Character Creation

The Old Barnaker House. Every kid has heard about it. Everybody has a different awful story about it. All of them agree it is a very bad place.

But here you are on Halloween Night, all because of that jerk Roger. He dared you and your friends to spend the night there. You couldn’t let him bully you.You will show him who is chicken! Everybody knows that there are no such things as ghosts. Everybody knows that, right?

So get your slingshot and your pocket knife. Grab some candy and ready your Rubik’s Cube. You and your friends are going to go face-to-face with the horrors of the Barnaker House.

Hopefully you will live to see the dawn.

The Barnaker House is waiting...

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Character Creation

Post by Mephistophilis »

We aren't going to roll characters. I have a list of pre-gens and once you've chosen them I'll post their stats for you to copy and post in another thread for finished characters that I'm going to make later. This is so you can do your own bookkeeping (mark off sanity etc). Feel free to amend/embellish any backstory, change the name etc. Characters should have a portrait, you can find one yourself of the scenario comes with a set of pictures you can pick. They include their own equipment but if there's anything else you're burning to have in your possession we can discuss it. There are slight anomalies around DB but just don't worry about them (I've just added +1 so that the kids don't have too many -1s to their attacks - fairs fair). It's a one-shot so we probably won't be advancing characters but hell, just in case I'd mark down passed skill checks in case we decide to do a sequel.

Changed my mind about the damage bonuses as I've looked at the weapons more closely and I think they're designed to counteract this. If you roll a 1 on a 1d3-1 then that's zero damage.

The archetypes are:
- The Bookworm
- The Athlete
- The Tough
- The Side Kick
- The Prankster
- The Snob
- The Poor Kid
- The Boy/Girl Scout
- The Weirdo
- The Know It All


You've all snuck out, made excuses, or pretended to be having sleep overs at each other's houses for Halloween. Have a think about your cover story and what Halloween costume you're wearing. I'm already feeling nostalgic for those horrible plastic masks.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by LiviaBlue »

Hmmm... I think the Girl Scout is the one that interests me the most.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mephistophilis »

Name: Shirley Kent
Player: LiviaBlue
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Archetype: The Girl Scout

STR 35
CON 55
SIZ 35
DEX 65
APP 65
INT 55 Idea 55%
POW 65
EDU 30 Know 30%
Luck 65
SAN 65 (Max 99)
HP 9/9
MP 13/13
DB -1

Skills (passed skill tests preceded by *):
Be a Pal (10%): 10%
Be Bossy (10%): 15%
Be Sneaky (20%): 40%
Dodge (1/2DEX): 33%
Fighting (25%): 30%
First Aid (30%): 60%
Fix Stuff (10%): 40%
Gym Class (20%): 40%
Nature (10%): 80%
Notice Stuff (25%): 60%
Play with Matches (0%): 5%
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (20%): 30%
Science Class (10%): 10%
Spooky Stuff (5%): 5%
Taunt (0%): 5%

Who are you?
You are Shirley Kent and you are a loyal Scout. You've loved camping since you were little and your whole family spent a week in the woods. Every night under the stars, every meal over a was amazing. You have learned a lot since then, about wildlife plants, survival, and scouting life. More than skills, scouting has taught you to be disciplined, organised, and prepared.

Other kids don't always get you. They think you are too serious, too sincere, too excitable. There aren't a lot of adults who would be excited to see a Pileated Woodpecker, let alone some 6th grader, You don't care if other kids don't think you are cool. You've got a row of merit badges that prove you're pretty awesome.

What do others know about you?
Shirley is a walking ad for the Scouts. She wears her scouting uniform to school as much as possible and talks about camping all the time. Some kids make fun of her for it - she never misses a chance to talk all about woodpeckers or whatever. It is hard to dislike her, merit badge sash excluded.

Unarmed 30% (15/6) 1d3-1
BB Gun 50% (25/10) 1d3

Swiss Army Knife
BB Gun
Trail Mix
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mephistophilis »

I'm also looking for a volunteer to have a kid brother.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mr. Handy »

I'd like to play the Know It All. I'll be wearing a Ghostbusters costume (Egon, of course).
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Re: Character Creation

Post by kabukiman »

I'm playing the bookworm.
He will be using a blank sheet as a ghost with 2 holes for his eyes.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mephistophilis »


Name: Harry Enslin
Player: Mr Handy
Age: 10 until next week
Gender: Male
Archetype: The Know It All

STR 35
CON 35
SIZ 55
DEX 35
APP 50
INT 75 Idea 75%
POW 40
EDU 35 Know 35%
Luck 40
SAN 40 (Max 99)
HP 9/9
MP 8/8
DB +0

Skills (passed skill tests preceded by *):
Be a Pal (10%): 10%
Be Bossy (10%): 15%
Be Sneaky (20%): 20%
Dodge (1/2DEX): 18%
Fighting (25%): 25%
First Aid (30%): 40%
Fix Stuff (10%): 60%
Gym Class (20%): 20%
Nature (10%): 10%
Notice Stuff (25%): 40%
Play with Matches (0%): 5%
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (20%): 60%
Science Class (10%): 80%
Spooky Stuff (5%): 5%
Taunt (0%): 5%

Who are you?
You are Harry Enslin and you are the smartest kid at your school. You are more than a little insufferable on that point since you think every class is the perfect opportunity to show off how many facts you know. Teachers like you, at least, since you are probably raising the school's Iowa Testing average by a whole point all on your own.

Not wanting to get beaten by Roger, you've decided to turn this idiotic Halloween dare into a research opportunity - to study how morons react to a non-haunted house. Ghosts and other supernatural stuff isn't real, it is just dumb stories for babies.

What do others know about you?
Harry is probably the smartest kid at school; he is certainly the most likely to tell you how smart they are...even if you didn't ask. It gets annoying sometimes, but at least they are as smart as they claim to be.

Unarmed 25% (12/5) 1d3

Microcassette recorder
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mephistophilis »

Name: Kyle Robards
Player: Kabukiman
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Archetype: The Bookworm

STR 35
CON 45
SIZ 35
DEX 35
APP 45
INT 60 Idea 60%
POW 55
EDU 35 Know 35%
Luck 55
SAN 55 (Max 99)
HP 8/8
MP 11/11
DB -1

Skills (passed skill tests preceded by *):
Be a Pal (10%): 40%
Be Bossy (10%): 15%
Be Sneaky (20%): 20%
Dodge (1/2DEX): 18%
Fighting (25%): 25%
First Aid (30%): 30%
Fix Stuff (10%): 40%
Gym Class (20%): 20%
Nature (10%): 10%
Notice Stuff (25%): 40%
Play with Matches (0%): 5%
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (20%): 80%
Science Class (10%): 60%
Spooky Stuff (5%): 60%
Taunt (0%): 5%

Who are you?
You are Kyle Robards. You are what other kids like to call a nerd or a bookworm, but you just think of yourself as a normal kid who just really loves to read. You are a voracious reader and are a regular fixture at the public library where you're allowed the check out whatever you would like by the librarians. You've read a little of verything, from cowboy adventures and travelogues to hard sci-fi and Sherlock Holmes. Your abiding interest is in monsters, ghosts, and horror stories and secretly have been trying to write your own.

Schoolwork is generally easy but navigating the ever more complex social rules your classmates all seem to know instinctively has been tough. While you aren't athletic or interested in all the boy-girl stuff an increasing number of your classmates are, you're generally well liked and have a reputation for being willing to help out classmates who are having trouble in a particular subject. The one exception is that...jerk (mom says swearing is for sailors) Roger who has been mercilessly bullying you this year. Hopefully he will lay off you if you can just get through his stupid haunted house prank. If you've learned anything about ghosts from books is that, while they make a great story, they aren't real.

What do others know about you?
Kyle is a small, quiet, studious kid. He wears glasses and is known as a bookworm who would rather read than play sports. he also likes dinosaurs, monsters, and ghost stories, and such, and is always telling scary stories to the other kids. He is also one of the smartest kids in your grade but doesn't get too snobby about it. In fact, if you ask, he will often help you on a hard problem or to study for a test.

Unarmed 25% (12/5) 1d3-1

Notepad and pencil
A couple of horror comics
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mr. Handy »

I have a picture for Harry Enslin:
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Re: Character Creation

Post by BoyBlunder78 »

Could I be the Athelete?
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mr. Handy »

For my cover story, I could claim that there's an all-night sleepover event at the local planetarium (if there is one). Otherwise, I could always say I'm sleeping over at Kyle's house.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mephistophilis »


Name: Darren Pickett
Player: BoyBlunder78
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Archetype: The Athlete

STR 55
CON 65
SIZ 45
DEX 85
APP 65
INT 50 Idea 50%
POW 65
EDU 30 Know 30%
Luck 65
SAN 65 (Max 99)
HP 11/11
MP 13/13
DB +0

Skills (passed skill tests preceded by *):
Be a Pal (10%): 60%
Be Bossy (10%): 15%
Be Sneaky (20%): 20%
Dodge (1/2DEX): 60%
Fighting (25%): 40%
First Aid (30%): 40%
Fix Stuff (10%): 40%
Gym Class (20%): 80%
Nature (10%): 10%
Notice Stuff (25%): 40%
Play with Matches (0%): 5%
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (20%): 30%
Science Class (10%): 10%
Spooky Stuff (5%): 5%
Taunt (0%): 5%

Who are you?
Your are Darren Pickett and you are a jock. You're the best player on your Little League team and are already plotting out which team sports to pick in Middle and High School. Mom and dad have drilled into you the value of teamwork and leadership; however good you are you are better as part of a team. You're often picked to be captain or the like when you play games at school. Most of the time it is fine, but lately you've noticed people just assume you want the job, even when they don't ask you first. Nevertheless, if you are picked to be the leader, you do your darnedest to lead the team to victory.

What do others know about you?
Darren is probably the best athlete in your grade and well liked by everyone in the neighbourhood, kids and adults alike. They are a natural leader and good motivator, always pushing their friends to do their best, be it in a ball game, gym class or wherever. Darren is a loyal friend, if a little pushy sometimes, but people tend to assume he is in charge of a group, even without asking or telling him.

Unarmed 40% (20/8) 1d3
Bat 40% (20/8) 1d8
Baseball 40% (20/8) 1d6 (if hit with bat)

Thermos of soup
Aluminium baseball bat and baseball
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mephistophilis »

Mr. Handy wrote: Sat Oct 01, 2022 7:35 pm For my cover story, I could claim that there's an all-night sleepover event at the local planetarium (if there is one). Otherwise, I could always say I'm sleeping over at Kyle's house.
Sounds like a good cover story - and nice picture, he very much captures the archetype!
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mephistophilis »

So, let me know if you want any additional gear (nothing too outrageous), choose a portrait, make any amendments to your backstory, finalise your Halloween outfit and cover story, let me know if you're willing to have a little brother/sister, and then post your character sheet in the Finished Characters thread.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by BoyBlunder78 »

Could I have the portrait that's is 7th from the top on the second column please. Item wise could I have a baseball to.go with the bat. I'm always playing with it, chucking un the air, fainting swings with my bat. I'm also OK with being an over protective big brother.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mephistophilis »

BoyBlunder78 wrote: Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:30 pm Could I have the portrait that's is 7th from the top on the second column please. Item wise could I have a baseball to.go with the bat. I'm always playing with it, chucking un the air, fainting swings with my bat. I'm also OK with being an over protective big brother.
This the picture?


I've added that in, and some rules for whacking the ball at people as a ranged weapon (you'll have to go and pick it back up again though).

We'll give you a little brother, Ian. He's nine and always tagging along, either by himself or because your mom sends him out with you and your friends.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by BoyBlunder78 »

Cheers, an annoying lil brother that I love to bits :)
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mephistophilis »

BoyBlunder78 wrote: Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:33 pm Cheers, an annoying lil brother that I love to bits :)
Great, I've added the character to your post in finished characters.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mr. Handy »

I'd also like to have a flashlight, as well as props that go with my costume: a PKE meter, a ghost zapper connected to a proton pack, and a ghost trap. They don't work, of course.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: Character Creation

Post by Mephistophilis »

Mr. Handy wrote: Mon Oct 03, 2022 1:29 am I'd also like to have a flashlight, as well as props that go with my costume: a PKE meter, a ghost zapper connected to a proton pack, and a ghost trap. They don't work, of course.
Sure, add them in.
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