Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Romantic Horror, London, circa 1800

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Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century; Or, The Whims of Father Time

It has been some years since a group of adventurers, thrown together by the winds of fate, joined forces to oppose wicked and unnatural beings, that light might once again reign where darkness had fallen. One of philosophical bent might speculate that the retreat of such evils into the shadows is a reflection of the chaos that has erupted on the Continent. Who would have guessed, a mere score of years ago, that a monarch would have been overthrown and executed? Perhaps it might have been easier to foresee that the uneasy peace that existed between Britain and France would explode into warfare. Even so, not even the most gifted sibyl would have dreamed that an obscure Corsican would rise to become a tyrant.

Mars, that bully among the gods, smiled and thrust his bloody sword into the heart of Europe. Now, perhaps for only a brief moment, he rests, and allows Pax to overtake his reign.

Summer, 1802. A time of peace, or so it seems. A time to pause and reflect, to cling to old friendships and acquire new ones. A time to enjoy the bounties of Nature, who has blessed England with a pleasantly warm and dry climate this year. A time to prepare for whatever challenges the Fates might have in store.
Players are free to continue with their same characters, now a dozen years older. You may advance to the next level, with the appropriate changes per the guidelines:

https://engineoforacles.files.wordpress ... ee-pdf.pdf

We'll go over this together if you need any help.

New characters may also be created at this time, using the same process as before. I'll wait to see what happens before beginning the new adventure proper.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

One of fervid imagination might capture a vision of the Fates -- Clotho, the spinner; Lachesis, the measurer; Atropos, the cutter -- at work in the Olympian home of the gods, determining the future of those who dwell below. Who can say what they have in store for such as we?

Letters arrive at the homes of three mortals.

To Captain William Palliser:

[The letter is written in a pretty but unsophisticated hand.]

My Dear Sir:

I blush to confess that we have not yet been introduced, although you have often been pointed out to me as a man of courage and resolution. It may be nothing more than the foolishness of a maiden's heart, but something about your appearance speaks to me of one who would not fail to come to the aid of those helpless to protect themselves. Something is amiss within these time-shrouded walls. Papa tells me that I am a silly girl, and no doubt he is right; yet still I fear.

Will you not come to Highdark Hall, and ease my trembling soul? Even if my worries be no more than fancy, it would greatly sooth my fevered brain to have one such as yourself to chase away the shadows.


Georgina Augusta Altumber

PS: Please be so kind as to burn this letter after you have read it, as I have no wish for it to fall into the hands of another, lest my forwardness in addressing you bring shame upon my family.

To Vincent Courcelles de Labrousse:

[The letter is written in flawless, even elegant French, in a bold hand. It is presented here in an English translation unworthy of the original.]


You know me not, yet I know of you. Our interests are, I believe, not dissimilar.

I say no more. There are those here with prying eyes and ears. Come to Highdark Hall and we will speak further.

[The letter bears no signature.]

To Doctor Henry North, Earl of Dunwich:

My Lord:

I flatter myself that my name is not entirely unknown to you. Your own reputation as a man of great learning and accomplishment is, of course, known throughout the realm.

I wish to consult with you upon a curious matter concerning my household. A full account of the details would make this letter tedious to read, and I am aware that you are busy with your researches. If, at some time in the future, it would be convenient for you to attend upon me at Highdark Hall, all will become clear. I can promise you all the hospitality that I am able to provide for you.

I remain,

Yr Obt Serv,

Nat. John Altumber, Lord Highdark

All of the persons thus addressed are well aware of the location of the renowned Highdark Hall, an estate of great age and size. It is located some distance north of London, upon the moors. None of them have previously been there, or are personally acquainted with its inhabitants, although it is apparent that those who dwell therein are well aware of those to whom they have written. If they choose to undertake a journey to the estate, they have sufficient time to prepare themselves in such manner as they see fit.

Doctor North:
Some dozen years of marriage having passed, do you wish to indicate that children have been been born? (I might suggest 1d4 children, with 50% chance of girl or boy.) Even with your medical skill, childbirth is a dangerous procedure for both mother and infant, so there will be some risk!
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,Yes, that sounds good to me. Number of children: [dice]0[/dice] Sex of children (1=boy, 2=girl): [dice]1[/dice] [dice]2[/dice] [dice]3[/dice] [dice]4[/dice]
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Congratulations on a large family!

Rolls against Mrs North's CON for each ordeal of childbirth. CON = 9 + 3 for Dr. North's professional skills = 12.

I will reroll the two failures, expending Mrs North's current Grace Points.[dice]1[/dice]

Bad luck, unfortunately. Mrs North will suffer 2d6 points of damage for difficult childbirths.[dice]2[/dice]

The first experience of childbirth, perhaps due to its novelty, was not an easy one, although it only left Mrs North a bit the worse, and she soon fully recovered. The second was unremarkable, as was the fourth. Sad to say, the third was not so simple. It has left Mrs North a pale, languid creature, although she always displays a brave and optimistic countenance. No doubt Doctor North was even more solicitous of her than before this experience.

Let's see if that difficult third birth had any effect on the child. CON = 9 + 1 for TI + 3 for Dr. North's profession = 13 [dice]3[/dice]

Fortunately all four children are in good health. I leave it up to you to give them ages (anything from infancy to eleven) and names. Of course, you will have to decide how they will be cared for during your adventures; whether at home with their mother, with a caretaker if Mrs North accompanies you, in a boarding school if old enough, etc.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by SunlessNick »

William will follow this Georgina's request to burn the letter, and make his way to Highdark in search of whichever form of excitement it may promise.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

The journey to Highdark Hall proves to be a pleasant one, quite suitable for an experienced soldier who is used to riding on horseback. Before reaching the manor house proper, one passes through a large expanse of parkland, containing many outbuildings, gardens, copses, ponds, and the like. Particularly notable is a fine hedge maze of great size. The approach to the house provides an imposing view. The building consists of three stories; it is also evident that there must be a basement and an attic as well, as are suitable for such a fine home. As is common, there is a high central portion of the house, with slightly lower wings on each side. At the present time there is a single footman, dressed in dark blue livery, at the main gate, behind which lies a wide avenue, surrounded on both sides by tall yew trees, which leads to the house. He greets Captain Palliser with a friendly smile and a bow, although there is no sign that he recognizes him. He appears in all ways to be a pleasant, ordinary sort of fellow of his station. As of yet he makes no move to open the heavy iron gate.

"Yes, Sir?"
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by Rooter »

"Curieuse," Vincent Courcelles de Labrousse, late of Paris, mutters to himself upon receiving this enigmatic summons. if nothing else, he considers, the trip will provide an opportunity to leave London, where spies from his beleaguered homeland are most likely to be watching, for a time. He packs his equipment in a haversack and makes arrangements for the next coach. The pantacle he uses to perform Incantations is worn around his neck, concealed beneath his shirt, while his Object of Power, in the form of a silver ring, never leaves his finger.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

The coachman -- disagreeable fellow! -- is only able to convey Monsieur de Labrousse at some distance from Highdark Hall, upon the high road leading to Cambridge. The rest of the journey, the driver explains, must be made on foot.

"Doin' ye a favor stoppin' at all," the man remarks, in an accent which is atrocious even for an Englishman. "Be off with ye, or ride on to Cambridge. Makes no never mind to me."

The other passengers being eager to continue onward -- and, possibly, being no friend to one who speaks in the elegant tones of a Parisian -- there is little choice but to continue by shank's mare, as the vulgar English phrase has it.

The walk requires a few hours, as the countryside surrounding Highdark Hall is of great extent and the paths that lead to the parkland are hardly worthy of the name. At last, as the sun is low in the West, the manor house and its associated structures come into view. Given the mysterious nature of the missive summoning him here, the question of whether the Frenchman should present himself at the main gate, or seek some other means of entering, is worth pondering.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by Mr. Handy »


Henry sends a reply to Lord Highdark's letter, letting him know when he can expect him to visit. While he will miss his wife's company, he knows that in her weakened state since John's birth that travel would be difficult for her, and so he will leave her at home unless she truly wishes to accompany him. Ivan will go with him as his valet. The Russian has served him loyally through the years, and has remained in his employ after earning enough money to bring his family to England from Novgorod.
OOC,Thank you! The children are Lizzie(11), Henry, Jr.(9), John(6), and Mary(4). Those children who are old enough will be in boarding school, [b]Henry[/b] knowing the value of a good education, and the others will be home with their mother, though there will also be a nanny and a governess, as well as other servants, on hand to help.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Doctor North arrives on the day arranged for, in his own coach. By this time, after years of faithful service, Ivan is well able to serve as driver. Along the way, they pass by a public coach stopped by the road, where a single passenger -- a Frenchman, to judge by certain words he speaks to himself -- disembarks and sets off on foot.

By coincidence -- or might it be Fate? -- the pair reach the main gate just as a man of soldierly mien, on horseback, is engaged in conversation with a young footman.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Well met, gentlemen," says Henry. "I am Dr. Henry North, Earl of Dunwich. Are you also guests of Lord Highdark?"
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

The footman bows low. "Welcome, my Lord. The Master's expecting you. Is this gentleman a friend of yours?"
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Thank you," says Henry to the footman. "I'm afraid I don't yet know these two gentlemen."
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by Rooter »

Vincent, who has been keeping out of sight of the footman, sees his opportunity and steps forward. "Ah, but I know you Docteur. My name is Vincent Courcelles de Labrousse. I am a practitioner of the mystic arts. I recognize you and your manservant from the account given to me by our mutual acquaintance, Mademoiselle Lila Davenport, when I encountered her in Paris some years ago. She told me of your, ah, unusual adventures. I believe we may have been invited here together, and perhaps this other gentleman too, for a shared purpose, non?"
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Ah, you know Miss Davenport!" says Henry, shaking Vincent's hand. "Any friend of hers is a friend of mine. I have not seen her in some time, alas. You are right, I do not believe it is mere chance that we have all been invited here."
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by SunlessNick »

"I have been travelling for some time, and am weary," says William, mindful of Georgina's wish not to be revealed as inviting him but unable to come up with a better cover story, "and I overheard that the Lord of Highdark Hall was accepting guests at the moment. My name is William Palliser, late of the King's Army." To the other two newcomers, he adds, "I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Gentlemen."
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by Mr. Handy »


"A pleasure, sir," says Henry, shaking William's hand.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

The footman, impressed by the fellowship shown by Doctor North to the two unknown gentlemen, bows once again.

"This way, my Lord and sirs."

The fellow trots ahead, allowing the coach (wherein, no doubt, the courteous Doctor North will allow Monsieur de Labrousse to ride) and the man on horseback to follow. When he nears Highdark Hall, he places two fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly. A pair of young men in rough clothing arrive, and arrangements to take care of the coach and horses are made efficiently.

The footman leads the three men up a steep set of stairs to the main entrance of the house. He pulls the rope which summons another of his station to open the large front door. A few words are exchanged between the two servants, and care of the visitors is turned over to the other.

This fellow appears to be of a more retiring nature than the other, perhaps because his duties require him to remain indoors, where silence is the servant's best form of eloquence. In any case, he answers any inquiries put to him in a civil manner, but volunteers no conversation.

The room immediately beyond the front door is the Grand Vestibule, of good size, wherein all arrivals are met. It is equipped with chairs and couches, upon which the visitors are invited to rest while Lord Highdark is informed of their arrival. There are statues depicting classical themes in each corner of the room, and landscape paintings upon the walls.

After some time, the footman returns with Lord Highdark and withdraws. Nathaniel John Altumber, Lord Highdark, is a man of middle years, excellently attired, of handsome countenance, dark-haired and dark-eyed. His manner is of one much used to high position. He glances at the three men for a moment, then addresses Doctor North.

"I believe I have the pleasure of seeing the renowned Doctor North in person. Thank you for coming, my Lord. I am afraid I am not acquainted with your companions; are they physicians as well?"
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by Mr. Handy »


"You're welcome, my Lord," says Henry. "I've only recently become acquainted with these gentlemen myself, but they are not physicians. This is Vincent Courcelles de Labrousse, a practitioner of the mystic arts." He motions to the Frenchman. "He and I have a mutual friend. And this is William Palliser, a retired officer in His Majesty's Army." He gestures to the other man.
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Re: Book the Second, Chapter the First: A New Century

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Lord Highdark raises his eyebrows.

"Mystic arts, indeed! Charlatanry, say I! Well, we shall have no French mountebanks here, sir." Taking a deep breath, he grows calmer. "But since Doctor North tolerates your company, I can do no less. Captain Palliser, I have had word of your gallantry upon the field of battle. You are welcome."

"Gentlemen, no doubt you are weary from your journey, and the hour is late. Allow me to have my man Jasper convey you to guest rooms for the night. He shall also supply victuals, wine, spirits, cigars, and whatever other simple refreshment you might require. I shall speak to you on the morrow."

Lord Highdark rings for the servant. He proves to be a man about the same age as his master, very tall and slender, and of a greatly dignified manner. No doubt this is Lord Highdark's butler. Having him take care of the guests rather than a valet or footman is an honor.

Jasper leads the three men to the main staircase, in the center of the building. From here there can be seen two courtyards open to the sky, one for the enjoyment of the family and one to supply the kitchen with fresh produce. One side of the ground floor consists of public rooms, the other the kitchen and other such rooms.

Climbing to the second floor, it is obvious that these rooms are reserved for the family. It is here that Lord Highdark's office is located, which seems a likely place for to-morrow's interview to occur.

The guest rooms are located on the third floor. To be exact, they take up half of that level. The other half appears to be sealed shut, perhaps for repairs.

The visitors pass through a drawing room into a corridor, which leads to several bedrooms as well as a single shared bathing area and necessary room. Jasper shows the guests their rooms. It is notable that, without precise instructions from his master, he conveys Doctor North to the finest and largest room, Captain Palliser to one nearly the same, and Monsieur de Labrousse to one not quite as accommodating.

"I shall bring food and drink to the drawing room," Jasper says, in a deep, slow voice. He does so, then leaves the guests to refresh themselves and converse in privacy.
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