
Portland, Maine
August, 1928.
Steven Gilbert is a wealthy businessman, a leading exponent of the bourgeoisie of the roaring twenties. He sees his heritage project going up in smoke, when Timothy, his only six-year-old son, disappears.
A group of investigators will try to find his missing son. The group may include:

1) Police detectives
2) Private detective hired by Gilbert
3) Relatives or friends strongly motivated to find the missing kid

But Timothy´s disappearance is not the only gloomy burden weighing on the Gilbert family. Alyssa, Timothy's mother, committed suicide one year ago, and the reason for such an extreme action is still obscure.

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Post by robertod »

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Re: Turstrigo

Post by Turstrigo »

I've been thinking about making my character Gilbert's sister-in-law, and I'd like to know if that's alright. If so, could you tell me more about his wife and family so I can adjust the backstory accordingly?
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Re: Turstrigo

Post by robertod »


Steven Gilbert a man in his forties, a typical representative of the bourgeoisie of the Belle Époque. He owns shares of various companies, and invests in various sectors related to Atlantic fisheries and agriculture in rural Maine. He gives importance to anything that is related to his wealth and social position. He´s an introverted and self-centered person. He loves his seven years old son, Timothy, in his own way. In his mind, Timothy is supposed to become a perfect copy of the father. Steven wants his son to grow healthy, strong and educated, so to become the perfect heir and continue the history of the wealthy Gilbert family. However, Steven is not very capable of taking care of Timothy´s happiness. Seeing him just like the future copy of himself, he didn´t care much about his feeling, thoughts and personality.

Alyssa, Steven´s wife and Timothy´s mother died one year ago. One night, she hanged herself in a park nearby her home. Timothy had a close relationship with her mother and since her death, the boy has been deeply saddened and has showed a clear tendency to isolate himself. Alyssa was not satisfied with her marriage, despite her husband was faithful and could give her everything she need. She often complained his lack of affection. She felt Steven saw her merely as the mother of his son. In the end, at that time, getting a good social position was the most important thing a woman could expect from a marriage. In any case, she had learned to accept it and resign herself to it. She was a curious and intelligent person. She was satisfied with her teaching job (she worked as a teacher in the same school of her son). Alyssa use to dedicate to Timothy most of her free time. She didn´t look like a depressed person. If she had a breakdown tha led her to suicide, that must have been something fulminant. No one in the family could ever find an explanation to it.

If you have any question, just ask.
When you´ve done, depending on the character you make, I might give you more information.
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Re: Turstrigo

Post by robertod »

A couple of weeks before killing herself, Alyssa talked to Emma about her feelings, albeit vaguely. She felt something unpleasant in her mind, and she herself could not figure out what it was. She had a recurring dream. She was in a cave, being afraid without knowing why, and she was trying to find a way out. The dreams always ended before she succeed. As far as everyone knows, Alyssa has never been inside caves. Emma had the impression that Alyssa's mind had suppressed something scary about her past.

OOC: Feel free to make questions
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Re: Turstrigo

Post by Turstrigo »

Could I get a timeline/dates for Alyssa's college years, graduation, marriage and Timothy's birth?
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Re: Turstrigo

Post by robertod »


April 1899 Alyssa is born
September 1917 Alyssa is enrolled at Normal Gorham School
July 1921 Alyssa graduates and meets Steven Gilbert
January 1922 Alyssa and Steven get married
May 1922 Timothy is born
August 1927, Alyssa commits suicide
August 1928, Timothy disappears
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Re: Turstrigo

Post by robertod »

Emma can confirm what Gilbert has said. Alyssa was indeed reserved, but she was a responsable person. She wouldn´t have kept such a secret if she had some doubt about Timothy´s father. Also, she had no pressure from the family to marry Steven. Of course, everybody was happy to know he was rich, and would certainly prefere a wealthy person like Steven rather than a janitor like Jason. However, her love for Jason wouldn´t have been an impossible love. Whatever happened between her and Jason, is something between the two.
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