Jill and Jason's Starting Thread

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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by SuAside »

Jason is relieved and goes to help Jill, eventhough he doesn't have a lot of strength in his arms.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by imme »

"Oh, Jason! Thanks. Once we get this back in the room I need to go get someone from the fifth floor. He called the Nurse's Station while I was there. Maybe you or that girl would know him? He works for Child Welfare and his name is Aidan O'Connoll."
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by SuAside »

"Don't know em." Jason shrugs while hauling the heater. He's not very inclined to go to the fifth floor to rescue some adult that should be capable of taking care of himself. Not by leaving the kids anyway.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by trixie »

Brianna yawns widely, and suddenly realizes how tired she is. Could she really be this tired after helping with a few blankets? She rubs her eyes, and starts shuffling back to her bed, looking at each child individually as she walks past them. She recognized many of them already, and wondered if she'd been down to this ward before. Or perhaps the people in intensive care had wheeled her in when there was stories to be read. Somehow they each appeared slightly familiar.

She reaches her bed, and stretches out, laying her blanket over herself, and closes her eyes. She winces a little, because her skin is feeling tender again. The pain is sometimes more than she can bear. She drifts off to sleep, dreaming of her mother and a song she used to sing. As she floats off into her dreams, a smile appears on her face, pulling her burned skin taught on one side of her face. Soon she begins to snore softly.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by Laraqua »

When Jason and Jill reach the Children's Ward, they see that Brianna has gone back to bed. However, the more striking thing they notice are a series of bloody handprints that run along the floor and up the wall above one of the beds. Where once a child lay upon that bed, now there is only blood and pieces of flesh, the blanket ripped off, the scent of iron tang heavy upon the air.

Jill manages to hold the contents of her stomach and focus on the task at end. Jason is more shaken by the sight, barely ableto keep panic at bay.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by SuAside »

Jason turns away from the sight, trying to maintain his composure. He fights with his stomach which seems to be doing hoolahoops. He had been gone for how long? A minute, tops? And Brianna didn't notice anything?

He had resolved not to fight the unreal situation and to go with the flow, but it became harder by the minute...
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by imme »

Jill gasps and spins around, expecting to see a monster in one of the shadowy corners. Why did I open those doors? I'm such an idiot. "We," her voice cracks and clears her throat to begin again. "We need help. When I was in the Nurse's Station the phone rang and there's someone holed up on the fifth floor, and some others in the dispensary. We need to get these people. We'll be stronger in numbers. I..." Her voice trails off as her eyes return to the bloody bed.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by SuAside »

"And then what? Leave those kids here to be picked off, one by one while we go to deliver some guy from his own stupidity?" Jason asks.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by Laraqua »

His words fade out only to be replaced by a terrible metallic screeching sound coming from outside as though something were being torn or dragged that didn't want to be moved. The large torch in Jason's hand dims as though the batteries were running low. To make matters worse, they both suddenly sensed that they were not alone, that whatever had been in this room had exited into the toilets.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by SuAside »

Not wanting to waste time bringing out his penlight, Jason rushes forward in the Maglite's dimming light. He knows the layout of the room anyway and would likely find his way in the dark... His gut tells him to get out, now while he still could, but his mind (or is it his heart?) knows he cannot leave the children behind.

With full force he pushes the nurse's table against the toilet door, this time prepared for the table's own screeching sound as he pushes it. Once there, he flips it over, so that the tabletop is facing the door. He knows it won't help much, as the door swings the other way, but it is the only thing he could think of...
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by Laraqua »

The table impacts against the edge of the door, swinging the toilet door slowly inwards. Thin smears of blood and thick droplets of gore form a path within. There is movement from within one of the cubicles where the blood had led. A shadow, there and then gone.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by SuAside »

Jason switches his maglite for his penlight while mentally preparing himself for the sight and takes a closer look from behind the relative safety of the turned-over table.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by Laraqua »

Nothing can be seen from beneath the cubicle door. At least, not from where he's sitting.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by SuAside »

Jason slowly pushes the table aside and enters the toilets with his left hand holding the penlight and his right hand clutching the screwdriver he salvaged. Using the screwdriver he attempts to push open the cubicle door.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by trixie »

Brianna's eyes flutter a bit, then open at the sound of the table moving. She lays there, still for a moment, then sees the faint moving light from Jason's penlight, and raises her head a bit to look at what he's doing. She stares for a moment, then sits up in her bed, blinking and rubbing her eyes.

"What is it?" she says, squinting at him. She looks around the ward and notices the rumpled blankets of the child's empty bed. "Oh, goodie, someone else is awake!" she says, delighted, clearly oblivious to the situation. "Where did they go?" , she asks, looking around.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by imme »

Jill had been about to rush after Jason, but instead whispers to Brianna. "Shhh. You must be very quiet right now. Stay here and keep very still." She attempts to tuck the girl back into bed and then cautiously follows after Jason.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by trixie »

Brianna bites her lip, looking back at the bed. For the first time she notices the blood, and looks back to Jill, her eyes dark with fear. Then she lays down, pulling the blankets over her head. The look on Jill's face has scared the bejeepers out of her.

What's wrong with this hospital?? she thinks to herself. Its dirty, and someone just got hurt when they were only laying in their bed!!! Brianna would rather be laying underneath her bed, where that thing couldn't see her.
Trixie [trik-see] (n) : Name derived from an original character played on Yog
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by Laraqua »

The cubicle door is nudged open, the metallic screeching seeming to become louder and he realises two important things in that one moment. The first, that sound was warped and twisted in this hospital and that things that were quite close by could sound far away. Second, that he had found the source of that terrible sound.

He saw it in pieces. Hisshock clouding his mind. Lines of metal coiling and unfurling, encrusted with pieces of cloth and pink, a puddle of thickened red gunk and lines of paler pink, enfolding around a child-like figure of bone and sinew held upright. A thumping, twisting, screeching sound of metal drawing against metal. Darkened steel or something else. Ashen, blackened, burned, charred. The subtle notes of charcoal and heated metal, a haze that overflows the toilet beneath, the water boiling and bubbling out of the toilet bowl from which the metal vines originate. The heat had been unfelt until the door had been opened, successfully held at bay by the cold.

A twist of metal with a slice of broken sound darts forward and slashes across the door by Jason's face, the wood exploding in a shower of splinters. Another line appears, flung up from the floor in a fine mist of bloody droplets, and then Jason's face stings and wetness stains his face, rolling down over his eye, forcing his right eye shut.

OOC: two of those four rolls used.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by SuAside »

In a split second Jason's mind crumbled.

The 'protector'-attitude, the 'go with the flow'-attitude, the 'who cares if I die'-attitude... They all went down the -boiling- drain...

Something broke in him as he saw the child, for the dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.

He brought up his hand to cover his eye, turned around and ran as fast as he could towards the men's ward toilets. With his sudden urge to live, he had forgotten about his makeshift weapon and made no attempt to use it.
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Re: Children's Ward - Second Floor

Post by Laraqua »

Jason lunges away as another length of wire snaps forward, ripping a line in the wood and drawing back towards his legs, biting deep into his right leg and cutting briefly across his left. It hobbles him but he manages to keep upright and moving, grabbing the toilet door for support and lunging across the doorway to the closest room - the Men's Ward. He sees the nurse mannequin-like corpse rearing above him, though it doesn't look at him.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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