Cinemaplex Car Park

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Cinemaplex Car Park

Post by Laraqua »

The Hoyts Cinema parking lot was surprisingly full considering it was only four o'clock. Then again, judging by the proximity to a few megastores, it isn't surprising people had taken advantage of the free parking. The sky is bright with only a few scattered clouds moving leisurely above. So much for the rain cloud the radio had briefly mentioned before cutting out in a flurry of static. Must be some kind of interference. It had taken out all of the radio stations several minutes ago.

She parks her car in one of the few spots available, near a large brown 4WD that would obscure her view of the parking lot when reversing, and make leaving the car park a slow and painful process. At least the park isn't far from the cinema and is getting some shade from a tall tree whose leaves, while yellow, have yet to fall from the branch.

The Hoyts Cinema is a large, brown brick building that squats over an underground car park, a sweeping set of rounded stairs, flanked by twin ramps, move up to its glass front and trio of double doors. She can see several posters tacked to the walls - The Simpsons Movie, Sicko, Shrek the Third, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, and Life Free or Die Hard.

Today there is also a Fun Pack Trio starting soon: Shaun of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days Later. It seems it gets more horrific with each movie.
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by lizzie23 »

Gently pulling her small Ford Escort into a parked position, Liz aligns it as best she can. The nose juts out just past the cars beside her. She continues to fuss over it until firmly telling herself to Stoppit, right now. You know better. Much. Better.

Sighing resignedly, the young journalist swings smoothed legs through the open door. The darker, semi-long skirt she decided to wear today rustles softly. Deep blue denim. This brings a weary smile to her lips. Lips paled from pure exhaustion, face lighter than usual.

Blue eyes cast themselves around on some unknown instinct. Who would tail her here? She's just come in from Wales. Just come in from a long drive. Who the hell, in their right mind, would drive that entire way and just give up? Not even watch her trio of movies? Liz shakes her head stubbornly and makes her click-clack way to the doors.
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by Seppuku »

Mark pulls up in the rental car supplied to him by his new employer. He had just gotten off the plane, checked into the Inn, had a quick shower, and was out the door again to go make one of the biggest deals of his life. His last employer had reccomended him to a friend, and Mark had received the call last month. Flown halfway around the world, put up in the luxury suite, and paid half in advance. "All for one little book." Mark thinks as he smiles. Yes this could be his last job if he really wanted it to be, but Mark had no intentions of quitting "the business' after this one. He steps out of the car with his bag on his shoulder, and makes his way to the movie theatre to kill a few hours before he meets with his employer.
Last edited by Seppuku on Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'”
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by lizzie23 »

Self-consciously, she bends slightly to smooth the front of her skirt. Stiletto thigh-high boots reach underneath the hem and further. A thick mane of darker brown hair falls over her shoulder, revealing gently sloping bones. As she stands, the shirt settles itself properly, small, lacy ruffles springing back to life.

Polka dots cover her back, a bow on the midpoint to secure her front. A marvelous tan, the fluorescent lights create a healthy light that is immediately obvious. It dances across the bronze flesh like flames in a breeze. The line continues to inch forward, each group that receives their tickets jovial and excited.

Her purse, a small thing tucked snugly between her arm and her ribs, and tinged a light lavender. Liz rolls her eyes impatiently, pulling out a notepad and pen from the tiny 'pocket'. Near instantly, she's busy writing another dead-end story, rapidly flipping pages. She runs out of room on each piece of paper quickly, script neat and small. When she's finished, and returning it to its place, she looks up again.

The frown is there automatically, settling heavily on her fair features. Bright eyes stare at the back of the person in front of her, tapping her toes anxiously.
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by Laraqua »

The teller is a middle-aged woman with a gently heaving bosom and a dedicated smile. She quickly sells her tickets to the teenagers in front of Liz and then moves onto her. "The weather's better than before," says the woman with a nod, her nametag registering her as Janet Blackmore. "Here to see the movie marathon?"

A dog barks nearby as a blind person approaches, hair hidden by a hoodie, thick black glasses sat upon the person's nose, a hand gently resting on their hip. The dog is the blind person's own. A golden labrador set up in its harness. The blind person goes through the double doors into the cinema.

"Likes to meet with his friends and listen to the movies," says Janet with a conspirational nod.
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by Seppuku »

"so If I promise to shut my eyes, and just listen do I get in free as well?" Mark smiles at his little joke, and everyone else just stares at him blankly. Mark looks the beautiful young woman in front of him up and down. If it weren't for the Backpack full of stolen goods he might have struck up a conversation with her, but at the moment isn't feeling very social. . He shuffles his feet forward in line. Moving ever closer to the box office, and ever further away from his latest illicit activities.
“Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'”
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by lizzie23 »

"Yes I am, party of one, please." She nods in response to Janet. Liz has no knowledge of the thief behind her, though if she looked, hours later she could give a perfect profile for the cops. Or of course, for a column suggestion. She slides the strap of the purse down her arm, opening it up and shifting through her belongings. A flip phone with camera and GPS is set against the lining, nail file and tweezers re-situated until she withdraws a wallet.

"How much?" Never looking up from her average-sized woman's billfold. It has a fashionable 'L' on the front, a change purse on the adjacent side. As she unzips it, she's flipping through bills while waiting on an answer. Dental floss and a travel pack of q-tips are exposed in her open bag. The rest is hidden from view by her arm and body. Elizabeth cocks her head coyly, a smile playing on her lips. Apparently she doesn't mind standing there, wallet exposing her minimal wealth and waiting on this teller once more.

Posture is relaxed, as though she hasn't a care in the world. Which, when given thought, she could pass off. Brunette hair falls in faint, hot-ironed ringlets about her shoulders, subtly curling like a fresh-removed apple peel. She smooths it out of her face, smiling brightly, black and rectangular plastic-rimmed glasses sliding down her lovely sloping nose.
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by Laraqua »

Janet passes her the ticket. "Cinema 7. It starts in twenty minutes." She turns her attention to Mark. "That bag looks heavy. Must be terrible having to lug that around. What movie are you here to see?"

The main lobby is red with a burnished orange ceiling and luxuriant maroon carpeting. Several circular couches encircle the pillars. A liquor bar sits off to one side, staffed by a weary blonde woman who is leaning down, her chin resting on her arms, staring at the slushy machine as the metal twists through the drink. The lobby smells clean, like pine fresh mixed with ozone, freshly vacuumed and freshly mopped.

The cinemas are past the confectionary bar, opposite the men and women's toilet doors. A red rope blocks off most of the entryway, staffed by a tall, awkward-looking teenage boy, also in uniform. In the middle of the lobby are a series of giant posters and cut-out boards from the movies and three games machines: Big Game Hunter IV, Wonder Boy III and Terror Alert.
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by Seppuku »

"Why the triple feature of course" says Mark as he shifts his bag on his shoulder. "Ya lot's of term papers to write, but there is always time for zombie flicks." Mark smiles "What is the damage on those tickets?"
Mark looks eagerly towards the bar. "I sure could use a Guinness" thinks Mark.
Last edited by Seppuku on Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'”
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by Laraqua »

Janet tells him, the dedicated smile still plastered across her moouth.
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by lizzie23 »

Liz steps out of line, re-zipping her wallet and closing her purse. Shaking her head with a sigh, she heads instinctively towards the liquor bar. After all, who wants to watch a horrific film without a wonderfully alcohol-packed drink? She inclines her chin to the blond, asking simply, "What's available?"

Her gaze sweeps around, finally noticing Mark, and blinking several times afterward. Shaking her head again, she returns her attention to the bartender.
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by Seppuku »

Mark walks over and sits at the end of the bar looking aroudn the room at all of the soon to be released movies.
"Shitty, stupid, that might be good, pffft gay,and of course the one he's been waiting months to see... The Dark Knight. If only they had let Frank Miller Direct it." Mark looks up and sees the girl at the bar. She looks away and orders her drink from the bartender. "I wonder if I will have time to get food before this thing starts."
“Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'”
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by ODIOUS »

Thomas Pulls up into the parking garage of the cinemaplex making sure to back his car in. He grabs his laptop case and hurys into the cinemaplex hoping to catch a sandwich at the bar and hop on the y-fi to check his email before the show. He gets in line for the movie and waits his turn to buy a ticket.
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by Laraqua »

Thomas arrives to find the last person in line, sauntering away, cursing about some movie he had thought was on at the cinema. He is able to cruise straight up to the ticket booth and buy a ticket from the now frowning Janet.

The blonde at the bar jerks, confused, at the sound of another person's voice. "I'm sorry?" Then she points at a bar menu on the counter with a shrug.
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by Seppuku »

Mark orders a drink, and thirstily gulps down the entire glass. "Keep them coming if you don't mind dear. Not alot of time before the movie, and I want to be good and Pissed." Mark sees Thomas walk in and sit down at the bar. Mark nods to him, and ask he and Lizzie if they are there for the Zombie marathon. Mark always gets friendlier when he's had a drink or two.
“Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'”
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by lizzie23 »

"Ah, I'd like this, please. A, uh, peach martini? I hope, anyhow." Turning at the sound of a deeply throaty male voice, Liz shrugs nonchalantly. "Of course, it's the only reason to go to a theater, isn't it?" Her mouth quirks into a smile, "Re-animated corpses, walking around and eating human flesh, yummy." The comment is obviously sarcastic, as she lays her wallet in her lap, along with the lavender purse and continues brightly. "What about you?"
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by ODIOUS »

Thomas replies to mark of course i would'nt miss a opportunity like this.
Thomas orders 2 dogs and a coke and takes notice of liz at the bar talking about zombies
movies to mark. Thomas pulls out his laptop and set his y-fi up to recieve then packs it away making sure to leave it on . Thomas eats hurriedly then goes to the bathroom to adjust the 45 under his suit jacet and to prepare his mini cam to record the zombie marathon and broadcast it to his laptop. Stoping at the mirror he thinks back to the girl in the polko dot top .... Thomas walks back out to the bar and sit next to the girl in the polko dot shirt. He asks her the time.....
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by trixie »


Shilo pauses at the gate, commanding her guide dog, Sadie, to sit as she speaks to the awkward boy ripping ticket stubs.

"Which way is the movie marathon please?"

The teenager obviously is new on the job, and hasn't seen her here before. He gawks at her dog, Sadie, a golden lab, and Shilo can sense him reach down to pet her.

"Don't touch my dog!" she snaps. "Please, the theatre, which one?"

She looks straight ahead as the tall gangly teenager gives her directions, then smiles and nods her gratitude, making her way in to find a seat.
Last edited by trixie on Tue Jul 24, 2007 8:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by lizzie23 »

Liz pulls her hand to where she can read the fashionable silver watch that rests there. "Why, it's four thirty." Her smile is kind as she glances at the man beside her. "The marathon starts in, uh, fifteen minutes." Nodding as though to say 'Yes, yes, that's right, I'm right,' she swivels her head to peer at the other man in the hoodie. So many men are out today. . .
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Re: Cinemaplex Car Park - Lizzie23

Post by ODIOUS »

Thomas amused by the young ladies response as to the time offers to buy the next round of drinks before the movie and toast to good times .
A person is smart but people are panicky crazy animals.
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