Daniel, main area, fifth floor

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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by Laraqua »

The only television set in the lobby displays pre-recorded messages that is currently showing the gentle exercises pregnant women are meant to do with giant, rubber balls.

Gemma sounds panicked, even as she lowers her voice. "Cloud? I don't know! Gas, something, it stripped the paint away. It's so dark outside, I can barely see. The lights were still on in here but we switched them off when we saw... I don't know what we saw. Outside, though, things, in the cloud. I think the dust or whatever I saw... I don't know. It's like it's night out there. We're using candles and torches. We've covered up all of the windows with curtains. Please, Daniel, don't go out there. It'll kill you."
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by waferthinninja »

"I won't. Listen, I'm gonna hang up before the batteries on the phone konk out. I'll call you again later. Just stay indoors and keep everyone together."

With that, Daniel decides to check the situation at the reception desk again, and try to push his way to the front.
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by Laraqua »

"Would everyone please remain where they are?" asks a calm male voice over the intercom. "A chemical incident in London Central has caused massive storm clouds containing high quantities of dangerous substances. Could everyone please remain inside and, where possible, find a secure place to stay until the all-clear is called? Thank you and have a good day."

Some of the crowd begin to leave, others join the crowd, pressing forward, demanding answers. A few more leave. Daniel manages to sidestep and push forward, getting closer to the front.

"Look, I don't know what's going on," says the male nurse heading reception. "But there's no need to panic. We're in the safest place we can be right now. Just sit tight and everything will be fine."
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by waferthinninja »

Daniel grinds his teeth in frustration. How long was he going to be stick in this place? What was he supposed to do about Doctor Scott? The Monroe deal was in a very delicate position, he needed to get back to the office to make sure things were progressing.

Deciding to leave the stressed nurse to fend off the crowds, Daniel goes off in search of some food which wont set off his ulcer. It was going to be a long day.

As he sets off, he flips open his phone again and presses the speed dial to his secretary.
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by Laraqua »

He gets the engaged signal. Unfortunately for Daniel, the cafe area they had been trying to build just outside the main hospital was being renovated so the only source of food other than hospital food was from the various vending machines. Salty chips and blocks of chocolate seemed the only recourse. Bottles of water were easily found, though.
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by waferthinninja »

Daniel buys a chocloate bar, but his ulcer complains at the mere thought. Grimacing through the pain, he is left standing aimless, dishevelled and irritated in the hospital lobby. Goddamn he hated being out of control.
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by Laraqua »

The crowd begins to panic. Several individuals splinter off and head for the doors. Some head for the stairs, pushing past people coming down the stairs. The hospital appears to be in flux as the chemical crysis finally sinks into people's heads. A few patients carrying IV tubes amble past, heading for the hotel car park. The chaos begins just as Daniel decides not to buy eat any confectionary from the vending machine. The flow of patients and staff force him up against the wall. A terrible humming sound can be heard in the distance.
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by waferthinninja »

Daniel ducks to the side of the vending machine to avoid the crush. What the fuck is going on? Determined to remain calm, he scans the crowds for people who look to be in control of themselves.
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by Laraqua »

Everyone seems to be on the verge of panic, though they control themselves enough to not hurt anyone. He can overhear them talking amongst themselves.

"My children! I've got to get home."

"Gotta get out of London."

"Stay? I refuse!"

"What's the cloud coming, mummy?"

"We gotta get away."

"Get outta my way!"
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by waferthinninja »

"Gotta get out of here" Daniel thinks, and pushes through the sea of panicked faces towards the stairs. Hoping to avoid the crazy Doctor, he bounds up the stairs, aiming for the higher floors so he can see whats going on in the streets.
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by Laraqua »

The stairs are filled with panicked people rushing down to the first floor so that they can get out. The ramp, on the other hand, is far more quiet. He can see that the second floor is fairly empty although the third floor is a bit more bustling with confused patients. It seems even quiet upstairs.

What floor does he get out on?
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by waferthinninja »

Daniel goes as high as he can get (without going into staff only areas) to get the best view of the city he can manage.
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by Laraqua »

The fifth floor balconies are accessible through one of the wards and he does so, passing the sleeping woman on the hospital bed. Directly in front of him he can see the curve of a black fog arching out until it fills half the horizon. Looking left, he sees that the cloud is not particularly far away at all. It has already reached part of the rear carpark.
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by waferthinninja »

The adrenalin of the run in with Doctor Scott starts to wear off. Combined with the despair of the current situation, Daniel falls to his knees. Slumped against the wall, he buries his face in his hands.
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Re: Daniel, lobby, first floor

Post by Laraqua »

His attention is caught by the screams. At first of the panic but then they twist and contort, becoming agonist, terrified, desperate. He can hear them coming mainly from downstairs. Looking up instinctively, he sees that the floor he is on has largely been vacated. Only a few others remain and even they are quickly heading down the stairs. The screaming seems to be coming closer. He can see through the large window, the venetian blinds before it having been left open by others, that the dark cloud has covered the distance, though it appears to end shortly beneath this floor.
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Re: Daniel, main area, fifth floor

Post by waferthinninja »

Daniel is overcome by a need for human contact. He wanders the fifth floor aimlesssly for someone who looks more in control of themselves than he feels.
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Re: Daniel, main area, fifth floor

Post by Laraqua »

There seems to be no one here. However, a few of the doors are locked. Perhaps there is someone inside one of those?
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Re: Daniel, main area, fifth floor

Post by waferthinninja »

Daniel knocks loudly on one of the locked doors. "HELLO? ANYONE IN THERE?"
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Re: Daniel, main area, fifth floor

Post by Laraqua »

A male voice can be heard from the other side of the door. "Jesus!... Yes! Yes, I'm here! Jill, is that you? Can you open the door?"
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Re: Daniel, main area, fifth floor

Post by waferthinninja »

"Umm.. no.. here, wait, stand back from the door"... Daniel takes a step back and pauses before charging at the door with his shoulder. He'd seen it done in the movies a hundred times... how hard could it be?
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