The Adventure

The date is Sunday, 15th June 1924. The place is Bolton, New Hampshire. Looking after a sick relative, the investigators are about to get to know one of the neighbours a little better than they would like.

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The Adventure

Post by simonthompson »

Bolton, New Hampshire is not what would be called a pretty town. The banks of the river that runs through it are lined not with attractive mansions or green parkland, but instead with small warehouses and grimy factories. Much of the town has a tidy but undoubtedly functional and somewhat gritty look to it. However there are a few streets near the municipal centre of Bolton where the more well-to-do inhabitants reside, and the residence of Harrison Holst's uncle, the well known author Howard Holst, is on one such thoroughfare, a leafy avenue of around twenty or so small villas, each slightly set back from the road with large gardens at the rear.

The taxi carrying Harrison and his friend John Wessells dropped them both off directly outside the house, before setting off on the seven mile journey back to Arkham.

For courtesy’s sake Harrison rang the door bell before letting himself in with the key his uncle had provided him with, and crossed the threshold closely followed by his companion.

As they stepped into the hallway an elderly man in a wheelchair appeared from a doorway.

“Ah Harrison my boy! Good to see you, and I assume this is your friend Mr Wessells. How do you do? Please excuse my condition, I should with any luck be out of this damned contraption in a few weeks.”


With that, Harrison’s uncle beckons them to follow him into the drawing room from which he’d emerged.

The room, like the rest of the house, is elegant and comfortable. A large bookcase lines one wall, and in the bay window overlooking the road outside a dining table has been set for dinner. As the investigators settle themselves into comfy armchairs by the unlit fireplace, Holst senior pours them all a stiff scotch each.

“A perk of knowing the Chief of Police my boy” he says, tapping his nose with his finger. “A small literary notoriety can have its advantages”.

“So, Mr Wessells, my nephew tells me you also write?”
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Re: The Adventure

Post by jp1885 »


Harrison greets his uncle warmly, chuckling to himself at the old man's ability to get straight to the point.

While Howard talks to John, he sits back and enjoys the scotch, casting the occasional covetous glance at the old chap's bookcase.
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Re: The Adventure

Post by HoneyDog »

John sips the scotch, hoping to disguise the fact he hates the stuff. He’s genuinely interested in meeting Holst though, and responds readily.

“Yes, I do. I’ve had a few short tales published, and now I’m lucky enough to have my novel under review by a few of the big publishers in New York. It’s a real pleasure for me to meet someone who’s an old hand at this. I’m glad to hear you’ll be recovering soon.”
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Re: The Adventure

Post by simonthompson »

“That's good to hear Mr Wessells. May I call you John by the way? Harrison tells me that this so-called science fiction is your game? I rather hope it’s of an optimistic nature. I’ve had more than thirty years of writing of murder and mayhem, delving the depths of human cruelty and twisted ingenuity, and I tell you straight that if I had my time again I’d be far happier writing pulpy romance.”

The old man looks up as a middle aged woman knocks on the drawing room door and enters carrying a large tray laden with covered dishes of various kinds.

“Ah, Mrs Booth, I see dinner is ready. Gentlemen, let’s seat ourselves at the table. What culinary delights have you prepared for us this evening?”

The housekeeper sets down the dishes in the centre of the table and replies, “Lamb cutlets Mr Holst, served with peas, carrots and the first new potatoes of the season from Mr Corbitt’s garden, with his compliments. He popped them over to me specially this morning while you were working away in your study”.

Holst draws his wheelchair up to table and claps his hands together excitedly. “Excellent Mrs Booth, excellent! Mr Corbitt’s offerings are always a joy but his new potatoes are exceptional. I must remember to thank him once I’m up on my feet again. Such a kindly fellow and a fine neighbour.” He looks across at Wessells. “Harrison here will no doubt confirm that the chance of tasting Mr Corbitt’s fresh strawberries are the real reason for his summertime visits to me.” He winks. “What do you say to that eh, Harrison?”
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Re: The Adventure

Post by jp1885 »


"Why else would I bother with such an old reprobate as yourself uncle?" chortles Harrison; happily engaging in such inter-familial banter that might sound disrespectful to outsiders, but is in fact evidence of the mutual fondness between Holst the elder and his nephew.

"How is ol' Corbitt?"
OOC,I assume Harrison is familar with Mr. Corbitt and also with his uncle's wheelchair-bound state?
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Re: The Adventure

Post by simonthompson »

“Oh, doing well my boy, doing well. His business seems to be ticking along nicely. He took a trip to Boston for a few days only last week and before he left he stopped by to check there wasn’t anything I needed in the city while he was there. And I think I told you of the very practical assistance he provided when Mrs Booth fetched him immediately after my fall.”

Holst looks aside to John, explaining Mr Corbitt was studying to be a doctor but apparently left medical school to take over the family business when his father died unexpectedly. All before my time here of course.”
Yes,Harrison has exchanged pleasantries with Mr Corbitt on a number of occasions in the nine years that his uncle has lived opposite him. He's always found him to be perfectly friendly and helpful. He does remember his uncle telling him it was Corbitt who ensured he remained stationary but comfortable until an ambulance arrived, following Howard's fall on the porch steps outside his house.
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Re: The Adventure

Post by jp1885 »


“It’s good to hear that he’s well; I must remember to thank him for his help after you took your tumble. I don’t think I’ve ever asked you, but what is his family business? Must’ve been pretty lucrative to tempt him out of medical school.” Harrison speculates.
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Re: The Adventure

Post by simonthompson »

“Oh, I think it’s some kind of import or export operation though I’m not certain. His office is down by the docks. He sure seems to do well enough - always well turned out, house well maintained, and he bought a new Tin Lizzie back in ‘21.”
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Re: The Adventure

Post by jp1885 »


Harrison whistles appreciatively (though this may have something to do with the meal set before him rather than Corbitt's success).

"We're clearly in the wrong jobs, eh Wessells?"
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Re: The Adventure

Post by HoneyDog »

“Yes sir, John is fine” says John to Holst. “But I don’t write Science Fiction, I’m sorry to correct you. What I’m interested in, I don’t think can be easily explained by science.”

He turns to Harrison.

“No, you’re in the wrong business, my friend. There are only so many gullible recipients of valuable literary heirlooms who don’t really appreciate what they have.”

He winks facetiously at his friend.
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Re: The Adventure

Post by jp1885 »


Harrison laughs heartily, nearly choking on a piece of carrot in the process.

“You’ve got me pegged all wrong ol’ pal!” he splutters, grinning.
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Re: The Adventure

Post by HoneyDog »

John keeps his expression blank, and turns to their host.

“Is there anything we can do for you while we’re here, Mr. Holst”?
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Re: The Adventure

Post by simonthompson »

"Oh thank you, but I can manage my boy."

As the dinner progresses the conversation ebbs and flows, and Holst promises to pass on Wessell's details to his literary agent. The meal is very good, the potatoes in particular being extremely tasty.

By 8pm the June sun is sinking lower outside and the tree-lined street is mostly in shade.

Mrs Booth has now left for the day, so despite their offers of help Holst senior leaves the investigators at the table to fetch the dessert course that the housekeeper has prepared and left in the kitchen. During his absence a Model T pulls up outside the house opposite and Harrison recognises the only occupant as Mr Corbitt. The businessman whistles a tune as he walks up the path to his house, carrying a couple of small packages.
Could you both please make Spot Hidden rolls and pass on your results in the OOC thread (I'd like to limit posts in this one to narrative only)
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Re: The Adventure

Post by HoneyDog »

John eyes Corbitt with interest as the man makes his way to the front door.
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Re: The Adventure

Post by jp1885 »

Spot Hidden 75% hard pass,[dice]0[/dice]
”Say, there’s the good neighbour pulling up now.”

Harrison squints as something catches his eye.
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Re: The Adventure

Post by simonthompson »

Both Harrison and John idly watch as Corbitt strolls up the steps of the porch of his immaculately kept house, the two packages tucked under his arm. Although slightly obscured by the porch screen Corbitt seems to struggle with his key in the lock, and as he does so both parcels slip from his clutch and fall to ground.


The packages are wrapped in what looks like off-white linen cloth. One is about the size of a man’s fist, the other a fairly narrow tube shape perhaps ten inches long. The latter hits the deck of the porch and rolls down a couple of the steps, partly opening as it does so, revealing to both men what appears to be the lower arm and hand of a small child!
Sanity checks please!
Corbitt casually glances up and down the empty street, then reaches down, picks up and rewraps the parcel before finally opening the door and stepping inside.

Harrison only:
Harrison also noted that the otherwise well turned out Mr Corbitt has unusually dirty, dusty shoes. The turnups of his trousers are also quite grubby and slightly stained.
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Re: The Adventure

Post by HoneyDog »

John's mouth drops open.

"Harrison!" he gasps. "Did you see that?"
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Re: The Adventure

Post by jp1885 »

SAN 70% pass,[dice]0[/dice]
"I sure did pal! I always thought Corbitt was a nice guy, but..."

Swallowing hard, Harrison quickly checks that his uncle is still out of earshot, preparing dessert, before turning back to his friend.

"I sure hope that arm is some kind of macabre model, but did you see the dirt on his shoes? Graveyard dirt maybe? Is this is gonna be Arnoldsburg all over again...?"
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Re: The Adventure

Post by simonthompson »

Holst senior wheels himself back into the room with a small tray of three dessert dishes on his lap.

“Mrs Booth has done us proud, peach mel..”. He stops mid-sentence as he sees the look on John’s face.

“Gods man, you look as if you’ve seen a ghost. You’re as pale as a sheet, whatever’s wrong?”
John loses 1 Sanity point.
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Re: The Adventure

Post by HoneyDog »

John looks at Holst grimly.

“Do you have a telephone, Sir? We need to call the police immediately.”
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