[IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

A decade ago, a band of occult investigators battled against the summoning of an ancient and monstrous evil. They failed. Now you must piece together the puzzle and finish what they could not. The stakes are high, and so is the price to pay. Can you do it?

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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mephistophilis »

OOC,Cam spends 3 Scuffling [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


Holly gasps in shock. "Nonononono..." she mumbles to herself.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

Cam pushes back Brooks, then kicks him to the ground. As soon as they are apart, Konovalov fires at his former boss. The bullet hits Brooks and pierces his belly. He screams, then tries to get back on his feet.
Cam,[ooc]You can act and fire at him if you want.[/ooc]
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mephistophilis »

Cam turns back to Leticia, panting and muttering to himself, he lifts the gun again and looks down at her distorted face. Slowly his blurred vision starts to resolve, the scene comes into focus and he sees her body, bleeding and riddled with bullet holes - Leticia is well and truly dead.

His breathing starting to slow down he turns back to Brooks who lies sprawled on the floor, blood oozing from his abdominal wound. Cam cocks the hammer on the revolver and points it at Brooks. The man looks pathetic, his desperate eyes darting round the room, like some kind of cornered animal.

Cam throws the revolver to Holly, crouches down into a fighting stance, and moves towards Brooks: "You're going to answer some questions for us before you die".
OOC,I'd like Cam to try and restrain Brooks. Would that be a scuffling roll?
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


Holly catches the revolver and keeps it trained on Brooks, trying not to let her hands tremble.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

Brooks slowly crawls towards Leticia's body: "Fuck you... monster... look what you did to her... Leticia...", he says, tears forming on the corner of his eyes.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


Holly maintains her aim, waiting for Cam to ask his questions.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mephistophilis »

Pitilessly Cam stares down at Brooks's wretched state. "Tell me about the dig in Yucatan. What is at Chichén Xoxul? What did you hope to achieve there?"
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by leonardolad »

Ian Morin

Completely unmoved by the blood bath he just witnessed, Ian seems to focus his attention elsewhere. Somewhere beyond the other exit from this room. He looks at the door with and inquisitive, childish face. "Hmm...Can you hear that?" He asks to nobody in particular. "Funny noises coming from that exit. Watery sounds... Can you hear it? What is it?"
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

Brooks starts laughing. It's a creepy sound, the cold laugh of a man who doesn't feel anything anymore. He looks towards Ian and says: "Do you want to see, friend? Do you want to see a God? But you already have, haven't you? You have seen the mountain. The devouring mountain. Kailash. There it exists..." He turns towards Cam, screaming now: "Don't you see, fool? You should be thanking me. All the lies... Trammel sits on a throne of lies. But even he doesn't know the truth. The name of our god. Gol-Goroth. It has to be... And how can we survive, if we don't even know its unholy name. How can... I... fix her...", he stops then, and starts crying. "That is the truth... I wanted to find... but it's too late now, isn't it? Leticia..."

Meanwhile, Konovalov says, with some urgency in his voice: "Don't go there. Keep your crazy friend away from that corridor. And let's get out of here". He sounds scared, and you wonder just what would make a man like Konovalov scared.

Elena then runs towards Ian, grabbing his arm: "Ian, that man is saying this place is dangerous. Can you escort me to safety? Like a true gentleman would? Please?"
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mephistophilis »

'So Chichén Xoxul is the Devouring Mountain Kailash where we'll find your god - Gol-Goroth - Golxumal - and where you hoped to perform your ritual like Echevarria before you - to go through the Mouth to the Land of the Chosen People.' Cam looks down at Brooks with a sneer on his face.

'But Trammel and Ayers didn't believe in your god, they thought it was just a mask for something else. And now you will never know. She will never know. I think we're done with you Brooks.' spits Cam with evident scorn.

He turns to Konovalov, 'I suppose through there is where they make the nectar? It comes out of those disgusting little mouths we've been told, is that right? I've got no desire to tangle with those again but we need to put this place out of action permanently - if we can't do it now we're going to have to come back and finish things.'
OOC,Does anyone understand how the mouths work? Are they part of something bigger? Could we kill it by poisoning the mouths? I'm not sure we can leave a great big nectar farm sitting here but I'm not keen to tangle with that pit of mouths again - could have done with some explosives in true CoC style. Is there a banishing ritual, what did we learn from that occult book?
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


"I don't suppose you happen to have any explosives available?" Holly asks Konovalov.
OOC,The thought had come to me even before I opened the spoiler button.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

"No, you don't understand... the little mouths, they don't produce Nectar. Down there ..", Konovalov gestures towards the descending corridor, "Down there... there's a big one. How do you say it... agromnii... huge, that's the word. A huge mouth. I've only seen it one time, and one time it's enough for me. I don't know if explosives can kill it, but I'm not getting close enough to try. But we can demolish the ceiling, yes? Does not solve the problem, but I say it's good enough for now. Yes?"

You can hear Brooks laughing weakly, coughing, then laughing again. "It's a god, you fools. What do you think you can do? Idiots... losing my love... and my life... to a bunch of idiots... ah, the irony...", his voice trails off and he falls silent again. His breathing is now getting ragged.
Explosives,It's hard to imagine there's something that can't be blown up with enough explosives, but to decide any kind of plan, you will need to look at the thing first.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


"The little ones were bad enough," says Holly with a shiver. "I'd rather not look at the big one myself. Does anyone else still need medical attention?" She looks around in her doctor's bag. "That reminds me, I still have some of the truth serum from Los Angeles. It worked so well there."
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mephistophilis »

'I'm pretty beaten up' says Cam, 'but we should go and...go and...go and destroy that mouth...come on, let's...let's...'. Cam crumples onto the ground, his head in his hands, 'I can't, I just can't do it, I can't...I can't'.
OOC:   Cam's basically all out of stability, he's not going to be able to face anything else now  
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


Holly sits on the floor next to Cameron and puts a hand on his shoulder. "I know exactly what you mean," she says. "I can mend the soul as well as the body. I understand your fears because I share them myself. Such a thing should not exist in the world, and that's why it must be destroyed. I'm not strong enough to do it, but you might be."
OOC,I'll use First Aid to treat [b]Cam[/b]'s injuries as well as Psychoanalysis to restore Stability to him. Unfortunately, I can't use it to restore my own Stability.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

Jonathan looks at the corridor without actually looking into the corridor: "I can make the ceiling cave in, and shut down the corridor. Don't know if it will kill the... thing... inside. If we can get some explosives... and then somehow have the mouth ingest them... that might do the trick. Hard to tell, honestly.".

"We should really leave and don't look back", Konovalov says. "Let someone else take care of this shit. Like police. that is their job, yes? Fuck. Ok. I can get those explosives for you. Some dynamite. But I'm not getting anywhere near that mouth, ok?"
Cam and Holly,[ooc]I have restored Cam's Stability to -1, spending most of [b]Holly[/b]'s reserve. He can now suffer another shock, in case, but keep in mind that if he falls down to -6 he'll lose points of his Sanity rating - again (not likely he'll be blasted again, but you never know). Health cannot be recovered, since he didn't lose it in the last encounter.[/ooc]
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.Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mephistophilis »

Listening to Holly's reassuring voice Cam begins to gather himself. He nods towards her with a pained smile. 'Get the dynamite Konovalov. Let's do this.' He turns to Jonathan, 'Do the best you can, we need to prevent anyone else stumbling across this...abomination.'
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


"The police aren't equipped or trained to deal with something like this," says Holly. "I can't go in there and face that thing myself, but I can watch your backs."
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

Konovalov grumbles some words in Russian that you can imagine are insults of some kind, but he returns with half a dozen sticks of dynamite. Jonathan binds them together before saying: "Here... once the fuse is lit, they will detonate in twenty seconds" , then he hands the explosives to Cam.
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