IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Reverend Archie Pennyfeather and Phyllis Cruckshank face a deadly confrontation with the Steadmans and the horror they summon from beyond. Then Story and his friends must banish the Father of All Bats before it claims one of them as a host.

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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by aine »

Phyllis hooks the umbrella over her arm and opens her handbag. As quickly as she can she pulls out her hurricane lamp and rummages for some matches. She’ll try to light the lamp if she can.
Roll,?? 0
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

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Phyllis fished her hurricane lantern and matches out of the handbag and struggled to light it. At the last second, as the creature's maw emerged from the mists and came right at her, the lantern flared into the life! The creature let out a hideous shriek of agony and released her, withdrawing into the surrounding fog, where she - perhaps thankfully - could not see what happened next.

"No, I summoned you!" shouted Major Steadman. "I command you to stop! I brought you the offering! I bear - the stone! Where is it? You little- no!" A loud gunshot rang out into the night. "No! Nooooo..." Then the only sound was Madeline's hysterical screaming.
OOC,Damage to creature from hurricane lantern: 0 [b]Major Steadman[/b]'s Handgun roll (40% skill) shooting at the creature: 1 Creature's Bite attack (65% chance) on [b]Major Steadman[/b]: 2 Creature's Tail attack (90% chance) on [b]Major Steadman[/b]: 3
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by aine »

Phyllis stands, trembling, holding the lantern high, so relieved that the lamp worked. She can’t see through the most but strains her ears to hear. Her heart is beating like a hammer. “Come on, Phyllis old girl.” She mutters to herself. “You’re in a tight pickle but you’ve got to find Reverend Pennyfeather before it’s too late.” She wonders if this was how her husband, Bert felt in the middle of battle.

She takes a step towards where she thinks Archie might be lying; somewhere the other side of the incendiary where she heard Mrs Steadman screaming. And another step. “I hope the young lad is okay.” She thinks as she takes another step.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

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Phyllis made her way toward the noise, and soon she emerged from the cloud of mist. Reverend Archie Pennyfeather still lay on his back on the ground gripping his revolver, unconscious and bleeding, but she could see that he was still alive because his chest still rose and fell. Madeline was still screaming her head off, but there was no trace of Major Steadman or the creature. The boy could still be seen running away into the darkness.

"It took him!" wailed Madeline.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by aine »

“Come back!” Phyllis called to the boy, I need your help! We need an ambulance!” Hoping he’d heard her she kneels down by Archie.
“Hold on, Reverend, it’s Mrs Cruckshank here. We”ll get you sorted in a jiffy.” She unpeels the gun from his fingers and puts it in her handbag.
“Madeleine, pull yourself together, girl. Help me help the Reverend and then we’ll start looking for your husband, not that he deserves it, messing with dark forces; it’s all ended in tears and no mistake!”
Ooc,Can she do any first aid to stabilise Archie?
Last edited by aine on Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,[b]Phyllis[/b], please roll Fast Talk.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by aine »

Fast talk,55 0
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

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The boy kept running and soon vanished into the night. Madeline just kept screaming.
OOC,Please roll First Aid to try to help [b]Archie[/b]. He is stable, but this will revive and heal him. If you succeed, you may roll 1D3 to see how many HP he recovers.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by Snapper »


Archie continues to bleed unconsciously. Little bubbles of blood might ooze out of his mouth.

Phyllis will find his blood soaked naval-issue bible in the jacket pocket over his heart. A bullet hole is drilled right through it, and then somewhat through Archie
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by aine »

First aid,40 01
Phyllis watched the disappearing boy for a moment.
“Oh well, I can’t say I blame him. It’s just you and me, Reverend Pennyfeather; I think Mrs Steadman is a Lost Cause. Now let’s see what we’ve got.”
Phyllis opens Archie’s jacket.
“Oh my word; The Lord Preserves! He is watching over you that’s for sure. Now, I’m going to bind that bible tight and hopefully it will hold until we get you to a hospital.
“And now here’s something to wake you up.”
Phyllis rummages in her bag and pulls out a medicinal hip flask which she opens and dribbles some between Archie’s lips.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by Snapper »

OOC,Mr H, can Archie revive just enough to have a few brief words with the heroic Phyllis before lapsing back into semi-consciousness?
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by Mr. Handy »

Archie gradually came to his senses and realized that he was not awakening in Heaven as he had expected, but still on Earth, lying on his back in the street. He knew he was still alive because of the intense pain.

"Put that light out!" shouted a woman's voice. "Put that light out!" She ran toward them from down the street, and she was wearing an air raid warden's uniform.
OOC,Yes, [b]Archie[/b] is awake now. He can stay awake if you like, but if you'd rather he lapsed into semi-consciousness, he can.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by aine »

Phyllis gripped Archie’s hand as she saw his eyelids flicker and then she looked up at the irate warden,
“Thank goodness you’ve come, my dear! This man is gravely wounded in his chest; he needs a stretcher or an ambulance.” Phyllis adjusts the flaps on the lantern so the light points downwards but she looks into the darkness warily.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

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"Ouwwwwwwwwwwwww," Archie groans. He looks at Phyllis. "Well, clearly I have not gone to my reward because this hurts a bit. But I am happy to see your kind face, brave Phyllis."

"Where are the Steadmans and the boy and...?" He also looks about, wondering where he left the Colt pistol.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

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"Oh my!" gasped the warden. "I'll run off to the warden's post, call for an ambulance, and bring back a stretcher. And turn that light out, not just down! Do you want Gerry to come back and finish him off - and us with him?" Without waiting for a response, she ran back the way she had come.

Archie could see no sign of his pistol, or of Major Steadman, the boy, or the creature. The last of the mists dissipated. and Madeline Steadman came to her senses. She turned and fled in the opposite direction from the air raid warden.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by aine »

“Don’t worry, I have it safe here.” Phyllis pats her handbag. “But we may have a problem explaining the bullet that’s in your chest.” She looks around. “I’m keeping the lamp burning whatever that warden says; that monstrosity could still be around and this lamp was the only thing that saved me from being eaten!

I think the beast took off with the major instead and Madeleine just kept on screaming. I couldn’t see what was happening because a black fog came up all around me.
The boy escaped thankfully; I saw him running in that direction.” She points.

“Oh my word, what a night! I’m sure Maggie won’t believe a word of it. At least if the Steadmans and the beast were here then they won’t be over the other side bothering Eugene and Sergeant MacDonald.”
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by Snapper »


Archie's head lowers back to the road and he looks as relieved as circumstances allow.

"All good. You look after that for now, you might yet need it. And I was never cut out to be a Spartan at the gates anyway. I am just glad you are unhurt, that is most important. You should really get under cover from this air raid."

"And if you don't mind, I may just rest awhile now. Never fear, I'm going nowhere, just resting. Heavens, my CO is going to have coniptions when he hears I've been shot..." Archie grunts in amusement then immediately groans in pain. "No more jokes..." With a smile on his lips, he lapses back into semi-consciousness but his breathing remains audible.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by aine »

Phyllis takes off her coat and gently puts it under Archie’s head. She tries to dim the lantern as much as she can without actually extinguishing it. And then she sits and waits, listening for the drones of aeroplanes and for other, even more sinister, sounds.
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

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There were the distant sounds of airplanes and explosions, and they were getting closer, but they hadn't arrived yet. The air raid warden came running back carrying a stretcher. "I told you to put that thing out!" she shouted. "The second wave is coming any minute now! Here, help me get him on the stretcher and carry him back to the warden's post. That's where the ambulance will come to pick him up."
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Re: IC-Ep 4-The Horror Unleashed(Archie/Phyllis)

Post by aine »

Phyllis struggles to stand up. “Oo, my knees!” She exclaims. “I’ve been sat on that cold ground for too long. Here, help me up, dear.”
She then helps the warden lift Archie onto the stretcher. Reluctantly she douses the lamp.
“Let’s go quickly!”

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