Music From a Darkened Room

The year is 1999. A group of agents with the FBI quickly discover a routine case is anything but. Thrust into a world that's as incomprehensible as it is deadly, can this team hope to hold back the darkness?

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Music From a Darkened Room

Post by Silver Priest »

The next few months pass quietly for the agents of S-Cell. There's no further manifestations of the murderous equation. But both of them find they have nightmares of being back in OUTLOOK custody. And there are times they are with their loved ones and really do wonder if they are real or if this is just part of another sick simulation of Dr. Yrjo.

Perhaps because of this, both of their relationships with their loved ones suffer. Nik finds himself growing impatient with his girlfriend, resenting her very presence. The fact that she did not like all the new cooking he had been doing only furthered his resentment. He's doing a decent job of hiding his anger with her, but Debbie seems to understand that something has changed between them, and is a little distant.

Vanessa may have it even worse. The horrors of the equation combined with being experimented on at OUTLOOK has left her shattered and her relationships in tatters. For a few weeks it looks as though Malcolm may just move out; even worse, he may take their dog with him, as Vanessa is skipping more and more of their walks and leaving him to take care of the animal. But something inside of her rebels, and she is not willing to give into despair yet. She takes Malcolm out for a few date nights and offers him an edited version of her last case being difficult, and it seems to satisfy him. He tells her once again he's there for her, but only she knows if she believes him. As for Rex, Vanessa makes herself walk and play with him more often, even when she finds it daunting, and gradually, her relationship improves with him as well. However, it's not a perfect fix in either case; Malcolm has stopped dropping hints of marriage, and Rex now seems to go to him more for comfort. The wounds she suffered in the last opera may never fully heal, but she tries her best to go on.

May 3rd, 2000

The agents are called into McRay's office early in the day.

"You've got another assignment. I won't be part of it this time, however; Your handler will be from another cell. This is likely for operational security reasons. After your last op, they probably don't want us tied together too closely.

"All I have been told is for you to head to Meadowbrook, New York. It's a modest suburban community about an hour upstate. You're to grab a coffee at Joe's Java a local eatery in the heart of the town. Once there, your handler will brief you. I'm not to know anything about this assignment; however, I've been informed that I will be pulling strings to get you assigned up there in an official capacity. Other than that, I can't help you.

"One final thing. According to the report I received, you'll be getting two new members to your cell, perhaps permanently. I don't know anything about them or their history in the organization, so you'll have to figure that out for yourselves. But if A-Cell is sending them in they're reasonably certain they're trustworthy. And they're also sure this operation needs some additional support, whatever it is, so be cautious. This assignment may be very dangerous
Lwunder and Borderline,Hey guys, I'll let you know when you can come in. Should be in a few posts.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

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Nik nods. “Sounds like fun” he says without humour. “I can drive, Marchand he tells Vanessa.

He goes off to fetch his travel bag.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

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"Sure," says Vanessa, knowing at Nik is the better driver. "I'll ride shotgun. Speaking of shotguns, it sounds like we might need one. Or two."
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by HoneyDog »

"Hell, I'll take a rifle or SMG if they'll give me one" Nik replies, bag in hand. "I'll probably use it on myself" he adds, pathetically. He is feeling sorry for himself.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by Silver Priest »

ooc,Both agents can take one gun besides their standard equipment, I've listed the ones you are interested in [url=]here[/url]
Equipped and ready(in as much as they can ever be) the agents head off.

Meadowbrook is a nice community, a perfectly captured postcard image of suburbia. It seems to be middle to upper middle class,and it is hard to imagine what sort of incident could bring them to this tranquil place. But the agents have been in towns like this before, and now know they are just as infected with the unnatural as anywhere else.

Joe's Java is a modest coffee shop down the middle of Meadowbrook's busiest street. It's bordered on one side by a bank; on the other, by a hair salon.

It's still early afternoon when they arrive there,and the place is only sparsely filled, mostly with what look to be college students from the local university, but one or two professionals are enjoying coffee and a bagel and quietly reading the morning paper. No one seems to pay them any attention, or stands out as being part of Delta Green.

It occurs to both agents that they would likely be meeting with the rest of their team here, and it might be best to wait for them to arrive.
Walter and Chaz,Both of you receive a call earlier in the day instructing you to head to Meadowbrook. There at a specific coffee shop you would meet the new members of your cell and receive your next assignment. Please go ahead and describe your characters for us.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by HoneyDog »

Nik has selected an H&K MP5 for himself, which he wisely locks in the trunk of the car with its spare clips. His pessimistic mood lifts a little as they drive through the countryside, as he wonders what these new agents will be like. It’s not often he gets to meet other DG people.

In the café he orders a latte and a sandwich, wondering how Marchand is holding up lately.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by Borderline »

I walk in dressed like a tourist with a camera too nice for a tourist. Hawaiian shirt with loud colors, khaki shorts, white new balance "dad sneakers" with parted brown hair and brown eyes. Body type of an athletic 29 year old. I go by Charley (only my uncle calls me Chaz) I'm walking the line between hiding in plain sight and sticking out like a sore thumb and it's hard to decide which side of that line I'm on at any given minute.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

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Vanessa took a shotgun, which she also stored in the trunk along with a box of ammo. She also took a Kevlar vest if one was available.

She orders a grilled cheese and coffee. She's doing better, all things considered, though she'll never be the same again. She groans inwardly when she sees the man in the Hawaiian shirt. "Somebody's trying too hard," she whispers to Nik. "Or not hard enough."
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by HoneyDog »

Nik tries not to laugh. "I get the feeling he's with us. This'll be a riot".

He watches the man to see what he will do.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by Borderline »

Taking a quick look around the room I don't try too hard to spot my contacts right away. Walking up to the counter I'll take a minute looking at the menu, order a large capucinno before leaning on a counter to wait and taking another quick glance around, more to gauge any interest focused on me and the general layout of the room, exits and people who could be a threat. After picking up my order I'll look around more obviously, trying to emulate someone meeting old friends.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by Silver Priest »

OOC:   Going to update now; Lwunder, if still interested, I'll be happy to retcon you in.  
After a few more minutes a newcomer enters the coffee shop. He's wearing an expensive suit and tie, but his fashion sense seems to have frozen sometime in the mid 80's, and he looks more comical than suave. He calmly heads to the counter and buys a latte, then makes his way over to Nik and Vanessa. If Chaz is still keeping his distance, he shoots him a look and expects him to come over.

Close up, its apparent the man is in his 40's but looks much older. Wrinkles and heavy bags form under his eyes, and he has a distant look in his eyes. Then he seems to come to life, and his eyes become more focused.

"Right, you're my team? No names from either end. Call me CHARLIE. "

"You'll all been assigned to this particular Opera. Your mission is to investigate the recent death of FBI Special Agent Arthur Donnelley. Agent Donnelley had a storied career, most recently working for our office in Trenton, New Jersey. He was also a veteran agent of our group. It is alleged that he killed himself two weeks ago. We wish for you to investigate this, and confirm or deny Unnatural involvement with it.Your investigation in particular should focus on 1206
Spooner Avenue, the house where Agent Donnelley was found. Evidence seems to suggest that he was also obsessed with this house, and we need to know if it poses an active threat

He takes a sip of his drink, grimaces and continues. "A little over two weeks ago, Agent Donnelley was reported missing by his ex-wife. A mundane FBI investigation by his colleagues led them to 1206 Spooner. They found his body in the master bedroom on the second floor. His throat had been cut cleanly, as with a straight razor. Though no weapon was found, the coroner ruled it a suicide. It would end there... except that just over a year ago the house's last owner was found dead in the same exact room, under the same exact circumstances." He lets this hang in the air for a moment.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by HoneyDog »

“Why was he so interested in this house?” asks Nik, casting a sidelong glance at their new companion. “Because of that one death? Or is there more to it?”
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

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"Did Agent Donnellley keep notes on it?" asks Vanessa.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by Borderline »

I'll pick up on the hint and make my way over with a smile "There you guys are!" Snapping a picture. After listening to everyone- "Not to mention a suicide with no weapon found? Does the fbi get alot of stiffs hiding thier own weapons after the fact? Seems fishy."
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by Silver Priest »

"The house has been suspected in the past of influencing people's behavior. I don't know much more than that. From what I've gathered, it has something of a reputation. I suggest you both employ extreme caution and do some research before jumping into anything.

To Chaz he replies, "Thankfully the FBI itself helped us here. No one wants the embarrassment of having one of their agents have a bizarre mental breakdown that ends with their death. Some pressure was put on the locals to declare this a suicide. Apparently Agent Donnelley had a history of being anti social and aloof for awhile before his death. We don't know how much of this was due to the influence of the house or the normal hazards of the job." It's not clear which job he is referring to here. "You'll all be assigned to this case by your respective offices, as a routine procedure to ensure everything is above board and nothing was amiss with the agent's death..

"As for notes, we sent in a team of Friendlies to search his place, and they found nothing related to the house there. We do know that Agent Donnelley has used a Store-It box for past operations. We've not been able to examine it, but it might prove useful. Exercise caution, however. We don't have a full inventory of what objects are in this unit. Some may possess unnatural hypergeometric properties.

"Lastly, we have two friendlies in the area who may be able to assist you. Neither of them are agents, and both are kept on a need to know basis, so tell them as little as possible. The first is Dr. Emil Yarrow ,a professor of abnormal psychology and parapsychologist. He teaches at Fulton College a few towns over. Second is Elizabeth Tucker. She's an antiques dealer who lives right here in Meadowbrook. I don't have knowledge on either of their past operations, and neither of them know a thing about this opera. Bring them in if and only if you feel they may be useful in some way."

CHARLIE rises to his feet, finishing the rest of his drink. " Here's a card with all the pertinent information." He slides the contact info for the two friendlies as well as the address for the storage unit, along with a final unmarked number. "That last one is my direct line. Call when you've determined the cause of Agent Donnelley's death and what, if anything, is going on at 1206 Spooner. Be seeing you." Without another word he turns to leave, though the agents may be able to still say something to him before he walks out.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by HoneyDog »

“Great!” says Nik, watching the man leave. “More fun to be had. I hope it’s not like the last time we cleared up after a dead agent, Marchand.” he says, thinking back to the horror in the desert. “Why don’t we go and check out this storage unit?”

He turns to the newcomer and extends his hand. “I’m Agent Stanley, but you can call me Nik. It’s easier to pronounce than my last name.”
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by Borderline »

"Hi Im uh Charley too." Shaking Niks hand a bit awkwardly. "What happened last time there was a dead agent?"
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by Mr. Handy »


"You don't want to know," says Vanessa. "He actually died of natural causes, but it was what he left behind that was problematic. That's why we'll have to very careful with whatever we find in that storage unit, but that's our logical first step. I'm Agent SALLY, but you can call me Vanessa." She shakes hands too.
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by Borderline »

More curious now I decide not to push the issue. "Nice to meet you Vanessa. Shall we?"
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Re: Music From a Darkened Room

Post by HoneyDog »

“Yes” says Nik, rising to his feet. “Why don’t you follow us in your car, Charley”.
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