IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

By the waning years of the 22nd century, humanity has expanded beyond Earth, establishing colonies on Mars, Ceres, and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn; the latter of these being largely penal or mining colonies, taking advantage of the isolation and mineral wealth of these moons. One such colony, known as Benedict’s Rest, was established on the shores of the north polar sea of Ligeia Mare on the moon Titan, in the year 2169. Originally a penal colony that used convict labor to harvest liquid methane, Benedict’s Rest was bought out by a German energy conglomerate, Richter Dynamics, and expanded; now, in 2189, contract, or “free” miners outnumber convicts 5 to 1—158 free miners to 31 convicts.

The colony’s productivity, formerly the highest of any Richter colony site, has dropped 19% in the last month with no reasonable explanation provided. In the same period, the colony medic, Dr. Henry Holzer, has died; the administration has been vague regarding cause, though it has been intimated that he committed suicide. Over the objections of colony administrator James Kingsley, Richter Dynamics has sent a team of corporate troubleshooters to investigate these two issues and make recommendations to revive productivity.

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IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Mephistophilis »

Day 1
11th March 2189
20:00 Earth Central European Time
Barnard's Rest Colony, Titan

The sirens are still squealing as Jojo steps through the door of the 'Claim Jumper'. On the outside it is a dull metal building with small, dark, impenetrable windows. Inside, red warning beacons light the room, and emergency LED lights illuminate the floor. Despite the falling temperature there is still a fug of smoke in the air that tastes like stale tobacco.

Jojo can just about make out a few tables and a bar. There seem to be people still sitting at the tables drinking and the low hum of conversation stops as he enters, someone shouts out, 'Hey, what's going on out there?' but before Jojo can answer the green emergency illumination suddenly flickers on. The floor LEDs blink out and the red beacons and wailing sirens stop. Everyone goes quiet again.

A few seconds later the main lighting comes on illuminating a small grimy bar with around half a dozen chrome tables and a similar number of patrons, all rough looking miners from their appearance. A man stands behind the bar mopping spilled beer off the counter.

Jojo hears the unmistakable sound of CENTRAL, 'Initialising...initialising... kernel reboot...power supply restored...welcome to Barnard's Rest.'
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Starspawn338 »

someone shouts out, 'Hey, what's going on out there?'
Jojo waits for a minute for the lights to go back to normal before answering.

"I'm not sure. Does CENTRAL reboot like that very often?"
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Mephistophilis »

One of the men stands up from his table which is scattered with empty bottles, 'Of course not...hey, wait a minute, who are you?' he slurs.

He staggers towards Jojo, jabbing his fingers at him, 'What do you know about what's going on?' By this point he is standing close enough for Jojo to smell the alcohol on his breath.
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Starspawn338 »

Jojo will look disdainfully at the man's finger jabbing before answering.

"I am the new doctor for Barnard's Rest. I was assigned here when Dr. Holzer died unexpectedly." He scans the others in the room as he continues. "In fact, I lost my way to the medical clinic during all the commotion. I don't suppose anyone here needs a checkup at the clinic and would be willing to accompany me there?"
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Mephistophilis »

The man blinks several times, his face uncomprehending. Jojo looks around the room but the other patrons studiously ignore his gaze, even the bartender.

Swaying, the man takes a further step forward, he's standing right in front of Jojo's face, he can feel little specks of spittle as the man talks, 'We didn't have no trouble until you came along, I think you've got something to do with it'
OOC,If Jojo wants to avoid a fight he'll need to persuade this guy to back down, give me a social skill roll and appropriate dialogue, I'll decide if it's convincing enough to have a bonus die
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Starspawn338 »

Jojo replies to the drunken man, refusing to back down from his belligerent behavior.

"It really doesn't matter what you think, I had nothing to do with the problems with the lights. In fact, I believe that someone here is quite probably the source of the problems in this sector. It is my understanding that you have been in contact with Sergeant Montrose and he is quite ill. He may have uncovered something and I need you all to tell me exactly what communication you have had with him. If you do anything to interfere with me or my investigation, I shall have to have every one of you quarantined or even arrested."
OOC,Fast Talk 50 [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Mephistophilis »

The man blinks again, he opens and then closes his mouth, clearly not following what Dr Johnson is saying. From the bar area Jojo hears a voice, 'Sit down Alec, you're just making a fool of yourself again.' The drunk turns and crashes back down into his chair.

Jojo looks to see the barman gesturing for him to come over. He's a tall thin man with sandy hair in short, tight curls. His face has a strange ageless quality but he is probably in his forties or early fifties. 'So you're the new doctor? Real shame about Dr Holzer.' He holds out his hand, 'Good to meet you, I'm Stefan Hynes, this is my place.' He pours himself a beer and indicates the tap to query if Jojo wants one too.

He leans forward and speaks in a conspiratorial whisper, 'You're asking about Sergeant Montrose, he could really do with your help, he's not a well man. I've talked to him a few times in the last few weeks, since he took to his room. I've dropped over some food...and some drink, well, okay, quite a lot of drink. The Sergeant has always been a bit of a drinker but it seems to have got a bit out of hand.'
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Mephistophilis »

OOC,Might need to NPC Jojo for a bit to catch up with the others
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Starspawn338 »

OOC,Sorry I've been away but hopefully will be able to catch up.
Greetings Stefan." Jojo responds. "I was sorry to see that I arrived too late for Sergeant Montrose. I'm afraid his case is terminal. Do you know who he was stationed with before he took to his room."

Jojo looks around before continuing. "I think something strange this way comes and those of us in the know will be much better off. I'm sure you hear things whispered in hushed tones. Let me know what you hear and you'll be in line to reap the benefits."
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Mephistophilis »

Stefan looks shocked, 'Terminal, that's terrible, I just thought he was drinking too much. I'm not sure he was stationed with anyone, he's been the Head of Security for some time, he's always had that apartment in the Security Centre as far as I know.'

He leans forwards conspiratorially, 'Sounds like we can help each other out, I do hear things, miners talk, booze loosens their tongues, people going missing, that sort of thing. But I'm wondering what benefits you can offer me?'
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Starspawn338 »

Jojo also leans forward. "Well I am the doctor. Not all treatments need to be recorded the same way if you know what I mean." He gives Stefan a wink. "And I have lots of different treatments."

"Right now I'm primarily interested in what people who work at the Waystation are murmuring about. I've heard talk of something called H'rada Theka Pannakar? Also something about a gate across the lake. Or if anyone seems to have been infected by anything out that way. You think that's maybe something you can help me out with?"
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Mephistophilis »

'Understood, that's something I could make use of. Okay, what's the word on the street? I don't know anything about 'harada thackery panic car' but it sounds like the sort of crap that they rant about over in the Interfaith Chapel. Not really my scene.'

He pauses and pours himself another drink, again gesturing to Jojo to see if he wants one.

'I'm not sure what the 'Waystation' is either. The gate across the lake sounds vaguely familiar, it might be referring to Pumping Station 6. They've been building that for ages, a year or more, must be a dodgy location, it's been damaged by the quakes a few times, dragging on. Dangerous work I hear, mostly just using the penal miners. But I'm not hearing anything about any infections, pretty sterile out here.'
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Starspawn338 »

Jojo waves off the offer. "No thanks. Since an accident needing my attention could happen at any time, I prefer not to have my senses befuddled.

He ponders for a moment as he considers Stefan's information. "I think I may need to check in with the Interfaith Chapel. Thank you for agreeing to work with me. Let me know if you need me."
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Mephistophilis »

'Heh, yeah, might be by tomorrow, I have this awful pain in my back' he says, giving Jojo a big wink.
OOC,Anything more you want to do here? Or heading over to the Interfaith Chapel or somewhere else?
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Starspawn338 »

Jojo nods. "I got you covered."

Jojo will leave the bar and head back to the medical clinic.
OOC,I assume that CENTRAL is back online and I can access a map showing my path back to the clinic.
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Mephistophilis »

At the first CENTRAL interface he sees Jojo asks 'CENTRAL, show me the way back to the Medical Clinic.'

Immediately CENTRAL responds, 'Hello Doctor Johnson, please attend to the monitor screen to see a map to the Medical Centre. Along the floor you will see yellow lighting indicating the route.'

Jojo follows the lighting back to the Medical Centre where he finds Nurse Richards still working. 'Evening Doctor, you're here late.'
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Starspawn338 »

'Evening Doctor, you're here late.'
"Hmmm? Is it late?" Jojo says absentmindedly. Then he focuses a bit and continues.

"I thought I might do some more work going through the files. Today has been so busy. Is it usual to have CENTRAL go down? It's very hard to work in these conditions."
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Mephistophilis »

'That was very odd, I've never seen CENTRAL go down before, but then we've never had a complete blackout like that either' says Richards. 'I'm just catching up on some paperwork myself.'
OOC,Is Jojo going back through the files looking for nightmares and sleep problems again? If so roll Library Use
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Mephistophilis »

Dr Johnson sits down at the computer terminal, finally taking the opportunity to start going through the medical records looking for unusual complaints, like nightmares and insomnia.

Having only managed to peruse one file he is interrupted again, this time by CENTRAL's voice, 'Hello Nurse Richards, I have a call from Marshal Favre.' 'Answer the call please CENTRAL' replies Richards.

Marshal Favre's distinctive French accent comes over the speakers, 'Nurse Richards, I am afraid that Sergeant Montrose has taken his own life.' Richards gasps at this news. 'I'd like you to have his body moved to the morgue, but it might constitute a... ...a biological hazard. Are you equipped to store his body safely?'

'What happened? I mean, yes, yes, we have a Level 2 biological safety rating. That should cover most pathogens. Why, what is the biological hazard?' says Richards. 'Look, I think I'd better discuss this with the doctor, he's here with me...'

Richards comes over to Jojo, 'Did you hear that Doctor, we've had another death.'
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Re: IC - 8 - Commercial Sector - Jojo

Post by Starspawn338 »

Jojo looks up from his medical files as Nurse Richards speaks.

"Hmm? Oh, another death? Yes, that must be Sargeant Montrose." He says absentmindedly. "He's was apparently infected by an unknown agent and we will need to have suitable containment to ensure that whatever he had does not spread."
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