IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

1517, Auvergne, France: The Duc d'Auvergne is hosting an elaborate gathering culminating in a masquerade ball in his palace in Vyones, to which he has invited quite a few notable people. Travelers from throughout Europe and North Africa are in attendance to see and be seen. But there are some strange unseen things lurking behind the scenes that may put everyone in danger. Can Story, Elizabeth, Brook, and others attending the party unravel the mysteries and prevent madness from reigning supreme?

This is Classic Doctor Who meets Call of Cthulhu, the sixth of a series of connected adventures set in different eras and locations that includes The Terror Out of Time, The Ninth Planet, The Shadow Over Dunwich, The Brotherhood of Death, and The Horror in the Blackout.

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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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  Extreme success.  
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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It only took Jacques a few seconds to find the hidden catch. One flip was enough to open the secret door, and Bianca was instantly through it, shutting it quietly behind her.
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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As the secret door was shutting, Jacques mouthed to Bianca, "Stay there," and pointed to a spot just on the concealed side of the door.

He quickly pulled pants on and tucked in the white shirt he had never taken off, hastily doing up buttons. "Coming, Father."

With one last frantic look across the room, Jacques scampered over and opened the door to the Spanish Inquisition...

I would love to say the chevalier was wearing a white satin shirt, but that does seem highly unlikely.
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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Jacques was fully dressed when he opened the door, though there was not time to put on his armor. The priest hurried inside and closed the door behind him. He had a wild look in his eyes, and he did not seem to have slept well. He sniffed the air. "Do I smell perfume?" he asked.
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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"Father," Jacques began patiently, "You have got me opening the door looking quite barbarous because you said it was urgent and my soul was in peril. I grant I should not have overslept but in my defence, it is something I very rarely do."

"Please tell me this is about something more serious than a nice smelling room. What was so urgent? And should you like a cup of wine to help calm your nerves?"
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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"No, thank you," said Ignacio. "Is there something you would like to confess to me, Chevalier?"

Jacques, please roll Insight.
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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"Father, with the greatest of respect, you are not my confessor. Come now, what was so urgent? I will freely confess that I am thinking of breakfast."
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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"Your confessor is not here," said Ignacio, "and so it falls to me. It is the state of your soul that is so urgent. You know what will happen if you die unshriven, and there are dangerous forces at work here."

Jacques realized that the priest knew what Jacques had done. He wasn't sure how, but somehow he knew. There was also something else clearly on Ignacio's mind, and it was that that had disturbed his sleep and was responsible for the look in his eyes. Something else occurred to Jacques. If he confessed to the priest, he would be bound by the confessional seal not to tell anyone, whereas if he did not, the priest would be free to tell others.

Ignacio's Insight roll:
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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Jacques paused briefly, but he was after all a Hospitaller of the Order of St John. And there were dangers, no doubt. He shrugged. "Very well, I'm sure you are right."

He knelt down on one knee and lowered his head. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been, umm, two weeks since my last confession..."

Not a Catholic myself so have no real idea how this goes except from what I've seen in film and TV.
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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Ignacio put a hand on Jacques's shoulder. "Tell me your sins, my son," he said.

That makes two of us.
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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"Well, I did throw a dagger at what I thought at the time was a murderous intruder. As it turns out, he is just a lying thief. I only really grazed him though. I do not believe he bears me any great ill will for it."

"I actually have some hopes I might recruit him as a sergeant in the Hospitallers. He would learn better behaviour among the ranks of our men. And maybe find an honest death. But I'm getting off point."

"I have also been intimate with a woman, outside of wedlock. But it was consensual, and we neither of us were committing adultery."
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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"Well, fornication is not as grievous a sin as adultery," said Ignacio, "but it is still serious. I absolve you, my son. You shall say ten Our Fathers, and you should also wed this woman, to make things right. It is better to marry than to burn."
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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"Thank you Father. And I assure you, marriage to this woman is indeed high on my mind. I would rather die than see her dishonored."

"But my soul aside, is something else troubling you, Father? You look slightly, ah, harried."
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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"You're welcome, my son," said the priest. "As I said, there are dark forces at work. It's this infernal play. I received a copy of script last night, and it is the most blasphemous thing I have ever read. Even the symbol on its cover is disturbing. Once the Duc is ready for an audience, I'm certain I can convince him to cancel the performance. However, the players are the source of this evil, and I do not think this will be the end of it."
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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"Ah, I trust to your education and experience, Father. My training lies far more with the simpler world of practical soldiering, I'm afraid."

"The ladies from Narnia were also expressing concerns about this play. I believe they also had fears it may have been heretical or something along those lines. I did not overly take them seriously, as those ladies are, well, quite foreign. Have you discussed your concerns with them, though?"

"I wonder, would you allow me an hour to make myself presentable and have a brief breakfast? Then I shall be happy to assist you as I can."
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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"Of course," said Ignacio. "I have not spoken to the ladies, but I shall make it a point to do so after I have seen the Duc. I shall see you later, Chevalier." He departed down the hall.
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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Jacques courteously followed the Inquisitor to the door, making polite assurances that he would locate the Father again later in the morning.

Once he was satisfied the inquisitor was gone, Jacques shut the entrance to his room and darted back to the other, secret door, praying that Bianca hadn't wandered off and become lost.
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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Bianca was still there, and now fully dressed. She stepped into the room with a smile on her face. "I heard," she said. "I could do a lot worse for a husband than you. You are a noble man, honorable and courageous. Imagine what our children could accomplish with your physique and my beauty."
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

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Jacques kissed Bianca's hand passionately. "Beautiful lady, the mere thought makes me dizzy with joy. But honesty compells me to say you could do better than me. I am a simple knight. I have no lands. I would happily worship you to the day I die, but you could find some far greater lord than me to marry."

"For the moment though, we must get you back to your room without causing unwelcome attentions. Do you think we risk your leaving through the normal door? Or else, I could try to find my way to your room or close to it through these cursed secret passages, but they are a rabbit's warren and a half. There is some danger of getting turned about. I'm game though, if you prefer that option."
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Re: IC-Ep 3-Knight's Rest(Jacques only)

Post by Mr. Handy »

"My first husband did not even have a knighthood," said Bianca, "though he was wealthy. I can buy the lands for us that you lack. It would be a perfect match. If you propose to me, I will accept. As for my exit, I think if you ensure that the hall outside your door is clear, I should be able to leave that way."
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