Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by trixie »

Yuralria follows Ogtuk-luk nervously with her eyes and shifts uncomfortably in her seat. Oh no....he's angry. I should have....oh no.....

Her heart beats faster at sitting alone here with the Chief and warriors...but what could she do now? She'd have to forge on ahead or else look peculiar and risk their strange glances and slanderous tongues again.....

Yuralria sits thoughtful for a moment, listening to the crackle of the fire and clearing her head of her distractions before beginning her story.

"Far off, in a distant land, lives a man and his wife that share a beautiful love. The man is punished in a strange way. He lies, tethered to a table, fleshy holds around his arms and legs, keeping him still. Above him, a giant serpent coils, his mouth agape, never touching him, but dripping his venomous poison into the mouth of the man, so that he may writhe and squirm, and scream in pain.

His only saviour is his loving wife, who holds below the serpent a large pitcher. She catches the drips of poison so that they won't fall on him, holding it steady. She is bound there also, not by fleshy grips, but by the binds of her soul to her lover. She will stand there for all eternity, holding the jug, so that the poison may not fall on him.

Occasionally, she has to empty the large pitcher, and she leaves their home for a moment to do so. At this point, the venom falls on him, and he screams in horror and pain. But she always returns to help again, giving him a round red fruit to chew and stroking his forehead to calm him.

Love is a hold that binds us tighter than anything. We are not chained or tethered or kept in a cage, and yet we are, because we will always return to our loved one. Our hearts are bound to each other."

Yuralria looks about the campfire for a moment, feeling a sense of reckless abandonment. They were expecting a fable of our people. Have I told them too much? Will the Chief recognize this as my dream? Perhaps I shouldn't have.....
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by DSIGFUSS »

All of the Dorset warriors are wide eyed as Yuralria spins this new tale. So many of the stories past down from generation to generation are retold and retold many many times over. Elders say the reason for this is so the message of the story hits home. Children say the reason is because the elders only have so many stories to tell.

Chief Kalituk smiles wide and claps his hands when Yuralria finishes. All of the other Dorset warriors join in the applause. Qannaq, Ogtuk-Luk and Mannitok all turn suddenly as the applause breaks the thick silence of the Arctic planes. Chief Kalituk, still shaking his head in wonderment, begins to fire questions at Yuralria.


What a terrible fate.... and for all eternity? Is this man a god like Anningan? What did he do to deserve such a harsh and cruel punishment? I would kill a thousand polarbears for but a fraction of this woman's love. What is her name so we may sing it aloud to the wind and have the wind carry our pledge out to the sea?

Yuralria is surprised at how much her story has effected the Dorset warriors. In reality... it should not surprise her so.... The Dorset people are hesitant to change. For hundred of years they have survived in the Artic with very little advancement in their culture or technology. Any new idea would surely be approached with excitement and skeptisism. At any rate Yuralria had their full undivided attention.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by trixie »

Yuralria smiles at the Chief's enthusiastic response. It was better than a cowering fear after all.

"I do not know what Loki did. But he is held captive to his enemy's pleasure, and to his wife's dismay. She believes one day they will be released."

Yuralria's eyes flutter uncertainly. "We will not call her name, Chief, for fear of Sedna's jealous anger. But the story is a wise one of another land. It will certainly give us awakened spirits to the power of our own binds to one another."
Trixie [trik-see] (n) : Name derived from an original character played on Yog
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by coffee demon »

Qannaq mutters words of peace to each of his dogs as conversation continues around the fire at his back. Eventually, he returns to the fire and watches the whalefat sputter silently.

He waits for a long silence in the conversation before speaking his mind.

"Kalituk. The gift of whales. They are in Hal-kik'tu Inlet?"

Hal-kik'tu - That Which Was Given.
Qannaq's few words are filled with meaning. If the inlet was given to the Thule, should they be plundering it's wealth? Should the Thule be told? This is beyond the knowledge of Qannaq, but these questions have been playing like a storm across his spirit since he first heard the news.

[OC: Sorry if you've already named the inlet..]
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Chief Kalituk thinks fondly on the story.


Very Well.... I would like to hear more of this Loki.... perhaps after the Hunting ceremony you could tell us some more Shaman.
He then turns his attention to Qannaq as he approaches and nods his approval when he speaks.

Yes we will honor our agreement with the Thule Qannaq. If what Maniitok tells us is true, there will be enough whale meat for both villages. Now if you will please sit with us and lend us your wisdom for a short time.

Chief Kalituk holds his arm and points to a space to his left next to the fire.

Tell me Qannaq.... what do you think should be done with this ghost faced man. He has obviously offended the Thule or he would not have one of their spear tips lodged sp deep into his belly.

oc- No that's cool... The name of the inlet is actually the "Paningirtung " The Dorset call it that but we can say they now call it "Hal-kik'tu" and will continue to call it that until the Thule return the hunting rights to the inlet back to the Dorset.

If you are interested in knowing where you are on Baffin Island, you are just a few miles north of the Paninirtung Fjord. ... 8732.08856
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by coffee demon »


Qannaq considers the chief's questions for a few moments.

"Our people have no enemies, not since my father's time."

He thinks again, afraid to even mention his darkest thoughts. He feels the eyes of the shaman on him.

Qannaq decides to say no more of the matter, but politely sits by the fire, in case more questions are required of him.

[OC: Are we in an igloo? If we're staying the night, we'd make an igloo, right? Or is the snow still too shallow, and we're using fur tents?]
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by DSIGFUSS »

oc - No your just warming up and feeding the dogs. It's damn cold! Trip takes 4 hours from your village at the base of mount Qaisualuk to the Hal-kik'tu hunting grounds. You've been riding for 2 hours. Just a short half hour rest break to get your barings.

oc - Eskimo Hermit..... still waiting for your roll... check your pm.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by trixie »

Yuralria's eyes flicker over Qannaq as he asks his questions. He must know....he must it better for him to know the truth?

She watches the Chief closely for a moment, then weighs the repercussions of speaking up. Would the chief be upset? Who knew....better to stay quiet.

She watches the fire circle carefully for a moment, then can't stand the tension and blurts out, "We may find a new enemy, Qannaq. We don't know who this pale faced stranger is, after all. There is only one, according to Maanitok, however. So the likelihood is low. I wish to help him, more than ever. I wish to...." Yuralria's eyes flicker and it looks as though she's changed her mind about something, "I wish them. I hope for no.....violence."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Chief Kalituk groans and shakes his head. This was clearly not the advice he was looking for.

Very well Shaman.... Qannaq.... I will take your advice to heart on this issue.

He tosses another log on the fire adn anounces aloud to the Dorset group haddles around the fire with their dogs.

We move when the fire dies......
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by Eskimohermit »

Ogtuk-luk turns to Manii-tok ands tells him what he hears. He turns to run back to camp and shouts.

Yuralria! Wolves!
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Everyone at camp hears Ogtuk-Luk's call for help.

The chief rises quickly to his feet.

Ogtuk-Luk and Maniitok begin to run back to the fire but the wolves are right on top of them. The Dorset warriors hear Maniitok cry out in the darkness.

oc- Ogtuk-Luk please roll the following and check your pm.

Initiative 1d10 +DEX, Strike 1d100, damage 1d8+2 (for your Shaman's guard Ivory spear)

oc- Yuralria and Qannaq.. please tell me what you are doing. Judging from Maniitok's cry and Ogtuk-Luk's call, you are one full round of charging away from helping them.

oc - Yuralria for weapons you have a bow with ivoty tipped arrows and a regular bone spear. (1d6/1d6)

oc- Qannaq for weapons you have a collection of spears. (see character sheet. Most of them are probably on your sled. You could have one slung on your back as most of the other warrior do. Most likely your stone spear. (1d6+1 +1d4 damage bonus)

All the Dorset warriors unless you want to wear less are wearing Hide Armor Damages resistance 3. Yuralria you are wearing slightly thinner armour damage resistance 2.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by trixie »

Yuralria stares into the darkness, frozen in fear, and finally gets her bow ready if the dogs near.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Yuralria can hear snarling and fighting off in the distance. She hears Maniitok cry out in agony again. The wolves are eating her people.

Chief Kalituk grabs his sacred chieftain's spear and an extra spear for throwing and darts off into the darkness. Of the six Dorset warriors, four follow. One Inuit boy named Fraqanaq stays behind and stands next to Yuralria shaking with fear but still trying to appear brave in front of the other warriors. Fraqanaq believed if he did well on this hunt, he would be chosen over the other boys to join the cariboo hunt. Only one boy under the age of 16 was ever asked to join the hunt. The decision was made by the Chief and the Shaman togther. Of coarse neither the Chief nor the Shaman could choose Fraqanaq if he was mauled to death by wolves.

ooc -Qannaq... waiting for your post to tell me what you do. If you don't post in a couple days. I'm assuming you are staying with the Shaman and Taqanaq.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by coffee demon »

Qannaq unslings his spear and stands calmly, near their small fire, squinting into the darkness.

Why is he yelling? Surely even the hungriest wolves will balk at the group of us.

[OC: Italics signify Qanaaq is thinking]
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Qannaq and Yuralria listen as the savage wolf attack continues in the darkness. Ogtuk-Luk callss out Maniitok's name once again and in the same breath the Dorsets still around the camp fire can hear Chief Kalituk and his warriors joing the fray! The sounds of wolves snapping and barking ferociously as the Dorset's defend their own kin is very uncharacteristic of wolf packs on the Arctic plains. Wolf packs will usually run when a fight isn't grossly in their favour.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by coffee demon »

Qannaq rushes out into the darkness, towards his dogsled. He touches his lead dog's nose as he rushes past, to the sled. With a shout, he urges them forward, towards the other dogs.

Qannaq will move all the dogs as close together as possible, and stand calmly between them and the sound of the wolves. If the dogs are killed, they'll have no means of transporting their gear.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by trixie »

Yuralria moves up until she can see the action. She'll try to find cover behind a piece of driftwood, and get her bow and arrow at the ready to help.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Yuralria follows the terrible mixing sounds of snarling, yelping and screaming. Both sides seem to be suffering heavy losses. An Eskimo warrior lies dead on the snow as a wolf finishes his work and tears its throat out. Chief Kalituk is standing over Mannitok who is clutching a badly wounded knee. Chief Kalituk waves his spear in a tremendous arc and drives it deep into one of the wolves' chest. The blow was severe and any wolf Yuralria had ever seen would have fallen to Chief Kalituk's spear. This wolf did not. Yuralria finally got close enough to take a shot as she climbed a short snow drift. (No driftwood this far in) As she reached the summit, all the wolves stopped fighting for one brief second and stared in Yuralria's direction. It was as if they all knew she was there and that she weilded power. Five sets of eyes gazed at her briefly and they all flashed red in the darkness.

ooc - Yuralria init 1d10 plus DEX, attack 1d100,1d100 (you can shoot twice in a round) damage 1d6,1d6

ooc - the best way to set it up is in the dice column write:

1d10, 1d100,1d100,1d6,1d6

ooc- also Yuralria - SAN check 0/1
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by trixie »

[O.C. Wow....caaaaarazy!! :o ]

O.C. Initiative rolled 16
first attack 16
2nd attack 7
1st damage 4
2nd damage 1

"It's the Ijiraat!" Yuralria calls out in the darkness. "These are not everyday wolves! Be aware, they may shapeshift!"

Yuralria prepares to attack again. Will the Ijiraat take our memories, so that we forget all of what Maanitok told us? We'll all forget about the pale faced stranger??? No!! They will steal our memories! I must stop them!
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Post by trixie »

O.C. oops...sanity check failed lost 1
Trixie [trik-see] (n) : Name derived from an original character played on Yog
Def: One who loves chit chat threads and dramatic roleplaying moments
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