IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

6.30pm Thursday 11th March 2010, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England.

A five-year old girl, Regina Balfour, is kidnapped in broad daylight from the Eden Shopping Centre, while her mother’s back is momentarily turned. Left behind is her ladybird shaped backpack, which contained supplies for her insulin pump. She needs her medication to live more than a few days, and her condition will rapidly deteriorate without it...

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IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Mephistophilis »

11am Sunday 14th March 2010, Buckinghamshire Social Services, Aylesbury

One day since Regina Balfour was rescued.

Simon travels to Aylesbury with DC Burke in his unmarked service vehicle. Burke races down the country roads and it is not long before he has parked up, half on the pavement across a double yellow line, outside an ugly sixties municipal building, Buckinghamshire social services headquarters. They present themselves at reception and are kept waiting for what seems like hours before eventually being summoned into an overly small office where an exuberantly dressed woman greets them, it is Roxanna Goldfarb, Lindsay Peale's old boss.

'I never like these police interviews with children' she says. 'I will be the Appropriate Adult in the absence of Regina's parents. It is my job to make sure you don't traumatise her, or ask her leading questions. So if I say stop you stop, understood?' She shakes her head, 'I don't know if you can appreciate how delicate this all is given our history with the Balfour family. This has to be by the book, you understand me?'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Silver Priest »

Simon makes little small talk with DC Burke, focused as he is on the case. Though he does believe the man to be a bit irresponsible of a driver.

He's read through the same magazine twice before they are called back (Dame Judi Dench really did look good in a bikini, he muses), and his eyes immediately widen when Roxanna introduces herself.

"Ms. Goldfarb, a pleasure to meet you. I was there when Lindsay... expired. The poor woman was rather unstable near the end, but as a psychologist it is and remains my professional opinion that she was not entirely incorrect that the Balfour's pose a threat. She believed that they intended to sacrifice their child in a twisted Binding of Issac style ritual, and my main goal today will be confirming or refuting this; without traumatizing young Regina, of course. Her safety and security is my number one priority. It's why I'm doing this to begin with, after all. We met when we rescued her, so hopefully she'll remember me.
OOC:   Can we say that Simon had the foresight to pick up a small piece of candy for Regina?  
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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Roxanna raises an eyebrow at Simon's endorsement of Lindsay, but she doesn't say anything. She leads Simon and Burke through the labyrinthine corridors of the social services building until they come to a brighter and more homely looking area. There's a settee and various toys spread on the floor. Regina is playing with what looks like a Barbie doll while a young blonde woman watches on. It is subtle but there is clearly a video camera positioned on one side of the room.

Simon feels in his pocket, there's the little packet of sweets he picked up from a shop on the way in, Liquorice Allsorts, what child doesn't love liquorice he thinks to himself smugly.

Leading him into the room, Roxanna introduces the blonde woman, who is called Annette. Regina notices them come in and smiles, 'Hello doctor, when can I see my mummy and daddy?'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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Simon smiles when he sees Regina, leaning down to address her.

"Hello again, Regina. We met briefly, do you remember? While you were with the 'mean lady'. I brought you the medicine you needed to stay healthy. And today I brought a gift just for you." He pulls out the licorice, knowing children love sweets that were not good for them.

"We're working hard to get you back to your family, Regina. But I hope you can help us by answering a few questions first; I know you are an incredibly bright girl.

"Have you ever seen a man at your daddy's church called John Allen
?" For good measure, he describes Zero to her based off whatever description they had of the man. "Have you seen him with your parents lately?
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Mephistophilis »

Regina takes the sweet and examines it before putting it in her mouth. She chews it and gives a look not far from disgust but this then switches to one of confusion and then pleasure as she chomps away and then puts her hand out for another one.

At Simon's description of Allen's snake tattoo on his neck she nods in recognition, 'That's not John Allen silly, that's Johnny. I like Johnny, he's nice to me, not like that mean lady. He helps with daddy's church. Where is daddy?'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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"Yes, they are quite good." Simon chuckles, and to his surprise it's not forced. She was a cute child. "Can you tell me the magic word?" He asks when she puts her hand out, before giving her another one when she does so.

"Johnny, oh of course. I'm very glad he's nice to such a sweet girl like you. He's a big help with your daddy's church? Has he been talking to your parents lately about anything that looked important?"

"Oh, your daddy is fine. I know him and your mummy, actually. I just recently met them while looking for you. They were both very worried about you, but both are very happy now that you're okay. You'll be able to see them soon. We just want to make sure that no one else is helping the mean lady and man who took you away; that would make everyone very sad. It's our job to make sure you're safe." He smiles, trying to be encouraging.

"Last time we spoke you were telling me your favorite Bible story, do you remember? The Binding of Isaac. You told it so well I was wondering if you'd be able to tell it again for my friends here-- they all wanted to hear it from you!"
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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Regina doesn't seem to need much encouragement. ''The Binding of Isaac' is my favourite story, Daddy tells it to me every day.' She starts talking in an almost sing-song voice, like she's recounting something she has memorised or at least knows very well.

'Isaac was the son of Abraham and Abraham loved him a lot. God promised Isaac would have lots of children but God decided to test Abraham’s faith. He said "Tie Isaac to a rock and kill him with a magic knife." Abraham believed in God and knew that if he killed Isaac he would bring him back from the dead. That's why he wasn't afraid. But it was just a test and a special angel came and stopped Abraham. So God rewarded Abraham for having faith.'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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"What a lovely story, thank you for sharing it with us, Regina. Your father would be so proud of you," Simon says, offering the girl another licorice. While she's focused on it he glances briefly at Roxanna before returning his attention to the young girl. "I'm glad the angel was there to stop Abraham so he didn't need to harm Isaac.But I remember you said that Abraham believed God would bring his son back from the dead if he had to hurt him. He must have had very strong faith, just like your daddy."

"I remember you said something about your father saying the angel would be coming next week to bring about the end of the world. And how we would all be tested. I hope we're able to pass it!" He attempts to laugh, trying to keep the mood as light as possible. "Do you know what we have to do to be safe?"
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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Regina pops another Liquorice Allsort in her mouth and chews it for a minute before answering. 'Silly, you know what you have to do to be safe. It's the story of the Passover, the righteous will be saved by God if they do what he says. I think I can remember, now, how does it go...' Her voice takes on an even more singsong quality as she recites ...And they shall take the blood of the lamb and...um...strike it on the posts of the houses, in where they shall eat the flesh that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread, and with bitter herbs...'

Speaking more normally again she says, 'But you already knew that, didn't you?'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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Simon feels frustration at Regina parroting her father's answer, but tries to conceal it.

"Of course, I had forgotten! We adults can be pretty silly at times, can't we?" He laughs. "But thank you for telling us, Regina! I'll be sure to tell your parents what a good girl you are, always listening and helping to educate us." He pets her softly on the head, pets and children synonymous in his mind.

"We know the end of the world is coming, according to your father. That must be scary, but it's good to know what we have to do to remain safe. Does your daddy think he'll be tested by God when the world ends, like Abraham was?"
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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Regina screws up her face, like she's thinking hard. Eventually she says 'Daddy tells me the story of Abraham every day. He says it means we should always do what God says, even if it sounds crazy, because we can't understand God's plan and he will always reward the faithful.'

She hasn't exactly answered the question but has a look of satisfaction on her face, like she's said something profound.
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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Ms Goldfarb leans over to Simon and whispers, 'I thought we were talking about the kidnapping? All these questions about the Bible, you sound like Lindsay'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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Simon shoots the social worker an annoyed look, but quickly smooths his features over as he whispers a response. "That was my last question along these lines, I promise. I will explain my reasoning afterwards if you like."
He looks back to the young girl. "Thank you for your answers, Regina. You've been a very big help. And you were so very brave. Did the mean lady ever talk to you while she had you? What sort of things did she say, if you can remember?

"Speaking of the mean lady, did she maybe call or speak to anyone while she had you? It's important we know if she had any help, so we can go take them to jail. We're going to do everything we can to ensure that no one like that mean lady or man who took you do anything like that again

These questions were largely to make the others happy; Simon has little fear that Regina was in any external danger; Lindsay seemed rather desperate when they had cornered her, and nothing they had found indicated she had any other accomplices. The more difficult part would be convincing the authorities that Balfour himself was dangerous. Simon intended to lay out a methodical case for a man fanatically obsessed with the end times and willing to harm his own daughter if he felt called to do it.
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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'The mean lady was grumpy and scary. Not like last time she took me away from Mummy and Daddy. She was nice then. But she was mean this time.' She sticks out her tongue in mock disgust.

'She talked about her uncle. I think he was the mean man who grabbed me from the shops. I saw him before. He used to come to church. But he looked different. He was nice then too. Why were they so mean?'

From beside him Simon hears Burke mutter something that sounds like 'For fuck's sake.' He slams his hand down on the table and speaks over Regina menacingly. He snarls 'What about the guns Regina, where are they kept?'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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"Very smart, Regina! Yes, he--" Simon is cut off by Burke's display of aggression.

"Sir, please step back." He offers, his voice taking on a sterner quality.

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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Mephistophilis »

Oh dear, that's a fumble

Burke leans over towards Regina, ignoring Simon, reaching his arm out to push him back. 'Where're the guns you little bi...where's the guns?'

Recoiling and edging away from him, Regina gasps, 'You're rude, you're like the mean lady.'

With a sharp intake of breath Roxanna slams her hand on the table, and stands up. She walks between Burke and Regina, 'This interview is over officer!'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Silver Priest »

OOC:   Drat. Have to give Regina credit though, she's pretty brave.  
Simon suppresses a curse as that fool Burke ruins everything,as had seemed to be his only contribution to the case so far. He attempts to intervene again, but there's little he can do to the imposing man, and Roxanna brings the meeting to an end before he can.

"That may be for the best," He agrees, having gotten some of what he wanted and needing to appear reasonable. He kneels down, offering a smile to Regina as he gets down to her level. "Thank you so much for all of your help, sweetheart. Enjoy the rest of the treat, you've more then earned it." He offers her the licorice, eying Burke warily.
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Mephistophilis »

Regina takes the sweet and before popping it into her mouth she says, 'Thank you, I like you, you're nice to me, even if you're a bit funny.' She points at Burke, 'But I don't like you. You're mean and daddy says mean people will burn in hell forever!'

She takes Roxanna's hand as the social worker leads her to the door. Roxanna shakes her head and mutters, 'What is wrong with you?'

Looks like this interview is over unless there's any last words you want to add. What will you do now?

I'd say for Regina being shouted out is pretty tame compared to the last few days.
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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"Roxanna, could I speak with you privately for a moment?" Simon asks the social worker. While the interview had not gone as well as he had wished, he hopes he can still make a convincing argument based on Regina's statements and some of his own testimony regarding her parents. Perhaps she could still slow the reunification.
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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Roxanna leaves Regina with Annette and takes Simon and Burke out the room. Burke strides ahead muttering and cursing to himself and Roxanna hangs back to talk to Simon.

'What is it Mr Eagleton?'

Sure, give it a go, I'd say it would be a hard Persuade to get her to try and keep Regina from her parents. Have a go at convincing her and make a roll and I'll set difficulty based on the argument you make.
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