The Last Equation

The year is 1999. A group of agents with the FBI quickly discover a routine case is anything but. Thrust into a world that's as incomprehensible as it is deadly, can this team hope to hold back the darkness?

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The Last Equation

Post by Silver Priest »

Since first encountering Delta Green, the lives of FBI agents Vanessa Marchand and Nikolas Siilasvuo have changed dramatically. They now know they exist in a world where the Unnatural is real. Where an alien parasite can possess a man and have him commit the most depraved actions. Where a dead Agent's wife can be brought back to life, only to have to be put down once again once her true nature becomes apparent. Where a teenage boy adolescent desires can lead him to unknowingly murder several people.

Delta Green exists to fight against these things, and so the pair of agents joined willingly, and have embarked on several operations in their short time with the group. In turn they have encountered other factions that know something of the hidden world in which they now find themselves; Majestic-12, another shadowy organization within the US Government that seeks to understand and exploit the Unnatural; The Karotechia, the remnants of Nazi Germany's occult wing, striving to regain their lost power and rise from the ashes; and The Fate, a criminal cartel that runs the New York underground and uses the occult for its own purposes. Led by Stephen Alzis, a man Delta Green has killed several times. During their last op, Nik performed a favor in his service in exchange for some information.

After saving a busload of children from a monstrous inhuman species that laired underneath New York, the agents were sent back home to Arizona. Of course, none of their work colleagues knew of their heroics. All their superiors knew was that they had conducted a rookie training exercise into a hate group. They try to get back to their normal lives. Vanessa however grows a bit distant from her brother, perhaps due to the stress of her job, or the horrors she had witnessed. He seems to notice, but seems unwilling to pry at present. On the bright side, her relationship with her boyfriend is going well. More than once he seems to understand something is gnawing at her; but working in law he does not press her on it, and their relationship continue to work.

Nik was truly shaken by the monsters he encountered underneath the subway, and perhaps he also is waiting for the other show to drop. After all, he performed a service for a crime boss, which is bad enough. The fact that said crime boss is apparently immortal and the agents were specifically warned not to contact only makes the matter worse. His relationship with his girlfriend suffers, and they go through a rough patch that almost leads to a break up. Nik pulls himself back from the bring however, and really steps up to the plate with romantic gestures and heartfelt displays of affection. It does not completely heal their bond, but it goes a long way, and their relationship is salvaged. For now, at least.

It's two months before they receive news. They are both offered jobs in the New York office, along with a significant pay increase. It's a lot better for their careers than Phoenix, but it also means they have to leave their families behind. Unless perhaps they can convince their significant others to move?
OOC,Go ahead and decide if your boyfriend/girlfriend are coming with you. Even if they don't, keep the bond ratings the same for now; we'll assume for now you're giving long distance a try, and if your characters decide to break up with them after this mission I'm fine with removing them from play and granting you a new bond with the same characteristics.
Both agents realize Delta Green likely has something to do with pulling the strings to advance their career, but for whatever reason both accept the offer. They find themselves working under Curtis McRay, their DG case officer from the last assignment, and the only Delta Green agent they know by name( code names are typically preferred) McRay however only offers them mundane assignments related to their day jobs for the moment; if asked any questions about Delta Green he only offers that they'll be in touch when something comes up. Attempts to bond with him are firmly rebuffed.
OOC,If you want to try to butter McRay up and get some information about the organization, roll persuade. You will need a crit success( two doubles in a successful roll) to get anything of value. He keeps his cards close to his chest.
Nik also receives a surprise. Waking up the first day in his New York apartment, he finds someone has placed a very expensive bottle of wine on his dining room table. A small card is attached.

Welcome to New York. Stop by anytime.


The doors are all locked.

February 21st, 2000

It's not until six months later that Delta Green gets in touch with them again. Arriving for work on an ordinary day, both agents are called into McRay's office at around noon. Something in the man's pose instantly tells them this is not FBI business.

Before we begin, I have to ask. Do either of you have any interest in Theoretical Physics?” Once they
answer, he continues. “On a scale of 1 to 10, how well would you say you understand the subject?”
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC,Nik brings Debbie to New York, deciding it would be better for his sanity to have her around. She has some distant family there, and is able to settle in after getting a job at the NY County Court House.
“Do I look like a fucking scientist?” thinks Nik irritably, after hearing McRay's questions. Despite his gloom at realizing where this may be going though, he’s curious.

“No, boss. Sorry" he replies.
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Re: The Last Equation

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"That would be a one, sir," says Vanessa. "I'm more of an practical physics kind of gal, in that I can hit what I'm shooting at most of the time. As they say: in theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they're not."
OOC,[b]Malcolm[/b] has gone with [b]Vanessa[/b] to New York, taking a job with New York City's DA's office, which is a step up in his career as well. Persuade roll (71% skill) to get [b]McRay[/b] to open up to her: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by Silver Priest »

McRay nods,seeming to expect these answers.

"That's actually exactly what we want to hear. Word came down from A-Cell direct, I'm to get a team together who has no understanding of advanced mathematics.

"A little over four hours ago, a Mathematics student from Colombia University by the name of Michael Wei made the hour and a half drive to Alliance, New Jersey. There he made his way to the home of Malcolm and Dinah Ridgeway, murdering them and their six children with a shotgun. Wei then spray painted a series of numbers on the pavement outside the Ridgeway's home and blew his own head off. What attracted our group's interest is the series of numbers Ridgeway spraypainted just before he died. According to A-Cell, this series of numbers are known to possess dangerous and paranormal properties. I don't know the exact details and suspect I'm not cleared to; in any case, we're not interested in understanding here. What we need to do is contain this. If these numbers do have some sort of self destructive effect on those able to comprehend them, it's crucial as few people see them as possible. You're the closest team, so you're being sent in. "Strings have been pulled to get the FBI on the case, this along with Wei transporting firearms interstate to commit a murder, means the case falls within our jurisdiction.

"Your mission objectives are as follows. First, examine the crime scene and covertly erase all traces the local authorities possess of the number sequence. We have a man on the inside who is successful in stomewalling the scene from the media, but no doubt crime photos have been taken and submitted into evidence, and he won't be able to delay them forever. Use whatever methods are necessary to deal with them; editing them to show a different set of numbers if necessary, destroying them as a last resort otherwise.

"Second, determine if Wei transmitted the numbers in any other way prior to committing the murders. Locate any notes or work he has related to the subject and destroy, do not remove, destroy them.

"Third, locate any other individuals exposed to the number and report them to me. A-Cell reports only those with advanced mathematical knowledge are really affected by whatever this is, so most of the cops on the scene should not be an issue. But if anyone has a background in mathematics and seems to have fallen under their spell, we need to know.

"Lastly, it's important we establish a clear motive for Wei's actions. We don't even know at present if he knew the Ridgeways. If possible, use whatever means possible to establish a connection between him and Dinah Ridgeway, If we can play this off as a romance gone wrong, we'll do a lot to prevent investigators from looking too closely at the real reason for his actions.

"As a last note, our friendly will identify himself with a code phrase: This scene is not something Green agents would appreciate. You should reply with: It sure beats the Delta, though. The old guard loves their cold war tradecraft
." McRay's expression showed he was considerably less fond of it.

"If there are no more questions, I'll leave you to it,Agents. You've both been officially assigned to the case, but as always take care not to be caghut breaking any laws or doing anything that would bring down suspicion on either of you. Good hunting."
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by Mr. Handy »


"We'll need to access Wei's email account at Columbia," says Vanessa, "as well as any outside personal email account he may have. Not only do we need to check to see to whom he may have sent the number sequence, or who may have sent it to him, and alter or destroy the numbers, but we can also plant false emails between him and Dinah Ridgeway. If she doesn't have a real account of her own, we can set up a fake one for her. Nik's better with computers than I am, but that's not saying much. Do we have an asset who could get us access?"
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by HoneyDog »

“Shit” thinks Nik. He’s never been a homicide investigator and has no desire to see the crime scene, especially one like this.

“We’ll need to shut down Ridgeway, and deal with things from the Columbia end” he says out loud. “I don’t like to split up but maybe we have to to save time. I can go to the university and clear up his personals, and find out what the hell happened to him there. Is that okay with you two?”
OOC,It does seem like we'll have to do both scenes. Are you guys okay to split? We don't have to if it makes things too complicated.
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Yes, that's a good idea," agrees Vanessa. "Time is critical in containing this thing - we have to treat it like a contagion - and there shouldn't be much personal risk to us to split up."
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by Silver Priest »

"That would all be useful information to have. Unfortunately we don't have any of it. Wei's name only popped up a few hours ago. If you want to get any of that information, you'll have to go to Colombia yourself. You're both FBI though, so it should be no problem to get the administration to let you access Wei's room. A case like this, my guess is they'll want to be very cooperative and help you paint Wei as a lone nut.

McRay takes a sip of coffee and shrugs at Nik's question. "That's up to the both of you. Just keep in mind that a job on one end may very well take longer than the other. And if things get complicated, you may not receive immediate backup. But if we're fortunate it might help us contain all of this faster, and time is admittingly of the essence here."
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by HoneyDog »

“I’ll leave for Columbia now” says Nik. McRay, why don’t you call ahead to the campus police, explain the situation and tell them I’m coming? It should help smooth the way.”
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by Silver Priest »

McRay Agrees. "I'll make some calls.In the meantime, keep me informed. Best of luck to you both."


It takes over an hour for Vanessa to drive to the scene of the crime. Thankfully traffic is light enough that she makes good time considering the distance.

Her immediate impression of Alliance is that it is a rural community that is trying to become less so, with limited success. Alliance, New Jersey, is nothing more than two strips of restaurants, gas stations and some large shops, surrounded by sparse lots that once were farms. Two large motels sit on the east
and west of town and a hotel stands in the center of the strip. Currently the Motel 6 at the west edge of town seemed packed with law enforcement personal, suggesting it is the center of the police investigation at present. But she also spots several news vans.

The Ridgeway house is three stories tall plus a basement, built on a quarter acre just on the edge of New Jersey Highway 6.By the time Vanessa gets there she sees the scene swarming with police and news reporters, everything from local to national and even a few internationals from Canada. There seems to be no way to avoid them, and as soon as she gets out of her car and begins heading to the crime scene, they rush towards her, a thousand microphones and cameras flashing in her face. Questions are shouted as to the FBI's relation to the case and if Wei worked alone.
OOC:   Assuming you want to ignore them for now, but let me know if you try and engage.  
Eventually, with great effort, Vanessa makes it onto the crime scene, the police posted deterring the reporters from moving along any further past the yellow police tape. The first thing she sees is a chalk outline of a body on the very edge of the road. A placard next to it lists the victim as Michael Ridgeway. A little ways away is the house itself. Another chalked form is outlined here, most likely Michael Wei himself. There are still traces of what looks to be blood by both outlines,suggesting the cleanup is still ongoing.

Next to this body a set of numbers are erratically scrawled into the sidewalk. 9 9 2 0 .2 2 9 9 8 9 2 1 2 .3 3 3. A few police officers stand over the body and numbers, sipping from cups of coffee as their cold breath blows though the air. A short, dumpy looking woman kneels down in front of the numbers, carefully taking notes. Dressed in a suit that looks rented, everything about her screams FBI.

One of the two men drinking looks at Vanessa and gives her a curt nod. "You the calvary? Agent Canor inside told me to expect you." McRay had warned Vanessa that her team would be piggybacking onto an existing FBI investigation, Agent Canor was the legitimate head of the taskforce, and expected both her and Nik as additional assistance on the case, given their "assistance on past cases of this nature". He knew nothing of Delta Green and it should be kept that way.

The man holds out his hand. "Upton Weeks. I'm the police chief here in Alliance. Less than a year at the post, and this happens. Biggest crime of the century, here in this f*cking town." He smiles, bitter. "Needless to say, we're all glad you're here." The chief is tall and thin, with a strangely protruding gut and looking to be in his late 30's. He's balding and his toupee does a poor job of hiding it.

The other man gives a nod. He's stocky but in good shape, looking to be a bit older than Weeks. He does not introduce himself. Nor does the woman examining the numbers, though she gives a week smile of acknowledgment to her fellow agent.

"Anyway, thanks for coming out. I'm guessing you want to see the inside of the crime scene? Agents Cantor and uh, Gant, was it? They're looking over things, and I've got my guys combing the scene with a fine toothed pen."

"Be careful though," the other man speaks up. "This scene is not something Green Agents would appreciate."

"Heh," Weeks laughs. "Or anyone, really. More than one guy looked close to vomiting."
ooc,Sorry for the long post. Feel free to give me any rolls you think Vanessa would make at the moment, if any. I'm placing a lot of empathis on you guys investigating the scene, though if you ever need help Idea rolls are available.
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by Silver Priest »


Nik arrives at Colombia within half an hour, only to find someone already waiting for him. An attractive, sharpy dressed blonde woman in her 40's greets him.

"Agent Siilasvuo?" Hi, Sandy Beema. I handle public relations for the university. Thanks so much for coming out."

"Before we begin, let me express Colombia deepest sympathies to the Ridgeway family. We are happy to assist in anyway. In fact, I've put together a little tour for you of the campus, along with a briefing on what we know of the assaulent in this case. If you'd please follow me."

Sandy first shows Nik to the university's counseling services. She makes sure to tell him of their award winning staff, and introduces him to several therapists whose names all blend together. None of them claim they knew Wei. Then she takes him to a staff meeting room, where she spends the next hour talking about what they knew of the student, and bringing in some of Wei's professors to testify.

Wei was a very quiet and studious young man. His professors had only nice things to say about him. But add that he seemed strikingly anti social. Sandy adds that it's not uncommon for troubled individuals to suddenly snap, and adds her theory that that's exactly what Wei did. Colombia of course had nothing to do with it.
OOC:   Feel free to make a HUMINT here.  
"The resources were there for Mr. Wei to take advantage of, but unfortunately he did not. There was nothing Colombia could have done, tragic as this story was. Is."

Tour concluded, and once Nik had asked as many questions as he wanted, Sandy asks him if he'd like to see where Wei had lived, or any other part of the campus.
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by HoneyDog »

HUMINT,HUMINT 72: [url=]HUMINT[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]94[/b]
Nik wants to know which faculty and students Wei was working with, and what he was working on.
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by Mr. Handy »


"It sure beats the Delta, though," Vanessa replies to the other man, who is obviously the friendly. "I'm Special Agent Vanessa Marchand. Thanks for the welcome, and I'm glad I can help. Crime scene examinations are my specialty." She begins her initial examination of the crime scene, trying to determine exactly what happened and in what order.
OOC,Forensics roll (80% skill) examining the crime scene: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by Silver Priest »


Beema reports that Wei was a graduate student working for Professor Nigel Turner. If tracked down, Turner has little but praise for the young man, but does report that he kept to himself. Apparently his work was, if not everything, most things. Nigel also reports that Wei was undertaking his thesis on Unbreakable Ciphers and their use in Intelligence and Cryptography. It was a bit of a niche field, even among the Mathematical department at Colombia, and the professor could not say precisely what Wei was working on specifically.

"He did seem more excited these past few weeks," he adds as a bit of an afterthought. "But I thought he had just gotten a girlfriend or some such. Now I don't know what to think."

There are two other Grad students Turner employs; Nika Cruz and Dan Applegate. But Turner insists that neither worked closely with Wei and both pursued their own research projects.

After the interview, Sandy offers to show Nik Wei's dorm room.


instantly sees the officer's face relax as she says the code phrase.

"Indeed. I've visited the outskirts but never taken a full trip. Thomas Blanet, New Jersey State Police." Vanessa knows that given the ending of the crime technically took place on an intersection, the state police would be involved. It was just one more layer of law enforcement. "If I can help, let me know."

Vanessa's initial impressions match what McRay laid out: Wei shot the one survival in his rampage in the back as he was fleeing onto the interstate. Then he spraypainted a series of numbers and blew his own head off. She heads inside the home. It's a mess. Though the bodies are removed, bloodstains and the general carnage of a home invasion hint at the carnage that had occurred here just a few hours ago. Inside the living room she comes face to face with two more FBI agents. Both are in the midst of a deep discussion, but seeing Chief Weeks, they stop to address the newcomer.

"Special Agent Aiden Cannor, I'm in charge of this investigation." A man holds out his arm. He's African American and speaks with a soft voice, and is clad in a dark black suit. "This is Will Gant, my second in command." Gant's a short, boyish looking agent in his early 30's. His eyes are deep green and seem a bit too close together, making him look a bit dim.

"Now that you're here, let's walk you through what we have." Cannor continues. He directs Vanessa over to sofa by the TV.

"Right, so here's our suspected timeline so far. Wei enters the house at just before 9:00 this morning. No sign of forced entry, so we're assuming the door was unlocked; this is the kind of community where that still happens. He sees Dean and Clare Ridgeway watching TV on the sofa here, and shoots them both, starting with Dean. Then he goes towards the kitchen. Along the way, he sees Mary coming out of the bathroom here to investigate the noise, and shots her too.

He gets into the kitchen and shoots the rest of the family, starting with Malcolm. Judging by the placement of her body in front here, we think Dinah tried to plead with him or protect her kids, he shoots her too. Then he finishes off the kids. Clark and Alice both tried to run and were shot in the back; Clark took two shots and managed to make it a bit further then Alice, for all the good it does him.

We're thinking Michael Ridgeway wasn't in the kitchen. There's no other exit out. We think he was upstairs and fled when he heard the gunshots. Wei hears him and follows; Michael has a good lead but Wei has a shotgun; you can figure out how that ends. He shoots him just as he gets at the interstate in front of horrified onlookers. Then he writes down whatever message he was trying to leave here and removes his own head. The whole thing takes less then six minutes."

"All told, Wei shot each victim except Clark once for a total of nine shots, plus 6 missed ones. Then he shot himself, for a total of 16 shots. The gun was a Remington 870 shotgun, serial number 2022998. It was stolen but never reported; oddly enough, it's legal owner is reported to be the New York Police 24th precinct. Records indicate it should still be there, so we're not sure how or when he got it."

Working through the case, Vanessa finds Cannor's reasoning to be sound, though her trained investigative skills pick up on something the rest of the officers may have missed. In the midst of all the general buckshot and carnage she notices that the stove has apparently been shot. It's an old model, yellow and sickly green and seeming to come out of the 1970's. The clock on it has been shattered, stopping at precisely 9:02:33. The damage done indicated Wei had to stand pretty close to the stove; all of the other missed shots seem to be simple misfires in the midst of slaughter, but this one almost seems planned.
OOC:   In the future I may not bold every name, but I'll try to do the pertinent ones.  
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by HoneyDog »

Cryptography? Nik wonders to himself if Wei was doing research on behalf of the government, specifically the NSA. Or perhaps that group which pretends to be the NSA?

He insists on speaking to the grad students and looking at any facilities and computers which Wei used on campus before looking at his room.
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by Mr. Handy »


Vanessa shakes the hands of everyone to whom she's been introduced. "Take a look at the stove's clock," she says. "It's been shot, and it stopped at the time that it happened. Looks like Wei may have shot the stove on purpose rather than hit it with a missed shot. He was standing right near it when he fired. Now we know the exact time when this happened." Vanessa is no mathematician, but she has also noticed that the shotgun's serial number, 2022998, appears as part of the number that Wei had spraypainted. The odds of a random sequence of 8 digits forming an exact match like that are one in a hundred million, so it is probably not a coincidence. That leaves 99 before the serial number and 9212333 after. Might the last be a phone number? The numbers in the clock's time could be significant too. She keeps this information to herself for now, not wanting to draw attention to the numbers. She'll share what she's found with the friendly if she gets the opportunity to speak to him alone. She tries to think what else she could do here.
OOC,Idea roll (55% stat) at the crime scene: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by Silver Priest »


Nik gets meetings with both of Turner's other grad students. Both back up what the professor was saying; Wei was a loner, aloof but more self absorbed than truly unfriendly. He largely kept to himself, or at least, neither of his fellow grad students ever hung out or saw him hanging out with anyone. Nika mentions that a few times he did bring up his project.

He talked about it a few times. He was focused on interesting and esoteric encryption and compression methods. I think he wanted to see what the famous examples had in common in making an uncrackable code, and use that to make one of his own. He never told me the full details. To some extent I think he was a bit paranoid I would steal his work.”

Dan backs this up, and adds, “Once he seems really frustrated with his thesis, and he didn't admit it but I think he hit some sort of impasse. This was a few months ago, November or so? Somewhere around then. But starting like a month ago he had this nervous energy to him, and it sort of intensified. I never asked, but maybe it had something to do with his work? I know I've been like that when I was close to a breakthrough.”

Wei spent considerable time in a computer lab located a floor underneath his dorm room in John Jay hall. Talking to people here indicate he was a constant sight in the lab until a few weeks ago, when his visits tapered off considerably. There are records of Wei's activities here; However Nik finds them all to be advanced mathematics and cannot make much out of them unless he wants to involve someone else in trying to decipher them. In large part, these files seem to be grading papers and doing work for Turner, and there are very few of them for the last month or so.


Good eye,” says Cannor, clearly impressed. “Not sure it means anything, but I'll have Comax take a look at it". He looks to Vanessa. “Sarah Comox. She's assisting us with the numerical aspect of the case. See if there's any pattern to Wei's madness.”
OOC:   You're supposed to make a luck roll here, but Vanessa solved it on her. Good(?) for her.  
It occurs to Vanessa that parts of the number appeared elsewhere in the crimescene. The stopped numbers on the clock include numbers found within the one Wei had spraypainted. In addition, Wei had fired 16 times. There were 16 numbers in the sequence.

Having a hunch, Vanessa tries the number she thinks may be a phone number. It turns out to be the Ridgeway's.
OOC:   Vanessa can make a san roll here. 0/1d4 Unnatural. There are way too many coincidences here for this to be a coincidence.  
If Vanessa chooses to speak with the friendly, he shares with her why he called it in. “I've been to my share of crime scenes over the years, but I've seen nothing like this. Well, nothing except the other things I saw working for you guys. I've never seen anything like with the numbers, but there's a weirdness here that I can't quite explain.

If she shares with him some of the examples of the numbers, he looks visibly troubled and nods. “Right, guess this is your department. We'll need to figure out how to erase the traces of the numbers then both here and wherever they've been recorded. I know the Alliance PD took photos of them and have likely written up reports containing them. One of us will need to go there and see if we can't access them and try to get them erased or edited. It might be tough though. Plus, I don't want to lose the pension I've worked so hard for.” Blanet runs a hand through his hand and sighs. He seems a bit indecisive about how far he's willing to cross the line, and Vanessa gets the sense he may need some persuasion.

As for what else she can do, Vanessa can think of little. The police and FBI are going over this scene with a fine toothed comb, and she's already getting the sense that they see this as nothing more than the violent outburst of a troubled mind, a random occurrence. Something she could do was investigate the shotgun and why it was never reported missing. Or maybe she could call Nik and check in on his investigation.
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Re: The Last Equation

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"This is beyond weird," says Vanessa to Blanet in private. "Maybe Wei in his madness deliberately chose those numbers for their relevance, but I think there's something more at play here. I don't understand it, and I'm not sure I want to. We can't erase the numbers, but I think we can edit them. It won't be that hard. We just have to alter a couple of digits consistently wherever they appear. A 1 becomes a 4 and a 3 turns into an 8 so easily. Nobody's going to remember what the numbers originally were, and with these minor changes the numbers will just be gibberish, the ravings of a madman. Anyone who tries to understand the wrong numbers will just come up empty. Anyone who tries to understand the right ones...well, that could cause untold damage. We have to prevent the spread of this. It's like a virus, and we have to contain it." She also gives Nik a call to fill him in on what she's found so far and to see how his part of the investigation is going.
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 70) for finding the pattern in the numbers: [dice]0[/dice] Persuade roll (71% skill) to convince [b]Blanet[/b] to help change the numbers: [dice]1[/dice]
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by HoneyDog »

Nik excuses himself from Sandy and listens to Vanessa’s report in silence. “No, there’s no way this is a coincidence. Somehow the way in which those numbers aligned compelled him to commit the murders. We need to find out how he got that shotgun.”

“I haven’t found anything here yet. He was a fine student by all accounts, but a loner with no friends and nothing it seemed outside his research. Which was into cryptography, no less. He was looking for an unbreakable code. So I’m wondering if he might have been working on behalf of the military, or the NSA. We should get McRay to look into that angle.”

“I’m going to seize all his hard drives and files and bring them back. Maybe the answer is there. I’m going to look at his room now.”

He communicates his intentions to Sandy.
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Mr. Handy
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Re: The Last Equation

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Yeah, finding out how he got that shotgun is key," says Vanessa. "That means a visit to the 24th precinct in New York, and you're already up there. If I finish up here soon enough, I can meet you there. I can bring our friendly too. He may need a little more convincing."
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