Nik's thread

The year is 1999. A group of agents with the FBI quickly discover a routine case is anything but. Thrust into a world that's as incomprehensible as it is deadly, can this team hope to hold back the darkness?

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Re: Nik's thread

Post by Silver Priest »

The line shuffles along slowly but efficiently. Staff help the frailer patients to walk. Nik notices that all of this exertion is beginning to get to him. He feels like he needs to sit down, or at least have some support soon, or he may collapse. But he's also confident that for now he can keep going.

He makes it outside to find that most of the patients are gathered a short distance away near the sidewalk to the building. Looking back, he sees the building itself is a fairly large concrete construction. It looks old but reasonably well kept, and a sign hangs over the doors.

Golden Homes Retirement Community

Where Your New Life Begins!

"Keep calm, everyone!" One of the orderlies instructs in a calmly assertive voice. "We're inspecting the community for any signs of a fire.We've also radioed for the buses: They should be here soon. In the meantime, find a buddy or a staff member."

Nik looks up. The sky is clear, and it's a beautiful blue day. There's barely a cloud in the sky. Around him are trees, seemingly in all directions, and wide open greenery. He can't see any other signs of civilization.
ooc,Make one more Search roll for no particular reason, please.
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC,Search [url=]Search[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]82[/b] Fail. Is there no sign of a road?
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by Silver Priest »

ooc,Yeah, there's a road but Nik can't see where it leads to.
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by HoneyDog »

Nik looks for an opportunity to slip away into the trees and head towards the road. He can rest there. He tries not to think too much about his surroundings right now; he’ll take stock once he can get away from this place and can think again.
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by Silver Priest »

OOC:   That's going to require a stealth roll, unfortunately. Hopefully Nik is lucky.  
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by HoneyDog »

Stealth,Stealth 11: [url=]Stealth[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]100[/b] I'll leave this up to you! I guess Nik finds some spectacular way of drawing attention to himself.
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by Silver Priest »

Nik waits until everyone nearby is distracted or conversing with someone else before he begins to make his way towards the trees. At first, things are going okay, and he is nearly there when he loses his footing on the hard ground and falls. It knocks the wind out of him and he finds it difficult, if not impossible to get up. But it also attracts the attention of others.

"Mr. Siilasvuo, what are you doing?" someone says. He helps him back to his feet, and Nik can see that it's the same orderly he had just spoken with.

"Are you injured? You know we'll have to look you over, we can't afford one of our patients being injured." He politely but firmly helps Nik over to a sidewalk, where he can sit down.

"What's going on?" A pretty young woman comes hurrying out of the building and heading directly towards them both. She looks vaguely familiar, though he can not place her. Her eyes flash between Nik and the orderly, before settling on the FBI agent. "Are you alright?"
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by HoneyDog »

“I’m fine” says Nik, catching his breath. He does his best to look shameful. “I needed a leak so I headed to the trees. Ground was rougher than I thought. I was hoping no-one would notice!”

He grins sheepishly as he looks over the woman, trying to get a sense of who she is.
OOC,What is she wearing?
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by Silver Priest »

The woman looks to be in her early 40's. She has an athletic, lithe build and is fairly attractive. She's wearing a dark blue blazer and dress pants, and generally looks to be quite sharp.

At Nik's explanation, she nods and looks to the orderly. "I don't want him going off alone again, or I swear to God I will sue this facility."

The orderly looks uncomfortable. "Sorry. Your father is in good hands with us, Ms. Siilasvuo.
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by HoneyDog »

“No-one’s suing anyone” says Nik. “Now, let me walk my daughter to her car, We have a lot to talk about.”

He takes the woman’s arm.
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by Silver Priest »

"Sorry Dad. But you can't blame me for being overprotective." The woman said. As Nik studies her, he finds traces of familiarity. She had the same chin as him, and her eyes were the color of Debbie's. It was hard to be certain however, and he had no feeling like he should know her.

She and the orderly exchange a look before the man speaks. "I'm afraid I can't allow that, Mr. Siilasvuo. You know the rules. Given the circumstances of your case, you're not to be out of sight of staff unless one of the doctors gives their approval. You're more than welcome to speak to your daughter inside, however, once we are given the all clear. I'm told we should be receiving one shortly.

"I'll speak with my dad privately here, thank you," The woman says, and she stares the orderly down until he moves a distance away. Several people are still visible, but Nik doubts any of them can overhear them if they talk in whispers. Keeping hold of Nik, she allows herself to be led a short distance further away.

"Dad, what the hell is going on?" She asks, concern written on her face. "The doctor said they hoped you were making a breakthrough, but I know you well enough; you were trying to sneak out of here. What's going on? I thought you were finally adjusting to this place. ."
ooc,Nik may need to make a san roll here. He's seen enough where he's realized that he's in a retirement home, he looks(and feels) old, and now someone is claiming to be his daughter. If Nik is believing that any of this is real, please roll 1/1d4... unnatural, we'll go with, since folks do not tend to lose 40 years of their life. If he thinks this is some kind of delusion, he does not need to roll at the moment. He can of course roll other things, such as HUMINT if he likes.
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by HoneyDog »

“You don’t know what you’re talking about” Nik complains.

This must be some kind of hallucination, he thinks. They’re drugging me. Is this some kind of test? I never should have agreed to go with those idiots, I should have trusted my instincts.

“What do you want anyway?” he asks the woman, not unkindly. “Is there something you want to ask me?”
OOC,Can Nik see any parking lot? He wants to get a vehicle.
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by Silver Priest »

The woman's look grows more concerned.

"Have you stopped taking your medication? Damn it, Dad. You promised me you would stick with it!

"What do I want? To see you, of course. to make sure you're okay. After mom passed, you're the only family I have left. I know things have been tough, and I've not been able to visit as much as I liked. But I don't want to lose you too. That's why you need to take your medication and do as the doctors here say."

She sighs. "Greg and I have gotten engaged. Our wedding is coming up, and I hope you'll be able to be there. But you need to stop this persecution complex you have, all this talk of secret agencies and missions. It's not healthy."
ooc,I'll slightly retcon here, as I am notoriously difficult with mapping things out. Nik can see a smaller sub building with a gate attached to the main one. The gate reads[i] parking[/i], and advertises it for both staff and visitors(though visitors have to pay). He sees no other structures, and aside from the road that leads out, no signs of civilization. Also no rush, but you can post in Vanessa's thread whenever you get the time. If you need further cues as to what to do I am happy to help. :)
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by HoneyDog »

“Of course I’m taking my medication!” Nik snaps. “And who’s talking about secret missions? Not me! Stop acting so suspicious!”

His mind is working furiously, trying to think of an angle. He needs to get out of here before he runs out of time.

“Look, I’m fine” he tells the woman. “Why don’t you get on home? I’m pretty tired and I should get some rest. Call me soon and come and visit. Bring Greg. Good bye now!”

He turns away and starts heading towards any groups of patients which might be standing around, hoping to blend in and away from any watching eyes.
OOC,Are there any service or delivery trucks in the parking lot?
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by Silver Priest »

The woman looks stunned by Nik's response, then hurt.

"Maybe that's.... maybe that's best. I should go. I'll see you later." She turns around and starts heading to the parking lot.
ooc,Nik can't see most of the cars in the parking lot, just the entrance for it. He'd have to actually go inside to do that, and sadly there are no people near the parking entrance at the moment he could blend in with. He could try once again to talk to his "daughter." If he was able to persuade her, he might be able to convince her to let them talk in the privacy of her car. He'd still have to avoid the prying eyes of the staff though, who don't seem eager to let him out of their sight. She might be willing to help Nik though, if she can be trusted. If he'd rather go it alone and does not trust her, he can make another stealth roll to try and sneak his way into the parking lot. And of course, there's the option to wait here and hope different opportunities arise, but Nik does not seem to have taken to retirement very well. ;)
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by HoneyDog »

Nik turns and follows the woman to the parking lot, hoping she won’t notice.
Stealth,Stealth 31: [url=]Stealth[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]20[/b]
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by Silver Priest »

ooc,Sorry, if I'm reading it right Nik's stealth is actually 11, which means this would be a fail. Let me know if I made a mistake though, it's pretty late here. But for now I will post as though you failed.
Nik makes his way after the the woman claiming to be his daughter. She seems to have a good awareness of her surroundings however, because though the rest of the staff do not notice him sneaking off, she does, and she turns to confront him.

"What do you want now?" She asks, and Nik can see she's trying to hold back tears. Thankfully she does not seem to think he was trying to follow her unobserved, so he may still be able to talk his way out of things.
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC,Sorry, the error is mine. Take that as a failed roll.
“Look” says Nik. “Truth is I don’t know what to think. I woke up this morning feeling like it was the first time to be here. But I do know that being here and being fed drugs isn’t helping me. They don’t even try to update me about my condition. Am I a prisoner here? I certainly feel like one. Tell me truthfully.”
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by Silver Priest »

"Oh dad." The woman says, shaking her head in sympathy. "You haven't been taking your medicine, have you? Do you remember anything at all? Do you remember me?"

She moves closer to him, starring deeply into his eyes. "I'm Debbie Siilasvuo, the only child of you and Debbie Gomez. Your father was Aki, Aki Siilasvuo. He immigrated here from Finland and was an electrician. You worked for the FBI for over 30 years, then retired and spent time traveling around the country with mom. Mom died a few years back,though. And after that, you weren't the same.. You started lashing out at people, describing tales of the times you had to stop aliens and monsters. After you broke into your neighbor's home, I had no choice but to send you here. The doctors diagnosed you with a Dissociative disorder stemming from mom's passing. Apparently yous tarted living in some sort of fantasy world, believing you were part of some shadowy government agency and tasked with saving the world. A lot of the time you don't even remember what year it is, or recognize anyone. The pills were starting to help, but doctors told me that you'd hide them, or spit them out, convinced they were poison.

She sighs. "So, are you a prisoner? To some extent I guess you are, but not for the reasons you think. You're sick, Dad. Even now, I don't know if anything I'm saying is getting through to you, or if it still doesn't ring a bell.

"But I want to understand. What's the last thing you remember, before waking up today. And what is this group you claim you belong to? No one at the FBI even knew what it was.
ooc,Nik can of course make a HUMINT roll if he likes, or anything else. Also a note for Vanessa's thread: Lawyer Nik knows that the weapon used to commit the killings was both found in Vanessa's residence and her DNA matched the crime scene. He's seen the results.
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Re: Nik's thread

Post by HoneyDog »

Nik is cold as he listens to this tale – it sounds so plausible. But the last question seems a bit strange. He regards ‘Debbie’ closely as he replies, wondering as to her motives.

“I must have told you about it already” he says.
HUMINT,HUMINT 73: [url=]HUMINT[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]30[/b]
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