IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Terror Lurks beneath the waves...

In Dame Marie, sleeping villagers walk in the dead of night - they return without memory, naked and soaking from the sea...when they return at all...

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IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mephistophilis »

Laurent is led to a small room. He doesn't see where Dr Clermont goes but presumes it is probably somewhere a bit smarter than this cramped dirt floored hut with a few empty cots. But he slumps down to sleep nonetheless.


In the morning, Laurent is woken by probing rays of sunlight forcing themselves under his eyelids. His silent struggle is interrupted by Dr Clermont who blunders into the hut,

'Come, come young man. I will introduce you to Dr Beliard and we can see how Marise is doing.'


Wending through the corridors of the hospital, Clermont eventually leads Laurent to a side-room at one end of a mostly empty ward. Outside the room a squat man in a white coat is pacing. When he sees Clermont his face briefly lightens but quickly returns to a frown. Clermont introduces him to Laurent as Doctor Edouard Beliard, director of the hospital. He looks like a St Joe native but carries himself with the confident air of the mulatto elite.

'L'enfant is not well mon vieil ami,' he notes with a sigh.

The three enter the side-room, the blinds are drawn and it feels stuffy, unusually hot. Marise is lying in the bed, shrouded in bedclothes. She seems shrunken, grey. Laurent can just about make out the slight movement of her chest as she breathes but otherwise she is completely still. Even compared to last night she looks worse.

The two doctors stand beside the bed looking at Marise.

'And you haven't found anything on the tests?'

'No, nothing. As far as the blood tests go she is completely well, yet...' he gestures at Marise's corpselike appearance.

Clermont glances at Laurent then leans in to Dr Beliard,

'And she isn't, you know?'

Beliard shakes his head.

'We still have to take some x-rays, that might reveal something.'


Laurent feels quite out of place as the two doctors discuss theories and tests that he doesn't understand. Eventually Clermont turns back to him,

'Laurent, you know, there is not any more you can do for her now. Marise is in good hands here.'

Dr Beliard places a hand on Laurent's shoulder. 'We will do all we can for her.'
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

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"There is still something I can do for her," says Laurent. "I can be with her, like I promised her. The healing of her mind is as important as the healing of her body, and I can help with that."
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mephistophilis »

'Well, quite...how noble,' says Clermont. The look on his face is a mixture of admiration and pity.

The two doctors leave Laurent alone at Marise's bedside while they go off to talk outside. He can't make out what they're saying the the tone is one of worry and concern. The girl continues to lie there asleep or unconscious, the only movement her shallow breathing. He takes her hand and it feels hot, feverish. Touching her brow she's burning up, little beads of sweat run down her clammy skin.


After some time two orderlies arrive with a wheeled trolley to take Marise for an x-ray. They won't allow Laurent to accompany her and they call a nurse from the main ward who leads Laurent down to a refectory where they are serving a simple breakfast and he sits alone at a long table nibbling distractedly.
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

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Laurent eats his breakfast, knowing he has to in order to keep going. He is worried about Marise, and he prays that the doctors can help her.
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mephistophilis »

While Laurent sits alone at the table, lost in his thoughts, in his worries about Marise. Someone slides in to sit beside him. Closer than seems strictly necessary to Laurent. It's a young man, perhaps seventeen or eighteen. Fresh faced and friendly looking. He tries to catch Laurent's eye and eventually gives up, clearing his throat, and asking him 'What are you doing here?'
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

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"I'm Laurent Toussaint," says Laurent. "I'm a friend of Marise Lavigne. I brought her here, and I promised her I'd stay with her as long as she's here."
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mephistophilis »

The young man looks interested, he hold out a hand in greeting. 'Léon, pleased to meet you. I work in the kitchens.' He leans closer and whispers conspiratorially, 'Is Marise the girl that arrived in the middle of the night?'
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Oui, that's her," says Laurent, shaking his hand. "Did you hear the doctors saying anything about her?"
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mephistophilis »

Léon gives Laurent a sad smile. 'They say she is sick and getting sicker, they do not know why she is so sick.' He looks sympathetically at Laurent. 'Do you want to see where they do the radiographie? We can look at her scans.'
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

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"Sure, merci," says Laurent.
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mephistophilis »

Léon and Laurent wind through the labyrinthine corridors of the hospital until they eventually come to a small door off a courtyard that Léon opens in an exaggerated manner, like he's in a spy movie. Inside the room is full of boxes and bits of unidentifiable equipment. But in one corner there's a large machine - it looks like a massive telescope hanging from an armature off the ceiling, but instead of pointing to the stars it is focused on a narrow hospital bed. Léon grins and points at the machine, 'Radiographie!'

He tiptoes through the room and peaks through a further door. Then he signals to Laurent that the coast is clear. Through the door is a little room, there are various desks and benches but the most striking part is a lightbox mounted on the wall from which several x-rays are hanging. There are images of what Laurent can tell are someone's skull, their chest, their abdomen and pelvis, and various limb bones. Looking closer at the films they are all marked Marise Lavigne.

Laurent studies the images. He doesn't know much about medicine or anatomy, but there's something about them that doesn't look right.

OOC:   Have a roll to interpret the X-rays? Seems like a Human roll and you can risk an Insight if you want.  
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mr. Handy »


Not being a doctor, Laurent isn't completely sure what he's seeing.

Roll to understand the X-rays (human die only):
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mephistophilis »

Laurent can't really make out much from the x-rays. The bones all sort of look right but he's not sure he'd know if they weren't. Certainly nothing seems obviously broken. While he can recognise the images of the lungs and the abdomen he has no idea if there's anything abnormal there - the films are just mysterious shadows and lines that mean nothing to him. The only thing he does notice is something in an x-ray of Marise's abdomen. He can make out the bottom end of the ribcage, the spine running down the centre, and the pelvis at the bottom of the image - in many ways human anatomy isn't that different to the skeletons of pigs and cattle he's seen in the fields. But in between all those bright white bones, in amongst the various shades of grey that Laurent assumes are bowel and liver and kidney and whatever else is in there, he sees something else. It's almost like two x-ray images have been superimposed on top of one another. There's the white bones surrounding the abdominal cavity, but then there's more bright white signal in the middle of the image.


Like there's more bones inside the abdomen. Laurent traces a white curve down the left hand side of the image, multiple white blocks like a delicate spine, and on the right of the film there are longer blocks of white, almost like tiny leg or arm bones. It doesn't seem like they're just the remnants of food as far as Laurent can tell. They seem to be joined together somehow. Part of some kind of whole.

Could there be another little life inside Marise? Is she pregnant?
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Is that...a baby?" Laurent wonders aloud.
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mephistophilis »

Léon peers at the x-ray, tracing his finger along the curve of white bands, 'It's either a baby or she's eaten something really big for dinner!'

As Léon is looking over the film, there's a noise from the adjoining room and the far door starts to open.
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Hide," whispers Laurent, tapping Léon on the shoulder. Then he slips behind the door.
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mephistophilis »

Léon ducks out the external door, leaving Laurent alone in the room as the door opens and a man in a white coat walks through. Laurent is able to remain in the shadows behind the door and the man doesn't seem to notice him. He collects up the x-ray films of Marise and takes them back out the door he came from, muttering 'Mon dieu,' under his breath.
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mr. Handy »


Laurent follows Léon to catch up with him.
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mephistophilis »

Leaning against a wall of the small courtyard, Léon has a sympathetic look. 'So, mon amie, I don't mean to pry but is she your girlfriend? Is it your baby?'
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Re: IC - Day 5 - Sins of the Father

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Non," says Laurent, with a tinge of regret. "Her boyfriend was Eddie, but they broke up a few weeks ago. I'm best friends with Marise's brother, and I do love her, but there has been nothing between us yet." He tells Léon about the doctor's startled reaction. "I don't think this is a normal baby. We should track down that doctor and see where he takes the x-rays, and maybe hear what he says about them."
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