Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie+EskimoHermit)

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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Sigyn walks a few steps away from Yuralria and begins to search her book shelf. She selects a on old arcane looking text and then smiles back at Yuralria.


Ah here it is. The Older Eddas!

She brings the book back to Yuralria and gently pries the jug of deadly poison from her fingers. She takes up her usual vigil and prompts Yuralria to sit back down and open the book. Yuralria is surprised that she can read it util she remebers what Sygun said.

"Language has no meaning in this palce."

Yuralria reads on...

First there was nothing, only a big black hole. From the north cold winds was blowing and from the south a glowing heat. In the black hole Ymer lived with his cow. Every day Ymer drank his hunger away from the cow´s milk. One day the cow licked on some salt stones that the ice had pushed to the surface and a man was created. He got the name Bure and all Gods comes from him.
Bures grandchildren Odin, Vile, Sanna and Ve killed Ymer and from his body they created the world. From Ymer´s flesh the earth was created, his bones became the mountains, his hair the forests, his skull was the sky, his brain is the clouds and his blood became the ocean. Odin created the wind by putting a giant in the shape of an eagle at the end of the world. There he would use his wings to eternity.

As Yuralria finishes the passage, the words begin to get blurry. She hears a terrible growling.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria looks up, terrified, to see what might be making the noise.

The words spin tumultuously in her head. What is a cow? Perhaps like a dog? What does one look like?

She takes a quick survey of the room again.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The room does not change but the growling gets louder. Sigyn tilts her head slightly and closes her eyes, concentrating her focus on something....


Something has followed you here Yuralria. Something from your world..... For good or for evil I do not know. It does not want you to the read the Eddas.... There is something hidden. I'm afraid our time is finished Yurlaria. You are always welcome in my....

The growling was so deep and close now that Yuralria could no longer hear Sigyn's words as she continued to speak. A sudden realization hits her.... She is vulnerable in the spirit world away from her own hut. Aglakti taught her that much. If this was indeed the spirit world, she was in terrible danger. Yuralria's hut provided protection from all sorts of astral projections and magical creatures that might wish her harm during her dream travels. It would take a powerful spirit to enter her hut and break down her protective walls. She wasn't in her hut though. She was in Sigyn's house or Loki's..... Yuralria was still unclear.

One thing she did know. This creature could walk right into Sigyn's cave if it wished and carry Yuralria off into the night if she wasn't strong enough.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria stands, clutching the book, and begins to walk to the door.

"Thank you for everything" she says to Sigyn, before leaving the hut.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Yuralria can barely hear herself speaking when she says her farewells to Sigyn. She definitely hears no reply.

The growling is so intense now it feels as if it is right outside the door. Yuralria leaves with the book and walks out into the snow. She parts the furs and is back in her village. It is still dark and Yuralria can see her shaman's hut just a few huts down the path. All is quiet and the night air chills her to the bone. Alornerk runs up and licks at Yuralria's face. Their reunion is short lived as a roar echoes throughout the village. A giant shadow of a bear steps onto the path between Yuralria and the shaman's hut, it's growling so loud, it shakes the very ground beneath her.

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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria continues towards her hut, feeling quite upset. If only I could use my spellbook....I should have known the dangers...

If the bear spirit moves at her, she dodges.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The bear stands in the middle of the path, blocking Yuralria's way. When Yuralria continues towards it, the giant shadow stands up on two legs and roars at Yuralria. It sounds like nothing she had ever heard before. She can feel the hot wind on her face as the bear roars. It sounds like a thousand bones being dragged over the hollowed out rib cage of a whale while a polar bear cries out from within.

ooc- Sanity check please : 1/1d6

(all rolls must say Yuralria under name (I think you usually put it there but just so we're both clear)

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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by trixie »

[O.C. No sanity lost]

"What do you want from me?" she cries out at the massive bear, shielding her face for a moment from his hot breath.

Is it Aglakti? This bear was haunting it is here before me? Is she still alive?
Last edited by trixie on Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

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The giant shadow of a bear lifted one of it's clawed paws into the air as Yuralria asked her question.

Yuralria could see the bear much more clearly now. The bear wasn't a shadow at all, rather the shadow clung to the bear like a second unwanted skin, creeping and writhing inside and around the poor creature. She could see the bear's fur, coarse and straight and she could see the shadow feelings its way for control of every strand. She could see the bear's eyes, a capillary filled twisted nightmare, glaring at nothing of their own choosing. As Yuralria moved even the slightest, the shadow shifted to compensate. The dark unearthly shadow was always just behind everything. Yuralria had a strange connection to this place and she could tell the bear was now so unlike a bear that it broke her heart to see the bear straining for some tiny piece of control. A flash of pink tongue through the shadow that swallowed its maw. A thin stream of mucus running from its cracked nose offering some sign that the bear was attempting to fight this terrible infection. The signs were there, but Yuralria knew the bear could not win this fight alone.

When the bears paw finally came thundering down for Yuralria, she was not surprised to see the shadow proceed the bear.

Yuralria was quick and on this plane of existence, facing this terrible danger, she felt stronger now than ever before. The shadow bear's claw fell short as Yuralria dove into the snow.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by trixie »

[O.C. Initiative :evil: ]

Yuralria scrambles out of the way, and stands.

She begins to walk backwards, headed back the way she came, towards Sigyn's hut.

She keeps a watchful eye on the bear as she goes.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


The dark bear crouches down and begins stalking Yuralria his blood shot eyes following hers as she backs away. Yuralria backs up about 15ft and then the bear lunges forward into a ferocious charge.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria turns and runs as fast as she can. She dodges the bear's first lunge and screams as she runs.

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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by DSIGFUSS »


The bear catches Yuralria as she reaches the half way mark to Sigyn's hut. He swats at her feet trying to knock her to the ground but Yuralria stays one step ahead of the great black bear jumping the mighty paws of the beast.

Almost there.

The shadow bear is relentless and continues the pusuit, snarling like some crazed wolf, gaining speed with each stride forward. Each growl echoes through Yuralria's mind striking fear and desperation into her heart.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by trixie »

Oh it the end for me?
No wonder Aglakti left....the bear is horrible!

She beelines for the hut, running as fast as she can. She tries to dodgethe bears claws, this time with less luck.
Trixie [trik-see] (n) : Name derived from an original character played on Yog
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The giant bear, hot on Yuralria's heels, tries to swat Yuralria to the ground a second time.

The bear catches wefoot and she tumbles face first into the snow at the edge of Sigyn's tent. The claw dug deep into Yuralria's heel but draws no blood. Yuralria feels a draining sensation in her leg. Her foot immediately goes numb.

ooc - Yurtalria loses 2 Magic Points.

The bear now stands over Yuralria snarling. It's breath is foul, like rotting flesh and it's low glutteral growls still remind Yuralria of that hollow bone on bone clicking sound. It raises its paw for a killing strike.

ooc - roll another dodge and if successful, tell me what you do.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by trixie »

What? huh? why is there just a inv castle roll there?

don't worry I'll edit this post when you tell me wtf....
Trixie [trik-see] (n) : Name derived from an original character played on Yog
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

That was your dodge roll. WHen you sent me the pm you didn't leave a space between the : and the roll link sio I had to copy it and post it again. You dodge then I guess eh?
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Yuralria sprints to Sigyn's hut and the bear's shadowy claws reach for their next meal right behind her. She dived through the skins covering the hut as the bear skidded past her. Expecting Sigyn and her wondrous shiny tools, Yuralria found only a fresh seal roasting over an open fire. A cariboo skin rug lay on the floor. A hunter's carving set lay scattered near a woven stool. A Dorset couple lay sleeping on top of their layered bed. They did not wake as Yuralria knocked over their house pot, still stinking of urine. Nor did they wake as the Bear roared it's mad frustration just outside.
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Re: Eskimos : Chapter 1 : BLOOD AND SNOW (Trixie)

Post by trixie »

Yuralria tries to be extra quiet so as not to wake them. The stench of urine fills the air, and she wrinkles her nose in revile. She skulks over to the carving set, picking up the pointiest object there is, and grips it tight. Perhaps there's another way out....

Yuralria looks to see if there is a window or back entrance she can sneak through.
Trixie [trik-see] (n) : Name derived from an original character played on Yog
Def: One who loves chit chat threads and dramatic roleplaying moments
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