IC: Prologue

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Post by Henrik »

Olof continues speaking with the Norwegians for a while and returns to his room when it becomes late. If he hasn't done it previously he gives his statement to the police.
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Post by Raiko »

NYPD Headquarters

Starkweather turns to Clark in disgust shouting, “Good Lord man! Pull yourself together, you’re supposed to be the team doctor! Poor Lawrence clearly completely lost his marbles, nothing more than that. Now put that flask away”

“The tragic deaths amongst the Miskatonic Expedition were all caused by exceptionally bad weather, a freak storm, as everybody knows. Unless you are suggesting that Lawrence was in some way responsible! Quite astonishing.”

“I remind you Doctor Michaels the Antarctic is a dangerous place, quite capable of taking the life of even the greatest of men. We will be going to the Miskatonic Mountains with a larger, better equipped party than our predecessors, including many experienced polar explorers. I can assure you that we will be as safe as is possible in such an unforgiving place. There is certainly no need to concern ourselves over the last words of a deranged madman. As the Professor has pointed out, the only one who is 'Doomed' is Lawrence.”

Before Clark has put away his flask the commissioner says, “I can assure you doctor that there will be a full investigation of tonight’s events."

"Now I assume that you have a good explanation for bringing that flask into my headquarters?”

The Amhurst Hotel – Lawrence’s Room

Searching through Lawrence’s clothes in the wardrobe, McRaven finds some matches, cigarettes, a penknife and a small flask of Whisky in Lawrence’s overcoat, but nothing more.

Jack leaves the room, hurrying to get the story to his editor, the other three continue searching for a little while, but don’t uncover any further evidence.
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Post by GaryTheNerd »

Clark turns to Bolan. "You'll have to excuse me. Shell shock from the Great War; seeing Lawrence must have set it off." Holding up the flask, "It calms my nerves. I can show you a prescription if you'd like."

Turning back to Starkweather, "I'm not suggesting he was responsible for Lake's party. I've seen the team list for this expedition; experts in their fields, all of them. Men of that caliber don't go crazy without a good reason. Now, that means that either Lawrence knew something about the Antarctic or, as you said, he just lost his marbles."

"If you say he didn't know anything, then that's good enough for me. Besides, I'm sure the police will be quite thorough in their investigation. After all they did a bang up job keeping an eye on ol' Lawrence here."

"This does mean, however, that we're going to need to do an exhaustive psychiatric evaluation of the remaining team members. We can't let this happen again in the middle of nowhere."
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Post by Raiko »

“That won’t be necessary Doctor. I’m sure that your prescription is in order,” replies Bolan.

Starkweather considers Clark’s thoughts for a moment, then says, “Yes well, I’m sure you and Professor Graves can sort that out, you’re something of an expert at those things I believe Charles? Good thing we brought you along!”

“Shouldn’t take you both too long, I expect you can get through everybody easily before we leave. I’ll be needing you to give all the team a physical once over anyway, shouldn’t take you gentlemen much longer to prove their mentally up to the task.”

“Just don’t expect them to cry when you ask about their mothers; these are sturdy and courageous men Clark, not given to the emotional babbling of women…”

“With the exception of our lady pilot, of course”
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Post by Decrepit »

"Hello, Patterson? Get me Patterson," Jack shouts into the receiver. A pause. "Patterson, I've got a story for you. No, it's not about the lady pilot. She can wait. Listen, we found the crazy guy's diary ... " Another pause. "Yeah, some people went down with the police to try to talk to the guy ... Have our police contacts reported in? If not, you should send somebody down there to get more about the guy."
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Post by Raiko »

August 25th, 1933.

Commissioner Bolan agrees to send a copy of the pathology report on Lawrence’s death to Starkweather when it is available, so that he can pass it on to Charles& Clark. Starkweather then arranges transportation for the three of them, back to the Amherst Hotel, “There’s no need for us the remain chaps, best leave the police to get on with their work.”

Patterson is delighted with Jack’s report, agreeing that the madman’s diary is a far better exclusive than an interview with Kitt, especially when he learns that Lawrence is dead. “I still want a good interview with the girl before the expedition leaves New York, and the sooner the better. Something from those guys that saw the body in the cells as well. Good work Wilson, keep it up.”

Meanwhile down at the reception desk, the lovely Lucy happily informs James, McRaven and Callum the partial telephone number that they acquired is “Clinton 2719”, a number in the dodgy Hells Kitchen area, not far from the Hotel.

Kitt, Isugtag and Olof meet several more expedition members at the dinner before retiring for the night. News of Lawrence’s suicide reaches the party before the end, which casts yet another shadow over what should have been a celebration, but at least it encourages most of the tabloid hacks to leave the Hotel. They descend upon the Police Headquarters like vultures, Charles, Clark and Starkweather face a barrage of questions as they leave. Fortunately this is the kind of thing the expedition’s leader seems to relish; he stands before the assembled journalists for a full fifteen minutes, while his two doctors shelter in the waiting cab.

August 27th, 1933

More than a full day has passed since the suicide of Lawrence. The number of journalists camped in the lobby of the Amherst has temporarily subsided as they find other stories to chase. Yesterday it proved to be impossible to do anything, as frenzied reporters and photographers followed every public step of all the expedition members, hounding them and asking a constant stream of questions about the “Lawrence Incident.”

The evening before Captain Starkweather had called Charles and Clark up to his room on the fifth floor, and presented them with a copy of the rapidly prepared pathology report into Lawrence’s death. Everything was as it appeared, his death was caused by suffocation due to hanging, the bite wounds to his wrists would have probably caused him to bleed out anyway, had he not hanged himself. There are no signs of drug use, or other intoxication. A small number of bruises found on the body can be attributed to the struggle in the Washington Room.

Neither of the doctors can see any reason to dispute the findings of the coroner.

Lawrence’s body is due to be shipped back to his family in Iowa today (the 27th).

Jack, Callum, James & McRaven manage to trace the Clinton number to “Kelly’s Place” a gun store located at 420 West 45th Street.

Jack also speaks to his editor about the trip to Arkham, “Sounds like a good idea, after this everybody will be interested in reading dirt about the 1930 expedition, see what you can find out. Come to the office and we’ll give you some funds for the trip.”
Last edited by Raiko on Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Decrepit »

"Hello? Yes, Dr. Clark Michaels's room, please." Jack waits for a good bit. "Yes, I gather he's not coming to the phone. Please leave a message to have him call Jack Wilson, the newsman in his group. Yes, that's right. Tell him I'm planning a quick trip and was wondering whether he'd be interested, and that he should call or stop by if he wants to know more."
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Post by OrionUK »

After breakfast James tries ringing McRaven & Callum's rooms to see if they fancy a jaunt down to Hells Kitchen to see if it is worth trying to talk to the shop owner about Lawrence's purchase or state of mind.
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Post by Ghost_1971 »

"I suppose we can try talking to the stores owner. It is, after all, the only lead we have left at the moment."

Callum finishes dressing, and heads down to the lobby to meet James.
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few leads

Post by Steerpike »

McRaven pauses for a moment before answering. Apart from the diary, they really found nothing at all on this guy lawrence. It seems like long odds to expect any information from a gun dealer. The again, anythings better than hanging around here.

"Sure James, I'll be right down"

Just as he is about to leave the room, he stops, goes back in and retrieves his handgun, making it sure it's loaded. before placing it into the deep pocket of his overcoat.
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Post by GaryTheNerd »

Awoken from his whiskey-induced slumber, first by his telephone and then by a bellboy, Clark headed to Jack's room. Pounding on his door, "Do you have any idea what time it is!? It's..."

Clark trailed off as he looked at his watch and realized it was drawing close to midday.
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Post by Decrepit »

"I've seen that look before," Jack says ruefully. "Hell, I've worn that look before.

"Anyway, my editor's interested in all things Antarctic now. Can't get enough. He's even willing to put up the dough to send me over to Arkham to talk to as many of the old expedition's members as possible. I understand that Pabodie's still there, and there's a copy of Dyer's expedition report I want to buy--I could probably get it from the library, but I'm not sure I can handle the fines. I heard somewhere that you were from Arkham. Thought maybe you'd want to go; I could use a local guide, and I could swing the expenses for you.

"Although--" Jack sniffs, then continues, "you may have, um, other plans."
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Post by GaryTheNerd »

Clark lifted his right arm and smelled his armpit. "Oh hell..."

"Yeah, just give me an hour or so to get ready, and we can go. I wouldn't mind talking with someone who was there with Lake myself. I'll meet you in the lobby."

**90 minutes later**

After a quick shower, a fresh suit and a couple of shots, Clark slipped a note under Graves' door telling him where he was going and headed down to the lobby to meet Jack.
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Post by Henrik »

Olof spends the day reading and preparing for the expedition. In the afternoon he feels rather tired, so he decides to take a long walk to get his jucies flowing again. During the walk he ponders everything that has happened. Perhaps he should take more interest in the recent happenings, but what could be so special about what obviously is a madman? There is nothing sinister about the expedition and Antarctica...
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Post by Decrepit »

"Feeling better, Dr. Michaels?" Jack asks. "Anyway, I was thinking about checking out the train schedule to Arkham, unless you have another idea."
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Post by Raiko »

Amherst Hotel – Lobby

The Amherst’s plush lobby is clear of journalists now, the Hotel’s management having finally had enough, they have been forced out onto the street outside. Hotel guests still need to push their way through the packs of photographers and tabloid reporters, but a least now the Amherst itself offers sanctuary from the flashes and probing questions. An altogether better arrangement in the opinion of the management.

Professor Graves arrives in the lobby and walks across to join Jack and Clark for the journey to Arkham, and it’s Miskatonic University.

At the same time James,Callum and McRaven are walking out of the lobby onto West 45th Street, and the pack of waiting journalists.

Flash, Flash, Flash, Click

“Did you know Longfellow!”

Flash, Click, Click

“…Just one minute…”

“About the Girl Kitt…”

Click, Flash

“Heard it was one hell of …”

“…Crazy Lawrence…”

“….really throw a plate at …”

“…a punch!”

Click, Click, Click

Finally pushing their way clear of the press the three investigators hastily cross 8th Avenue, dodging heavy Manhattan traffic. As they continue along 45th Street leaving the theatre district of Time Square behind them and walking into the dangerous Hell’s Kitchen district the buildings quickly become more and more seedy and run down.

West 45th Street and 9th Avenue – Hell’s Kitchen, New York

A district of tenement housing, factories, slaughterhouses and hundreds of speakeasies and nightclubs, the district affectionately known as Hell’s Kitchen is considered to be probably the most dangerous urban area in North America.

Occupying the area between 34th and 59th Streets, from 8th Avenue to the Hudson River and almost entirely populated by Irish Immigrants, it has long been a home for the worst criminals in New York. During the 1910s the district was dominated by the notorious street gangs such as the Gopher Gang and the Dead Rabbits, but the roaring 20s ended that, they brought prohibition to the city and the street gangs made way for prohibition racketeers and mobsters including the notorious gangster Owney Madden.

Madden operates most of the district's many illicit liquor brewing facilities, housed in deserted warehouses along the docks and the 11th avenue railroad tracks. Owner of Brooklyn’s famous Cotton Club, and promoter of the newly crowned heavyweight world champion Primo Carnera, Madden tries to present a more respectable face, but here in the Kitchen the former street gang leader is the King.

By the time they cross under the elevated subway tracks of “The El” running above 9th Avenue, the three investigators are thinking that this wasn’t such a good idea at all. James in particular stands out like a sore thumb in his expensive clothes, worth more money than a family here would earn in a year, and McRaven is glad of the comforting weight of his pistol. Unfriendly eyes watch the trio's every step, and a group of rough looking youths have crossed the street to follow them.

Finally they reach the relative safety of 420 West 45th Street just beyond “The El.” Above the stores dirty barred windows hangs a battered sign, “Kelly’s Place – Ammunition and Firearms.”
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Post by Decrepit »

"So, Professor Graves," Jack says, "I heard from Dr. Michaels that you want to join us. Haven't heard exactly why yet. It's a free country--has been since 1776, anyway--so you're welcome to tag along. Don't think I can put you on the paper's tab, though, without some good reason.

"Anyway, Clark here--can I call you Clark?--Clark here and I are thinking of taking the train."
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Post by Ghost_1971 »

"Lets get inside here quickly guys. These people here just see you, James, as a huge walking wallet, stuffed with cash"

Callum grips the door handle and moves to go inside.
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Post by OrionUK »

James agrees & hurries inside, "once we have concluded business in here perhaps we could persuade the proprietor to call us a cab for our journey home? I must admit I did have a second reason for coming here as I wouldn't mind purchasing a small hand weapon myself, although I didn't intend on practising using it on the locals" he says to Callum & McRaven
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Post by Charles Graves »

"Don't worry about adding me to your newspaper's tab Mr Wilson, I am perfectly able to pay my own way. I thought i'd just tag along to see if I can help gather any information that would be of use to the upcoming expedition. Are you looking for anything in particular?"

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