Central Casting: Character Creation

Romantic Horror in the 1960s

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Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

I'll be basing this on the Ghastly Affair character creation system.

https://engineoforacles.files.wordpress ... ee-pdf.pdf

I will also make use of suggestions for 1960's gameplay.

https://engineoforacles.wordpress.com/2 ... ly-affair/

https://engineoforacles.wordpress.com/2 ... ly-affair/

I will make some changes of mine own as well.

Because there will be a large number of character classes, instead of getting into all the details of character creation, I'll list several to choose from, and wait to see what interests people.

Old Character Classes Adapted to 1960's:

Criminal (combines Bandit and Graverobber): Anything from common pickpocket to Mafioso

Demon Hunter: Pretty much the same

Everyman/Everywoman: Other professions that fit the time

Playboy/Playgirl: Pretty much the same as Libertine

Mad Scientist: Pretty much the same

Mystic (replaces Magician): Anything from cult member to witch

True Innocent: Pretty much the same

New Character Classes:

Parapsychologist: As per the link above

Psychic: As per the link above

Rebel/Nonconformist: Several subtypes: Beatnik, Hippie, Biker, etc.

Investigator: Several subtypes: Police Officer/Detective, Private Investigator, Investigative Reporter, Vigilante, Secret Agent, Amateur Detective, etc.

Tortured Artist: What the link is calling Maudit, broadened a bit so that the "curse" the artist bears is not necessarily supernatural, although it could be. It could also be physical, emotional, etc. Several subtypes: Poet, Painter/Sculptor, Musician, etc.

I'll get into more details about each type as people show interest.

I am also willing to allow people to combine character types when it makes sense, with the advantages and disadvantages of both. It would be possible to be a True Innocent Hippie, for example, or a Playboy Amateur Detective. Some combinations seem unlikely, such as a True Innocent Biker, but if you can make a good case for something, I'm willing to listen.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Because evil_scientist has expressed interest in joining the game, and has not participated in Ghastly Affair, I'll go over the basic character creation system, with revisions for the 1960's version.

It is certainly not necessary to follow these steps in order. I am following the order given in the Player's Handbook, as linked in the previous post.

STEP ONE: CHARACTER INSPIRATION: This plays no direct role in the game, but may help you get a feel for your character. Is she like Janis Joplin, or is he like Timothy Leary? The possibilities are endless.

STEP TWO: CHARACTER CLASS: Choose one of the following classes:

Criminal: Anything from common pickpocket to Mafioso

Demon Hunter: One who seeks to destroy supernatural evil

Everyman/Everywoman: Other professions that fit the time

Playboy/Playgirl: A pleasure-seeker

Mad Scientist: Devises weird devices

Mystic: Anything from cult member to witch; uses magic

True Innocent: Good-hearted and naive

Parapsychologist: Investigates strange phenomena

Psychic: Has paranormal power

Rebel/Nonconformist: Several subtypes: Beatnik, Hippie, Biker, etc. Anyone who drops out of square society

Investigator: Several subtypes: Police Officer/Detective, Private Investigator, Investigative Reporter, Vigilante, Secret Agent, Amateur Detective, etc. Anyone who seeks to solve crimes

Tortured Artist: A creative genius with some kind of "curse." It could also be supernatural, physical, emotional, etc. Several subtypes: Poet, Painter/Sculptor, Musician, etc.

I am also willing to allow people to combine character types when it makes sense, with the advantages and disadvantages of both. It would be possible to be a True Innocent Hippie, for example, or a Playboy Amateur Detective. Some combinations seem unlikely, such as a True Innocent Biker, but if you can make a good case for something, I'm willing to listen.

Each character type will have changes made to the Basic Abilities shown in Step Seven below. With so many types to choose from, I'll avoid listing them here until choices are made, but I'll answer any questions. Each type will also have certain inherent advantages and disadvantages, which I'll discuss as appropriate.

STEP THREE: BACKGROUND. Come up with your character's back story, limited only by your imagination. Again, you may wish to delay this step until you have a better idea of your character.

STEP FOUR: PERVERSITY. To what extent does your character follow social norms? To what extent does your character pursue wickedness for its own sake? How well are you able to understand the unnatural? How close are you to insanity?
[This is the closest thing to Call of Cthulhu "Sanity" in this game, although the numbers go the other way!]

Method One: Select a Perversity level of your choice from 3 to 18. (Lower or higher levels would be very rare in human beings.) Lower than 6 is Good, Higher than 15 is Evil. A typical person is 9. True Innocents are never higher than 6, Criminals/Playboys/Playgirls are never lower than 12.

Method Two: Roll 3d6 to determine your level. Exception: True Innocents roll 1d6, Criminals/Playboys/Playgirls roll 1d6+11.

STEP FIVE: PERSONALITY: What is your character like socially and emotionally? Again, you may wish to determine this later. It should be reasonably consistent with your other characteristics.

STEP SIX: APPEARANCE/MOST MEMORABLE CHARACTERISTIC: What does your character look like? What does she normally wear? In particular, what is the one thing most people would first notice about him? This might be relatively minor ("always carries an umbrella") or very important ("missing right arm.")

STEP SEVEN: BASIC ABILITIES. These numbers will determine your success at various activities, generally by rolling a d20 against your level, with various adjustments as appropriate. Lower than your Ability level is a success, equal or higher is a failure. If any Basic Ability falls below 3, the character is incapacitated, at least temporarily. If any Basic Ability reaches zero, the character is dead or permanently insane. (Neither fate necessarily removes you from the game!)

The Basic Abilities: Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution

Method One: All Basic Abilities begin at 9, with adjustments based on class.

Method Two: Roll 3d6 for each Basic Ability, then make adjustments based on class.

(I'll discuss these in detail as choices are made, and you can also look at the links in the previous post. I'll answer any questions.)

STEP EIGHT: SPECIAL ABILITIES AND WEAKNESSES: These are determined by your class. Same comment as above.

STEP NINE: HIT POINTS AND DAMAGE BONUS: Determined by your class. Same comment as above. First level characters will get the maximum number of hits points rather than roll the die.

STEP TEN: ASSETS AND AFFLICTIONS: Choose as many of these as you like, or none if you prefer. The only proviso is that the number of Assets must be equal to the number of Afflictions. Each class description has a list of recommended Assets and Afflictions, but feel free to choose any that seem appropriate to you, or even create your own, within reason. (With the 1960's version, some of these in the Handbook will not be appropriate, and some proper to the time can be added. Discussion is welcome.)

STEP ELEVEN: WEALTH AND EQUIPMENT CARRIED: I won't go into this much. I'll just assume your character has an appropriate amount of money available (e.g. Rebels/Nonconformists not much, Playboys/Playgirls a good amount, etc.) I'll also assume you have whatever things you might reasonably carry with you (e.g. Biker has a chain as weapon, Secret Agent has a disguised camera; True Innocent wouldn't be likely to carry a pistol, Everyman/Everywoman wouldn't have silver bullets. Ordinary stuff -- flashlight, etc. -- is fine.)

STEP TWELVE: SPEED AND ARMOR CLASS. Speed starts at 9. Heavy clothing or equipment may reduce your speed. Armor starts at zero. Heavy clothing may increase it. (This doesn't really come up too much.)

STEP THIRTEEN: NAME. This should be self-explanatory.

Certain character types need to make other choices as well. Mystics need to choose spells, Psychics need to have a paranormal power assigned, etc.

Go to it!
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Dr. Liz North

Post by Mr. Handy »

CHARACTER INSPIRATION: Dr. Liz Shaw (from Doctor Who)

CHARACTER CLASS: Parapsychologist

NAME: Dr. Liz North


BACKGROUND: Liz North is the heiress of an old and wealthy noble English family. She has always been fascinated by the world around her and is a natural explorer, seeking to uncover and understand its mysteries. She knows that there is more to the world than meets the eye and seeks to find proof to validate this. One day, when a child, she was exploring her family's old castle and she discovered the secret memoirs of her ancestor, Dr. Henry North, thirteenth Earl of Dunwich. In it, she read astounding tales of his brilliant inventions, exciting adventures, and his passionate romance with Elizabeth Carrow, later his wife and the mother of his children. Though she had searched the castle thoroughly, she never did find the secret chamber said to contain the Brazen Head guarded by a golem that he had restored to animation. Still, she was captivated by these stories, and she knew in her heart that they were somehow true.

Liz was well educated, graduating with honors from Cambridge University. After earning her doctorate, she joined the faculty to continue her researches into the paranormal. She is particularly interested in the phenomena of extrasensory perception and the influence of spirits on the material world.


PERSONALITY: Liz is a highly curious person, always seeking to discover new things. She also enjoys meeting new people and forming lasting friendships, and she has a healthy social life. While she is part of the academic world, she is not above having fun. She is the sort of person who is never bored. She is also very compassionate, caring about her fellow human beings.

APPEARANCE AND MOST MEMORABLE CHARACTERISTIC: Liz is tall and slender, her beautiful and fiery red hair the first thing most people notice about her. She typically wears minidresses or blouses with miniskirts, which show off her long legs to good effect.

INTELLIGENCE: 14 (+1) 15
WISDOM: 10 (+1) 11

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Academic Credentials, Discover Secrets (+1 when trying to find hidden areas, or secret information), Esoteric Knowledge (+1), Magical Rituals (one learned per Level), Scientific Knowledge (+1)

The Magical Ritual I'd like at first level is Protection From Evil. I was thinking that in order to perform the ritual, I'd have to draw a perfect circle around the person to be protected with chalk from the Cliffs of Dover while reciting "Klaatu barada nikto" precisely.

Second Magical Ritual: Consecrate Object

Third Magical Ritual: Exorcism

WEAKNESSES: Marked by the Supernatural (supernatural beings always direct their attention towards the Parapsychologist), Obsessed with Mysteries (compelled to solve enigmas)



ASSETS: Beautiful, Charming, Sharp Eyes, Wealthy Family, Good Judge of Character

AFFLICTIONS: Afraid of Spiders, Bad Throwing Arm, Emotional, Unlucky at Love


EQUIPMENT CARRIED: pocket knife, black bag containing parapsychologist's paraphernalia (magnifying glass, chalk, various tools for detecting and analyzing the paranormal), red Aston Martin


Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by SunlessNick »



CHARACTER INSPIRATION: I'm not sure; she jumped into my head when I read the class description.

CLASS: Maudit (Cursed Artist).

BACKGROUND: Zara fell out with her family some years ago, and has little contact with them any more - as far as the people in her social circle are concerned, she more or less came out of nowhere. In fact, they were a respectable rural family (whose accent she has shed) - none of modern fashions, art, visions, or unnatural misfortunes had any role in their lives, and Zara's departure was only a matter of time.

Zara's spirit has a connection to the flow of time, giving her prophetic images and dreams, which emerge in her art. It also makes her visible and desirable to supernatural forces - at any given time there is a dark being of some kind that wants to possess her - sometimes it will protect her from other harm, while at other times it will try to wreck some part of her life that doesn't revolve around it or her art (the Dark Patron ability and Catastrophe weakness).

PERVERSITY: 12 (rolled on 3D6)

PERSONALITY: Isolated - she paints, she drinks, and she sleeps, fearing that any more life will be taken from her. An explanation for her circumstances - be it from science or religion - is something she badly wants, but has no expectation of ever finding. She is a cheerful drunk, which comes as a surprise to most who meet her.

APPEARANCE: Rake thin, and pale - she looks unhealthy. Long back hair, which she ties back or braids. Despite her lonely lifestyle, dresses in bohemian fashions as colourful as her paintings.

MOST MEMORABLE FEATURE: Glittering, nearly black eyes.

Charisma 13, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 12 (9+2), Strength 6, Dexterity 14, Constitution 8.

Artistry +1: Zara paints, in a variety of styles from still life to surrealistic.
Dark Patron: See Background.
Local Haunt: The Sospiri
Perception +1.
Prophetic Art: Created near the beginning of each affair, containing clues.

Addiction: Alternates between alcohol and hallucinogens, in a manic-depressive manner, depending on whether she wants to block out her dreams.
Nemesis/Catastrophe: See Background. If she frees herself from her current "stalker," another one will spot her.

Hit Points: 24.
Damage Bonus: +1.

Fast Learner.
Good Sense of Direction.
Strong Stomach.

Easily Tired.

Bohemian quasi-poverty, though her art gives her enough to live on.

Speed: 9.
AC: 0.
Last edited by SunlessNick on Sun Nov 14, 2021 11:31 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Excellent! Will wait for the others to come up with something as well.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by evil_scientist »

Bill Ferris.png
CHARACTER INSPIRATION: 1960s and 1970s musicians; John Constantine; Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand

CLASS: Demon Hunter

BACKGROUND & PERSONALITY: Mediocre guitarist, but good singer and author. Selfish. Heavily into Arthurian myth, Eastern teachings, new age occult philosophy. These lead to dabbling in things he doesn't understand. Used to be in a short-lived, but successful band (The Amazing Houdinis); after the mysterious death of his girlfriend and a falling out with his bandmates decided to pursue a solo career - as a musician, but also as an occult investigator. His girlfriend Victoria died in mysterious circumstances, and he suspects that unnatural forces were at work. Work in progress.


APPEARANCE/MOST MEMORABLE CHARACTERISTIC: Sideburns, beard, glasses, hip clothes.

  • Charisma 15
    Intelligence 9
    Wisdom 11
    Strength 11
    Dexterity 11+2 = 13
    Constitution 13
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Danger Bonus (+1 to checks in Danger), Demonology (+1), Feat of Strength or Dexterity (1/day, +3 to Strength or Dexterity, 1 round/level), Resist Preternatural Effects (+1 to saves), Tracking (+1)

WEAKNESSES: Nemesis, Obsession



ASSETS: Sharp Hearing, Strong Will, Streetwise
AFFLICTIONS: Melancholy, Addicted to Weed, Nymphomania

WEALTH AND EQUIPMENT CARRIED: Silver Dagger, small revolver, old mandolin (said to have belonged to a musician who sold his soul to the Devil), "dream catcher", rolling paper, assortment of amulets, crystals, new age knick knacks, Tarot deck, book


Last edited by evil_scientist on Fri Dec 14, 2018 11:36 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by Rooter »

Apologies for my tardiness, I'm struggling to come up with a character. I was thinking I'd better stick to a generic investigator. The notes say:
The Player would choose whether their Investigator is a Police Detective (inspired by characters like Columbo and Kojak), Private Eye (inspired by characters such as John Shaft and Charlie’s Angels), or Investigative Journalist (inspired by characters like Carl Kolchak).
Would one of these types be a better fit? Or there was the Secret Agent suggestion - maybe CIA would work best? I'm happy to scrap this if you can suggest something more useful. Below is just rough so you can see. I'm at a bit of a loss.

NAME: Jack Carson
CHARACTER CLASS: Investigator (Secret Agent)


WISDOM: 11 (including +2 adjustment)

Ability Adjustment: Wisdom +2

Special Abilities: Danger Bonus (+1), Detect Lies (+1), Disguise (+1), Sneak (+1). Government Contact.

Weaknesses: Criminal Nemesis (as Demon Hunter, but a human criminal), Attracts Trouble (every Affair, someone involved in a crime will try to draw the Investigator in.), Cover Story.

Equipment: gun, listening device, hidden camera, small tube of sleep gas.

Hit Dice: d8

Experience Points to Reach 2nd Level: 8, + 4 per Level after

Damage Bonus Increases: Every Level after 1st.
Last edited by Rooter on Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Bill Ferris:

Because we already have a Tortured Artist, I might suggest he be a Demon Hunter, although he can certainly also be a Musician (Everyman.) His obsession with tracking down evil could start with the death of his girlfriend.

Demon Hunter characteristics:

ABILITY ADJUSTMENT: Dexterity +2 (Demon Hunters need superior reflexes and coordination.)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Danger Bonus (+1), Demonology (+1), Feat of Strength (or Dexterity),
Resist Preternatural Effects (+1), Tracking (+1)
WEAKNESSES: Nemesis, Obsession

I've left out "typical equipment" because the suggested list doesn't fit with the time period. You would be likely to have a couple of small weapons, either for natural or unnatural foes (pistol, silver dagger, etc.)

Everyman characteristics:

ABILITY ADJUSTMENT: +2 to any Ability (Usually by Profession)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Profession (+1), Avocation (+1), Affection(+1), Inheritance, Social Contacts
WEAKNESSES: Phobia (-1), Prejudice

See the link for details, or I'll answer any questions.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Jack Carson:

This looks OK to me.

Since Secret Agent is my own suggestion, I need to provide new characteristics. I suggest that there be an additional Special Ability of Government Contact (get secret information from someone higher up in the organization.) I would also suggest an additional Weakness of Cover Story (must keep true identity/profession secret except for trusted allies, or face consequences.) I would also add some kind of Spy Gadget to his equipment. (Something reasonable for first level; not a Death Ray, but something like a hidden camera or a small tube of sleep gas, etc.)

Anything within reason you would like to do with this character should be fine.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by evil_scientist »

VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:Bill Ferris:

Because we already have a Tortured Artist, I might suggest he be a Demon Hunter, although he can certainly also be a Musician (Everyman.) His obsession with tracking down evil could start with the death of his girlfriend.
Sounds good, that was my idea as well!
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by Rooter »

VictoriaSilverwolf wrote:Jack Carson:

This looks OK to me.

Since Secret Agent is my own suggestion, I need to provide new characteristics. I suggest that there be an additional Special Ability of Government Contact (get secret information from someone higher up in the organization.) I would also suggest an additional Weakness of Cover Story (must keep true identity/profession secret except for trusted allies, or face consequences.) I would also add some kind of Spy Gadget to his equipment. (Something reasonable for first level; not a Death Ray, but something like a hidden camera or a small tube of sleep gas, etc.)

Anything within reason you would like to do with this character should be fine.
OK, thanks, I have made him a Secret Agent - probably CIA who is keeping tabs on the dangerous counterculture movement of hippies and beatniks and cultists etc. I note the spy show was very popular in this period with series like The Man from U.N.C.L.E. so he could also be from that kind of organization if it would suit better.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Just about ready to start things off. I will be away for a day, then around briefly for a couple of days, then away for another four days, then back for a week. I'll see if I can start something quickly when I'm back two or three days from now.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by Starspawn338 »

Basic Ability Rolls,[dice]0[/dice] [dice]1[/dice] [dice]2[/dice] [dice]3[/dice] [dice]4[/dice] [dice]5[/dice] Perversity [dice]6[/dice]
Character Inspiration: The Argosy Books owner in Vertigo.

Character Class: Everyman/Nonconformist (Bookstore Owner)
Level 2

Name: Llewellyn "Lew" Collins

Backstory: Llewellyn was a defense attorney who represented people on the edge of society, much to the chagrin of his family. He became disillusioned of a legal system that didn't want to know the truth of things and actually discouraged fact finding. Lew retired early before completely giving himself over to despair when his uncle passed away suddenly and he inherited Argosy Books. Lew was never satisfied with the explanation of his uncle's death but then Lew is suspicious of most "official" stories.

Personality: Lew believes that life is too short to waste time on obfuscation. He's not prone to beating around the bush.

Appearance: An older well dressed gentleman who carries himself with dignity.

Most Memorable Feature: Wears thick glasses that Lew is always adjusting and carries a cane.

Perversity: 12

Base Abilities:
Charisma 11
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Strength 6
Dexterity (9) 10 (Level Increase)
Constitution 6

Special Abilities (Everyman):
Profession: Law
Avocation: Librarian
Affection: The Constitution
Inheritance: Bookstore
Social Contacts (11): US Embassy,

Special Ability (Nonconformist):
Trusted by Bohemians

Weakness (Everyman)
Phobia of Jails/Prisons
Prejudiced against Corporations

Weakness (Nonconformist):
Suspected by Squares

Well Spoken

Bad Liar
Near Sighted
Sensitive to Alcohol

Hit Points 12
Damage Bonus +1
Speed 9
Armor Class 0

Wealth: Has enough money that he doesn't need to work and can live his life as he sees fit

Equipment: Sword Cane, Pocket copy of the Constitution, Handkerchiefs (several)
Last edited by Starspawn338 on Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:52 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Looks good!

Since you have indicated that this character is also a Nonconformist (of a type I had not anticipated -- very creative!) let's add an advantage and a disadvantage based on that class. I'd suggest something like Trusted by Bohemians (adds to CHA when dealing with young people and other nonconformists) and Suspected by Squares (lowers CHA when dealing with cops, politicians, and other conformists.)

I'll try to get things started, but if anybody else wants to join in that would be fine.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by jp1885 »

Introducing Tony Patchpole, playboy investigator.

I'm a shocking newbie at Ghastly Affair, so please forgive any mistakes in my character generation.
Okay, here goes... Please let me know if I've done anything wrong!
pic.jpg (12.89 KiB) Viewed 1639 times
Basic Ability Rolls,[dice]0[/dice] [dice]1[/dice] [dice]2[/dice] [dice]3[/dice] [dice]4[/dice] [dice]5[/dice]
Character Inspiration: Suave TV adventurers such as Jason King (Department S, Jason King), John Steed (The Avengers), Lord Brett Sinclair (The Persuaders)

Character Class: Playboy Amateur Detective

Name: Anthony 'Tony' Patchpole

Backstory: British playboy Tony Patchpole was born into an aristocratic world of wealth and privilege. As such he spent his childhood years at a series of grim and challenging public schools. Like any self-respecting scion of the well-to-do, Tony was toughened up by a regime of harsh discipline, the Officer Training Corps and Rugger.
Upon reaching adulthood, Tony was destined to follow in the footsteps of his father Sir Barrington Patchpole: become an officer in the Household cavalry before moving into British Intelligence. However his life changed when he inherited a vast fortune following the death of a favourite maiden aunt. Arranging to be honourably discharged from the Army, he was finally able to follow his true calling as an international playboy.
Equally at home bagging pheasants at his estate in Hampshire, playing the wheels in Monte Carlo or splashing the cash in Carneby Street, Tony began to hanker for something more meaningful in his life.
It was around this time that a chance encounter with a KGB agent and a diamond smuggling ring opened his eyes to the world of international intrigue. Using his wealth and connections, he soon began a new life as Tony Patchpole: Detective to the discerning.

Personality: Suave and sophisticated. Used to the finer things in life but, like any true aristocrat, not afraid to rough it.

Appearance: Always impeccably dressed and well coiffured.

Most Memorable Feature: Luxurious mutton-chop moustache.

Perversity: 10
OOC:   Ability bonus notes: I've taken both bonuses from the investigator and playboy classes and averaged them out to give +1 to each, rather than +2 to one of them.  
Base Abilities:
Charisma 12 +1 = 13
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 10 +1 = 11
Strength 7
Dexterity 14
Constitution 8 9
OOC:   Abilities & Weaknesses: I've chosen a mix of abilities and weaknesses from both classes that I think best represents the character. I'm happy to be advised otherwise though! I've also made up one of the assets - hope that's ok!  
Special Abilities: Danger Bonus (+1), Detect Lies (+1), Disguise (+1), Seduction (+1), Sneak (+1)

Weaknesses: Attracts Trouble, Faithless Lover

Assets: Wealthy Family, Well Spoken, Bartitsu (Trained in that archaic but most gentlemanly martial art - applies when fighting with his cane), Sharp Eyes

Afflictions: Bad Shot, Impatient, No Head for Mechanics/Engineering
OOC:   Hit Points, Experience Increase & Damage Bonus: I've straight-up copied these from the Investigator class, but again am happy to change them.  
Hit Dice: d8+1

Hit Points: 12

Experience Points to Reach 2nd Level: 8, + 4 per Level after

Damage Bonus Increases: Every Level after 1st.

Speed: 9

Armor Class: 0

Wealth: Considerable

Equipment: Typical paraphernalia of an international playboy / private detective. Includes a camera, walking stick (one side of which is carved with a saw-tooth pattern), disguise kit, hipflask.
Last edited by jp1885 on Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:15 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Excellently done. I definitely encourage coming up with your own appropriate assets/abilities/weaknesses and so forth, so nice job.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Character Inspiration: Durnad Durand from Barbarella

Name: Doctor Maximus Honeydew

Occupation: Mad Scientist/ Puppeteer

Basic Abilities:

Intelligence:14 (+2) 16



Wisdom :13


Dexterity :8


Perversity: 11

Special Abilities (Mad Scientist):
Academic Credentials:
Mad Inventions: Hallucinatory Narcotics.
Monstrous Servants: Psychedelic Presence
Laboratory: The Light and Puppet Show.
Scientific Knowledge(+1)

Weakness (Mad Scientist):
Attracts Angry Mobs
Incurable Madness

Chemical Genius
Gifted Wood Carver
Plays the Piano/ Organ
Sharp Eyes

No Head for Automobiles
Afraid of Birds
Hated by Animals

Hit Points 4
Damage Bonus 0
Speed 9
Armor Class 0

Wealth: Very Little money. Is constantly having to apply for grants and put on his puppet shows to continue his private research.

Equipment: Lab coat, old out of date tweed suit. (torn in places and stitched up himself often with mis-colored string.) Church organ (psychedelically tuned.)

BACKGROUND: Doctor Maximus Honeydew was a young laboratory assistant to Albert Hoffman. The scientist credited with the accidental discovery of LSD. In truth Doctor Maximus Honeydew was guiding Hoffman to the psychedelic discovery he was searching for the whole time as Hoffman's team searched for chemical compounds that would stimulate the respiratory and circulatory systems of the human body. He allowed the fool Hoffman to take credit for his research but in secret he would steal this achievement and use the power of LSD to open the minds to the world and fuel a revolution of inner discovery all the while laughing maniacally in his own drug induced frenzy. He has yet to weaponize the drug.

PROFESSION and LABORATORY: Run out of most Universities due to his intolerable psychedelic nature, Maximus is still well respected in his field and manages to obtain grants for his work and publications. To make up for the funds needed to complete his own "projects", Maximus runs a light and puppet show called the Luminescent Emporium. Where he serves drinks and provides entertainment with complicated lighting and intriguing puppetry. The fact that there are various hallucinogenic properties to the drinks he serves only heightens the experience.

PERSONALITY: Maximus is a peculiar fellow. He loves to introduce psychadelic and other worldly narcotics to new "patients" and study their physcial and emotional reactions to various external "Stimuli" He is forward thinking and often states his opinion even when away from his field of study. He lies when he does not know something simply because he does not want to appear as if he does not know something. He puts his heart and soul into his puppetry performances and often plays out his desires on stage for good or for ill.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Very creative! I'll work you into the game as sono as possible.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by jp1885 »


Name: Professor Percival 'P' Peabody

Inspiration: Q (James Bond), Thomas Nightingale (Rivers of London series)

Class: Mad Scientist

Level: 2

Background: Very little is know about Professor Percival 'P' Peabody. Members of a certain society may remember a brief scandal in the 1920's when a promising young archaeology student attributed his miraculous discovery of an intact Saxon burial chamber to a conversation he had with it's occupant, while others may recall his declaration to discover the lost city of Atlantis and his subsequent disappearance. Travellers of the Orient might have heard rumours of his reappearance in 1930's Tibet or his declaration to dedicate the rest of his life to science. Those with the necessary security clearance will no doubt know how he was recruited into the Special Operations Executive during the war, the medal for bravery earned during the assault on a certain castle in the Carpathians or the thing he brought back with him. Readers of a particular sceintific journal will have seen his angry letters bemoaning the lack of respect and resources that 'hidebound intelligensia' paid to 'those spheres of science that lie outside of the mundane'. Perhaps, if you are one of a very select few, you will have witnessed his meeting with a certain millionaire detective, in an exclusive London gentlemen's club in 1961, and the partnership formed therein...

Perversity: 11

Personality: Brusque, insensitive, eccentric

Appearance: Upright, frail, piercing stare, always wears a business suit and bowler hat

Basic Abilities:

Charisma 10
Intelligence 13 +2 = 15
Wisdom 14
Strength 7
Dexterity 5 6
Constitution 11

Special Abilities and Weaknesses:

Academic Credentials, Laboratory, Mad Invention or Monstrous Servant (see below), Scientific Knowledge (+1 INT), Attracts Angry Mob, Incurable Madness (believes he can speak with the dead)

Hit Points: 2D4
Damage Bonus: 1

Assets: Fast Learner, Mechanical Genius, No Fear of the supernatural, Good Improvisor (can quickly cobble together a temporary, single-use invention)

Afflictions: Elderly, Badly Spoken (technobabble), Obsessed with Mysteries, Weak

Equipment: Lab coat, notebooks, microscope, soldering iron, chemistry set, case of electrical components, umbrella

Mad Inventions: Infrared glasses (Level 1 mad invention, preternatural effect: nightvision)

Armour class: 0

Speed: 9


Monstrous Servant

Name: Otto

Class: Prehistoric Assistant

Background: Otto is a hitherto unknown species of prehistoric hominid. Aeons ago he became encased in ice under what would become known as the Carpathian mountains. He was found and excavated by Nazi scientists, who through arcane arts and painful experimentation managed to revive him in the hopes of becoming the first in a new breed of super-soldiers. However he was rescued from his torment by 'P' during a daring raid near the end of the war, and has accompanied him ever since, acting as a servant, bodyguard and companion.

Perversity: 5

Personality: Innocent, trusting, slow to anger

Appearance: Huge, lumbering, hairy

Basic Abilities:

Charisma 9
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 9
Strength 13
Dexterity 9
Constitution 9 +2 = 11

Special Abilities and Weaknesses:

Profession +1 (Servant), Iron Constitution +1, Boxing +1, Inheritance (Flint Knife), Feat of Strength, Phobia -1 (Fire), Prejudice (People in lab coats other than 'P')

Hit Points: 6
Damage Bonus: 0

Assets: Intimidating, Sharp Eyes, Sharp Hearing, Strong, Resistant to Cold

Afflictions: Badly Spoken, Deaf, Dull, Traumatic Memory (Medical Labs), Ugly


Armour class: 0

Speed: 9

Equipment: Large carrying case
Last edited by jp1885 on Sun Nov 14, 2021 7:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Central Casting: Character Creation

Post by VictoriaSilverwolf »

Welcome aboard!
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