August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Portland, Maine
August, 1928.
Steven Gilbert is a wealthy businessman, a leading exponent of the bourgeoisie of the roaring twenties. He sees his heritage project going up in smoke, when Timothy, his only six-year-old son, disappears.
A group of investigators will try to find his missing son. The group may include:

1) Police detectives
2) Private detective hired by Gilbert
3) Relatives or friends strongly motivated to find the missing kid

But Timothy´s disappearance is not the only gloomy burden weighing on the Gilbert family. Alyssa, Timothy's mother, committed suicide one year ago, and the reason for such an extreme action is still obscure.

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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by robertod »

While Kathryn is hiding, the others see the six creatures approaching, along with a smell of strong sickening fish.
Ivy cannot reflect on what she´s just done, as the presence of an imminent danger does not allow any moral thought at this time. Adrenaline dominates.

When Michael shoots, the creature speed up the pace until they are visible.

Their forms vaguely suggests the anthropoid, with large frontal roundish bulbs, thick scales with a fine skin and white flesh. Their skin is the colour of the forest floor in fall, fading green mixed with so many browns. There is a tightness to his skin except for a crinkle at the arms and legs. Their long paws are webbed, and the fingers clawed. Their clammy body syncretizes the vertebrate’s passage from marine to terrestrial life. The mouth is enormous and resembles that of a fish. Jaws can wide open up to the ears, showing a scary rows of sharp teeth. The bulging and lidless eyes, along with the upper part of the head, are more similar to amphibian traits, while the spiny ridges down the back point out the contribution of reptilian features. Their predominant color is a greyish-green, though they have white bellies. Their body is shiny and slippery, but the ridges of their backs is scaly. At the sides of their necks are palpitating gills.

They hop irregularly, staring at the the group with their prodigious bulging eyes. They seem to be yelling at the intruders. Their croaking, baying voice hold all the dark shades of expression which their staring faces lacks.
Their gazes are impassive and implacable, seeming to testify the head has capacity for human intelligence and cognition. They are holding big metal tridents, which seems to give them the title of undisputed connoisseurs of the deeper abyss. They emit an acute and terrifying cry as they see Vera´s dead body, thus awakening their profound beastly and brutal nature. Their mouth slobs while their figure seems to lose the little human that has first appeared.

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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by robertod »

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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by robertod »

OOC:   Ivy loses 3 points of sanity
Emma loses 1  
The vision of these creatures causes feelings of disgust, rejection and despair in Ivy. The deep and ancient part of the human mind cannot help but recognize in them the ancestral evolutionary past, still rooted in its ontogenetic and still defining hidden features of our own being.
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by Mr. Handy »


Kathryn remains in her hiding place for now, gripping her revolver in her trembling hand, ready to use it if she needs to help her friends.
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Michael can see that Ivy is badly shaken by the sight of these monsters, and he can't blame her. He steps in front of her, putting himself directly between her and the things. Time to start shooting.
Handgun = 49%[dice]0[/dice]
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by jp1885 »

OOC:   I hate to do this, but my new job’s keeping me very busy and I can no longer commit to so many games. Rather than play along half-heartedly I’m going to drop out. I’ve enjoyed this very much though and will watch with interest!  
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Is the range point blank? If so, that means all shots get a bonus die. It would be worthwhile firing multiple shots too, as there are six of them. We need to take down as many as we can as fast as we can to even up the odds and maybe scare the others into running away. Even without the bonus die to cancel out the penalty die on later shots, I think it would still be worth it. It may also be worth it for [b]Michael[/b] to spend Luck to make that a hit, in the event that he does not get a bonus die or he misses even with it. [b]Ivy[/b] and [b]Emma[/b] could have guns now, as the guys we killed at the boat had them. If I fire, do I need to roll Sanity as well first for seeing them?
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Mr. Handy wrote:
OOC,Is the range point blank? If so, that means all shots get a bonus die. It would be worthwhile firing multiple shots too, as there are six of them. We need to take down as many as we can as fast as we can to even up the odds and maybe scare the others into running away. Even without the bonus die to cancel out the penalty die on later shots, I think it would still be worth it. It may also be worth it for [b]Michael[/b] to spend Luck to make that a hit, in the event that he does not get a bonus die or he misses even with it. [b]Ivy[/b] and [b]Emma[/b] could have guns now, as the guys we killed at the boat had them. If I fire, do I need to roll Sanity as well first for seeing them?
I'll go along with firing multiple times until I'm out of ammo; this is a desperate situation. Not sure how to handle spending Luck, but assume that I'll use it all up to defeat these things. I'll let the Game Master handle the details.
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by robertod »

If I fire, do I need to roll Sanity as well first for seeing them?
OOC:   No, as long as you see just shadows. Also, sanity rolls require you have the time to pay a minimal attention to their features.  
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Is the range point blank?
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

away for a week. assume Michael shoots until he can't anymore.
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by robertod »

Three creatures approach Vera's lifeless body. They emit a moan that has something animal and something else unnatural and unknown.
Their eyes, or whatever they use to see, seem to be familiar with the place. The other three shapes appear in their horror under the beam of the flashlights, and run towards the intruders, raising the trident against them, like devils coming out of the bowels of hell.
The four investigators shoot with their weapons causing roars that overlap and echo inside their frightened minds.
Rolls,[dice]0[/dice] [dice]1[/dice] [dice]2[/dice] [dice]3[/dice] [dice]4[/dice] [dice]5[/dice] [dice]6[/dice] [dice]7[/dice]
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by robertod »

A dense cloud of smoke accompanies the sound of weapons, followed by indistinct cries of wounded beasts. One of the monsters seems to have become one with the cavernous soil. The second one is dragging his body with difficulty and his shoulder is covered with green slurry. The third is ready to strike with the spear.
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by Mr. Handy »


Kathryn fires again at the monster raising its trident, determined not to let them get her or her friends.
OOC,FIrearms(Handgun) roll (65% skill), shooting at the creature: [dice]0[/dice] Bonus die (if point blank): [dice]1[/dice] Damage to creature: [dice]2[/dice]
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Given my previous instructions, I will presume that I am out of ammunition at this time.
Feeling slightly better about the situation, since it appears that not even demons from Hell are immune to hot lead, Michael takes time to get Ivy to safety, if possible.
Thanks for playing, jp1885! Real life has to come first, so best wishes!
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,I think this is only the second round, and you can fire a maximum of three shots per round, so you should still have ammo left. If necessary, I can probably fire two more shots this round myself.
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by robertod »

The investigators' fire overwhelms the creatures in an unexpected way. All three end up on the ground. The trident tries the blow but hits the flashlight of the investigators, which flies away against the walls. The beam has time to catch the bulbous eyes of one of the creatures, looking at Michael's weapon, with a desperate look, as if something human dwells beyond its slimy scales. Darkness and silence follow the shots.

When they resume illuminating the environment with a shaky hand, they see
Vera's body is no longer there. Somehow, the creatures have melted the resin and taken it away, leaving behind them the smell
of brackish and fish. Sounds of footsteps in the distance move away, in the direction of the tunnel, towards the hinterland of the island.
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by Mr. Handy »


Kathryn reloads her revolver, scarcely able to believe that they've won the battle. "Come on," she says, recovering the flashlight. "We have to keep going."
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Keeping an eye on the badly shaken Ivy -- and who can blame her, poor kid -- Michael heads in the direction of the footsteps.
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Re: August 18 - 10.30 PM - The Croockey Inn

Post by robertod »

Following the sound of footsteps, the group continues straight. The walls are dotted with plants colonies, organisms never seen before, a vegetal form of life similar to the brown kelp algae, adapted to an amphibious life. Some hang from the ceiling, so that the water filtering from the rocks passes through the plants and falls on the floor, drop by drop.
At some point, they notice another opening on their right, another tunnel going southeast. But some echo of strange foosteps still comes from the main direction, following straight on.

As they walk, a nauseating smell thickens their nostrils and penetrates straight to the brain, like pointed needles. It gets stronger and stronger as they keep walking straight on. Biological matter in decomposition. It is the same smell they smell in the pit of the Anderson´s house.
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