IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Terror Lurks beneath the waves...

In Dame Marie, sleeping villagers walk in the dead of night - they return without memory, naked and soaking from the sea...when they return at all...

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IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mephistophilis »

Holy Tuesday is drawing to a close. The Dame Marie streets are dark, lit only by the occasional lantern. Here and there the sound of drums, trumpets, and snatches of other music are carried on the wind, impossible to localise. The warmth of the day has given way to a chill in the air and there is even a drizzle of rain.

Walking down past Pointe Pierre, the music is playing again, American jazz, a trumpet solo, no, trumpet and saxophone. Miles Davis recording the song Move as far as Laurent can tell. Eddie and Paul are long gone, as are most of the kids. But a hardy few are still sitting around in the flickering lamplight outside Old Man Samuel's shop.

The two boys step hesitantly onto the wet sand of Anse Douce. Laurent's feeble flashlight barely penetrates the screen of rain as they stumble along the water's edge. Able to see little more than the white froth of the low-breaking waves. Approaching the gully filled with coral boulders, the increasingly familiar fairyland of coral and shadows takes on a grimmer vista in the gloom from the ever heavier showers. Laurent's clothes are starting to feel sodden and stick to his skin. His flashlight fizzles and dims as water penetrates the casing.

Suddenly Laurent's light picks out a pale, running shape near the edge of the gully. Moving quickly towards the protection of the boulders. The whole length of the figure reflecting the light as if from naked skin.
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

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"Definitely not Marise, not with that skin tone," whispers Laurent, "but maybe he's seen her. Let's get a closer look."
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mephistophilis »

Laurent and Pierre creep forward across the sand. Down among the chunks of coral there are a lot of places someone might hide, it's like a maze. Laurent's flashlight beam skipping across the boulders, but revealing no sign of movement among the piles of rock. The rain is driving heavily now and the wind has sprung up, the surf breaking with a monotonous, muted rumble in the darkness.
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mr. Handy »


Laurent shines his flashlight on the sand where he had seen the figure standing, looking for footprints in it.
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mephistophilis »

OOC:   Give me a roll to see if you can see footprints.  
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mr. Handy »


Laurent manages to pick up the trail.

Roll (human die) to look for footprints in the sand:
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mephistophilis »

Even with the driving rain, Laurent can see something in the wet sand. Not footprints exactly, more like scuff marks, like something being dragged across the sand. Following the trail with his flashlight he skips his flickering beam across a couple of chunks of coral. As the light breaks through the gap between two boulders there's a tinny clunk, like an empty can being kicked or knocked into rocks or coral. Advancing towards the noise he sees between the boulders someone on their hands and knees, lit up by his flashlight, trying to crawl away.

A girl, not naked as he had expected, barefoot but wearing blue jeans and a blue denim shirt. Trapped in the weak pool of light she stops, turns, and slowly gets to her feet. Saying nothing, Marise Lavigne stands there, facing them, as Laurent and Pierre rush across the sand towards her.

'Marise, where have you been?' shouts Pierre. But she just looks down at her bare feet, at the empty beer can that betrayed her, and she gives it a savage kick, sending it ricocheting among the coral rocks. As the clattering echoes around she starts cursing with a controlled fury that Laurent has never seen from her before.
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

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"Your parents are very worried about you, Marise," says Laurent. "So were we. I'm glad you're all right. Why did you come here?"
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mephistophilis »

‘I don't have to answer your questions!’ she shrieks at Laurent.
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

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"I'm sorry," says Laurent. "We only came looking for you because we care about you, and we want to help."
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mephistophilis »

Marise pushes past them, but Pierre grabs her arm. She twists herself free and spits at him. ‘I can walk! There's nothing wrong with me!’ Then she strides past, along the shore while Laurent and Pierre hurry to catch her up.

'Don't you try and run away again,' Pierre shouts after her. Marise stops, turns on her heel, and glares at him, hands on her hips. Laurent's flashlight beam touches her face and reveals a glitter in her eyes that he finds oddly attracting but also repellent. Through thin lips she hisses, ‘You don't need to be afraid I'll run away. I didn't have to come back you know.’
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Will you come back with us?" asks Laurent.
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mephistophilis »

Marise just laughs at him. It's a harsh, mocking sound, nothing like her usual joyful laugh. She strides on, back towards Pointe Pierre. She says nothing, just marches along the sand. Eventually slowing to a stop once they've climbed from the beach to the pier. She turns and looks out at the sea, into the darkness. A look on her face of...longing maybe? But also one of fear. Then the expression is gone and she returns to the cold, hard features she's adopted since they found her down by the water. She looks up towards town, then slowly starts to walk in that direction, letting Laurent and Pierre catch her up. Saying nothing all the while.
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mr. Handy »


Laurent follows along, letting her maintain her silence.
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

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The walk up from Pointe Pierre, through sleeping Dame Marie to the Lavigne house is the longest one of Laurent's life. None of the three of them speak. Arriving at the house Laurent feels limp with relief as he knocks on the door and Florence opens it, wrapping Marise in her arms with a cry and copious tears. Yet the girl just stands there, rigid and unmoving.

Florence ushers everyone inside, explaining that Fabrice is still out searching. Marise perches on the edge of a stool. Now that Laurent can see her in the lamplight she looks half-asleep, exhausted even. And her eyes, there's a blankness. Something missing, the spark of the girl he used to know.

Turning momentarily from fussing over her daughter, Florence asks, 'Where did you find her?'
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

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"Anse Douce," says Laurent. "When we didn't find her at Point Pierre, we went back there to see if she arrived since we were there before, and she had."
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mephistophilis »

'Anse Douce? Again?' she asks. 'Then why didn't Fabrice find her there? Where is he?' She looks at Marise who just shrugs despondently.

'What is it with Anse Douce Marise? Why do you keep going there?' Marise looks away.

'What's going on there?' No answer. Then slowly and very deliberately she says, ‘I didn't have to come back.’

'Come back from where?'

‘The place I disappeared to.’

'And where was that?' Florence asks in an exasperated tone.

Quietly, slowly the girl answers, ‘I...I don't remember now.’

'What do you mean you don't remember? Marise, this is...is...is just impossible,' she screams. 'I'm taking you to see Dr Clermont, he needs to see you, to find out what is going on with you!'

Marise's expression takes on a sour look. ‘I'm not going anywhere, I want to go to bed.’
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Maybe he'll make a house call," says Laurent. "I could go get him."
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mephistophilis »

Pierre stays with his sister while Laurent runs out into the night to find the doctor. Dashing through the unlit streets of Dame Marie, avoiding donkey shit and even worse substances in the gutters, he arrives at Dr Clermont's house, lungs burning and feeling light headed. The surgery is long closed for the night and the house is dark. Laurent knocks on the door and after a few minutes the old doctor comes to the door, looking bleary eyed.

'Ah, Monsieur Toussaint, disturbing my sleep seems to have become quite the habit for you recently. How can I help you my jeune homme?'
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Re: IC - Day 4 - Return to the Scene of the Crime

Post by Mr. Handy »


"It's Marise who needs your help, Doctor," says Laurent. "We found her at Anse Douce after she wandered off again. Physically, she doesn't appear injured, but she's changed somehow recently. She's been through something awful, and she won't talk about it."
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