IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

6.30pm Thursday 11th March 2010, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England.

A five-year old girl, Regina Balfour, is kidnapped in broad daylight from the Eden Shopping Centre, while her mother’s back is momentarily turned. Left behind is her ladybird shaped backpack, which contained supplies for her insulin pump. She needs her medication to live more than a few days, and her condition will rapidly deteriorate without it...

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IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Mephistophilis »

11.30pm Thursday 11th March 2010, High Wycombe Police Station

Five hours since Regina Balfour was abducted.

DC Burke invites Mr Balfour into the interview room. It is painted white with a wooden table pushed up against one wall and two plastic chairs on either side. There is a single window very high up in the wall and the room is lit by fluorescent strip bulbs which flicker disconcertingly.

The Reverend John Balfour is an attractive man in his forties, wearing a dark grey suit. He is clearly tired but still has something of a presence about him. He sits with what looks like a Bible open on his lap.


DC Burke introduces Dr Simon Eagleton in a perfunctory (and erroneous) fashion, 'this is Mr Eaglestone, he is assisting the investigation,' and sits down sullenly, his hands folded across his chest.

Around the windows a few houseflies buzz distractingly, Burke glances up, 'sorry about the flies, can't seem to get rid of them, they've been buzzing about all evening.'

Mr Balfour starts to speak, slowly, enunciating every word, 'Where. Is. My. Daughter?' While he appears calm you can see a vein on his forehead throbbing.
Kris,You can read, I'll let you know when you come in
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Silver Priest »

Simon does his best to find a cross or other Christian symbol to borrow before entering the room, displaying it prominently. He believes it's all rubbish of course, but it would likely serve to get the man to bond with him.

"Dr. Eagleton," He corrects. "I'm a professor of psychology and religious studies." Not the exact truth, but close enough. "I appreciate your patience, Reverend Balfour.

"I'm sorry to say we haven't found your daughter yet. But I believe you can help us to find her. "For 'God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm'" He quotes a popular hymn. "In other words--" And here he gives a sideways look to Burke, as if he is an outsider on this conversation and faith, " I believe I was sent by God to help bring your little girl home, using my specific set of skills. If you would be willing to answer a few questions for me, I believe they will go a long way to producing a happy outcome.

"First of all, Reverend, let me be clear; nothing is official yet, you understand, but I strongly believe the perpetrator who took Regina was someone related to you or a member of your church. I could go into the details of why I believe this to be so, but I would just ask you now if you've had any conflict with one of the members of your church within the past few years. Not everyone is receptive to the Word of God, and some are prideful enough to believe they know better. If one of them had to be expelled from the church, they may have acted out by taking someone they knew to be precious to you.
." He pauses here for a moment, letting the man answer before continuing.
Psychology 75,Just trying to gauge the Reverend's emotional state-- does he act like I'd expect a grieving father to? [dice]0[/dice] Also let me know if I should roll for anything else. Simon is really trying to appear sympathetic
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Mephistophilis »

Simon,Roll a social skill (Charm/Persuade/Fast Talk) - you need a hard success as his Psychology is 60% - but take a bonus die for the symbol of the cross
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Silver Priest »

Persuade 30%,[dice]0[/dice] [dice]1[/dice] bonus I think with the bonus this gives me a 65? I'd need a 15 to make a hard success I believe, and would need to spend 50 luck to do it-- my complete luck pool. I am sorely tempted. Edit: On second thought I can't justify it. Maybe I'll be able to get him to open up some other way..
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Mephistophilis »

John Balfour is well spoken and calm in manner.

'Dr Eagleton, Detective Burke, I have been here for several hours answering your questions. As I have explained already, while there are always those who seek to undermine the word of God, I am not aware of any particular enemies of the Church of the Passover Angel. People join the congregation and, sadly, sometimes they leave, driven by their own demons no doubt. But they do not leave with any ill feeling, although surely they will come to regret their decision when the day of judgement comes and they are found wanting'.

He starts to become more animated and raises his voice slightly, the tiniest hint of a London accent becoming more evident. His hands on his lap start to clench, 'the only real problems we have had have been with agents of the state, not members of the congregation!'

He suddenly stands and bangs his hands in the table, the Bible he was carrying falls to the ground and flips open, Simon can just make out 'Exodus 11' at the top of the page.

He shouts 'why are you so interested in me, in my church, treating me like I'm a suspect, treating my wife like a suspect when she is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. This country, I knew it had become corrupt, godless, but even then I didn't think the state would ignore the plight of a little child!'.

'And what will you do on the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? To whom will you turn for help? And where will you leave your glory? I will send him against a hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets'

'There is a reckoning coming and you should be prepared, God is coming and his herald, the Passover Angel will bring his power and his vengeance'

He is sweating profusely at this point and suddenly sits down and mops his brow.

He takes a deep breath, speaking more calmly again, 'I am sorry for that little outburst, now is not the time for sermons, I don't know what came over me.'

He addresses Simon directly, 'listen to me, you don't need all this silly pretence, I know you're here because you think this is all because we're some silly bunch of religious fanatics. Perhaps another time, in other circumstances I could tell you about the revelations in the Book of the Passover Angel, but right now I want my daughter back, and I want you to find her, not waste time with me.'

He slumps back in his chair looking exhausted.
Simon,Simon can see a few things, first of all John Balfour has been trying to maintain a calm exterior but on the inside he is seething and that is erupting as seen here. This is not particularly unexpected in someone whose child has been kidnapped. He also seems to believe fairly strongly in his religious beliefs. Finally, he is not fooled by Simon's pretence at being religious and seems to have some kind of issue with state authority - this is not uncommon with more extreme rightwing religious groups, where the state is often equated with various biblical nations which turned from God and were destroyed and the corruption of the state often underlies their belief in a coming judgement day
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Silver Priest »

Simon knows he's been had-- and a pleased little smile appears on his face.

He watches the man's breakdown with a careful expression, silently taking notes.

"Perfectly alright. You have every reason for it; your daughter has been kidnapped, and you don't trust the police."

"I thank you for the offer. As a professor of religious studies I would very much like to learn more about your church, but only once we have safely returned Reginia to you.

"To begin with, I'm not a police officer, I am a consultant. My only concern here is returning your daughter. And while I can't speak for the police, the idea that you or your wife were involved in this has not been brought up by anyone. I'm a psychologist, Sir; the signs you are presenting are standard for those whose children have been kidnapped. I am prepared to swear on my medical license that you are not involved in this and only wish for the safe return of Reginia.

"Regardless, you have already proven useful. If you're certain there are no former members of your church who would hold grudges against your family, let's turn to their families. Do members of your church often cut ties with their families once they join yours
?" He holds up a hand to forestall any protest. "I offer no judgement here; when people have a spiritually powerful experience it is customary for them to pull away from those who no longer share their values or framework. But you're an educated man, Reverend Balfour. I'm sure you are aware that those who lack your faith have trouble understanding it. Many of them hate it. They may blame your church for taking their family away from them. So my next question is if you know of any of your members who received strong protests from their family. And if any of these people have threatened you, your family, or your church. These types are our most likely suspects at this moment. You and I both know the chances of this being a random kidnapping are statistically unlikely."
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Mephistophilis »

John Balfour sighs, 'I understand what you are getting at, do we isolate people from their families, like a cult? No, we do not, family is at the heart of our church, and we are more likely to encourage our congregation to proselytise than cut themselves off from their families.'

'Look, surely there are some cameras in the shopping centre, you must have found some footage of the abductor, can't you identify him that way, find his car, find where he's taken my Regina...' His voice cracks for a moment.

'In the time of pharoah, the Israelites knew the eyes of God were always upon them, judging their actions and their righteousness. CCTV is our secular equivalent is it not? But be that as it may, God’s judgment is coming. Be at peace with that fact.'

At that moment a knock at the door interrupts. Burke answers the door and, after a hushed exchange of words, Kris hurries in to sit down and Burke leaves.

The flies buzz irritatingly around Kris and Simon.
Simon,As Kris sits down and rests his arms on the table you notice his forearms look very red, like he's been scratching them
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Silver Priest »

Simon nods. " Thank you Reverend Balfour, you've been helpful. I still believe the kidnapper likely has some personal relationship or grudge against you or your church, just due to the kidnapper's neglecting to run away with Reginia when he had the perfect opportunity to. This suggests the motive was not financial or related to organized crime. But you have my word we'll look into any and all avenues. Nonetheless, if you can think of anyone who troubled you or your adherents at any time, please contact the police or myself anytime, day or night.." He writes down his number and slides it over to the man. Overall Simon is rather unhappy, viewing the meeting as thoroughly unproductive. His gut told him Balfour was a true fanatic, and not hiding anything knowingly related to the case. It all just seemed to fail to add up.
Psychology 75%,[dice]0[/dice] Just trying to gauge if Balfour is being honest when he says he can't think of anyone in particular who wished his family harm, or if he may be hiding something.
He gives a nod to Kris when he enters the room, and moves ever so slightly away when he notices his forearms. Seemed like he had a bug bite or some sort of infection.
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Philulhu »

Detective Constable Kris Sapru has entered the interview room. DC Burke has left the room,” said Kris formally, for the benefit of the recording.

He waited for Simon to finish speaking, scratching at his arm, then said, “We are trying to trace the female driver of a white hatchback, a Vauxhall Astra, seen driving your daughter away. Also, the man involved in the abduction of Regina was a white male, 5’11 tall, with grey-blonde hair which had been dyed black. Does that sound like anyone you know or anyone involved in your church in any way?”
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Mephistophilis »

Simon,Balfour seems to genuinely not know of anyone who might have it in for him
Balfour looks intently at Kris as he describes the vehicle and kidnapper but then his face falls, 'I'm afraid that's all a bit too vague. Obviously we have many members of our congregation who might match that description, perhaps if you had a photograph?'

Kris shows him the still from the CCTV footage.


'Hmm, I'm not sure...', Balfour studies the picture carefully.
OOC,John Balfour Spot Hidden 50% [dice]0[/dice]
OOC,Kris or Simon Roll Luck - you both have 50
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Silver Priest »

Simon luck 50,[dice]0[/dice]
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Mephistophilis »

Balfour holds the picture up to the flickering light, 'and he's dyed his hair black?'

Slowly you see a look of recognition manifest on his face. 'Older man, early sixties maybe, greying but sandy hair? Yes, yes, I think I know him. Zac Newman. Yes I think it is him. Could you please ask my wife if she recognises him? She would have known him quite well.'

He looks troubled. 'But I don't know what could have led Zac to do this. It is strange, now that I think about it. He joined our church around three years ago, he has been an active member, yet now, as the time of our vindication approaches, he has stopped coming to church. We were worried something had happened to him...but this, this I could never have imagined.'
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Silver Priest »

Hearing Balfour recognizes the kidnapper confirms Simon's suspicions, but he does his best not to look smug.

"You've been a great help, Reverend Balfour. We'll do everything we can to confirm this and work on tracking down Newman's accomplice and bring your daughter home."He looks to see if Kris has anything to add.
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Philulhu »

Kris turnEd to Simon. ”I need to stay with Mr Balfour,” he said. “Can you just check the photo with Mrs Balfour to confirm the identity of the suspect?”

He turned back to Mr Balfour. “Do you have an address and contact number for this Zac Newman?” he asked.
OOC,Being dead, I don’t think we would need a search warrant for Newman’s house. Is that correct? Also, if Balfour has a phone number, that will hopefully enable us to trace any phone/text messages Newman may have received/made to his accomplice.
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Mephistophilis »

Simon steps out the interview room.
Simon,Moving to a new thread [url]https://www.callofcthulhu.org.uk/pbp/viewtopic.php?f=469&t=7126[/url]
Kris,Won't need a search warrant and even if you did it would be a phone call to a judge in this case
'That's the thing' says Balfour, 'We checked the address he gave us, just to make sure he was okay, and it was some abandoned office building. I have a phone number for him but it is dead.'
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Re: IC - 5 - John Balfour - Simon & Kris

Post by Mephistophilis »

OOC,I've moved the last entry as everyone is moving to this thread [url]https://www.callofcthulhu.org.uk/pbp/viewtopic.php?f=469&t=7126[/url]

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