Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Romantic Horror, London, circa 1800

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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

SunlessNick wrote:Is William still suffering its effects? He might have thrown it away, but no one else has taken it.

As soon as he has cast the object away with deliberation, William's limp vanishes, and his mind grows calm.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Mr. Handy wrote:
"Though this be madness, yet there is method to it," says Henry, quoting the Bard. "She will no doubt end up in an institution, hopefully one that is better at keeping inmates from escaping than the one that housed Violette Dupray. But first we must learn what she knows." He tries to revive Miss Rye with smelling salts, and then he addresses her. "What do you know of the Ancient One?"
Choking and coughing from the shock of the smelling salts, Miss Rye at first replies with words that cannot be made out. Then, recovering herself, she sits up and, with a strange twisted smile, says softly, "It begins."

At that moment, a tremor, which might bring to mind the cataclysm that struck the city of Lisbon some half a century ago, shakes Highdark Hall, sending the portrait of Lord Highdark crashing to the floor, where it smashes against the walking stick, shattering the portrait's frame and ripping its canvas. After a time that seems much longer than it truly must have been, the shaking stops, only to be followed by a series of smaller tremors, which do not do as much damage.

Miss Rye points at the fallen portrait.

"The Ancient One has chosen. He shall be first!" She laughs wildly.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by jp1885 »


As the house shakes, Lepus looks around in alarm.

“This does not bode well. Yon governess must be bound, lest she causes more mischief. Someone must also look to the twins’ welfare.”

“His lordship must be guarded and one of us must sing the rhyme to put this ‘Ancient One’ to rest, yesno?”
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Indeed," says Henry. "Ivan, bind her and then follow us. We must find His Lordship quickly. Monsieur de Labrousse would be best suited to recite the poem, being both French and skilled in the arcane arts."
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by SunlessNick »

jp1885 wrote:"As for yon stick - pick it up wearing gloves or with a cloth, hm? The thing should be chopped up and burnt."
Indeed it should. I would have been happy to keep hold of it and let Miss Rye leap her death had not the good Monsieur's words reached me.
Mr. Handy wrote:Image

"Indeed," says Henry. "Ivan, bind her and then follow us. We must find His Lordship quickly. Monsieur de Labrousse would be best suited to recite the poem, being both French and skilled in the arcane arts."
"Agreed." Any servants the party encounters, he will accost for information on Lord Highdark's whereabouts.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

It is fortunate that this confrontation takes place in the Portrait Gallery, for one needs merely to pass through a single doorway to reach Lord Highdark's office where, as luck would have it, he is currently located. (There is also a fireplace in use, in the event that the plan to destroy the walking stick is carried out by some one of the party.)

Evidently Lord Highdark was at work, as there are numerous papers scattered about the room, apparently sent flying by the first tremor. The man himself is in a state of alarm; indeed, more so than one would expect from the shaking of the manor house, as disturbing as that might be. He holds one hand to his breast, the other held out as if to ward off some attacker. He wanders throughout the room without obvious method, eyes wide, occasionally gasping in fright.

"No," he cries in a trembling voice. "Back! Back, I say!" It is not clear to whom these remarks are addressed.

Another strong tremor shakes the room.
DEX rolls for everybody. Highdark = 9, North = 10, Ivan = 9, William = 12 + 1 for Danger = 13; Vincent = 9, Lepus = 15. In that order, [dice]0[/dice]
Perhaps due to his sheer bulk, only the mighty Russian remains standing during this latest shaking of the Earth, all others collapsing. Large pieces of the ceiling break off and fall to the ground.
Only Ivan is able to act for the moment, the others busy just getting to their feet. For purposes of game play, assume the earthquake is currently attacking Lord Highdark with a DEX of 9. [dice]1[/dice]
Fortunately, they land far from the body of the panicking Lord Highdark, as serious injury might result from such.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by jp1885 »


As the building shakes, Lepus scrambles to get back on his feet.

“Speak the rhyme Monsieur!”
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Ivan, protect Lord Highdark!" calls Henry, unable to rise himself. "Shield him under the desk!"
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

The loyal servant does so, carrying the distressed aristocrat as easily as if he were a small child.
Assuming Vincent will do as he is told . . .
Despite the Frenchman's ability to recite the strange poem accurately from memory, this appears to have no effect on the situation, as if the intended target of the words is too far off to hear them.
The tremor will "attack" Ivan next, since he has defended its target. DEX = 9[dice]0[/dice]
damage: [dice]1[/dice]
A large piece of plaster falls upon the head of Ivan, slightly injuring the mighty Russian, a small amount of blood flowing down his forehead.

As those prone upon the floor regain their feet -- Lord Highdark making no effort to do so, it seems -- many screams, mostly but not entirely feminine, can be heard coming from the first floor, just below.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by Rooter »

"We must move closer to ze underground, non?" Vincent says. "In ze kitchen cellar zere is a way down."
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by jp1885 »


"Aye, you be correct Monsieur le sorcier."

Lepus jumps at the sound of screaming.

"I shall accompany thee, but there be others in need of help. Fine sirs, mayhap you leave the magick to us and tend to them?"

As if by an afterthought, he wraps his hand with rags and gingerly flips the stick into the fireplace.

"One less evil to deal with, yesno?"
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by SunlessNick »

William nods at Lepus's suggestion; "Good luck." He rushes off in the direction of the screaming.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Yes, you need to recite the poem at the underground lake," says Henry, rising. "Ivan,we need to head down to the first floor and help the people there! His Lordship should be safe under the desk." He hurries downstairs.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Henry Ivan, and William to the first floor. DEX 10, 9, 13 (with danger bonus) in that order[dice]0[/dice]

Lepus and Vincent to the basement (two flights down, two rolls each) DEX 15 and 9 in that order[dice]1[/dice]
More tremors strike as the bold adventurers rush down the stairs.

Of the intrepid trio intent on coming to the aid of those in distress on the first floor, it is only Ivan -- stout-hearted fellow! -- who reaches his destination without being tossed to the floor by the constant shaking. While Doctor North and William watch, the mighty Russian leads terrified servants out the front door to relative safety, the rushes back inside to lift the others to their feet. The normally sure-footed Lepus, perhaps due to some lingering effect of the walking stick, now slowly burning (with odd blue-green flames, it may have been noted) in the fireplace above, also falls to the ground while yet on the first floor. There is as yet no sign of any of the members of the Altumber family.

Vincent is able to descend to the basement, when another tremor -- felt more intensely here, evidently near the source of the violence -- sends him sprawling, on the very edge of the foul cesspit and its unplumbed depths.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by jp1885 »


Muttering foul curses under his breath, Lepus scrambles to his feet and tries to catch up with the magician.
Last edited by jp1885 on Tue Sep 24, 2019 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by SunlessNick »

"Well done Ivan," says William (doubtless reflecting that there are many times this mighty man would have proved his value on the battlefield). He endeavours to make for the drawing room, reasoning that it's a likely place for at least one of the family to be, and if that is so, that individual may know where the others are.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Yes, Ivan, well done!" cheers Henry, struggling back to his feet. "Quickly, to the Lady's Wing! The female members of the family may be there, and we should rescue them first,"
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by Rooter »

Vincent begins to recite the incantation where he lies at the edge of the pit.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

For at least a time, the tremors have ceased. The sounds of disturbed birds, dogs, and horses can be here from without the manor home. In the Lady's Wing, Doctor North and Ivan find Lady Highdark and the twins. Her Ladyship is clearly frightened, but her countenance reveals resolution in the face of danger. The twins, still as ever, clutching, one or the other, to the poppet Topsy, are unusually subdued, yet smiling. In the drawing room, William finds Henry, Harold, and Georgina, the latter in an obvious state of distress, her face stained with tears, holding Artemis close to her bosom; it is difficult to tell who offers the more comfort to the other.

Meanwhile, close to the evil-smelling pit, Lepus comes upon Vincent reciting the strange poem. As hoped for, this seems to have the desired effect of taming whatever it is that shakes the Earth like a child's plaything. At the moment that the Frenchman ceases speaking, however, a smaller tremor is felt, as if by way of warning. From far below, no telling how deep, an inhuman voice, echoing from unseen chambers below, rasps out with a sound unlike that of any mortal, free of all emotion, each word emerging slowly, one at a time, as if the bubbling pits of boiling hot mud, said to exist in the wilder places of the New World, could speak.

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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the Fourth: A Domestic Quarrel

Post by SunlessNick »

William will see to the safety of the three young Albumbers - getting them out of the hosue for now, despite the slowing of the earth tremors - then return to the office to check on Lord Highdark.
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