Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Tragedy befalls two Miskatonic University students on a camping trip, when they are reportedly struck by lightning.

Of course, something far more sinister is at work, and the investigators are in a race to prevent the spread of evil in Arkham.

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Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by HoneyDog »

Monday, April 1st, 1929


Arkham, Massachusetts

The sun is shining and the sky is clear over Arkham, making a welcome respite to the incessant rain of the weekend. Maybe the weather for Spring Break will be pleasant, after all.

Opening the Arkham Gazette, readers are able to learn about the following tragedy which has struck the town.

University Student Missing On Camping Trip

Richard Cardigan, a junior at Miskatonic University, remains missing today. Authorities report that he apparently was the victim of a camping accident.
Fellow camper and friend Henry Atwater was discovered early Sunday morning wandering the streets of west Arkham, suffering from amnesia, and is currently hospitalized.
The young men left for their trip from Arkham on Thursday, to return on Saturday.
Police located the campsite beside the river a half-mile northwest of Cabot Road, but found no trace of Richard Cardigan. A search for the missing student was abandoned for the day after a violent thunderstorm erupted. Police and volunteers plan to resume the search again.
More volunteers are welcome, and are requested to meet after day-break at the Cabot Road dead-end. Cabot Road runs north of the Aylesbury Pike about three miles northwest of Arkham.

Atwater’s Condition

Though physically well, Atwater suffers from amnesia and has been entered in Arkham State Sanitarium. Doctors foresee a full recovery.
Police hope he can soon add details to their knowledge, and help locate the missing Cardigan. They speculate that the youths may have been struck by lightning Friday evening, and fear that Cardigan may have been seriously or fatally injured.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by Philulhu »

His morning run and shower out of the way, Professor Bruce Patterson was sat at his breakfast table drinking coffee when he saw the article about the missing student. As he read on, he recognised the names of Cardigan and Atwater - both of whom he had seen at the debating society, an extra-curriculum activity he helped to organise.

Concerned for the two young men, he glanced at the calendar. He didn’t have any formal teaching on a Monday, just a couple of seminars he was fairly sure could be re-organised, so taking some time out to help search for the missing student shouldn’t present an issue. Resolving to see if he could help out, Bruce finished his coffee and went to get dressed.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by SunlessNick »

Emily isn't familiar with either of the students, but knows that if Cardigan is hurt, then time is of importance.

She goes into work at the Exhibit Museum normally, but asks Dr Grewe for permission to skip back out and join the search. "I think I can help, sir."
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by Mr. Handy »


Alice Stanton reads the article over her breakfast and morning coffee. When she goes in to work today she intends to see if there's anything she can do to help in the search.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by Silver Priest »

As a member of the debating society, Henry is somewhat dismayed by the misfortune befalling both of the students. Atwater's condition intrigues him; he's by no means an expert on psychology, but he has a passing interest in it and perhaps could assist in retrieving the lad's memories. And thanks to his occasional hunting trip he felt confident he might be able to help track down Cardigan, and provide him with medical attention if he did. He decides to join the other volunteers in looking for him later today.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by aine »

Garland Fortesque is up at the crack of dawn for training. As he bounds down the stairs he sees a hubbub of students clustered round the hall table where the newspapers have been freshly delivered.
One of the students, Ian Wier, is a good friend of Cardigan and is obviously very upset. Garland Fortesque scans the paper and announces he will combine today’s training routine with a run up Cabot Road to join the search and he’ll keep running until he finds Cardigan. Who is probably sleeping off too many mules in some picturesque glade or other. Don’t worry, old chap!
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by Starspawn338 »


Harrison is in an unusually good mood as he rises today. It's April Fools Day and he's ready for the antics of the day. However, opening the newspaper he quickly realizes that today is not going to be a good day. He reads through the article and eats a hearty breakfast. Instead of pranks, today will be a slog through the woods and around the river looking for another missing student. He feels a knot tighten in the pit of his stomach and hopes that this time everything will be normal. His gut feeling says otherwise as he heads down to where the volunteers are gathering for today's search.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by HoneyDog »

Alice, I take it that Alice won't be joining the search, then? If she wants to, she can get permission from her boss. It's a slow day.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by Mr. Handy »


Alice gets permission from her boss to help in the search, seeing as she has experience in similar matters.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by HoneyDog »

Those wanting to help with the search make their way out to the site of the tragedy. Heading north-east out of Arkham, the Aylesbury Pike borders the dense Billington’s Woods on its right side. After a few miles comes the turn off for Cabot Road, which runs adjacent to Cabot Creek, that flows into the Miskatonic River.

At the end of Cabot Road, a volunteer directs where to park cars, and shows how to get to the search site upriver. It is a hike along the overgrown riverbank of about a half-mile. Luckily, although the ground is sodden from the rain, the sky is clear and the temperature pleasant. Birds sing and fish can be seen swimming in the calm river waters. The occasional heron peeks out of the rushes.

Soon enough, visitors reach the campsite, which is a hum of activity. Half-a-dozen policemen are there, together with around a dozen searchers. Groups are formed and directed where to search. Our heroes, arriving late, find themselves placed together.
OOC, You can get acquainted / reacquainted before the search begins. I’ll accept a successful Luck roll from Alice or Harrison.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by SunlessNick »

Emily mumbles hellos to everyone, then repeats them with a bit more forced brightness.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by Starspawn338 »

OOC, Seeing if I can get dice rolled to show. I failed my luck roll.
OOC:   Luck: 1d100 95  

Harrison introduces himself to his team.

"Greetings. I am Harrison Matthews. I'm a student at Miskatonic and just had to come down to volunteer my services. I do hope we are able to find the missing boy."
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by Silver Priest »

"Henry Appleton," Henry says. He pushes his thick black frames up his nose and regards the group. "I'm somewhat experienced with tracking due to my time hunting, and I'm training to be a doctor. If any of you find trace of Richard please contact me at once."
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by Philulhu »

Bruce recognised a few faces from the campus and nodded hellos. Professor Patterson from Natural History,” he said with a friendly smile. “But please call me Bruce.”

He was dressed in hiking boots and gaiters to protect his legs as they explored the undergrowth, with a stout stick in case it was required.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by aine »


Garland Fortesque speaks to the search supervisor who directs him over to the group. He bounces over, his legs are mud splatted. He pulls on a jumper over his running attire.
“Hullo! Hullo! A pleasure to meet you all; I’m Garland Fortesque Throckmorton but most people here just call me ‘Fort’. I’m an under graduate at the university.
“How do we go about becoming bloodhounds then?” He smiles.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by Philulhu »

Bruce looked around. He was definitely the eldest and guessed he might be the most experienced, too.

He cleared his throat. “If you haven’t done this sort of thing before, then the most important thing is to go steady. It ain’t a race - it’s more important that we don’t miss anything. I suggest you get yourself a stick like this...” he held his up, “So you can move brambles and the like out of the way. Better than doing it with your hands, save yourself getting all cut up.”

“When we set off, keep whoever is to the left and right of you in sight. That way we know we’re covering the ground evenly. And if you lose sight of them, just holler. Don’t walk off or we’ll have two missing persons we’re looking for.”

“We could be out for a while so I hope you brought some water. He tapped the canteen that hung from his belt. “If you haven’t, I’ve got a couple of spares in the trunk of my car. Just ask.” He grinned and said, “And if you’ve already filled up with water and you’re not sure you’re going to be able to hold it for the next few hours, you might want to find a bush or a tree now, rather than going while we’re out there, with us all hanging around, knowing what you’re doing...”
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by SunlessNick »

Emily has worked a few sites during her course, so she's prepared for the twin concerns about water. But she takes the advice to get herself a stick.
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by Mr. Handy »


Alice is extremely fortunate. She has come well prepared, with her own canteen, and she has already used the bathroom before heading out to the woods. She is sure to pick up a stick. "I'm Alice Stanton," she tells the others. "I'm one of the secretaries at the university. I do have prior experience with searching for missing persons. It's good to see you again, Harrison."
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by SunlessNick »

"Emily Rider, I work in the Exhibit Museum right now. I've been on some archaeological digs, so I know how to look for traces."
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Re: Chapter 1: One of Our Students is Missing

Post by HoneyDog »

As the searchers chat and discuss their course of action, a man breaks away from the group of policemen and makes his way over to the group. He’s obviously tired, and his suit is dirty, but the friendliness in his voice cannot be disguised as he holds out his hand to Alice.

Miss Stanton! It’s good to see you.”
Alice, It's Detective Harden. He'll talk.

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