Character sheets

Before there was Delta Green there was a small organization tasked with investigating the most morbid and vile happenings lurking just bellow the veneer of society. Specially chosen and skilled investigators join forces in a race to solve or cover up these events before it takes its toll on their Sanity. Investigators from a variety of backgrounds will need all the help they can get from their mysterious and international benefactors who always know more than they let on and never let slip their full intentions. It's pre-WW2 but the war of the Mythos is just beginning.

Moderator: Borderline

Posts: 315
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Character sheets

Post by Borderline »

BillG.jpg (7.48 KiB) Viewed 504 times
Player: Mephistophilis
Name: William 'Bill' Gilmore
Player: Mephistophilis
Occupation: Bureau of Investigation (BOI) Special Agent
Career: Police Detective
Age: 50 Sex: Male
Residence: Washington DC
Birthplace: Charleston, North Carolina

STR 60
CON 70
SIZ 80
DEX 60
APP 35
INT 85 Idea 85%
POW 55
EDU 63 Know 63%
Luck 60
SAN 53 (MAX 99)
HP 15/15
MP 11/11
DB +1d4
Build +1

Skills (non-default BOLD, professional skills ITALICS, hobbies preceded by '.', experience package preceded by ',', passed skill tests preceded by *):

Accounting (05%)
Anthropology (01%)
Appraise (05%)
Archaeology (01%)
Art and Craft (05%) [Specializations]
Charm (15%)
Climb (20%)
Credit Rating (00%): 20%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%)
Demolitions (01%)
Disguise (05%)
Diving (01%)
.Dodge (30%): 50%
.Drive Auto (20%): 50%
Electrical Repair (10%)
Fast Talk (05%)
,Fighting (Brawl) (25%): 60%
Firearms (Handgun) (20%): 70%
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 35%
Firearms (SMG) (15%): 25%
First Aid (30%)
History (05%)
Hypnosis (01%)
,Intimidate (15%): 55%
Jump (20%)
,Language (Other) (01%) [Specializations]
Language (Own - English) (63%)
Law (05%): 52%
Library Use (20%)
Listen (20%): 40%
Locksmith (01%)
Mechanical Repair (10%)
Medicine (01%)
Natural World (10%)
Navigate (10%)
Occult (05%)
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%)
Persuade (10%): 60%
Pilot (01%) [Specializations]
Psychoanalysis (01%)
Psychology (10%): 70%
Read Lips (01%)
Ride (05%)
Science (01%) [Specializations]
Science (Astronomy) (01%)
Science (Forensics) (01%): 40%
Sleight of Hand (10%)
Spot Hidden (25%): 70%
Stealth (20%)
Survival (10%) [Specializations]
Swim (20%)
Throw (20%)
.Track (10%): 30%

Immune to sanity losses resulting from viewing a corpse.

Injuries & scars
Never the best looking man, Bill has taken a shotgun blast to the face in the course of an investigation into the mafia and he has multiple jagged little scars across the side of his face from this.

Appearance and personality
Bill's a big man, tall, broad, yet he carries himself with a hunch, he seems almost shrunken within his own frame. He looks every one of his fifty years of age, world weary, with hollow eyes. He moves like everything is an effort. He speaks slowly and carefully, his southern accent blunted by all those years in Washington.

Ideology/Beliefs: There is evil in society that should be rooted out. Organised crime, corruption, and political subversion.

Traits: Loyal - When Bill gives a commitment to do something he's damn well going to follow through, no matter what.

Bill Gilmore started his career with the Secret Service at the Department of the Treasury, essentially investigating federal crimes like racketeering and murder. He quickly developed a reputation as a solid investigator and was loaned out to the nascent Bureau of Investigation (BOI) to provide manpower for their own enquiries into organised crime and corruption. When the BOI was prevented from using Treasury agents he jumped at the chance to become one of the first Special Agents of the BOI (later to become the FBI). Due to his age and role he never served in the Great War but felt like he was fighting the good fight back home. His career went from strength to strength and his relentless and methodical approach garnered much praise. That was until around 1928 when his wife Wilma developed cancer. He didn't know how to handle it and threw himself into his work, Wilma died alone, while he was away on an investigation. His daughter Amanda has never forgiven him. Since then Bill's a changed man, no longer the powerful force of nature he once was, the keen intellect is still there, but the killer instinct is gone. Those that know him think he's just serving out his time until he can retire, but retire to what?

Significant People: Daughter Amanda Gilmore (key connection), all he has left since his wife Wilma died. But his relationship with Amanda is strained, she's never forgiven him for the way he threw himself into his work when her mother was sick. For his part Bill disapproves of her liberal ways and un-American beliefs. (I also rolled an NPC to be determined by the Keeper that Bill idolises)

Meaningful Locations: He can't go back to the family home, too many memories. Bill keeps a little place in Washington but it's really just somewhere to rest his head. The only place that means anything to him anymore is his office in the BOI part of the Department of Justice.

Treasured Possessions: On a gold chain around his neck, Bill wears his late wife Wilma's wedding ring.

Unarmed 60%, 1d3 +1d4
Crowbar 60%, 1d8 + 1d4
.45 automatic 70%, 1d10+2, 15yds, 1(3) shots per round, 7 round magazine, malfunction on 100

Income & Savings
Spending level $10
Cash $40
Assets $1000

Buick Series 40 Phaeton 4 door sedan
.45 automatic pistol in shoulder holster
Flashlight, handcuffs, wristwatch, notebook and pens
Packet of Lucky Strike cigarettes and lighter
Magnifying glass, tweezers, pocket knife
Crowbar, binoculars
Posts: 315
Registered for: 5 years 4 months

Re: Character sheets

Post by Borderline »

Player: Aine
Name: Albert White
Occupation: Burglar
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Residence: Washington DC
Birthplace: Washington DC

STR 50
CON 55
SIZ 40
DEX 70
APP 70
INT 65
POW 65
EDU 50
SAN 65 (MAX 99)
HP 9/9
MP 13/13
DB 0
Build 0
Idea 85%
Know 50%
Luck 75
Credit rating: 0

Accounting (05%)
Anthropology (01%)
Appraise (05%) 35%
Archaeology (01%)
Art and Craft (05%) [Specializations]
Charm (15%)
Climb (20%) 50%
Credit Rating (00%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%)
Demolitions (01%)
Disguise (05%)
Diving (01%)
Dodge (30%): 55%
Drive Auto (20%):
Electrical Repair (10%)
Fast Talk (05%) 55%
Fighting (Brawl) (25%): 45%
Firearms (Handgun) (20%):
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%):
Firearms (SMG) (15%):
First Aid (30%)
History (05%)
Hypnosis (01%)
Intimidate (15%):
Jump (20%) 40%
,Language (Other) (01%) [Specializations]
Language (Own - English) 50%
Law (05%):
Library Use (20%):
Listen (20%): 50%
Locksmith (01%) 41%
Mechanical Repair (10%)
Medicine (01%)
Natural World (10%)
Navigate (10%)
Occult (05%)
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%)
Persuade (10%):
Pilot (01%) [Specializations]
Psychoanalysis (01%)
Psychology (10%):
Read Lips (01%)
Ride (05%)
Science (01%) [Specializations]
Sleight of Hand (10%) 60%
Spot Hidden (25%): 55%
Stealth (20%) 60%
Survival (10%) [Specializations]
Swim (20%)
Throw (20%)
Track (10%):

Injuries & scars
This kid still has baby cheeks.

Appearance and personality
Albert is a tiny, undernourished kid with big eyes and a cheeky smile. He looks far younger than he is and he uses this to his advantage to get out of scrapes. Albert’s obsession are pulp magazines and he has three which he has read over and over. He longs to be a character from one of the books; maybe an explorer or a detective. He models his behaviour on his heroes and this has, so far, stood him in good stead.
Albert makes a living from whatever he can; begging, stealing and scamming. He’s too little to be noticed by the big street gangs…yet. With his nimble skills, Albert has made a few successful forays with burglary and, sadly, it looks like this might be his career unless something incredible happens to him very soon.

Ideology/Beliefs: The world is black and white, you’re either a good guy or a bad guy.

Traits: Plucky. At 16 you’re invincible. Especially if you’re the hero in a pulp magazine.

Background Albert’s father went off to fight in the Great War and never came home. His consumptive mother lasted 7 years longer. Since then Albert has been living in, above and below the streets; he prefers the relatively safer country of the roofs and aeries of Washington DC, away from the roving street gangs made hungry in the current depression.

Significant People: Pastor Reynolds of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church on 23rd; a kindly, doddering man with quiet sermons. Albert scared off muggers one stormy night and Pastor Reynolds keeps a side door open for him; he has also taught Albert to read.

Meaningful Locations: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church on 23rd. The pastor turns a blind eye when Albert uses the church to avoid the worst of the night, weather or street gangs.

Treasured Possessions: His pulp magazines hidden in a pew at the church.

Unarmed 45%, 1d3

Income & Savings
Spending level 50c
Cash $1
Assets none

A moth eaten hat
Poor clothes and boots
Homemade skeleton keys
Posts: 315
Registered for: 5 years 4 months

Re: Character sheets

Post by Borderline »

2929-EBC3-6-F3-F-495-D-99-C0-CFA0163354-C1.jpg (12.97 KiB) Viewed 491 times
Player: Philulhu
Name: Rachel Douglas (Demsky)
Occupation: Researcher
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Residence: Washington DC
Birthplace: Vienna, Austria

STR 60
CON 60
SIZ 75
DEX 45
APP 45
INT 50
POW 60
EDU 65
SAN 60 (MAX 99)
HP 13/13
MP 12/12
DB +1d4
Build +1
Luck 30


Accounting (05%)
Anthropology (01%) 46%
Appraise (05%) 35%
Archaeology (01%) 46%
Art and Craft (05%) [Specializations]
Charm (15%) 50%
Climb (20%)
Credit Rating (00%) 21%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%)
Demolitions (01%)
Disguise (05%)
Diving (01%)
Dodge (30%) 22%
Drive Auto (20%) 30%
Electrical Repair (10%)
Fast Talk (05%)
Fighting (Brawl) (25%) 35%
Firearms (Handgun) (20%)
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%)
Firearms (SMG) (15%)
First Aid (30%)
History (05%) 40%
Hypnosis (01%)
Intimidate (15%)
Jump (20%)
,Language (Own - Yiddish) (65%)
Language (English) 60%
Law (05%)
Library Use (20%) 45%
Listen (20%) 30%
Locksmith (01%)
Mechanical Repair (10%)
Medicine (01%)
Natural World (10%) 45%
Navigate (10%)
Occult (05%)
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%)
Persuade (10%)
Pilot (01%)
Psychoanalysis (01%)
Psychology (10%)
Read Lips (01%)
Ride (05%)
Science (01%)
Science (Astronomy) (01%)
Science (Forensics) (01%)
Sleight of Hand (10%)
Spot Hidden (25%)
Stealth (20%)
Survival (10%)
Swim (20%)
Throw (20%)
Track (10%)

Appearance and Personality

Rachel is dark-haired with brown eyes and a somewhat distinctive nose. She is friendly and outgoing, if rather plain in her appearance. Her father is a big man and Rachel has his build, being tall (5’ 9”) and broad-shouldered. She tries to follow the latest fashions but always looks a bit ungainly.

She has worked on her English since arriving in the States but she still has pronounced accent, as well as the blunt speaking manner often found in east Europeans.

Ideology/Beliefs: Rachel was raised in a devout Jewish household, although her faith has been tested by the loss of her mother and the attractions of life in America.

Traits: Blunt to the point of rudeness. She means well, but can be awkward and lack tact.


Significant People: Her father, Professor Samuel Douglas (formerly Shemu’el Demsky). The centre of her world since her mother passed away two years previously.

Meaningful Locations: Since arriving in America, the spacious two bedroom flat that she shares with her father. She has scoured local junk shops to find things that remind her of her homeland, and the flat is a mix of styles as a result.

Treasured Possessions: A framed photograph of her mother and a silver bracelet, the two keepsakes that she has that remind her of her mother.

Income & Savings
Spending Level

Neat but functional clothes
Notebook & pens.
Posts: 315
Registered for: 5 years 4 months

Re: Character sheets

Post by Borderline »

Name: Lt. Commander Ralph Harper
Player: Mr. Handy
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Occupation: Military Officer
College, Degrees: United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, 1925
Birthplace: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
STR 70
CON 55
SIZ 65
DEX 45
APP 45
INT 75
POW 50
EDU 80

Sanity: 50
Current Sanity: 50
Phobias/Mental Disorders: None
Luck: 40
Current Luck: 40

Hit Points: 12
Current Hit Points: 12
Magic Points: 10
Current Magic Points: 10
Move: 8
Damage Bonus: +1D4
Build: +1

Appearance & Personality: Ralph Harper is a tough, rugged man about six feet tall and weighing 180 pounds. Ralph is friendly and personable, and with a strong sense of determination.

Ideology/Beliefs: Ralph is concerned about the possibility of America being undermined and subverted. He is particularly worried about Communism, which is growing in popularity due to the Depression.

Significant People: Ralph is close to his father, Vice Admiral James Harper, in whose footsteps he followed into the Navy. While he spends most of his time on land since he joined the ONI, Ralph learned his nautical skills from him

Meaningful Locations: The Naval Academy at Annapolis will always hold a place in Ralph's heart. He had some great times there.

Treasured Possessions: Ralph treasures his service pistol, the .45 M1911A1, which he was issued at the Naval Academy.

Traits: Loyal. Ralph is very loyal to his country, and will defend it with his life.

Key Connection: Ralph's father is his key connection.

Background: Ralph Harper comes from a Baltimore family with a strong naval tradition. His father James Harper is a decorated Naval officer who fought in both the Spanish-American War and the Great War. While Ralph was too young to be in the Great War, he got used to working on boats at an early age. When he came of age, he enrolled in the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, driven by a desire to protect his country and to emulate his father. He enjoyed his time at the Academy and learned his lessons well, graduating with honors and rising through the ranks quickly. He soon found his calling with the Office of Naval Intelligence, which he was recruited into in 1928. He had heard rumors of something unusual happening in a decrepit town called Innsmouth in Massachusetts in which the Navy had played a role, but he had never been cleared to know more about it. Still, he was further recruited into a secret organization within the government that was said to have had something to do with it.

Skills: (professional ones in italics, .private preceded by a dot; non-base scores bolded)

Accounting (05%): 35%
Animal Handling (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art/Craft (05%):
Charm (15%): 55%
.Climb (20%): 50%
Credit Rating (00%): 50%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Demolitions (01%):
Disguise (05%):
Dodge (1/2 DEX): 22%
.Drive Auto (20%): 55%
Electrical Repair (10%):
Fast Talk (05%):
.Fighting (Brawl) (25%): 55%
Firearms (Handgun) (20%): 60%
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 35% [includes +10 from Firearms(Handgun) 50+]
First Aid (30%): 50%
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%):
History (05%):
Hypnosis (01%):
Intimidate (15%):
Jump (20%):
Language (English) (EDU%): 80%
.Language (Japanese) (01%): 26%
Language (Other) (01%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (20%):
Listen (20%):
Locksmith (01%):
Mechanical Repair (10%):
Medicine (01%):
Natural World (10%):
Navigate (10%): 55%
Occult (10%):
Operate Heavy Machine (01%):
Persuade (10%):
Pilot (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (10%): 55%
Read Lips (01%):
Ride (05%):
Science (01%):
Sleight of Hand (10%):
Spot Hidden (25%): 55%
Stealth (20%):
Survival (10%):
.Swim (20%): 50%
Throw (20%):
Track (10%):
Black 1932 Cadillac 355B V8 sedan
.45 M1911A1 automatic pistol

Cash: $250
Assets: $25,000
Spending Level: $50
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