August 18 - 2.00 PM - Selma´s place - Ivy and Michael

Portland, Maine
August, 1928.
Steven Gilbert is a wealthy businessman, a leading exponent of the bourgeoisie of the roaring twenties. He sees his heritage project going up in smoke, when Timothy, his only six-year-old son, disappears.
A group of investigators will try to find his missing son. The group may include:

1) Police detectives
2) Private detective hired by Gilbert
3) Relatives or friends strongly motivated to find the missing kid

But Timothy´s disappearance is not the only gloomy burden weighing on the Gilbert family. Alyssa, Timothy's mother, committed suicide one year ago, and the reason for such an extreme action is still obscure.

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August 18 - 2.00 PM - Selma´s place - Ivy and Michael

Post by robertod »

While Michael and Ivy wait, Selma entertains them by talking. She seems to have regained a certain tranquility after the first sips of herbal tea. Oblivion has done a good job to make her forget everything. Perhaps it was the prolonged effects of that hallucinogenic music. Or maybe it was her mind. Repression is a defense, sometimes necessary to maintain the coherence and stability of the psyche. Some thoughts, however, go through her head, and she expresses something now that she feels safe.

His voice is calm, sad and above all, very sincere.

"I don't know if Jason Carson is the father of Alyssa's son ..... but even if he were... and if he really kidnapped the child ... he won´t do anything bad to him. I can't imagine Carson as a bad person. He has had a hapless life, but he has always been a very good person, as I remember him. Believe me. Perhaps there has never been in Greyton, a better person than him. "
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Re: August 18 - 2.00 PM - Selma´s place - Ivy and Michael

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

"Any idea how we can get in contact with him? He seems to have vanished off the face of the Earth, like some kind of Harry Houdini."
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Re: August 18 - 2.00 PM - Selma´s place - Ivy and Michael

Post by jp1885 »


Ivy keeps her own counsel while Michael talks to Selma. She positions herself so that she has a good view of the sea and keeps watch.
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Re: August 18 - 2.00 PM - Selma´s place - Ivy and Michael

Post by robertod »

The sea is static, calm and absolutely indifferent. Ivy stares at it and as she does so, her mind realizes that she is fearing it as if it were a living organism, something having its own will. But no... the sea is nothing but a mass of water, and only moves due to wind and tides.

Selma replies
"You are so surprised not to find him here... because you never knew him. There´s nothing here that would motivate him to come back and stay. Why do you think he emigrated to Portland? The people here never loved him... with the exception of Father Colby and Martin. If I were Jason, I would go anywhere else but here... he would has never come back, if Alyssa hadn't insisted she wanted to see his hometown .. and he didn't want to tell her he hated this town."
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Re: August 18 - 2.00 PM - Selma´s place - Ivy and Michael

Post by jp1885 »


"Why did he hate this town so much, and vice versa?" asks Ivy, still keeping a weather eye on the shoreline.
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Re: August 18 - 2.00 PM - Selma´s place - Ivy and Michael

Post by robertod »

I heard this story from a person here in Greyton and I promised not to reveal who this person is. I tell you only because you are foreigners, but don't ask me any more questions about her.

"Carson's mother was named Dorothy and she was a girl from Coney Island. She used to work in the Anderson villa as a maid... they own everything here.
Apparently, Dorothy escaped from their house. When she arrived at Greyton, Father Colby took care of her. She was very thin and undernourished and afraid. She cried endlessly. She stood inside Colby's house, terrified of setting foot outside. A few months later, she gave birth to Jason.
People were told tha Dorothy died of childbirth. But... she did not die in childbirth. After Jason´s birth, she tried to kill her own son with a knife. When Colby reacted by taking away Jason from her hands, she stabbed her own body.

"I don't know how many here in Greyton knew about this story ... but with certainty ... they made life difficult for Carson ... people avoided him, and never treated him like the other boys. Carson obviously understood this and suffered because of it."
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Re: August 18 - 2.00 PM - Selma´s place - Ivy and Michael

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Michael thinks about what he saw down in the sea cave. It's a crazy idea, but maybe -- just maybe -- the thing they saw down there really was an incubus, and Jason is some kind of half-demon. He sure hopes the other two get back soon. This is starting to get on his nerves.

"Looks like we better have a talk with Father Colby pronto," he says softly to Ivy.
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Re: August 18 - 2.00 PM - Selma´s place - Ivy and Michael

Post by jp1885 »


"I agree," Ivy concurs.

She waits until Selma is out of earshot before continuing.

"It would appear that Jason is not Timothy's father, but his half-brother... Let us hope that Father Colby is still alive, especially if that's his crucifix we found in the cave."
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