I've been in transit without access to internet that isn't blocked by Websense. Hope I haven't kept you for too long.
Throw roll. 25 to hit. (1d100=78)

IC: Gwen gasps as the rock connects with her assailant. As she backs away she sees a crossbow bolt strike the man and a chunk of flesh and blood fly away from the body as a bullet hits.
She looks up to see Nethaniel and two men she doesn't know firing on the arabs. She watches the big arab run and a big nervous-looking man run away, presumably to cut off the arab's route. She sees the last gunman with his back to her. In an attempt to stay low, out of the way of the bullets, she hurls her rock at the man's head. It whistles over his left shoulder. She freezes in horror.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by Raiko »

Maksim tries to approach the gunman’s position silently, but he’s not quiet enough and the skilled cult assassin has reloaded his revolver quicker than Maks expected.

As the gunman reappears, revolver first from around the alabaster statue, Maksim desperately tries to bring his own handgun on target, he’s not going to make it...


Nathaniel finishes reloading his crossbow and steps out of cover, spotting Maksim and the Arab taking aim at each other, even as he aims his own weapon at the gunman Nathaniel knows that he won’t be fast enough to get in the first shot.
Jtull_84 wrote:She sees the last gunman with his back to her. In an attempt to stay low, out of the way of the bullets, she hurls her rock at the man's head. It whistles over his left shoulder. She freezes in horror.
As Gwen’s rock hurtles past the gunman, he is distracted for just an instant. It is enough, Maksim pulls the trigger of his revolver, and dives to the floor - anticipating a return shot that never comes.

Maksim’s bullet strikes the Arab’s right arm just above the elbow, shattering bone and tearing through tendons; the gunman’s revolver clatters harmlessly into the polished marble floor. The gunman himself collapses against the statue gripping his useless arm, blood pours through his fingers, and his cries of agony fill the exhibition hall as the echoes of Maksim’s gunshot die away.

Beaten, he looks up to find both Maksim and Nathaniel’s weapon’s aimed at his head.


Andrei races along the parallel hall, but the big Arab is nowhere to be seen; it seems likely now that he fled the building to the North.

He spots several large urns that could be used to conceal his revolver.

I used the first three of Laraqua’s dice rolls as follows (I made up a tree of possible rolls dependant on the success/failure of each one):
1) Sneak = 25 (failed) - Sneak up on the gunman
2) Luck = 63 (passed) - Did Gwen’s missed rock disract him enough
3) Handgun = 14 (passed / impale at point-blank range) - As Maksim’s got a conscience, I went for a disarming / disabling ‘impale’ rather than a ‘blows his head off’ one.

Note: Although it’s quite in character for Andrei to panic, both of the British characters will know that legally you have nothing to worry about - self defence / citizen’s arrest were perfectly acceptable reason’s to fire handguns in the 1920’s.

Also Elizabeth acquired British licences for the handgun’s before departure from Boston (only Timour’s BAR required smuggling).

So it’s probably better to wait around for the police.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by jtull_84 »

IC: Gwen picks herself up off the floor. The pulse thundering in her ears slowly begins to ease. She runs to Nethaniels side, eyeing the man clutching his shattered arm.
"Nethaniel, thank God you're here! This man is probably going to die here if I don't do something. As much as I'd love to see that happen, perhaps we should give him to the constabulary for questioning? I have an aid bag in the office. I'll be right back- oh"
As she rushes off to find the bag, she bumps into Maxim.
"Why- hello Mr.- excuse me." She rushes away.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nathaniel stands over the wounded Arab, keeping his crossbow trained on the man. His eyes are like saucers as they dart from side to side, searching the room for any more signs of trouble.

OC - Spot Hidden :Fail badly http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1457641/

Hurry Gwen!

He sincerely hopes somebody comes and takes this man into custody soon, as he doesn’t think he’ll have the stones to finish it, if he wakes up and tries to escape.

Maks, are you alright? Come and help me with this bloody Arab will you! Sodding cultists…. We could’ve been murdered!
coffee demon
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by coffee demon »

Andrei knows that he filled out the proper forms for his handgun, but he doesn't know how the authorities would react to him damaging an artifact in the British Museum. He dumps his pistol in an urn (one that's short enough to reach into, later), and continues to jog through the halls for another thirty seconds, looking for the Arab. If he doesn't find him, he jogs back to the crime scene.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by Maksim Rukov »

"You'll get used to it if you stick around Andy long enough," says Maksim, his Russian accent thicker now with stress and exertion. He crouches before the cultist. "What were you hired to do?"
A reckless man's power is but a gun in the hands of a fool.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by jtull_84 »

OC: First Aid roll 50 (I think) to succeed. (1d100=21)
First Aid success (1d3=1)

IC: Gwen runs through the exhibits to her office, grabs the aid bag from behind her desk, and returns to the wounded arab. "Keep an eye on him Nethaniel, I've got to staunch the bleeding!" She manages to apply a field dressing, but the blood continues to flow at a slower rate.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by Raiko »

Andrei tosses his revolver into a suitable urn as he runs north along the parallel exhibition. Unfortunately the big cultist is nowhere to be seen. There are more people dashing around the museum now, coming to investigate the sounds of gunfire.


By the time he gets back to the others Gwen has returned with her first aid kit and stemmed the gunman’s bleeding.

The injured man himself shows no appreciation for the first aid; he glares at his captors through hate filled eyes and curses them continuously in Arabic, he hasn’t uttered a single word of English.

There have been several screams and also the sound of sobbing from the room to the south, where Alison’s body lies. Several members of staff arrive at the scene of the shootout, including the Curator of the Egyptian exhibition Professor Wilson, seeing Gwen crouched over the wounded Arab he asks, “Good God Gwen, are you ok? What the devil is going on? The police are on their way.”

“And who are these chaps?” He looks at both the Arabs and at Gwen’s rescuers. Noticing Nathaniel, Wilson says, “Ah Moore isn’t it? Bloody hell! What are you doing with a crossbow in the Museum?”

Alison is Gwen’s assistant, the girl who’s body you found. I don’t think I’ve mentioned her name to anyone other than Jtull
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nathaniel holds the crossbow over his shoulder with a proud smug look plastered on his face.

I don't know Wilson... I think I look rather dashing with a crossbow now don't I?

Nathaniel sets it down and begins to search through the Arab's pockets.

Perhaps he has some sort of papers that might give us a clue to his identity.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by jtull_84 »

IC: Gwen wipes her bloodied hands on a piece of dressing and stands to speak with her boss. "Professor, this man on the floor and the dead man over there tried to kidnap me and killed Alison in a ritualistic manner. I think they might be behind the Egyptian murders! These men, including Mr. Moore here, came along at just the right time to save me! One man escaped, but one of my rescuers pursued him. Some shots were exchanged, and I fear some damage has been inflicted to the exhibits. I'm terribly sorry sir. But I'm safe, and this man, the leader, is still alive. Where are the police?
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by Raiko »

Wilson looks flabbergasted by Nathaniel’s response, but is reassured by Gwen’s statement that these armed men are heroes rather than villains.

“Ah yes, the Police should be here shortly, but you chaps seem to have everything well in hand Moore.”


I’d rather wait another night to give Laraqua and Coffee a chance to post, before revealing what, if anything Nathaniel finds. And also before the first cops arrive.
coffee demon
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by coffee demon »

Andrei rushes around the corner, looking flustered, satchel clutched under his arm.

"The big guy got away!"

He stands in the background, listening to the conversation.

It sounds like we're not going to be accused of anything. Thank the gods.

For now, Andrei listens intently. He edges closer to Wilson and Gwen, as though he wants to say something. If either looks at him expectantly, he whsipers, "I'd like to ask you something, afterwards..."
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Nathaniel grins with pride.

Yes. Well.... These Arab savages are no match for a little well timed English inginuity... wouldn't you say so Wilson?

Nathaniel looks to Gwen?

Are you alright Luv? You gave me quite a terrible fright.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by Raiko »

The only identification that Nethaniel can find on the gunman is a membership card, printed in both English and Arabic, for a club in Soho called the Blue Pyramid Club. The card identifies the gunman as Abdul Azeem al-Sayed.

As Nethaniel checks through the gunman’s pockets, Andrei returns and reports that the big man has escaped, the gunman grins and speaks for the first time, his voice has a thick accent, “You are a walking dead man Mister Moore. There is nowhere you can hide from us.”

After that he does not utter another word, but he continues to stare at his captors, particularly Andrei who he seems to find amusing.


After about another five minutes the police begin to arrive, first a couple of uniformed constables, then many more, they seem mostly concerned with containing the scene, though the do handcuff the Arab gunman. Medics also arrive, they ask Gwen whether she has any injuries.

Eventually a senior detective arrives - Inspector Barrington, who is leading the investigation into the Egyptian Murders. Barrington is a harassed looking man in his early fifties, his brown hair is receding and flecked with grey.

He tells the uniformed cops to take away the suspect and then walks over to the investigators.

“Ok then. Starting from the beginning, what exactly has gone on here today?”


You don’t need to type out any huge posts retelling the story, but I would like an indication of how much of the truth you each want to tell.

It’s likely that you’ll all be kept here (in the museum) for several hours, and that you’ll be asked to report to Scotland Yard at a later date, but I’m not planning on arresting any PCs at the moment.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Well Officer…

Nathaniel begins.

I was sitting in me shop, the Dodgy Pages… I always keep a handy stock of cult titles and the occasional murder mystery drivel on the racks. I know….I know…. Why’s a self respecting occult theologian stocking his bloody shelves with titles I’d be more n likely to stoke me morning fire with than even crack the spine. Well… I have to get the bloody ponces in the shop now don’t I? Do you read Inspector? Of coarse you do.... Perhaps you fancy fiction then? I imagine all that mystery rubbish would get old with your profession now wouldn’t it? You should stop by the shop and I’m sure I could find something that fits.

Nathaniel pauses, thinking through a short laundry list of book titles that an Inspector might find interesting.

Moving on….. These two came in to me shop and asked about some very interesting titles. Nothing you’d be interested in Inspector….. I’d wager you fancy a right scary horror novel or maybe romance is it constable? Nudge Nudge….. Same bloody thing if you want my opinion. If it’s not some blood thirsty zombie eating out your bloody heart, it’s some silly nurse.

Nathaniel chuckles pompously with (or without the Inspector)

Well... I had heard of the titles they searching for you can be sure of that now didn’t I? I never had em of coarse… high end literature and all that. But I knew Gwen had em… or the museum for that matter so we buggered off from the Dodgy Pages to meet up with Gwen and found her all mixed up in this sodding mess.

Nathaniel pauses again, supposedly thinking of any more detail that might help the investigation.

I bet you’re a non fiction kinda bloke. History of the French and all that eh Inspector? Or maybe some well rounded fantasy. Knights of the Round. Sword and the Stone. All that rubbish!
Last edited by DSIGFUSS on Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC: CH2 - LONDON - (Andrei, Maksim & Nethaniel)

Post by jtull_84 »

IC: Gwen replies to Nethaniel: "I'm a bit shaken, Nethaniel. But I'll be alright. Thanks for coming when you did. I don't know if I could have escaped alone."

She looks inquisitively at Andrei. When he whispers in her ear, she gives a discreet nod.

To Inspector Barnaby she recounts the following:
"Well Constable, I'm Gwendolyn Everettson, librarian and curator in the Egyptian section of the British Mseum. This afternoon, when most of my colleagues were away and the Museum was quiet, three arab men assaulted and detained me and beat and murered my assistant, Allison. They used clubs with spikes on one side to subdue, and then kill her.
I was so afraid, but I managed to bite the hand of the man holding me and call for help. Luckily, my friend, Mr. Nethaniel Moore and his fellows were nearby. I hit one man in the head with a rock, he was subsequently shot by Mr. Moore and one of his friends, the younger man. A large arab man escape while the leader was shot and detained. I gave first aid to him in the hopes that the police could learn more from him and perhaps solve the Egyptian Murders.
I don't know why they came for me. I'm not wealthy. I only have access to old books. How odd."

She declines medical assistance and only asks for a cup of tea.

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