IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

It''s 1922, books have gone missing from the Kimball house. Stranger still in the year prior, Douglas Kimball the owner of the house had also gone missing. Thomas Kimball, the nephew of Douglas Kimball, now resides in the Kimball house and requests your assistance.

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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Time: 24:00 PM
Thomas yawns.

"Religion? The old fool, I thought he knew better than that - doesn't sound like him at all. I am sure you must be mistaken. Look your not the only one who is exhausted, I need to sleep, we can resume this conversation in the morning. Goodnight.".

He sluggishly mopes off upstairs.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

After Kimball has gone, John turns to Harrison wearily.

"Look, you saved me back there, and believe me, I appreciate it. But if you're going to try and spin these ridiculous yarns to explain what happened to Kimball, I don't want to be part of it. We found out the source of the mystery, we might as well just tell him."
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


Harrison sighs as he collapses into a chair. He pinches the bridge of his nose, his normal mask of affability slipping a little.

Look old chum, I’ve read a little about those things and trust me, the less he knows about them the better. They’re monsters, pure and simple; lurking underground and feeding off the dead. Old man Kimball has taken up with these fellas and you saw how he was changing. He’s only gonna get more bestial - it’s best just to leave alone.”

He stands up, shoving the copy of Poe into his jacket pocket.

“I need to go deliver payment for our safe return. Get yourself off to bed and I’ll see you in the morning.”

With a curt nod he leaves the room and quietly makes his way to the cemetery wall. Assuming all goes well he drops the book on the other side before hurrying back to the house and finally to bed.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Harrison makes it to the cemetary unharmed, the unmistakable stench of ghouls still lingers and animal noises can be heard rumbling - presumably from tunnels beneath the tombs. Fortunately Kimball seems to have convinced his friends to go back "indoors" for this evening. He will surely be grateful for the book. You head back rather shaken and cold but nevertheless fine.

Time: 7:00 AM

Morning hits and its time to face the music, Thomas was not happy. An aroma of fresh coffee and fried bacon is now filling the house from the kitchen. Surprisingly Thomas is at the helm of this endeavour, despite not seeming the type to be involved in the kitchen. As you make it too the kitchen rather wearily from the night before you are greated by an oddly cheerful sounding Thomas.

"Gentlemen, do sit down. I will be with you shortly, bacon is nice and crispy and I will get on with the eggs. Coffee is in the cafetiere on the side.".
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

John's leg is bruised and swollen from the night before. He limps over to help himself to some coffee.

He clears his throat.

“You didn’t really give us much opportunity to ask you about your uncle yesterday, Mr. Kimball” he begins. “What are your thoughts on the matter?”
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


Rather tired from last night’s exertions, Harrison comes downstairs slightly late. He arrives at the breakfast table, eagerly anticipating the bacon and savouring the smell of coffee.

Apart from the usual greetings, he keeps his own counsel, having said his piece last night. Instead he helps himself from the coffee jug and sits back to see where the conversation leads.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Time: 7:03 AM

Thomas starts serving the breakfast to John and Harrison.

A forced smile helps convery a sarcastic tone "My thoughts? Off course its up to me to give the answers on my Uncle, it is not like I am paying anyone to find out.".

The frying pan having been emptied on to your plates has been flung into the sink making a clattering sound. "Well I suppose if I really had to say something it's that you were out late at some house of ill repute, and instead of finding answers you have decided to spin me a tale about some religious group. My Uncle found the Church quite pompous and ridiculous - in fact this has always been an issue of contention in our family. I must say being a more modern man myself I do tend to succumb to my Uncle's view - I just had the tact not to upset a family that had been steeped in tradition. If my mother was alive she would have jumped at joy upon hearing he had left his belongings behind to find God. But I have a more critical mind. I want an explanation of what happened last night - and what is really going on, some evidence would be helpful.".

He looks at John directly for a moment "And your leg - you have clearly hurt yourself.". He sighs and pulls another chair out slumping into it with a rather forlorn look.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


Harrison sighs, unable to lie to anyone decent enough to cook breakfast for him.

"Okay you got me. What I said last night was baloney, but you really don't want to know what transpired last night. Would you accept that your uncle is alive and well? He needed a few books, hence the break-in, and took them with him to a place where he's happy. You got a nice house out of the deal; would you leave it at that?"
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

John smiles inwardly at Harrison's admission, glad that he's telling the truth. He suspects though that the younger Kimball will require a more detailed explanation. It's likely that they will be returning to the graveyard that evening.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Time: 7:06 AM

Thomas looks down at the floor and lets out a sigh as he looks out down the hallway.

"Well your starting to make sense at last - he loved his books so that does sound like my Uncle. I don't understand this evasiveness.".

He turns around and leans over the countertop peering into the sink.

"Ahhh... I guess your right I have got a house out of it. But I am also guessing he has got himself into trouble? How do I know or can be sure that the trouble will not come back to me?".
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

John regards him carefully.

“We’re evasive because, to be frank, what has happened is quite incredible. Your uncle has changed. The best way to prove it to you is to show you as I don't think you'll believe us otherwise. But it’s very dangerous, hence my injury. But I think that will be the end of the matter, if you’ll choose to leave it there.”
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


Harrison nods, suppressing a shudder at the thought of them exploring the ghoul-haunted tombs at night.

“I strongly advise you to drop the matter Mr. Kimball. Your uncle wasn’t coerced or anything like that and I don’t think you’re in danger. I know this all sounds vague and, frankly, crazy, but it really is for the best. If you’re worried about another break-in, then perhaps you could leave your uncle’s favourite books outside for him to pick up if he wants them and sell the rest.”
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

John swallows a mouthful of food and turns to Harrison.

"Perhaps if we take Mr. Kimball to the scene, it might make events easier to explain. The groundskeeper, that Melodius fellow, he was was warning us away. He must know what... what's going on, to some degree at least. His account might help us in our understanding. Why don't we seek him out after breakfast?"
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


“I guess if there’s no other option ol’ chum...” sighs Harrison.

“There’s a book I’d like to find, maybe at the local library, that might help us: Hunter’s Folk Tales and Mythical Beasts. If you’re both really set on this, then perhaps a few hours in town are in order.”
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

"Sure, if it will help us understand what we saw last night" agrees John.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Time: 7:10 AM

Thomas laughs "Melodias? You realise the fool is a drunk... the only reason people turn a blind eye is it's hard to find someone willing to bury the dead around here. Not the most pleasant profession. But if he has something to say I will listen. If your intent on retreiving a book from the library then I will join you and you can put it on my card if neccessary.".

Time: 9:15 AM

After a few more rounds of coffee the three of you make your way to the town library, entering the ornate double doors you are a greeted by a sole librarian somewhere in her late 50s who manages to achieve an authoritive yet cheerful stare.

"Morning young Thomas, I haven't see you for a while. How can I help you gentlemen?"

Thomas answers "Morning Gladys - oh I have been busy with work, we are just looking into some personal research really. Probably best you speak with my acquaintances here - they will tell you what they need.".

Gladys looks over to John and Harrison and squints slightly.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


Harrison deferentially removes his boater and grins at the librarian.

“Good morning ma’am; I’m looking for a copy of Hunter’s Folk Tales and Mythical Beasts, if your esteemed library holds a copy. Also, do you happen to have a log of which books Douglas Kimball borrowed recently? I’d like to gauge who his favourite authors are.”
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Time: 9:17 AM

Gladys "I don't think I should be giving out information pertaining over customers - even with his nephew here, people might say I lack character if I did such a thing. Let me check the indexing on that book."

The librarian starts frowning and huffs. "Well the index is in a bit of disarray, likely the fault of my assistant, but I am sure studious looking fellows such as yourselves can find it. I know we do have it though, but what you would want with such tall tales and folly I don't know."
OOC,You can try a social skill if you really want to try and get the log, other than that when your ready to search the library please roll your library skill (both of you can try if the first fails).
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

John begins browsing among the shelves, but his mind is still full of the events from last night. He can barely focus on the titles.
Library Use,Library Use 50: [url=http://orokos.com/roll/773729]Library Use[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]92[/b]
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »

Charm 50%,[dice]0[/dice]
Library Use 60%,[dice]1[/dice]
Harrison must be equally tired, for not only does he fail to persuade the librarian to let him take a look at the lending log, but he also fails to fnd the requisite book.

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