[IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

March, 1945: the forces of the Axis are falling back on all fronts. After half a decade of bloodshed and destruction, the end of the war is finally approaching. Yet, unknown to the Allies, the enemy has one more ace up their sleeve. A routine investigation of an abandoned submarine base leads to the discovery of a massive Nazi secret operation in Antarctica. As the Allies gather whatever forces they can divert to this new front of the war, a desperate race against time begins in the heart of the frozen continent, one last clash under the shadow of the Mountains of Madness to thwart this final plot of horror and madness.

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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by andyw666 »


Stogie clutches his Garand in his right hand and he races back to his comrades.
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Overlord87 »

OOC:   Ok, moving things forward now. Let's wrap this up quickly, then we'll check who is still in and get new players to move to chapter two.  
Stogie and Oliver emerge on top of the submarine and are frozen on the spot for a second. On the docks, there is only madness. A large monster - the one Stogie saw earlier, but now much bigger - is at the center of it all, screaming from a dozen mouths as several long tentacles fall down crashing on wood and steel. Around it, Smalls, Tom and Dowson-Frost are scattered around, trying to run for cover behind some of the abandoned wooden crates on the docks, even though the creature is easily destroying them with its deadly appendages. As you watch, the monster dashes forward, slamming into Tom and pinning him to the ground.
Mr. Handy,This should be your first time seeing the creature. Roll against a 1d6/1d10 Sanity loss.
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by leonardolad »

Smalls Kemp

"AAARRGHHH!" He screams as the horrific appendage cuts his skin. Regretting the failed attempt with the panzerfaust, Smalls takes his M1919 and pulls the trigger. "DIE, YOU FUCKIN'...".
Overlord,Machine Gun 65% . . [b]47[/b] http://orokos.com/roll/605099 M1919 damage 2d6+4 = [b]6[/b] http://orokos.com/roll/605101 [ooc]You've got to be kidding me![/ooc]
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Mr. Handy »


"What the-" starts Oliver. It is the last coherent thing he says for some time.
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 54) for seeing the monster: [dice]0[/dice] Sanity loss for seeing the monster: [dice]1[/dice] Idea roll (85% stat) to avoid temporary insanity - failure is good: [dice]2[/dice]
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by andyw666 »

Combat Order,Stogie is Dex 17 but I'll roll for him now, assuming anyone faster acts before he does.

Fluidly, Stogie raises the Garand to his shoulder with both hands, sights and fires in one well drilled motion.
Rifle,Stogie's skill is 75% and he rolls.. [dice]0[/dice]
OOC:   Crap!  
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Overlord87 »

A volley of bullets crash into the creature, coming from two directions, as Dowson-Frost also opens fire from the other side. Blood and slime sputter around, but the creature barely seems to notice, as it extends its jaws and swallows Tom's head whole. The man's screams rise in intensity just before the creature's mouth closes on him, then end abruptly. And just when you think the image before your eyes couldn't possibly get any worse, the thing starts chewing, with a disgusting sound that you're sure will haunt you to your tombs.

While eating its victim, the creature remains still, even its deadly appendages fall on the floor and slide around harmlessly.
Smalls,Bullets do seem to be hurting the creature, but not as much as you could have expected. It seems the creature's structure, or lack of it to be more precise, is absorbing your shots and lessening their effect.
Oliver,You stare in fascination as the creature eats your comrade alive. For the first time in your life, you wonder how good would it feel to eat another human being. The idea, that would have felt crazy just seconds ago, fills your mind with an horrible sense of pleasure. [ooc]These are the symptoms of your temporary insanity. You can act normally, for now. Your character should try to head closer to the dead body.[/ooc]
Everyone,Don't worry much about combat order and when to act. I prefer to keep things flowing. Just post your actions and I'll handle the rest.
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Panzerfausts!" orders Oliver, readying his own as he advances on the beast. "Now, while it's feeding!" While there's still some of him left... he thinks. Now that Tom is dead, there is nobody close enough to be in danger from the blast. He fires his rocket, but being untrained in such weapons, his aim is inaccurate.
OOC,Heavy Weapons roll (15% base skill) firing the Panzerfaust at the monster: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by andyw666 »


Stogie legs it towards the beast, despite his every instinct. At the nine yard mark, as per training, he lobs a grenade, with a loud, "Fire in the hole!"
Throw,Stogies throw is 50% and he rolls... [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Overlord87 »

As you get ready to unleash heavy fire on the creature, it suddenly starts growing. Its flesh tears as it expands, new muscles bursting into life, new organs taking place in completely wrong positions. Its back explodes as two new long bones, leg bones at a first sight, protrude outside as some kind of nightmarish backbone. And finally, you can see the flesh on its right flank shaping up... like a face... like Tom's face! It just emerges there, and it's his face, you are sure of that, watching at you with dead eyes, its mouth open in a silent scream of horror and pain.
Everyone roll against a Sanity loss of 0/1d6.
Perhaps horrified by the sudden development, your aim is almost comically off, as the grenade flies too far away, and the panzerfausy misses its target, destroying one more section of the dock walls. Meanwhile, Smalls screams as he tries to get more distance between the creature and himself, still shooting like a crazed man. The bullets find their target, but the creature is now ready to bust into action, rushing towards Oliver and Stogie, with its bone whips cutting the air. Oliver dodges the attack, but Stogie is caught near his left shoulder, a violent hit that almost cuts the arm away from the brave soldier.
Stogie,You lose 9 HP.
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Mr. Handy »


Oliver's mind has been so blasted already that he is not further affected. He scrambles over to the pile of Panzerfausts to grab another one, certain that nothing less than that will destroy this behemoth.
OOC,Sanity roll (current level 47) for seeing the transformation: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by leonardolad »

Smalls Kemp
Sanity,Sanity: 47 . . [b]52[/b] http://orokos.com/roll/612574 Loss: [b]2[/b] http://orokos.com/roll/612576
"Oh God, Tom... Die, you monster!!!" Smalls screams while firing at the horrific being. Shocked by both the creature constant mutation and the worthlessness of his M1919 rounds against the beast, he runs towards another Panzerfaust, grabs it and shoots as fast as he can, but haste and lack of experience with heavy weaponry make him fail once more.
Panzerfaust,Heavy Weapon: 15% . . [b]37[/b] http://orokos.com/roll/612637
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Overlord87 »

Stogie screams as he holds his now useless arm to his chest, falling back and as far away as possible from the creature. While he limps away, his face distorted by pain, he grabs another grenade, bites out the pin, and lets it fall towards the monster. The grenade rolls on the ground, ever so slowly, and it stops right next to a couple of large bone-legs. Then it explodes, the sound deafening and the light blinding to all of you standing so close nearby, but for the very first time you can hear the thing screaming - with no small amount of satisfaction. Once you can see the creature again, it has half fallen on one side, its legs completely blown off. But it's just a matter of seconds - suddenly two more bones explode out of his body, pushing it back up.

It screams again, this time in anger, a terrifying but horribly human scream. It looks around, searching for the closest living thing to vent its frustration on. Dozens of eyes focus on Smalls, and the monster jumps at its prey, biting and slashing in a mad frenzy. Blood sprays around from at least a couple of deep wounds. Smalls loses control of its Panzerfaust, that flies towards the ceiling, where it explodes harmlessly. Meanwhile, Dowson-Frost shots another volley of bullets at the creature, but seeing how little damage they're actually doing, throws away his weapon and runs towards one of the Panzerfaust.
Smalls,You lose 12 Hit Points.
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by leonardolad »

Smalls Kemp

Smalls sees the creature jumping over him, and instantly feels the impossible bone structure tearing his flesh. The sight of his own blood spraying makes him nauseous, and for a moment he feels like that's the end for him.
Overlord,Do I have to roll for shock? Since you're doing it with some Pulp rules, I don't know. If I do, here it is: CON x5 = 55 . . [b]100[/b] http://orokos.com/roll/613646 [ooc]Well, I probably died from the shock! :shock:[/ooc]
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Mr. Handy »


Reasoning that Smalls is probably beyond saving anyway, and that this is the only way to kill the creature, Oliver fires another Panzerfaust, but this one goes wide as well.
OOC,Heavy Weapons roll (15% base skill) firing the Panzerfaust at the monster: [dice]0[/dice] I just realized something. Now that the monster is this big, we should be getting bonuses to hit. I'm not sure how Achtung! Cthulhu works, but in 6th edition, you get +5 to your skill for every 10 SIZ a creature is above 30. If this thing has a SIZ of at least 80, then my roll would hit it after all, as would [b]Smalls[/b]'s attack.
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Overlord87 »

OOC:   Sorry, been very busy unfortunately. I'll check the rules as soon as I can.

In the meanwhile, remember that with Pulp Cthulhu rules you can spend points from your Luck to improve your rolls. This applies to the Constitution roll and to any roll to hit. You can find more details in the topic "General and Additional Rules".  
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,I hadn't realized that. If [b]Smalls[/b] didn't kill it with his shot, and if I don't get enough of a bonus to hit with my unmodified roll, I'll spend however much Luck I need to make sure I do hit, which could be as much as 22. It's worth it, as there's no other way we're going to kill this thing.
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Overlord87 »

Smalls falls down on the ground and starts convulsing due to the shock of his severe injuries. Before the creature can ingest him, too, Oliver finally gets his aim straight with the Panzerfaust. The missile hits the creature on the back, exploding violently and sending pieces of meat and bone flying around. The monster is thrown away a few meters by the explosion, landing violently on the ground. Then it gets back up unsteadily, roaring with anger and something unsettlingly human - hate.

But the creature's roar is suddenly cut short by another explosion, as a second Panzerfaust impacts on the floor near its bone legs, disintegrating a couple of them and sending a cloud of debris hitting its body from below. The impact sends it flying farther away, and crashing against one of the walls, splattering it with blood and pieces of organs. You can hear Dowson-Frost cheering at the sight of his own shot, and for a second you think that is going yo be enough. Surely nothing could sustain two explosions of that kind... surely.

But you realize quickly you've been optimists. Once again, the thing gets up, a mess of bone and muscles and tissues, yet surely walking towards you... and then sprinting up to a charge. Weak and unsteady, it seems to know that the group of soldiers is at the end of their rope, too. It's just a matter of who'll be able to finish the job first. "Fuck this shit... can this thing even die?", Stogie mutters as he readies another grenade. "Fall back. I'll throw this one when he's in range, and then jump into the water... just give me some cover".
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Do it!" says Oliver, seizing another Panzerfaust as he falls back, for he knows his peashooter will do little good and probably wouldn't even distract the thing.
OOC,How many Luck points, if any, did I need to spend? Please let me know when I can fire again.
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Overlord87 »

The creature starts running again, sprouting a couple more legs of bone out of the bloodied flesh of his body. It accelerates again, howling wildly, aiming for Stogie. You can see the soldier staring defiantly at the monster as he removes the pin and waits for a second... then two... as the creature gets closer and closer, and finally throws it, screaming: "Now!", before jumping in the water. The creature slows down for a second, following the movement of its target with a dozen eyes from half a dozen different heads, and right in that instant, Smalls and Dowson-Frost open fire with their guns, unleashing a storm of bullets on the monster to prevent it from running after Stogie... or charging towards a new target.
Mr. Handy,You can act now. You used 22 Luck points for your last shot.
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Re: [IC - Chapter One] We Are Not Alone

Post by Mr. Handy »


In desperation, Oliver fires his Panzerfaust at the seemingly unstoppable monster.
OOC,Heavy Weapons roll (15% base skill) firing the Panzerfaust at the monster: [dice]0[/dice] Well, that would cost me a further 26 Luck to hit, leaving me with only 12. However, if I'm the only one left with a Panzerfaust, I'll have to do it. I don't see any other way to kill this thing.
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