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Re: Cassandra

Post by SunlessNick »


"It's worth a try," Maggie says.
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Re: Cassandra

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Yes, let's keep knocking," says Victoria.
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Re: Cassandra

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

It is impossible for anyone inside to ignore the continued knocking. After a while, the door is pulled open, with some violence, by a very tall man, dressed in black trousers and turtleneck sweater, who might be considered handsome were it not for the numerous scars that cover his face. His manner is brusque, to say the least.

"What do you want?"
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Re: Cassandra

Post by SunlessNick »


"We're looking for Barbabas," says Maggie. "Tell him it's Maggie - he won't like it if you turn us away."
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Re: Cassandra

Post by Mr. Handy »


"That's right," says Victoria. "He'll certainly want to talk to her."
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Re: Cassandra

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

The fellow seems surprised, and perhaps a little concerned. He responds in a deep, slow voice, pronouncing each word with great care, as if English is new to him.

"Barnabas is safe. No one must harm Barnabas. You come inside."

The man gestures for them to enter and steps back, revealing an open door on the wall behind him. It's obvious that it leads downstairs, because only the upper half of Willie's body can be seen beyond it, facing the visitors.

"They ain't gonna hurt him, Adam. These are friends. You remember, don't you? Me and the doc are your friends, like I told you."

Willie seems anxious to avoid disturbing Adam, judging by his forced smile at the big man.
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Re: Cassandra

Post by Mr. Handy »


"That's right, we're friends," says Victoria. "We just want to talk to Barnabas. He'll like what we have to say. We have good news."
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Re: Cassandra

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Adam leads the visitors downstairs, into what seems to be a well-equipped laboratory, full of electronic and medical equipment. There are two surgical tables, currently unoccupied, that are connected by wires and tubes to the equipment. Standing next to a control panel full of knobs and dials is Doctor Hoffman, busy adjusting them, so that she only reacts with a startled frown at the newcomers.

"Adam let 'em in," Willie tells her. "I didn't have nothin' to do with it."

In a dark corner stands Barnabas, observing Doctor Hoffman's manipulations closely.

"Never mind that," he says. "What's done is done. What matters now is that nothing must interfere with the procedure. Adam! You must make sure that they do no nothing to harm us. Do you understand?"

"Yes. They say they are friends. If they lie, I destroy them."

"It seems we have stumbled into a more serious situation than I expected," Professor Stokes remarks.
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Re: Cassandra

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Barnabas," says Victoria, "the professor here knows of a way your curse would be lifted, if that's what you want. Nobody would be hurt. In fact, it would give you true happiness. I know that, in spite of what you've become, there is still good in you. You are still capable of love." She glances over at Maggie and lets her continue.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
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Re: Cassandra

Post by SunlessNick »

"It's about your love for Josette," Maggie says (Vix will be able to tell she's nervous about what she's saying). "Professor Stokes thinks love can save a vampire, and restore them. If you and I could... I mean it's a big thing to think of, but if it could help you, I would try."
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Re: Cassandra

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

"Miss Evans," Barnabas begins in a somber tone, "I must beg your forgiveness for what must have seemed to be madness on my part. Indeed, I am certain that I was quite insane for a time. Certain actions on my part . . . They are without excuse.

"But that is over now, and, I trust, for all time." There is a note of quiet triumph in his voice. "When Doctor Hoffman's treatments began to fail--"

"That was quite beyond my control," Hoffman replies.

"So you say. In any case, not long after my conditioned worsened, I happened to discover this place, during my nocturnal wanderings. I found Adam. Poor, lonely, ignorant Adam. Two friendless creatures, we were drawn together by Fate, I am sure of it! And now we are bonded in a way that is of great benefit to both of us."

"The phenomenon is somewhat difficult to explain," Hoffman says, "and there is little time. You must allow us to proceed."

"Yes." Adam speaks in a voice grown weak. He shuffles to one of tables and lies down on it. Hoffman attaches a maze of wires to his head and arms. Barnabas lies upon the other table, and undergoes the same strange procedure.

"This part always gives me the creeps," Willie says.

"Never mind," Barnabas admonishes him. "Assist Doctor Hoffman."

"OK, OK, I'm doin' it."

While Willie keeps an eye on the gauges, Doctor Hoffman manipulates dials and switches, filling the room with crackling sounds and the smell of ozone.

Suddenly there is a blinding flash of light and a colossal roar, as if lightning has struck within the room. While fighting to see again, the visitors hear what sounds like heavy footsteps and breaking doors. When full vision returns, they see Doctor Hoffman on the floor, with Willie kneeling next to her, trying to wake her up. Barnabas lies still on the table. There is no sign of Adam, and the wires to which he was connected are torn to pieces.
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Re: Cassandra

Post by Mr. Handy »


Victoria hurries to Dr. Hoffman's side and tries to help her.

Using Cure Light Wounds.
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Re: Cassandra

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Victoria manages to rouse Doctor Hoffman, who sits up in a daze.

"There must have been a power overload," she says weakly.

"I was watchin' all the dials and stuff, I swear it," Willie says. "You know I ain't no good with all this science stuff."

Doctor Hoffman manages to stand and stumble over to Barnabas, examining him closely.

"He's alive, if that's the proper term, but in a deep coma. Too much of his life energy must have been transferred to Adam."

"I told ya this was a crazy idea." Willie is close to moaning. "There's no tellin' what that big ox might do."

"It was the only way. This was an unpredictable accident."

"I might suggest," Professor Stokes begins, "that we find the fellow you call Adam, before he decides that he is in need of an Eve."
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Re: Cassandra

Post by SunlessNick »

"And someone should look after Barnabas," Maggie says.
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Re: Cassandra

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Maybe Dr. Hoffman is best suited for that," says Victoria. "Let's go look for Adam. At least with his size, he'll leave large footprints."
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(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
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Re: Cassandra

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Let me give you some Bonus points for the difficult job of tracking, which normally gets a -10 deficit. Let's say +2 for wet area, +2 for little traveled, + 2 for large footprints, so only - 4 to WIS, Higher WIS than average for Victoria and Stokes, average for Maggie. In that order: 3d20
Having made the suggestion, it is only fitting that Victoria is the one to spot the signs of Adam's path. From the way he has knocked down small bushes and trampled on flower beds, it's obvious that he's in a hurry. His trail leads to Collinwood.

"He might have gone to the Old House, the Mansion, the Rose Cottage, the gardens, or the forest," Professor Stokes observes. "Shall we announce ourselves and our curious errand to the Collins, or conduct our search sub rosa? Split up, or stay together?"
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Re: Cassandra

Post by SunlessNick »

"I think we should stay together," Maggie says nervously. "We should start with the mansion - there's no one to get hurt at the other paces."
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Re: Cassandra

Post by Mr. Handy »


"I agree," says Victoria. "We should also announce ourselves. The Collinses need to be warned of the danger."
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Re: Cassandra

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

"I see that both of you value discretion as a virtue," Professor Stokes remarks. "Let us proceed."

Arriving at the mansion, Stokes knocks on the front door. "Pity they never installed a doorbell at this place." There is no response for a while, so he knocks again. The door is answered by Roger Collins, who seems somewhat distracted. He holds a glass of amber liquid in his hand.

"Forgive this intrusion," Stokes says," but there have been reports that the vandal who was seen in Collinsport some time ago -- you recall, I'm sure, a very large fellow -- has been seen in the vicinity of Collinwood. The ladies and I were just enjoying some pleasant conversation and Miss Evans and I were escorting Miss Winters here, when we think we may have spotted the man."

"Come in, by all means." Roger takes a drink. "Tell me everything you know." He pauses for a moment. "No one here has seen Cassandra all day. You don't suppose something might have happened to her, do you? Perhaps the police--"

Elizabeth, who has been observing all this, says "There's no need to drag the authorities into this, at least not yet. Roger, I know how you feel about Cassandra, but you must admit that she's not the most predictable person in the world."

"Perhaps my charming companions can explain the situation better than I can," Stokes says, glancing at Maggie and Victoria. "My eyes and ears aren't what they used to be." Both women know this isn't true at all, so obviously he thinks they should decide how much to tell Roger and Elizabeth.
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Re: Cassandra

Post by SunlessNick »

"I think it's the same guy as broke the window at my place," Maggie says. "I don't think he's hurt anyone" - OOC: am I remembering that right? - "so the police might be overkill. But maybe if we find him we can find out what his deal is and if he needs help or something."
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