Finished Characters

Halloween Night, 1987. A year since the events at the Old Barnaker House. Memories have faded. Things seem, fuzzier somehow. Did that, could that have even happened?

And here you are again, on Halloween Night. On the outskirts of an old amusement park. On Halloween Night. Didn't want to be called a chicken again...

And here you are. Something tugs at the back of your mind. A forgotten memory. This isn't right. You shouldn't be here. There's a metal arch over the front gate, topped by large, rusted metal letters. The remaining letters spell out 'UNLAND.'

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Finished Characters

Post by Mephistophilis »

Post your finished character sheets here once we've finalised the details in the Character Creation thread.
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Re: Finished Characters

Post by Philulhu »


Name: Charles ‘Charlie’ Bruckner
Player: Philulhu
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Archetype: The Weirdo

STR 30
CON 60
SIZ 35
DEX 65
APP 60
INT 65 Idea 65%
POW 75
EDU 30 Know 30%
Luck 75 73
SAN 75 (lopey mirror creature) 74 (the implanted memory of Barry) 73 (Max 99; 1/5th 14)
HP 10/10
MP 15/15
DB -1

Skills (passed skill tests preceded by *):
Be a Pal (10%): 40%
Be Bossy (10%): 15%
Be Sneaky (20%): 40%
Dodge (1/2DEX): 40%
Fighting (25%): 30%
First Aid (30%): 30%
Fix Stuff (10%): 10%
Gym Class (20%): 20%
Nature (10%): 10%
Notice Stuff (25%): 60%
Play with Matches (0%): 5%
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (20%): 30%
Science Class (10%): 10%
Spooky Stuff (5%): 80%
Taunt (0%): 60%

Who are you?
You are Charles (aka Charlie) Bruckner. You are relatively new to town, your dad works as a shrink for the VA and they keep moving him around. Most kids, if they know anything about you, know that your mom is dead. She died five years ago, along with your younger brother, in a car accident. You were in the car too, but you lived. You don't like to talk about it.

You think a lot but don't feel like talking much. Many other kids avoid you because you like to wear black and you don't like to look people in the eye when you talk. Your long dark fringe hides you’d eyes anyway, so who’s to know?You do like to listen to music, Dad got you a Walkman for your birthday. Your older sister at college left behind most of her records when she went to college so you've got a lot of mix tapes, some bands like Kiss, Van Halen, Montrose and Blue Oyster Cult. You also trade some tapes with people across the country, listening to new bands from Europe, such as Hellhammer, Mercyful Fate and Venom. You like those more than your sister’s music.

You also like reading books about dead people, and ghosts, and murders, and vampires, and accidents, and lots of other stuff most people find creepy. You don't find it creepy at all. You find it interesting. Most people pretend they aren't going to die someday, but you know better. There’s a drummer in a band called Rush, but he writes all the lyrics. That’s what Charlie’s gonna do when he grows up.

What do others know about you?
Charlie is new to school and nobody knows him well. He spends most days, when not in class, sitting in the corner listening to the Walkman, drumming on a random surface and writing in a notebook. Some kids think he’s spooky - always reading something weird about ghosts or werewolves. Kinda creepy if you ask me.

Unarmed 30% (15/6) 1d3 -1

Walkman, mix tape, notebook, pens, a couple of busted up drum sticks, rescued from the dumpster at the back of the local guitar shop, black leather jacket with numerous pin badges on the lapels.

This will be Charlie if/when he grows up…
Last edited by Philulhu on Thu Jan 25, 2024 1:00 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Finished Characters

Post by BoyBlunder78 »


Name: Darren Pickett
Player: BoyBlunder78
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Archetype: The Athlete

STR 55
CON 65
SIZ 45
DEX 85
APP 65
INT 50 Idea 50%
POW 65
EDU 30 Know 30%
Luck 69
SAN 64 (Max 99; 1/5th 11) 56
HP 11/11 8/11
MP 13/13
DB +0

Skills (passed skill tests preceded by *):
Be a Pal (10%): 61%
Be Bossy (10%): 15%
Be Sneaky (20%): 20%
Dodge (1/2DEX): 60%
Fighting (25%): 40%
First Aid (30%): 40%
Fix Stuff (10%): 49%
Gym Class (20%): 80%
Nature (10%): 10%
Notice Stuff (25%): 43%
Play with Matches (0%): 5%
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (20%): 30%
Science Class (10%): 10%
Spooky Stuff (5%): 18%
Taunt (0%): 5%

Who are you?
Your are Darren Pickett and you are a jock. You're the best player on your Little League team and are already plotting out which team sports to pick in Middle and High School. Mom and dad have drilled into you the value of teamwork and leadership; however good you are you are better as part of a team. You're often picked to be captain or the like when you play games at school. Most of the time it is fine, but lately you've noticed people just assume you want the job, even when they don't ask you first. Nevertheless, if you are picked to be the leader, you do your darnedest to lead the team to victory.

What do others know about you?
Darren is probably the best athlete in your grade and well liked by everyone in the neighbourhood, kids and adults alike. They are a natural leader and good motivator, always pushing their friends to do their best, be it in a ball game, gym class or wherever. Darren is a loyal friend, if a little pushy sometimes, but people tend to assume he is in charge of a group, even without asking or telling him.

Unarmed 40% (20/8) 1d3
Bat 40% (20/8) 1d8
Baseball 40% (20/8) 1d6 (if hit with bat)

Catchers Mit
Aluminium baseball bat with Ian scratched into it.
Weathered old baseball
Last edited by BoyBlunder78 on Sun Feb 25, 2024 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Harry Enslin

Post by Mr. Handy »


Name: Harry Enslin
Player: Mr Handy
Age: 11 until next week
Gender: Male
Archetype: The Know It All

STR 35
CON 35
SIZ 55
DEX 35
APP 50
INT 75 Idea 75%
POW 40
EDU 35 Know 35%
Luck 39
SAN 40 (Max 99; 1/5th 6) 30 (-1) 29 (-1) 28 (-3) 25 (-5) 20
HP 9/9
MP 8/8
DB +0

Skills (passed skill tests preceded by *):
Be a Pal (10%): 10%
Be Bossy (10%): 15%
Be Sneaky (20%): 20%
Dodge (1/2 DEX): 18%
Fighting (25%): 30%
*First Aid (30%): 42%
Fix Stuff (10%): 60%
Gym Class (20%): 25%
Nature (10%): 10%
*Notice Stuff (25%): 43%
Play with Matches (0%): 5%
*Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (20%): 60%
*Science Class (10%): 80%
Spooky Stuff (5%): 21%
Taunt (0%): 5%

Who are you?
You are Harry Enslin and you are the smartest kid at your school. You are more than a little insufferable on that point since you think every class is the perfect opportunity to show off how many facts you know. Teachers like you, at least, since you are probably raising the school's Iowa Testing average by a whole point all on your own.

What do others know about you?
Harry is probably the smartest kid at school; he is certainly the most likely to tell you how smart he is...even if you didn't ask. It gets annoying sometimes, but at least he is as smart as he claims to be.

Unarmed 30% (12/5) 1d3

Microcassette recorder
Star Trek: The Next Generation costume (Lt. Commander Data): includes Starfleet uniform, phaser, scientific tricorder
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep
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Re: Finished Characters

Post by Snapper »


Name: Max Franklin
Player: Snappier
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Archetype: The Bookworm

STR 35
CON 45
SIZ 35
DEX 35
APP 45
INT 60 Idea 60%
POW 55
EDU 35 Know 35%
Luck 55
SAN 55 (Max 99; 1/5th 11) -3-1-1 = 50
HP 8/8
MP 11/11
DB -1

Skills (passed skill tests preceded by *):
Be a Pal (10%): 40
Be Bossy (10%): 15
Be Sneaky (20%): 20
Dodge (1/2DEX): 18
Fighting (25%): 25
First Aid (30%): 30
Fix Stuff (10%): 40
Gym Class (20%): 20
Nature (10%): 10
Notice Stuff (25%): 40
Play with Matches (0%): 5
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (20%): 80
Science Class (10%): 60
Spooky Stuff (5%): 60
Taunt (0%): 5

Who are you?
You are Max Franklin, a studious and avid reader often labelled a 'nerd' or 'bookworm' by your peers. To you, reading isn't just a pastime; it's a passion that fuels your imagination. The local public library is your sanctuary, granting you access to a vast array of knowledge. You've delved into genres spanning from science fiction to Sherlock Holmes mysteries, but your true fascination lies in the realms of monsters, ghosts, and horror stories. Secretly you've been attempting to craft your own spine-chilling tales.

Academically gifted, schoolwork poses little challenge for you. However, the intricate social dynamics of your classmates often confound you. While not inclined towards athletics or romantic interests, your amicable nature has earned you respect among your peers. You are known for your willingness to assist others, especially in subjects where they struggle.

What do others know about you?
Max is a quiet and unassuming presence in school, hidden behind his glasses that hint at his intellectual prowess. He's known as a 'bookworm' and wears that label with pride. His world seems to revolve around the pages of books, particularly those filled with tales of dinosaurs, monsters, and ghosts. Despite being one of the smartest kids in school he isn't stuck up about it and is always willing to lend a hand to someone struggling with homework or studying for a test.

Unarmed 25% (12/5) 1d3-1

Notepad and pen
A couple of comics
Silva orienteering compass
Last edited by Snapper on Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:05 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Finished Characters

Post by CrackheadC. »


Name: Dirk 'Dirt' Blokowski
Player: CrackheadC.
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Archetype: The Prankster

STR 35
CON 45
SIZ 40
DEX 70
APP 60
INT 50 Idea 50%
POW 60
EDU 30 Know 30%
Luck 60
SAN 60 (Max 99; 1/5th 11) Current: 55
HP 9/9
MP 12/12
DB -1

Skills (passed skill tests preceded by *):
Be a Pal (10%): 10
Be Bossy (10%): 15
Be Sneaky (20%): 40
Dodge (1/2DEX): 35
Fighting (25%): 25
First Aid (30%): 40
Fix Stuff (10%): 40
Gym Class (20%): 20
Nature (10%): 10
Notice Stuff (25%): 60
Play with Matches (0%): 60
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (20%): 30
Science Class (10%): 10
Spooky Stuff (5%): 5
Taunt (0%): 80

Who are you?
You are Dirk Blokowski, derisively called 'Dirt' by those that don't like you on account of being a messy poor kid. That doesn't stop you from trying to make a joke out of everything. You love to pull pranks, scare people, and generally cause mischief whenever you can outside of the house. When mom left dad due to his drinking and abuse, and your brother Richie left to attend West Point and get away from him, you became the target of your father's drunken rage. As a result of this, you spend most of your time outside of the house exploring and causing trouble.
This Halloween you overheard some of the other kids were going to check out Funland at night. You decided that this is the perfect opportunity to prank them, have a good time, and maybe - just maybe - finally make some real friends.

What do others know about you?
Dirk is a joker, a class clown, and all-around trouble maker. He is always getting into trouble at school by either ignoring his lessons or putting salt in the teacher's coffee. He can often be seen getting yelled at and chased off in town by some irritated shopkeeper or a group of older boys that don't take kindly to his jokes. He's always got a trick or a joke up his sleeve and seems to love to be the center of attention with a smile on his face and a laugh in the air, but you may have noticed that he never seems to hang out with the same people for long and always leaves school alone on his beat up hand-me-down bike.

Unarmed 25% (12/5) 1d3-1
Slingshot 40% (20/8) 1d2 (rock)

Joy buzzer
Whoopie cushion
Lots and lots of firecrackers
A Zippo lighter from his older brother Richie
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Re: Finished Characters

Post by aine »

Name: Louis Ravensburger
Player: Aine
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Archetype: The Poor Kid

STR 40
CON 75
SIZ 30
DEX 45
APP 40
INT 60 Idea 60%
POW 65
EDU 25 Know 25%
Luck 65
SAN 48 (Max 99; 1/5th ?) 60, 59 (Chairoplane)
HP 11/11
Current: 2
MP 13/13
DB -1

Skills (passed skill tests preceded by *):
Be a Pal (10%): 10%
Be Bossy (10%): 15%
Be Sneaky (20%): 40%
Dodge (1/2DEX): 23%
Fighting (25%): 32%
First Aid (30%): 40%
Fix Stuff (10%): 60%
Gym Class (20%): 49%
Nature (10%): 67%
Notice Stuff (25%): 80%
Play with Matches (0%): 5%
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (20%): 25%
Science Class (10%): 10%
Spooky Stuff (5%): 14%
Taunt (0%): 5%

Who are you?
Since Halloween last year, Lyle has moved away and Aunt Sal and Uncle John have moved in to look after the two younger boys. John takes Louis hunting most weekends.

You are Louis Ravensburger, and while no one calls you it to your face, you are "the poor kid." You live at the trailer park on the edge of town with your older brother Lyle (20) and your younger brother Luke (9). You've got no parents - Mum left when Luke was a baby and violent Dad disappeared last year for some, as yet, unknown reason. Lyle is just about keeping things afloat but takes it out on his younger brothers a lot. He often drops Luke off at Maureen's (trailer -incessant smoker) and goes 'hunting' for days at a time.
Which means you are on your own a lot and have learnt to be resourceful; looking out for yourself and at making things from odds and ends.

Nevertheless, you will knock anyone flat who mocks your family, or your threadbare clothes, or your haircuts done at the kitchen table. One thing you know for sure is that you've got to study hard to get a better life and your current career of choice is the military.

What do others know about you?
Louis is probably the poorest kid at school, other than perhaps his brother Luke. Constantly hungry and putting on weight on his diet of cheap food; Louis is always searching for food.
Those kids who get past his notable poverty find Louis to be a loyal friend and a handy fellow when it comes to building the latest den or play-prop.

Unarmed 30% (15/6) 1d3-1

Hunting knife, electric torch, matches
A bear’s tooth on a leather thong around his neck (more likely a dog’s canine)
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