[IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

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coffee demon
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffee demon »

1:05 AM Saturday, June 28, 1937. California Zephyr n route to San Fransisco. Just outside Sacramento. ETA 3 AM Saturday June 29

The brakes on the train squeal as the Zephyr decelerates for Sacramento Station.

The young steward nods, wipes sweat from his brow, swallows, and tries to quietly unlock the door.

The door is indeed locked. And the lock is a little stuck, so he has to force the key a little, jiggling it back and forth.

"Some locks are like this," he whispers, grimacing at the stress.

Even with the sound of the train, you can tell that he's made some noise. The people inside are surely alerted.

The sliding door is still closed, but it is unlocked.

I rolled 90 for his Stealth on unlocking the door.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie smiles wildly at Max expecting some action.

Here we go again Joe.

He pulls out his own pistol and steps to the side in case the occupants have a shotgun. This wasn't his first rodeo.

Knowing the jig was up and they most likely had lost the element of surprise, Eddie calls out.

The kids opening the door yah fucking over dressed Guinea prick!! He wants a chat bout a bottle of hooch - made me shit out my eyeballs you piece of shit! So don't you fucking shoot em!!

Eddie smiles again. He forgot how much he loved this game. For some reason this reminded him of the time Max blew that Guinea Tony's head clear off. Got to love a good standoff.
coffee demon
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffee demon »

1:05 AM Saturday, June 28, 1937. California Zephyr en route to San Fransisco. Just outside Sacramento. ETA 3 AM Saturday June 29

The steward stares, wide-eyed, at Eddie.

"I'm not opening the door!" he hisses, quietly enough that they couldn't hear on the other side.

"I'm... I'm getting the doctor."

He tries to back away, down the hall towards the front of the train.

In the distance, you can hear dinging bell of a railroad crossing approaching. As the bell crescendoes, crimson lights flash inside the hallway of the train and the wheels clack loudly on the tracks. The red light of the railroad crossing casts eerie shadows along the hall, and washes across your faces like bloody masks.

There is no sound inside the cabin.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddies hisses back at the kid and puts a finger to his lips to keep the lad quiet. He takes a step away from the door holding the young steward by the lapels of his uniform. and whispers closely in his ear. Eddie's hot breath wreaks like sweaty socks, two different whiskeys and fresh vomit.

Is there a constable on board?
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

Max pushes the kid clear of the door as soon as it is unlocked.
He kisses his St. Michael medallion and mutters something quietly under his breath.

Eddie, how do you say don't shoot? Non spara?:

"Non spara pistoles you fucking dagos."
With pistol drawn he slides the door open quickly.
coffee demon
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffee demon »

1:06 AM Saturday, June 28, 1937. California Zephyr en route to San Fransisco. Just outside Sacramento. ETA 3 AM Saturday June 29

The berth looks the same as yours - minus the vomit and broken glass. Two benches, one window. The benches aren't folded out for sleeping - strange for 1 AM.


On the left is David. He's standing back, near the window. Looks like maybe he was trying to open it. His jacket is on. He's twisting to face Max, and is holding his briefcase up in a desperate attempt to shield himself from an attack.

On the right is the big mook. He has one foot on the ground, the other knee is up on the bench. Wide-eyed, already wet with sweat. He's also wearing his jacket. He's pulled the jacket up, reaching inside for something, but his eyes are on Max. Max can see the strap of a body holster.

Everything is happening so slowly now.

First up is Max. Dan, please don't post until Cam and I both post again.

Max, you can fire once but if you do, you have a Penalty die because it's a pretty wild shot.

A Penalty Die means you roll the Tens Die twice and use the highest.

You can use Luck to succeed at your shot, but you can't push a roll in combat.

The doorway into the cabin is quite narrow so (1) it would be easy for you to take cover but (2) it will be hard for two of you to both get clear shots. There is no cover whatsoever for the two men in the cabin.

At present, Max is in front and Eddie will have a hard shot to fire past him into the cabin.

The two men have the option of foregoing their next action to Dive For Cover and give you a second (!!) Penalty Die. If you do fire, it's pretty obvious that David will Dive For Cover (using his briefcase and generally trying to avoid your shot), but the mook isn't going to Dive For Cover.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

With a guttural bellow Max lunges forward and tries to flatten the mook and pin his arms.
Fighting/brawl 68%: roll 72

oc Max will use 4 luck to pass the fighting. Max may probably drop his pistol in this melee but maybe i should roll for that?
coffee demon
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffee demon »

1:06 AM Saturday, June 28, 1937. California Zephyr en route to San Fransisco. Just outside Sacramento. ETA 3 AM Saturday June 29

Max throws himself onto the Mook, slamming him backwards onto the bench. The Mook grunts and tries to knee Max in the groin, but fails. He's not giving up though.

Eddie now has a clean shot into the room, but the mook is almost completely covered by Max's body from his current position in the hallway.

David looks at Eddie in horror. Still holding his briefcase up as a shield, he shakes his head, begging,

"No - please. Don't shoot!"

Eddie, you're up then the Mook.

Right now the mook is restrained by Max - he couldn't possibly dodge or block any attacks by Eddie, and he's unable to fire on his turn. He'll have a chance to cause damage to Max or wriggle free of Max on his turn, but I'm giving him a penalty die because of Max's weight and the fact that Max is on top of him.

The Mook has 65% Brawling, needed a Hard Success (0-33) to beat Max's regular success and turn around the maneuver. He rolled a 53 - I send you two a video of my roll and the combat flowchart.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie points a finger at David and feels like the Babe calling for his next home run. The crowd goes wild with anticipation for his next at bat. Eddie clicks his Louisville Slugger against his spikes and spits in his left hand stepping back into the batters box as he does so. The ritual was just as important today as it...

Jesus snap out of it Cicotte. Holy Shit! You gotta get back on your god damn meds.

"Don't you fuckin' move Poindexter!!

Eddie darts in behind Max, His bat held out in front of him. He keeps an eye on David in case the book worm was packing. The first opening Eddie had , he thrusts his bat forward like a thick pool cue, past Max at any piece of the Mook Eddie could make contact with. Beggars can't be choosers.

ooc - If Eddie doesn't get an opening then he waits for one. Eddie doesn't shoot though. If you need a combat roll it's 42 with my bat.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc , Eddie rolls a 5 on 1d8 and a 4 on 1d4 = 9 damage,
coffee demon
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffee demon »

1:06 AM Saturday, June 28, 1937. California Zephyr en route to San Fransisco. Just outside Sacramento. ETA 3 AM Saturday June 29

There is a wet CRACK as Eddie thrusts with his bat under Max's heaving body. Eddie feels that he hit something solid on the Mook's face, but whatever he hits crumples and collapses. His nose? The temple?

Under Max's body, the mook instantly falls limp on the bench.

David, the wiry pencil-pusher of the duo, takes this opportunity to run for it.

Before Eddie or Max can restrain him, he's pushed past them and is running down the hall of the train, towards the engine in front, briefcase in hand. The hallways are fairly dark and empty, but some passengers are starting to move out of their cabins in preparation for the Sacramento stop.

It was David's turn in the initiative order, and according to the rules, "A character can use their action to escape melee combat on their turn in the order of combat, provided they have an escape route and are not physically restrained." I'm ruling that Eddie could have only done one thing - block David's escape route or hit the Mook. (I think we talked about this in WhatsApp 3 months ago). Plus, a chase through a train is more dramatic (if it goes that way).

We're now out of Initiative. A possible chase could ensue. Just so you know the rules - a lot depends on your MOVement stat in chase scenes. Eddie's MOV is 9 - maxiumum for a human, at least for another 1-2 years when he turns 40 and it goes to 8.

Max's MOV is 5.

David's MOV is 8.

If Eddie decides to give chase, you make a DEX roll to see how well you'll be able to navigate the narrow train and possible crowds etc*. Extreme Success gives you +1 MOV (which will really help). Failure gives you -1 MOV (which will make it much more likely that David escapes, since you have the same MOV. David will roll as well.

I'll wait and see what you do next, but if Eddie does give chase - Dan, make a DEX roll.

Max, there is no way you can mechanically participate in this chase, so you can narrate accordingly.

*Usually you make a CON roll for foot chases, because it's about physical condition and endurance - but I'm ruling that it should be DEX here because it's going to be a more sprint-like Chase, and require finesse in these close quarters.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

Max heaves for breath as he pushes himself up off his flattened foe.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie's bloodshot eyes dart toward David as he makes his exit and he fancies a quick glance back towards Max, grinning his his wide junkie's grin. He was just as hooked on the game as he was the hooch. He missed these gangster types and the way they crumpled under his Louisville slugger. Eddie smashes into the wall of the corridor, his trench coat flapping about like a cape in the funny papers as he spins and begins the chase.

I got em Fats!!

OOC:   ooc, rolled a 32 for Dex check.  
coffee demon
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffee demon »

1:07 AM Saturday, June 28, 1937. California Zephyr en route to San Fransisco. Just outside Sacramento. ETA 3 AM Saturday June 29
David rolled and failed his Dex score, which means his effective MOV for this Chase is one less than usual. I won't get into the mechanics of it, but the result is that Eddie will be able to catch David and do something without David getting a chance to react yet. But the rules also recommend you cut to the most dramatic section of the chase...
Hurling himself out into the hallway, David glances to the front of the train, changes his mind, and heads for the back. He and Eddie push aside a family that are gently coaxing two groggy children out of their berth, in preparation for disembarking at Sacramento. The husband, yawning and dishevelled at this early hour, instinctively shoves back at Eddie to keep him away from the children.

David hauls open the rear door to their train car and slips outside, briefcase in hand. There is a small metal balcony here with a low and flimsy iron railing, and a door to the caboose.

This is the end of the line.

The smell of hot diesel, grease, and desert air fills the air. The brakes screech loudly directly below. The connectors of between the train and caboose ring and bang, and safety chains rattle. It's hard not to imagine the weight of the train crushing your body if you landed on the tracks.

David glances at the warehouses, scrub brush and gravel sailing past - assessing whether he can make the jump. He figures that if he jumped out far enough from the train and rolled with the impact just right, he could probably land on the biting gravel without twisting an ankle.

David vaults onto the railing of the train and prepares to jump.

Eddie gets to the back of the train car and sees all of this. The washed-up baseball player can only rely on instinct and reflexes to react before the man leaps.


Back in the train car, Max hears the family man in the hall shout out indignantly, "Hey! What do you think you're doing, pal?"

The goon groans as Max stands up. Blood is pouring everywhere from the twisted wreck that was once this man's nose. Pale cartilage pokes out from thick red-and black bloody chunks. The sound of the blood running onto the floor is not unlike a glass of water spilling off a countertop. He's not dead, but is obviously in shock for the moment.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

Max disarms the mook and takes his wallet. He pats him down and takes anything else in his pockets.

When the mook starts to stir, Max breathes a sigh of relief. Thank god. Finally some good luck.
"Buongiorno sunshine!"

Max locks the door.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie hears the crack of the bat and the crowd goes wild.

Eddie Chicote rounds first base and glances back once at the first base coach. He had definitely gained weight... like 180 lbs.. which was definitely strange. Max gives Eddie the OK for second and Eddie digs in. He still had his Louisville slugger in hand which was definitely illegal in the Majors. Here at the Kono All Star Game, however, anything goes.

Eddie sees the second baseman, David something or other approach the bag for the tag and the win as the left fielder finally recovers the ball and launches it towards second. Eddie sees the throw is wide but David could reach it if he jumps for it. Maybe even still make the tag and get the win.

Eddie slides cleats up, not to knock the baseman down as per his usual play, but to prevent the second baseman from leaping to catch the throw from the outfielder Shoeless Joe Jackson. Eddie blinked for a second... Shoeless Joe was on his team. He didn't play for the Italians.

Stop the Leap.. Stop the Tag. Win the Base... Max is a Fag!

ooc - rolled a 51 Eddie's attack is to slide past David just enough to pull him back and away from, the railing.
coffee demon
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffee demon »

1:07 AM Saturday, June 28, 1937. California Zephyr en route to San Fransisco. Just outside Sacramento. ETA 3 AM Saturday June 29

I did the opposed roll for David on WhatsApp with Cam and Dan, rolled a 66.

Eddie drags David off the railing and back onto the narrow ledge between the last car and the caboose. The train sways and squeals.

David clutches the briefcase to his chest and screams: POLICE! Help! Someone help me!

Judging from the speed of the train, it will be coming to a stop in the next two to five minutes.

Eddie, at this point you can have him restrained (please describe what that looks like) but make another fighting roll to keep him restrained if you want to do that.


Max locks the door to the berth where the goon and David were traveling, and flips open the mans wallet:

Judging by his Michigan driver's license, the man's name is Nicholas Gucci.
He has about $100 in cash in the wallet, and another $150 in a folded wad in a pocket.
His wallet holds a receipt for the train you're on, and a steam liner ticket from San Francisco to Shanghai, leaving in 2 days' time.
There is a folded piece of paper with a California phone number on it and the name "Carlo."
There is another folded piece of paper with a name and address of a hotel and reservation number in San Francisco, for two nights - tonight and the next night.
There are a few other cards as well, including a membership to a fairly elite golf club outside of Chicago.

For a guy who talks like a gangster, this fellow seems to do fairly well for himself.

"Nicholas" lets out a choking, gurgling cough and leans off the bench, spitting out a wad of thick blood.

He leans up onto one elbow, still dazed. and stares dopily at Max. His eyes are watery and unfocussed, and his face is a mask of blood onto the floor

"Yer gonna... they're gonna put you back in the looney bin for this... *cough* ...you... *cough cough* ...you fat f*ckin piece of sh*t."

He tries to pull himself up to a sitting position and feels around for all the places where his gun should be. Then he sees the gun in your hand and his eyes clear as he realizes that Max has full control of the situation.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie spins from his slide, his legs illegally wrapped around David and hears the umpire’s call on the play.


He puts one knee on the egghead’s chest and leans into it . Once secure, Eddie presses the business end of his Louisville slugger to David’s neck and grunts.

Pipe Down Poindexter. You poisoned us!! I’m gonna sit you back up and we’re gonna walk back to the cabin. You’re not gonna say a single word to nobody less I says so. You can keep your case.

Eddie puts pressure on David’s neck with the end of his Louisville slugger.

Nod if you understand the gravity of this situation David?

ooc, rolled a 52 for staying on top of David.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

Max is thumbing through the wallet, and stops at the ticket to Singapore.
You a devil or an angel Saint Nick?

Why are you following us? You work for Collins? Humes?
You better start talking or I'm gonna remodel this cabin in Tuscany Red.

Intimidate 30% rolled 84
coffee demon
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffee demon »

1:07 AM Saturday, June 28, 1937. California Zephyr en route to San Fransisco. Just outside Sacramento. ETA 3 AM Saturday June 29

Nick Gucci smiles and coughs blood.

"You got minutes before the train stops and they lock you up again, asshole. You got better things to do than ask for my resume."

He eases himself gingerly to a seated position. He's doing his best not to look at your gun but you see him steal a glance at the way you're holding it as you sift through his wallet. Sizing you up.

Max, do you want to push the roll to Intimidate? That means re-rolling, and describing how you 'raise the stakes' on intimidation. Failure will mean a significant shift in the narrative, to your detriment (though you can still use Luck to make that Pushed roll pass...)

Also, please add Nick Gucci's .45 M1911 into your inventory along with the wallet if you want. The gun has a full mag, 1d10+2 damage.


Eddie puts pressure on David’s neck with the end of his Louisville slugger.

Nod if you understand the gravity of this situation David?

David nods his head vigorously. He's covered in sweat.

"I'll do whatever you say."

As Eddie eases him up and prepares to guide him back into the train car, you can see that the family has moved to the far end of the train car (no longer obstructing your passage to the cabin where Max is). There are a few other people behind the family - all are gaping openly at the sight of you forcing the thin back back up the hallway towards his cabin.

Before you get to the door of the cabin, David calls desperately to the onlookers,

"Call the police! Please!"

His voice cracks, his throat sounds dry. Either David is genuinely afraid for his life, or he's a great con artist, or both.

Eddie, you can enter the cabin - David will make a show of it and force you to show a bit of force to make it happen. I want to give you a chance to respond while people are watching, and to tell me how to force him to enter the cabin if he stops and resists (no matter how weakly). This will also give Max a chance to Push the Roll inside the cabin if he wishes.

I rolled for David to resist your takedown, and he rolled a 74 and failed.
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