Plot Synopsis

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Plot Synopsis

Post by Raiko »

I'll be posting an ongoing synopsis of the story here, to aid both new players and readers, and the memories of current players (and the Keeper :D).

I'll try to keep this as concise an possible
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Re: Plot Synopsis

Post by Raiko »

Day 1 - Monday 12th January 1925 ... 238&p=6213
Elizabeth receives a telegram from an old friend called Jackson Elias. He asks her to help with his investigation into the disappearance of the Carlyle Expedition, and asks her to gather an 'investigative team.' He'll be back in New York on the 15th. ... 243&p=6391

The nature of the telegram is quite out of character for Jackson, who is normally quite secretive about his investigations until he is ready to publish.

She telegrams her friends Andrei, Caroline and Thomas, asking them to meet at her apartment. She also asks Andrei to contact the Rukov Twins, two Russian pilots that he knows.

Elizabeth and the three Russians enjoy the evening in some nightclubs.

Elizabeth's chaperone/bodyguard/housekeeper Johnny Wong arrives at Elizabeth's Manhattan apartment, but she isn't at home.
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Re: Plot Synopsis

Post by Raiko »

Day 2 - Tuesday 13th January 1925 ... 238&p=6357
Everybody arrives at Elizabeth's apartment to discuss her 'adventure.'

Thomas and Caroline go to New York Public Library to research the Carlyle Expedition. ... 243&p=7026
They uncover a series of newspaper articles discussing the Carlyle expedition of 1919, it's excavations in Egypt, it's sudden departure to Kenya and the massacre that followed. Further articles discuss the investigation by Erica Carlyle into her brother's disappearance, her discovery of the massacre site, and the trial that followed. Thomas, who was initially disinterested by the idea of this 'adventure' is appalled by what appears to have been a show trial, resulting in the first available 'suspects' being hung.

They learn that other than Roger Carlyle, the expedition principles were Sir Aubrey Penhew, a noted English Egyptologist, Dr Robert Huston a fashionable New York alienist, Miss Hypatia Masters a friend of Roger's, apparently accompanying the expedition as a photographer, and Jack Brady, Roger's bodyguard and closest friend.

They spend the rest of the day looking for more information about Sir Aubrey Penhew and Robert Huston:

Andrei and Elizabeth go to Prospero House and meet Jackson's publisher Jonah Kensington. He decides that he can trust them and shares his worries that Jackson may be in some sort of trouble.

The last telegram that Jonah received from Jackson was very excitable, and he hasn't been in touch for some time.

He explains that Jackson was investigating the disappearance of the Carlyle expedition, because he suspects that a death cult was involved in the massacre, and that the real culprits escaped justice. Jonah says that Jackson has become 'quite obsessed.'

Although initially reluctant Jonah is eventually convinced to show them the correspondence that he has received from Jackson. As well as the telegram, this consists of two sets of handwritten notes and a letter.

The letter, sent from Kenya, says that he is 'onto something big' and saying that he may need an advance.

The first set of notes is also from Kenya, it is neatly presented, though lacking in specifics (Jackson prefers to keep things in his head). The notes detail Jackson's investigations in Kenya, including a trip to the massacre site and interviews with various people.

The second set of notes, which arrived only recently from London look like the ravings of a madman. Jonah is clearly upset and embarrassed by these notes. They are clearly written in Jackson Elias' hand, but are virtually unreadable.

Andrei asks if it would be ok for him to return tomorrow to study Jackson's notes carefully.

Elizabeth comments that Jackson is normally a sceptic, working to unmask these 'death cults' as frauds. It is quite unlike him to talk about 'massive worldwide conspiracies' like he does in his correspondence with Jonah. ... 238&p=6513
Maksim, Timour and Johnny travel to Carlyle House to try and meet with Erica Carlyle. They are surprised to find that the Westchester County house is guarded like a fortress, patrolled by heavily armed guards and guard dogs. They are turned away at the gate after failing to talk their way inside. ... 238&p=6688

Their car is pursued back to New York by a black ford containing several men armed with shotguns including a very large bald man. ... 238&p=6914
Maksim manages to turn the tables on the pursuers and escape.

The party all meet back at Downing House that evening to discuss what they have learnt.
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Re: Plot Synopsis

Post by Raiko »

Day 3 - Wednesday 14th January 1925

Elizabeth phones Carlyle House to try to contact Erica Carlyle, but she only manages to speak to the housekeeper Mr Corey.

Mr Corey says that Erica will be busy all day, and that he was the one responsible for chasing away the 'Russian conmen.' He says that Erica will phone back in the evening, after she has finished her business.

Andrei spends the day at Prospero House studying Jackson's Nairobi and London notes.

In his Kenyan notes Jackson attributes the massacre to a Kenyan death cult The Cult of the Bloody Tongue. Based near to the Mountain of the Black Wind. Jackson wrote that a mercenary 'Nails' Nelson claims to have seen Jack Brady alive and well in Hong Kong in March 1923, nearly four years after the massacre. Jackson speculates that if Brady survived, then other expedition principles may also be alive.

Elizabeth tracks down Olivia de Bernardesta a friend of Hypatia Masters. Maksim acts as Elizabeth's chauffeur. Olivia claims that prior to leaving on the expedition Hypatia had an affair with a student and Marxist activist Raoul Luis Piñera. She fell pregnant and had the baby aborted. It was quite a scandal.

Olivia claims that Hypatia left on the expedition to avoid seeing Raoul again. She says that Jack Brady was 'scary' and that he once saved Roger Carlyle's life in a bar fight.

Caroline goes to the Manhattan offices of the Medical Affairs Board, where Roger Huston case notes are being stored until somebody can decide whether they actually constitute legitimate medical records or not.

She uses the name a patient of her own who also saw Dr Huston to blag access to Huston's files.

She sees his files on both Erica and Roger Carlyle, but is unable to get the attentive secretary to leave the room, so she can't actually read the notes.

Thomas and Johnny spend the day trying to find out more about Carlyle's friend Jack Brady.

They are unable to locate any information about him at the library, but Thomas' associate Mick is able to learn much from police contacts.

Timour acquires a Browning Automatic Rifle and ammunition from an arms dealer contact. He suspects that he is being followed, but isn't sure.

Once again everybody meets back at Downing House that evening.

Mr Corey calls back that evening to say that Miss Carlyle had to leave on urgent business, but that she would be back on Friday (17th) for a party. He invites Elizabeth and her Russian friends to the party.
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Re: Plot Synopsis

Post by Raiko »

Day 4 - Thursday 15th January 1925

Elizabeth receives a phone call that morning from Jackson Elias, he is abrupt and sounds very uncharacteristically panicky. He simply says, "Ellie, meet me at room 410, Chelsea Hotel, 8:30pm" and hangs up.

The investigators decide to head straight to the Hotel Chelsea, rather than waiting until tonight. They travel in two separate cars: Maksim drives his brother, Elizabeth, Andrei and Johnny. Meanwhile Thomas and Caroline travel alone in Thomas' car.

The plan is for Thomas and Caroline to check out the hotel first, as they are the least likely to be known to enemies.

In the Rukov car there is a furious debate over the legally and use of Timour's BAR. Eventually Maksim pulls over and Timour places the machinegun in the trunk.
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Re: Plot Synopsis

Post by Raiko »

Day 4 - Thursday 15th January 1925
The Shootout at the Hotel Chelsea or The Death of Jackson Elias

Outside the Hotel Chelsea:

Johnny remains inside Timour's car, Maksim gives him the keys.

Maksim, Timour, Elizabeth and Andrei wait in a café across the street from the Hotel.

Timour leaves the café and pretends to change a tire on his car, to aford a better view of the hotel. Maksim joins him a few minutes later.

Inside the Hotel Chelsea:

Thomas and Caroline head inside, they claim to be friends of Jackson Elias and ask for a room on the same floor. All the rooms on that floor (the fourth) are taken, but they get a room on the fifth floor. They also learn that Jackson returned to the hotel "not more than five minutes ago."

Thomas goes up to check out Jackson's room on the fourth floor.

Caroline goes back outside to tell the others what's happening

Outside the Hotel Chelsea:

Caroline tells, Andrei & Elizabeth what's going on, and then heads back into the hotel and up to the room on the fifth floor.

Andrei, Elizabeth and Timour enter the hotel through a side door, and go up to the room via the internal fire escape.

Maksim goes into the hotel lobby, chats for a few minutes with a random, attractive female, and then goes upstairs.

On the Fifth floor:

Caroline, is joined in the room by Andrei, Elizabeth and Timour.

On the Fourth Floor:

Thomas tries to listen stealthily outside Jackson's hotel room door, but he stumbles and crashes noisily into the door. So instead he knocks on the door, there is no answer

Maksim arrives on that floor just as Thomas decides to try and break open the door.

Together the pair kick open the door, they are confronted by a machete armed cultist wearing a hideously carved tribal mask, he attempts to hack down Thomas, but Maksim is faster and shoots him dead.

Another cultist can be seen disappearing off the balcony.

Inside the room, on the bed, lies Jackson Elias' mutilated body. His throat has been hacked open, as has his stomach. The author's intestines are spread across the bed, and a symbol has been carved bloodily into his forehead.

Maksim runs across to the balcony, the other cultist is nowhere to be seen, screaming can be heard from inside the room directly below.

On the Fifth floor:

Caroline, Elizabeth, Andrei and Timour hear the gunshot. They all rush downstairs with Timour leading the way.

Outside the Hotel Chelsea:

Johnny sees two masked men climbing from Jackson's balcony to the balcony below. As they climb down he hears Maksim's gunshot.

A few seconds later he sees Maksim appear on the balcony, look over the side, and then dash back into Jackson's room.

Deciding that the masked men, who he suspects to be conmen, will be escaping from the back of the hotel, Johnny decides to drive around the block - looking for a likely getaway vehicle.

On the Fourth Floor:

Maksim and Thomas meet the others as they all reach the fourth floor landing at about the same time.

Lots of people are coming out of their rooms on the fourth floor now. Screaming can clearly be heard below on the third floor.

Maksim, Timour and Thomas continue downstairs towards room 310, and the screaming woman.

Andrei and Caroline head to room 410 and Jackson's body. They send Elizabeth downstairs to Thomas' car to retrieve Caroline's medical bag.

On the Third Floor:

Thomas and Timour arrive on the third floor, they see a man stumble out of room 310, his chest hacked open by viscous machete blows, his wife screams hysterically inside the room.

Further down the hallway the two masked murderers are fleeing through the fire exit.

The hallway is crowded with bystanders

Thomas shouts to clear the hallway and takes a shot at the fleeing cultists, the shot misses and he follows Timour giving chase.

Maksim rushes back upstairs to get Caroline.

On the Fourth Floor:

Caroline and Andrei find Jackson's body. Caroline has only a few moments to inspect the body before hearing Maksim calling for her. Andrei walks onto the balcony before returning to quickly inspect the room, he finds several clues. Then he leaves the room and dashes down the side (fire escape) stairs.

In front of the Hotel:

Johnny pulls back up outside the hotel in Timour's car, he has completely missed the idling getaway vehicle parked on 22nd street.

Elizabeth emerges from the hotel, rushing towards Thomas' car.

Seconds later Maksim and Caroline also rush from the hotel.

Caroline and Elizabeth retrieve the medical bag from Thomas' car and rush back into the hotel with Johnny.

Maksim takes Thomas' car and drives around the block towards 22nd street.

Behind the Hotel:

Timour and Thomas reach the bottom of the Chelsea's internal fire escape and emerge into the backstreet behind the hotel. The two murderers are running towards 22nd street.

Timour shoots the closest of the murderers in the back, killing him instantly.

He pursues the other man while Thomas stops to check the body, finding some clues.

The fleeing murderer is much faster than Timour, by the time the russian reaches 22nd street his quarry is being driven away in a black Hudson tourer.

Andrei reaches the bottom of the stairs, he steps outside and finds Thomas crouched over the dead murderer's body.

Timour writes down the licence plate number of the Hudson tourer. He is about to give up pursuit when Maksim roars around the corner driving Thomas' car.

Timour shouts for Thomas and then jumps in. Thomas and Andrei join the Rukovs in Thomas' car, and Maksim sets off in pursuit of the disappearing getaway vehicle.

On the Third Floor:

Caroline manages to patch up the wounded man sufficiently that he will hopefully survive, once he gets to hospital.

On the Fourth Floor:

Johnny looses track of Elizabeth and Caroline and instead finds himself on the fourth floor. He inspects Jackson's room, finding more clues.

On the road:

The car chase continues for many blocks north through Manhattan before Maksim eventually pulls alongside the fleeing Hudson, and Timour shoots out one of the tires.

The resulting crash throws both the driver and his passenger into the road. The driver dies instantly from his injuries, but machete wielding passenger gets back to his feet and advances towards the investigators.

So crazed was this madman that he continued to try and attack even after Timour shot his weapon arm to disarm him, he attempted to rip out Thomas' throat with his teeth.

A second gunshot from Timour finally finished him off.

Further evidence, probably taken from Jackson's hotel room, was found on the murderer's body.
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Re: Plot Synopsis

Post by Raiko »

Day 4 - Thursday 15th January 1925
The Aftermath

Most of the afternoon was spent at the NYPD HQ talking to the police. Thomas managed to ensure that the police knew that every act of violence committed by the investigators was done in self defence, and although Timour and Maksim's handguns were kept by the police everyone was released without charge, and with the thanks of the cops.

Lieutenant Poole of the NYPD explained that Jackson's murder appeared to be the latest in a series of similar crimes, dubbed the 'Voodoo Murders' by the cops and the press. Jackson is the ninth recorded victim, and all bore the same mutilations, including the rune symbol carved into their foreheads.

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