Dread - The First Book of Pandemonium

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Dread - The First Book of Pandemonium

Post by OathinBlood »

Hey, I just ordered the rulebook for Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium, a visceral splatterpunk RPG. The setting is modern-day, a gritty world where demons have risen and are slaughtering people all over the world. Most of the populace can't see them, only seeing the gruesome results of their actions - but you play the role of a Disciple, someone who was once human trash, but has been picked and trained by a Mentor. Together, you and your Cabal (basically your group of Disciples) go out and kick demon ass. The setting has been described as 'Quentin Tarantino filming Clive Barker'. Those words alone have really got me excited about this. I don't have a gaming group, so I'm a big play-by-post guy - I was planning on GMing a play-by-post game of Dread when I get the rulebook. I was wondering two things.

First, if any of you here would be interested in this. I like this community a lot, so it'd be great to get some players from here.

Second, if any of you can recommend a good play-by-post forum to host this at. I would like a good, solid, active community, preferably one that is not new the horror genre. Friendly mods, that sort of thing.

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Re: Dread - The First Book of Pandemonium

Post by ImpInTraining »

Sounds very interesting. But will players need resources to play?

If you're not going to run it here, you might consider giving Dark and Moody Forums a gander. It's my site, and I could set you up with your own board / sub-boards as you need.
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Re: Dread - The First Book of Pandemonium

Post by OathinBlood »

Nope. No resources at all needed. And thanks, I've been recommended there three times now. I think I will give it a gander.
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Re: Dread - The First Book of Pandemonium

Post by OathinBlood »

Here's what I've been posting on other forums.
Hey, I just ordered the rulebook for Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium, a visceral splatterpunk RPG. The setting is modern-day, a gritty world where demons have risen and are slaughtering people all over the world. Most of the populace can't see them, only seeing the gruesome results of their actions - but you play the role of a Disciple, someone who was once human trash (not trash in the sense that they are useless to society, but trash in the sense that their lives are just one miserable experience after the other - for example, a homeless man with an alcohol addiction so bad that waking up in a gutter and not remembering the last six hours is the norm, or a deaf and mute girl with abusive parents) or is out for demonic vengeance (honest working man comes home to a blood-splattered home with his wife and kids in a million pieces), but has been picked and trained by a Mentor. Together, you and your Cabal (basically your group of Disciples) go out and kick demon ass. The setting has been described as 'Quentin Tarantino filming Clive Barker'. Those words alone have really got me excited about this. I don't have a gaming group, so I'm a big play-by-post guy - I was planning on GMing a play-by-post game of Dread when I get the rulebook.

In short...

Name: I'm not sure about the scenario yet, but the game system is called Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium.
Blurb: Visceral splatterpunk action, over-the-top bad-ass stylish violence, Quentin Tarantino filming Clive Barker.
Genre: Horror/Action. Very mature themes. Rated R.
System: Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium. Extremely simple rules, involves rolling a pile of d12s against another pile of d12s. Highest roll wins, in battle the damage is the difference between highest dice. Will be explained further when I get the rulebook.
Materials Needed: A creative mind - in this game, you get rewarded for doing things that are cool. When the GM thinks your actions are cool, you get an extra die. When all the players think what you did was cool, you get two extra dice. For example - there's a spell that makes your very words hurt the demon. Saying a line like 'Get ready to die, mother-'bad word'er!' is fairly cheesy and not that cool. Reciting biblical verses is cool. Grabbing the said demon with your intestines while reciting biblical verse and pointing a shotgun in it's face is really cool. And yes, you can do that. Also of note is that demons here aren't gun fodder. They're boss-type monsters that will be a pain to fight and win. As a Disciple your life-expectancy isn't so hight. Of course the 'cool action rewards' are really subjective, but the point is to have fun - rules are just guidelines. For dice, we'll be using http://www.invisiblecastle.com.
Description: Seeing I don't know the exact scenario we're playing, your best bet would be just to browse the website. Here's a good overview of an actual play session.

I just ordered the book two nights ago from Lulu. It has to be printed than shipped, and right now it's still printing. Shipping should take ten days or less. I'll update you guys when it has arrived.
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Location: Vancouver, BC

Re: Dread - The First Book of Pandemonium

Post by OathinBlood »

The book has shipped, and should be in my hands by Halloween, at the latest.

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