[IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

Max whistles a note, impressed at what he's found. He looks around first to make sure no one's watching, then as discretely as he can he slides the pamphlets and the three individual books into his briefcase (Witches of the Sea, Cults, and People of the Monolith). He'll leave the weighty cyclopedia set behind.

Sleight of hand (10%)

He snaps the case shut then goes to the front desk. On the way he grabs a random book off a shelf and speaks to the librarian.
Good afternoon Ma'am, I'd like to sign this book out please, checking the cover, Menstruation in Adolescents.

JESUS, he says nodding over his shoulder towards Eddy's antics, Look's like the circus is in town, eh? Because that guy's from the circus i think. Heh.

I'm blowing this goddammit.. Be cool be cool.

Persuade (20%)

oc. i fucked up the dice. i think i got the two thirty rolls first
coffee demon
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffee demon »

4:33 PM Saturday, June 22, 1937 - Chicago Public Library

The Librarian looks at the reverse cover of "Menstruation in Adolescents" for a moment, then asks for Max's address and name (unless he has a library card).
Max, If you don't have a library card, address do you give?
"That will be due back in two weeks. And I'm sorry to do this, it's library policy, but can I see inside your suitcase before you go?"


Rose's voice hisses strangely, and fades into a garbled distant series of giggles for a moment. Then there is the same strange static (or breath ?), and her voice returns:

"It's not about the money, Eddie. Listen, you can't go play ball again. You'll be a laughing-stock, after what you did in the World Series. They're setting you up, Eddie, dear. Can't you see that?

Just... shrrsshhhhh.. just come home. Just come rest with us. The kids miss you. shrrhuurrhhrrrrssshhhhhtthey want to see you."

A younger librarian has approached Eddie while he's talking. She takes a couple cautious steps towards him. All the people in the adjacent area, who are sitting at reading stalls, are watching. A couple others are watching from around the bookshelves. [OC: It might not be clear to Eddie what he has done to attract this much attention. It's almost like he was shouting or something, based on the stares he's getting.]
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie whiapers into the phone.

Gotta go babe. I'll call you again from the Orient. Old Knuckles is gonna be on top again. You wait and see. I'll make you proud!

Eddie hangs up the phone before Rose or whatever that was could say another thing.

Eddie smiles sheepishly at the Librarian.

Sorry! Domestic Bliss RIght? Never a dull moment in Paradise!!

He then hushes himself and smiles again, holding his palms in the air in surrender.

OK! OK! I got it!

Eddie then saunters up to Max at the checkout and, suspecting Max might be in some sort of trouble, tries to distract the check out librarian with his boisterous demeanour.

We'd like a whiskey sour and Jack and Coke to go there Dollface!
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

As odd as it sounds, Max does have a library card or did at one time, about a hundred pounds ago when he was still a sleuth - a sleuth who got paid. Before life kicked him in the balls. Before he was on a first name basis with the dark principalities haunting the Windy City. He gives his old address on W35th St, maybe they'd still have it in their books.

See inside my case? Of course! He fumbles with the combination lock long enough for Eddie to appear on the scene. He opens and closes the briefcase comically fast and shouts in the librarian's face OH MY GOD!!! It's a minor celebrity! Hey aren't you that guy that every hates?. Max is already heading out the door.

Nailed it.

Persuade 20%

oc. Spent 1 luck
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie gives the librarian a wry smile and winks. He then leans over the desk very close to the librarian and changes his facial expression to a very serious glare, seeming on the very brink of violence. The smell of whiskey is no doubt strong on his breath.

Is the phone number to this library listed? Can anybody just.... call in?
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffeedemon »

4:33 PM Saturday, June 22, 1937 - Chicago Public Library

Eddie: Is the phone number to this library listed? Can anybody just.... call in?

The Librarian stares at Eddie, squinting her eyes, trying to place him.

"No, people cannot call in. I'm sorry. We're just installing phone lines inside the building right now. This is only phone that works." She points to the phone at the main desk. It's not the phone that Eddie was talking on, which lies deeper inside the library.

"Did you know that fellow that just left?" She looks like she's still trying to place Eddie, when the waft of his breath hits her and she clearly steps back from the desk to create some distance between them.
Feel free to respond to that, but I'll move on.

5:05 PM Saturday, June 22, 1937 - In Helen's Car, headed back North

The choking heat of the asphalt and brick dissipates into the soothing smell of pastures and waterfront as you head back north. The windows to the car are open.

Max and Helen listen as Eddie shares his invitation to join the Alameda Kono All Star team. Helen shakes her head.

"This is a trap, you two. I mean, I know you were a famous baseball player, Eddie, but do you really think they'd call you in to play, after all these years? No offense, but.." see glances across at his aged, disheveled face"...they could pick more.. 'current' players, I think."

"Look. I don't know if you think you're crazy or not, if you were locked up and hallucinated everything, like the doctors said. But it really looks to me like Collins has it in for you. This is the only way he could lure you out of hiding - through a letter sent to me. Do you think it's a coincidence that you're invited to China - at the exact time when Collins is also there?"

"I think you're better off letting this go. Make yourselves scarce, start up a business in Alaska or something. You have skills, Max. You're a good P.I., when you put your mind to it. And you, Eddie... well, I'm sure you could find something to do. Heck, maybe I'll come with you, eventually, if this heat doesn't let up. And I'm not talking about the sun."

"Just promise me you're not going to fall for this."

Max, put a check beside "Persuade" and "Library Use" to show that you succeeded at them, for advancement later on. Please erase the X's beside other skills so there's no confusion.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

You get the gold star doll... it's a trap for sure. But nobody puts the bag on Max O'Malley.
He takes a bite of a dinner roll.

Besides, <chew> every Bull in town is looking to pinch us. In the orient we might be able to get close to our good Mayor... might even get away after.. and save us a trip to old sparky.

What do ya think Eddie?
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie isn't listening to Rose as she yammers on about his failed career. She was never supportive and she was sure she would use this to turn the kids against him once again.

When Max asks him what he thinks Eddie wakes up from his day dream distraction and throws Rose a dirty look.

I think you're right Fats.

Eddie fingers the pearl baseball in his pocket.

We can pop this son of a bitch between games for sure. Even if that rat bastard finks out on us, we still get a dinner and a show right? I bet those chinks lay out one hell of a spread.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

You said it Eddie. Can anyone else go for some egg foo young?

Max starts leafing through his stolen books.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Egg Foo Young...

Eddie wonders...

Max had lost a truck load of weight since we went into hiding and here we were.. back on the case and fats was already back on the wagon.

Eddie reaches into his inside suit jacket pocket and pulls out his flask.
coffee demon
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffee demon »

7:15 AM Wednesday, June 26, 1937 - Union Station, Downtown Chicago

Four days later, train tickets in hand, Max and Eddie find themselves in Union Station. The platforms are crowded with passengers, the air reeks of hot soot and exhaust from the engines.

The 7:30 AM train to Los Angeles leaves in 15 minutes.

Helen dropped you off twenty minutes ago, without much fanfare. In the last four days, you've remained hidden at your cottage. The sudden press of people (some who stare longer than you're comfortable with) is unnerving after the long weeks of quiet.

The Milwaukee Express to Los Angeles is a ten-car passenger train. It's on a quieter platform. Most passengers have already boarded the train, but a few are lingering on the platform, bidding farewell to family and friends.
Max and Eddie, let me know if there's anything special you're doing in the Station, or upon boarding the train. WhatsApp me w.r.t. rolling skills if you think something might be appropriate.
Also let me know what you've been up to in the last four days, if you think it might be worth mentioning.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc, If there is any way we can spring for a cabin? Some place with some privacy. Max and Eddie don't do well in public confined spaces.

Eddie practices pitching the whole time. He tries to quit drinking but it just seems to cause him to slip further under the bus. He stops filling his flask on the sly and just wanders around the house grounds with a baseball bat and a forty pounder of Wild Turkey. Eddie calls his wife the night before he leaves for Union Station. By the end of the conversation he is not sure whether he made the call or the phone rang and he picked it up. The conversation went well and was disturbingly peaceful so he's assuming the latter.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

Jesus Eddie, you look like shit. Max says grabbing him by the lapels and straightening him out a bit. You sleep last night? C'mon, this is us. You got your ticket?

Max shepherds Eddie into the cattle car and dumps him into his seat. Sleep it off man, it's a long way to LA. I'm going to see if the diner car's got breakfast yet.
Of course, Max came prepared with a big bag of Chicago pretzels, just in case.

He leaves his briefcase beside Eddie. There's a half a dozen books in it, already tabulated, along with extensive notes. He spent the last weeks reading. It kinda feels like he's back at NYU. He's been looking forward to this train ride - he plans to make good use of his time.

On the way to the diner car he walks slow, scanning the cars for anything suspicious or anyone taking a strange interest in him. Could be Johnny's got a mole on here already.

Spot hidden 28%
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie smiles as Max straightens him up. The Fatman was right. Time to start looking the part. Time to shine baby.

He calls to Max as he takes off for the breakfast car.

Grab me a Manhatten buddy! Top Shelf!! Time to start livin'

Eddie gives Max both two finger guns and makes a clickey sound with his cheeks.

Classy! He thinks to himself.

With max gone. Eddie sneaks a few nips from his flask and then fills it one more time as sneakily as he's able to in his condition.
Sleight of Hand 60,[dice=total]0[/dice] Pass
Then bored, he picks up a couple of Max's books and starts to finger through them for the juicy bits
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffeedemon »

7:25 AM Wednesday, June 26, 1937 - Union Station, Downtown Chicago

Max and Eddie find their car- it's a shared four-bed affair. At the moment, the beds are folded up, and the seats are down. The two other passengers who will share this cabin with you are not present, but small "seat reserved" cards lie on two of the chairs, showing that they are indeed taken. You will be sharing the cabin with two other people, apparently. They must be elsewhere in the train, or late getting on.
OOC:   Given your terrible Credit Rating, I'm afraid that you couldn't have afforded your own cabin without a (pretty good) roll. I don't want to rewind, but happy for you two to solve this problem in another way, if you'd like.  

The two of you squeeze through the narrow centre aisle of the train, past passengers loading their bags, into one of the dining cars. This dining car car is half full at the moment: Two clean-cut businessmen, tucking into sandwiches and talking earnestly. An older man in a corner, wearing a faded suit, reading the Chicago Tribune. One perfect-looking family with two polite looking daughters wearing clean dresses. A woman in a brown trenchcoat, traveling alone.


You order your food, and it arrives, and the train has not yet left the station. Checking the clock, you notice that the train was due to leave ten minutes ago.
OOC:   Max, you rolled a Spot Hidden, but I no longer see the result on this die roller. Can you do it again? Also, I'd like a Group Luck roll. This means the least lucky person rolls Luck. That'll be Max, with 55 Luck.  
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffeedemon »

Testing die roller:

OOC:   [dice]1d100[/dice]  
roll, [dice]1d6[/dice]
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

spot hidden (28%) 83
luck (55%) 90

Max sits down with his coffee and takes a bite of his Reuben. He takes a moment to study the woman in the trenchcoat. What's she hiding under there?

C's probably.
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Eddie looks down at his Major League Baseball Memorial World Series watch for the time and frowns, remembering he had pawned it for hooch.

Instead, he spots a pocket watch hanging from the apron of a cook clear across the car. Eddie reads the time and mumbles to himself as he was aught to do in these troubled times. Eagle Eyed Eddie. They'll say it again...

Eddie smacks Max on the shoudler.

You said it fats. C's if they were B's for sure.

What do yah thinks the hold up?
coffee demon
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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by coffee demon »

7:26 AM Wednesday, June 26, 1937 - Union Station, Downtown Chicago

The train finally starts to rumble as the diesel engines roar to life. A clean-cut steward in a Burlington Rail uniform steps into the cabin.


"Weeelcome to Burlington Northernnnn! Apologieeees forrr the dee-lay folks! We'll be on our way shortly! Over night, every night, Chiiiiii-cago to Denver, transfers to Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Fort Worth, Houston, Dallas, BIllings, and points beyond! Eeeeiiiiff you have any questions or need any help at any time you know where to find me!"

He grins naively and points at his hat.

The train jerks, shudders, then with a low screech and stench of black smoke, it lurches forward and slowly moves forward. Union Station passes out of sight, and you're soon roaring out of town. On one side, industrial buildings whip by, and on the other is the North Branch Chicago River, reflecting the fierce glare of the summer morning sun.

Judging from pamphlets lying around, you have an overnight on this train, and will transfer to another train at 6 AM tomorrow, in Denver. Until then, you have the whole day to pass the time.

OOC:   Since Max failed his Spot Hidden and Luck, you don't notice anything. I can step ahead a bit, unless you want to interact with each other or anyone in this train car. Or if there's anything you generally want to do on the train, let me know.  

Click to zoom in if you'd like.

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Re: [IC Chap 1 - The Alameda Kono All Star Team]

Post by Basketvector »

Max enjoys a travel montage. Stock footage of famous sites fades in and out around him.
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