Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

The voice on the phone said, "I understand that you are a friend of my son, James. He has gone missing. I require your assistance in bringing him home again...”

A university student has gone missing. Can his friends find out what has happened to James Frazer in 1920s Massachusetts?

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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Philulhu »

The time is getting on for 3.30pm.

Richard glanced at Halpert who nodded and waved him away impatiently. “Very well,” he said. “I can show you the way.”

It was no more than ten minutes drive to where the workers had their homes. They were, for the most part, ramshackle and assembled with anything that the inhabitants could find to hand. The walls were wooden and most had either shutters or even blankets fixed to the windows for privacy. There was a pump for water but no other services.

The shacks lined the track on both sides, and at the end, a larger shack stood slightly apart. It was better maintained and one of the windows even had glass! A large crucifix was fixed to the wall adjacent to the door. Two men stood on the porch, watching warily as the car approached. The younger was muscled like an ox, tall and solidly built. The other was considerably shorter, almost spherical, with a shock of white hair like a man touching one of those electric machines down at count fair.

They had been in conversation when first spotted but now they stood and waited for their visitors to speak.

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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Silver Priest »

"Good afternoon gentleman," Alex offers them both a nod. "My colleague and I are journalists from up north. We were hoping Preacher Litton was around. We would like to ask him a few questions."
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by jp1885 »


“We’re investigating the oil company,” Ivy adds. “And the effect they are having on local communities such as this.”

She gestures to the shacks in what she hopes is an approving manner.
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Philulhu »

The white-haired man turned his head and spoke quietly to the younger man, who briefly shook his head in response. He looked back towards his visitors and said, ”Ah am indeed, Preacher Litton, though ah am sure that Richard has already told you who ah am.” His voice was higher pitched than expected for such a large-framed man, almost reedy. He peered at the Englishman who had remained in the car, who stared back impassively.

The oil company, you say? They are indeed a plague on this town, like those that befell Egypt in ancient times. Except that it is the hand of man and not of GOD that brings this plague upon us! The LORD struck the river Nile with his staff and changed the water into BLOOD! Man seeks to follow in his footsteps but the LORD will not tolerate their attempt to to cravenly follow HIS ways! A PLAGUE will be upon them and they will suffer HIS wrath!”
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Silver Priest »

Alex finds himself tempted to say Amen! But manages to repress the urge.

"Yes. We are beginning to agree with that assessment. We've heard tales of pagan worship by the men. Someone went so far as to carve a snake into one of the pews in Father Ortega's church! As a local religious leader, we were wondering if you've heard any whispers of the oilmen or anyone being involved in snake worship recently. Of course, it could have just been some juvenile foolishness-- we're given to understand that some of the oilmen were involved in this recently-- but if there is witchery afoot we'd like to expose it for our readers."
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Philulhu »

Preacher Litton’s eyes flashed with religious fervour. ”The book of Corinthians, chapter 11:3 tells us that Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, and that minds may somehow be led astray from sincere and pure devotion to CHRIST! Ah know not of anyone worshipping serpents but those that do are surely DAMNED to all eternity! For is not the serpent the tool of the DEVIL, sent to tempt man from the path of HOLY RIGHTEOUSNESS?!”
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by jp1885 »


It’s hard for Ivy not to roll her eyes: the fellow is certainly enthusiastic about his work.

“Have there been any incidents of unusual behaviour among your flock?” she asks, bracing herself for yet another blast of preaching.
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Philulhu »

The Preacher’s eyes narrowed. ”Ah see you doubt mah words!” he thundered. ”Does not the HOLY BIBLE say ‘In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires. These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the SPIRIT! But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most HOLY faith and praying in the HOLY SPIRIT, keep yourselves in GOD’S love as you wait for the MERCY of our LORD JESUS CHRIST to bring you to ETERNAL LIFE! Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show MERCY, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by CORRUPTED FLESH!”

He stepped down from the porch and grabbed Ivy’s hand. “Confess your sins, child! Your impure thoughts! Let the LORD into your life!”
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Silver Priest »

Alex steps forward, politely but firmly attempting to position himself between the preacher and Ivy.

"Let's all try and calm down. I can assure you my colleague is a woman of faith. It's one reason we are here trying to investigate reports of occult activity.

"What do you know about the native people's in this area
?" He asks, fully expecting another tirade but hopeful his words will somewhat calm the man.

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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Philulhu »

At least it was a fail, not a fumble.

Preacher Litton showed no signs of being inclined to release Ivy’s hand but he did at least answer Alex’s question. ”In Matthew 28, verses 19-20, does not OUR LORD JESUS say, ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.’”

”Well, those GODLESS HEATHENS do not want to listen to the words the GOOD BOOK, to let the LORD bring his righteous light into their lives! They follow their own ways, praying to beasts and FALSE IDOLS! Exodus 20, verses 2-6, states, ‘I am the LORD your GOD, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before ME. You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in HEAVEN above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your GOD am a jealous GOD, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate ME, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love ME and keep MY commandments!’”

”Ah have tried many times to bring our native brethren to the LORD, but they have refused me! I pray daily for a solution that might bring them to the Church, where they might join us in HOLY WORSHIP!”

The Preacher’s colour was rising and he eventually let go of Ivy’s hand so he could pull out a brightly coloured handkerchief and mop his brow.
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by jp1885 »


Momentarily stunned by the preacher’s sudden exposition, Ivy rallies her wits with Alex’s attempted intervention.

“Be careful you do not fall into apoplexy preacher!” she barks.

“I have witnessed things that would turn the most pious man into a raving sinner of the worst kind, yet have kept my virtue throughout. My workaday sins are nought compared the forces of evil that gather around, and yes, among us!”

She grips his hand as tightly as he grips hers.

“That is what we are here to fight! Will you help us?”
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Philulhu »

”The GOOD LORD will sustain me, my child,” replied Preacher Litton. Nevertheless, he stepped back and took a seat on a bench on the porch.

In a less strident voice, he said, ”What are the forces of evil of which you speak?”
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Silver Priest »

Alex takes a cautious look back towards Richard, then speaks in a slightly lower tone, hoping the butler wouldn't overhear him.

"We've reasons to suspect that a cult is operating in this area. They have infiltrated communities before and attempted to corrupt them from within. We fear the same may be beginning to occur here, as seen by the markings in the church. If any of your flock detect any further signs or markings of snakes, please do let us know." He decides to leave it at that, but leaves the door open for Ivy to elaborate if she wishes.
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by jp1885 »


Ivy nods her assent.

“That’s the gist of it,” she says. “We have to find and expose them.”

She knows that confiding in the preacher is yet another risk, but their lack of success frustrates her.
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Philulhu »

Richard (Listen) 1d100

Richard appeared to be oblivious to their discussion with Preacher Litton, who replied, ”Serpents, you say? The serpent in the GARDEN OF EDEN led EVE astray and cause them to be cast out, as we shall cast out any of SATAN’S MINIONS who seek to lead good people astray!”

“Ah shall pray for guidance to the GOOD LORD and ah will ask my flock to do the same. Be sure that ah will bring to you any news that ah find.”
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Silver Priest »

Sensing that's all they'd get out of the Preacher, Alex nods. "That's all we can ask. Thank you, Preacher. We will be staying in town if you hear anything." Unless Ivy has more to add, he prepares to leave.
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by jp1885 »


Ivy nods her assent - there's nothing more to be gained here, she believes.

When everyone else is out of earshot, she huffs in frustration.

"Considering we're supposed to be discreet, we're confiding in too many people as to the real reason we're here," she mutters to Alex.

"The only other lead we might have is the fellow who's wife left him recently. We'll end up telling him about it all too no doubt!"
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Silver Priest »

Alex winces. Ivy's grumblings hit the mark.

"You're right about that. Especially given whatever the good Preacher's other qualities, subtlety does not appear to be among them.

"I'm not sure that other lead will get us much-- most people here seem ignorant of the cult. We could return to the hotel and wait to see what Lawrence and William learned of Nashoba. Hopefully they had better luck than us. But we at least confirmed an ignorance on the part of the townsfolk, which is better than the alternative I suppose."
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by jp1885 »


"Agreed. Perhaps the other two can think of a better way to access the oilfield," Ivy muses.
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Re: Ch.16a Black Gold (Alex & Ivy)

Post by Philulhu »

We’re moving on to the next chapter: Hebert House
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